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1、专业好文档第一部分 交际用语阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。1. Whats the problem, Harry? _B_.A. No problem B. I cant remember where I left my glasses C. Thank you for asking me about it D. No trouble at all2What subjects are you studying? _C_. A. Yes, Im studying history B. Im studying nowC.

2、 Im studying philosophy D. Im doing my homework3. What would you like, tea or coffee? _B_. A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, pleaseC. Yes, please D. Its very nice4. What kind of TV program do you like best? _C_. A. I like them very much B. I only watch them at weekend C. Its hard to say, actually D. Im too

3、 busy to say5. Well, Mary, how are you? _C_. A. Im good B. Im pleased C. Im fine D. Im nice6. Hello, Sally. Hows everything? _D_. A. Good for you B. Oh, I agree C. Thats right D. Just so-so7 Hows the movie? Interesting? _ _C _. A. It was shown late until midnight B. It was starred by a few famous pe

4、opleC. Far from. I should have stayed home watching TV D. I was seated far away in the corner8. What if my computer doesnt work? _B_. A. Im not good at computer B. Ask Anne for helpC. Ive called the repair shop D. There must be something wrong9. - Afternoon, sir. Where to? - _(A)_ . A. Please get me

5、 to the airport. B. Please pick me up time C. Ive been to the airport D. The plane will take off in an hour10. Which language do you speak at home? _D_. A. I speak English very well B. I can speak English and FrenchC. English is my mother tongue D. English, most of the time11. -Is this the motel you

6、 mentioned? - _B_ . A. It looks comfortable B. Yes, its as quiet as we expected C. Youre so considerate D. No, the prices reasonable12. - Are you sure about that? - _D_ . A. You neednt worry about that B. I like the idea C. Oh, no. Im afraid of that D. Oh, yes. Im absolutely positive13 Excuse me, wo

7、uld you lend me your calculator? _(A)_. A. Certainly. Here you are B. Please dont mention itC. Its nothing D. Yes, I have a hand14 Would you like to see the menu? _A_ .A. No, thanks. I already know what to order B. Your menu is very clearC. I hear the food here is tasty D. The setting is very comfor

8、table15. Would you mind if I open the window for a better view? _D_. A. Thats fine, thank you. B. Yes, pleaseC. Take a seat. D. Of course not.16. Would you mind changing seats with me? _C_. A. Yes, you can B. Of course, I like to C. No, I dont mind D. Certainly, please do17. Hello, could I speak to

9、Don please? _C_. A. Who are you B. Whats the problem C. Whos speaking D. Are you Jane18. Could you tell me where Mr. Lake is? _B_. A. From England B. At the officeC. Hes working D. Hes very busy19. May I know your address? _A_. A. Sure. Here you are B. I have no idea C. Its far from here D.sorry,Ive

10、 forgotten20. - May I help you, madam? - _D_ . A. sorry, I have no idea. B. Yes, I know what to buy C. Youd better give ma a hand D. Yes, Id like 2 kilos of orange 21. Hello, may I talk to the headmaster now? _A_. A. Sorry, you cant B. No, you cant C. sorry, he is busy at the moment22. Must we hand

11、in our homework now? _C_. A. Yes, you will B. Yes, you mustnt C. No, you neednt D. No, you mustnt23. Nice weather, isnt it? _C_ . A. Im not sure B. You know it well C. Yes, it is D. Yes, it isnt24. I think the Internet is very helpful. A .A. Yes, so do I B. Thats a very good idea. C. Neither do I D.

12、 Id rather go surfing o it.25. -I dont like the sports programs on Sundays. _B_. A. So do I B. Neither do I C. So am I D. Neither am I26Oh, sorry to bother you. _C_.A. Oh, I dont knowB. No, you cant C. Thats okay 27. In my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off. _C_. A. Im afraid so B. Let m

13、e seeC. Ill take your advice D. Never mind28 Will you go on a picnic with us tomorrow?_B_. A. Yes, but Ill have English classes B. sorry, I have an appointment with Dr. BrownC. Im afraid I have an idea. D. Neither am I补充材料:28. Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? _D_.A. Its not very

14、far from here B. The supermarket is very largeC. The goods there are very expensive D. Sorry, sir. Im a stranger here myself29. Oh, youre back at work? How was your holiday? _A_. A. We had rain every day and stayed at the hotel most of the timeB. The ten-day holiday was not long enoughC. I was missi

15、ng you when I was on holidayD. I heard you were on holiday, too30. How do I get to Cairo? _B_. A. Im sorry. I cant understand B. You could catch 9.30 flight and change at ParisC. Im afraid you have missed the flight D. Im glad to show you the way31. Mary, your dress is really beautiful. How is John?

16、 _C_. A. Thank you very much B. No, no. John is not badC. Thank you. He is fine D. Dont say that. Its ugly. John is good32. How long have you lived in London? _B_.A. I moved here from Paris B. My whole lifeC. Ive worked here for almost 10 years D. Ive never traveled there33. Excuse me, how far is th

17、e airport from here? _B_. A. You can take a taxi B. Its about thirty milesC. Ill fly to Sidney D. Its only six hundred dollars34. Why are you so late? _B_. A. Its a shame B. I came across an old friend C. Never mind D. Thats all right35. That man alone over there who is he? _B_. A. He is a student B

18、. He is Doctor TookC. A drive, I suppose D. Hes drunk36. Everyone knows where the shop is, but whos the owner? _A_. A. Steve B. Everyone does C. At the next door D. Yes, its a secret37. Why dont you travel to New York on vacation? _C_. A. I dont want to go B. Excuse me, because I cantC. I want to bu

19、t I havent got enough money D. Because Im going to school today38. What about going for a walk? _D_. A. Walking is good to you B. Thats all rightC. So do I D. Why not? A good idea39. What do you think about this story? _C_. A. Thank you for telling me the story B. Yes, its a real storyC. I like it v

20、ery much D. So do I 40. Theres a new cafeteria at the corner. How about going there for supper? _A_. A. Fine. But its my treat this time B. its newly decoratedC. Lets look at the menu first D. I have no idea about what to order41. How about a date to the movies tonight, Jane? _B_. A. I dont think so

21、 B. Im sorry. I have to drive my mother home tonightC. Never mind D. Take it easy42. -What about going for a walk? _A_ A. Why not? A good idea B. Thats all right C. So, do I D. Walking is good to you43. -Who has done your hair, Susan? -_B_. A. My hair has been done B. That hair stylist C. My hairsty

22、le is cool D. I have it cut44. -When does the next bus leave for Glasgow? -_C_.A. Ive never been there B. The next one is fasterC. They leave every hour D. The city is far away45. -Where are you from? -_B_. A. African B. Britain C. Australian D. American46. -Where to? Im so thirsty. -_B_? A. Why don

23、t we go now B. Why dont we enjoy some beer at that barC. Why didnt you look up the map D. Why didnt you tell me about it earlier47. -Excuse me, sir. Where is Dr. Browns office? -_D_. A. You cant ask me B. Pardon? I have no ideaC. Please dont say so D. Sorry I dont know, but you can ask the man over

24、there48. -What do you find difficult in learning English? -_ A _.A. Listening and speaking B. Dont be afraid of difficultiesC. Learning English is useful D. Dont be disappointed49. -Whats the weather like in your hometown? -_D_. A .Its a nice place B. I like the food thereC. He asks me whether I lik

25、e the weather D. Its cold in winter and hot in summer50. -I dont think Im late. Excuse me, whats the time? -_A_. A. It says 8.00. but its 5 minutes slow B. Im sorry Ive forgot the timeC. I was caught in the traffic jam D. Im sorry to keep you waiting51. - Ive ordered pizza and salad. What else do yo

26、u want? -_C_. A. You are kind to invite me B. Yes, pleaseC. A beer is fine for me. Im not hungry yet D. I find pizza is tasty52. -I want to go to New York. Whats the fare? -_A_. A. Pardon me? B. Im sorryC. Yes, I dont understand D. Im not understanding53. -What can I do for you, madam? -_A_. A. I wa

27、nt a kilo of apples B. You can go your own wayC. Thanks D. Excuse me. Im busy54. -Excuse me, which is the express train to Tokyo? -_D_. A. The express train is expensive B. Ok. Ill give you a handC. Sorry, the express bus has gone D. On your right. Itll leave in 5 minutes55. -What a beautiful dress

28、in the window! -_ B _. A. I have no idea about it B. Yes, really. If I had the money, Id buy itC. You cant wear it D. Theres no money to buy it56. -Oh, the box is too heavy. -_B_? A. Whats in it B. Can I help you to carry itC. Whose is it D. May I have a try57. What would you like, tea or coffee? _B

29、_. A. Yes, I would B. Coffee, please C. Yes, please D. Its very nice58. Do you like watching football matches? _D_ A. Thank you for inviting me B. I dont like watching it on TV, eitherC. I hear the football match will be put offD. Football? No. Its a waste of time59. Do you think the exam will be pu

30、t off? _C_A. Not good news B. The exam is difficultC. Not likely D. It was put off yesterday60. Do you know where I can repair my motorcar? _ C _. A. I have just bought a new one B. Its cheap to repair a motorcarC. Around the street corner D. You drive too fast to damage it61. Do you know who teleph

31、oned me? _A_. A. I heard it was Sally B. Yes, I remember it nowC. No, I didnt phone you D. Yes, I know you well62. Do you know if the Andersons are still living there? _B_. A. Yes, they do B. Yes, they are C. No, there arent D. No, they dont63. Excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore? _C_.A. Th

32、e bus is so crowded B. The bookstore is five blocks awayC. No. youd change at the next stop D. You should wait in line64. Do you think I could borrow your dictionary? _C_.A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, go onC. Yes, help yourself D. It doesnt matter65. Do you mind if I take a couple of hours off this

33、 afternoon? _B_. A. Never mind B. OK, but what for? C. Yes, please help yourself D. Yes, but I dont care66. Do you mind telling me where youre from? _D_. A. Certainly. Im from London B. Sure. I was born in LondonC. Not really, you can do it D. Certainly not. Im from London67. Do you mind if I join y

34、ou? C_. A. Im very happy to do so B. Never mindC. Please do D. Oh, I cant68. Did Tom tell you to water the flowers? _C_. A. No. and so did I B. No. and neither did I C. He did. And so I did D. He did. And so do I 69. Excuse me, is this the right direction for the school? _ A_. A. Well, no, youre goi

35、ng in the wrong direction B. No, dont ask meC. No, I dont know D. Dont go this way70. Hello, is that Shanghai Airlines? _A_. A. Yes, can I help you? B. Yes, what do you want?C. Yes, youre right D. Yes, right number71. Is there a drugstore near here? _D_. A. Its very small B. Its very crowded C. Its

36、a cheap one D. Yes, there is a big one72. Is there anything serious, doctor? _C_. A. Im going to have another check-up B. The results of the blood test are wrongC. No. Just stay in bed and drink more water D. Yes. You can go home tomorrow73. Is the toilet on the ground floor or 2nd floor? _C_. A. No

37、, there isnt B. Yes, it is C. On the ground floor D. It is empty74. Is that Mr. Robert Lee? _A_. A. Yes, Lee speaking B. Hello, what do you wantC. Sorry, speaking D. I dont know75. Jack, are you leaving now? its 7.20. _D_. A. Yes, its still early B. No, thirty minutes is enoughC. Yes, the bag is not

38、 ready D. No, Ill set off in 30 minutes76. Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? _D_. A. Dont worry about me B. Just stay in bed and have a good restC. There must be something wrong D. Yes, thanks, doctor. But I still feel dizzy77. Hi, is Mary there, please? _A_. A. Hold on. Ill get her B. No,

39、she isnt hereC. Yes, she lives here D. Yes, what do you want78. Are you ready to order desert, please? _D_. A. Yes, please B. Please dont order itC. No, dont mention it D. Yes, Id like to have some chocolate cake79. Have you got a table for four, Waiter? _B_. A. Welcome to our restaurant B. Yes, sure. This way, pleaseC. We have booked the seats D. Here are the menus80. Must I do the washing-up tonight? _B_. A. No, you mustnt if you dont want B. Leave it if


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