【最新】【人教版】(新起点)英语六下:Unit 5《Nature and Culture》(Story Time)教学设计.doc

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《【最新】【人教版】(新起点)英语六下:Unit 5《Nature and Culture》(Story Time)教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【最新】【人教版】(新起点)英语六下:Unit 5《Nature and Culture》(Story Time)教学设计.doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、最新版英语学习资料Unit5 Story Time教学设计【内容来源】人民教育出版社(一起点)六年级下册 Unit5【主 题】Nature and Culture【课 时】第5课时:Story Time一、本课教学目标1. 引导学生借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂本单元的故事,按照故事内容回答B项问题,并表演小故事。2. 引导学生通过学习小故事,懂得人要独立思考,不能盲从他人、轻信坏人的道理。教学建议1. 热身活动(1) 儿歌演唱教师带领学生演唱儿歌London Bridge,一方面活跃课堂气氛,另一方面也可以引出 falling down这个词组,帮助学生理解。教师 可以带领学生们边演唱边做这个游

2、戏。即: 两名学生架起手当Bridge,其余学生边演唱边从Bridge的下方持续不断地来回通过,当唱到最后一句时,两名当Bridge的学生假装桥倒塌了,抓住恰巧走在下面的学生,请被抓到的学生回答一个问题,然后游戏继续。(2) 猜谜游戏教师呈现 hen, duck, goose, cock 和 fox 五个小动物的局部图片,请学生猜测是什么动物,如:都呈现它们的脚,请学生凭借常识进行猜测。或者教师通过口头谜语的方式请学生猜测,如: Its a bird. It can swim. But it cannot fly. It has a long neck. Its bigger than the

3、 duck. What is it? (A goose.) Its a bird, too. It can swim, too. It cannot fly, either. Its bigger than the hen and smaller than the goose. What is it? (A duck.) Its also a bird. It cannot swim. It likes to eat worms. We always eat its eggs. What is it? (A hen.) Its also a bird. It cannot swim, eith

4、er. It likes to eat worms, too. It often wakes us up in the morning. What is it? (A cock.) Its a mammal. It has a long mouth. It likes to eat chickens, mice and other little animals. Some people think it is smart, but some people think it is sly. What is it? (A fox.)Tip: 这两个活动都是为了帮助学生进入阅读而做准备,因此教师要注

5、意开展的时间不宜过长。2. 读前预测教师依次呈现故事的挂图,请学生仔细观察图片,尝试用自己的语言对故事的情节进行猜测和描述。如:Picture 1: A hen is looking for something.Picture 2: The hen is surprised.Picture 3: The hen is telling something to a cock. The cock is surprised, too.Picture 4: The hen and the cock are telling something to a goose. The goose is surpr

6、ised, too.Picture 5: The hen, the cock and the goose are telling something to a duck. The duck is surprised, too.Picture 6: The hen, the cock, the duck and the goose are telling something to a fox. The birds are surprised.Picture 7: The fox is telling something to all the birds.Picture 8: The fox is

7、 laughing happily.Tips:1. 图片预测活动不宜开展时间过长,能引导学生能观察图片,进行故事的猜测,为下一步的自主阅读做好铺垫工作即可。2. 描述图片,预测故事的活动建议在同桌之间或者四人小组之间开展。3. 小组活动时,教师要注意引导活动秩序,尽量让每个学生都积极参与。3. 读中活动(1) 自主阅读,获取大意教师提出问题:Why do the birds look so surprised? Why does the fox laugh happily?请学生带着问题进行第一遍阅读。然后,用简短的语言回答读前提出的问题,并概括故事大意。(2) 带着问题细读文本教师请学生先阅

8、读B项的五个与故事内容相关的问题,然后带着这些问题再次阅读故事,边读边把与问题答案相关的文字圈画出来。读完后,再回看所圈画的文字,回答问题。4. 读后活动(1) 核对答案教师带领全班学生核对五道问题的答案,并在此过程中对故事的细节进行必要的讲解。在此环节,教师要把故事的情节要点用简短的句子或关键词写在黑板上,为后续复述故事活动做铺垫。五个问题的参考答案: A nut fell on Henny Penny. Henny Penny met Cocky Locky first. Mr Fox took the four birds to his home. 此问题为开放性问题,学生可以用中文回答,但应鼓励有能力的学生使用英文。 No, it wasnt.(2) 朗读、复述并讨论故事首先,请学生尝试自己朗读故事。接着,播放录音,请学生跟读模仿,改进自己的朗读。在朗读故事后,可以请学生复述故事的主要情节。学生可以独立复述,也可以参考教师在黑板上写的故事要点进行复述。在复述完故事后,启发学生思考故事的寓意(人要独立思考,不能盲从他人,也不能轻信坏人)。(3) 表演故事首先,请学生以小组为单位准备道具进行排练。然后,随机选取小组上台表演,请其他学生观看并评价。【教学反思】


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