【最新】【仁爱版】七年级下册:Unit 8 The seasons and... Topic 2 Section D教案.doc

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1、最新版英语学习资料Unit 8 The seasons and the Weather Topic 2 Section DSection D needs 1 period. Section D需用1课时。The main activities are 1 and 5. 本课重点活动是1和5。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrases:greeting, the day before yesterday, make money2. Review “How questions” and “Wh-questions” in th

2、e past simple tense and the past forms of verbs.How was your trip to Lijiang?Where did you go on holiday?How did you travel to England?When did you go on the trip?3.(1)Learn how to write a postcard about travel.(2)Go on talking about customs and cultures in foreign countries. Teaching aids教具 录音机. Fi

3、ve-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review第一步 复习(时间:11分钟)师生对话,复习4a和4b。学生总结,完成3。1. (问候、检查作业并询问日期,引出部分生词、短语并复习4a。) T:Good morning, class. Ss:Good morning, teacher. T:Boys and girls, thanks for your greetings. T:Now, lets share some of your compositions. Whod like to read one? S1:Let me have a try. We

4、 learned different countries have different customs. In Japan, In Brazil, T:Good job! But whats the date today?Ss:ItsT:What was the date yesterday?Ss:It wasT:What was the date the day before yesterday?Ss:It was(继续问明天、后天。板书画线部分。)greeting, the day before yesterday(板书)want/plan/wish/hope/would like to(

5、指着这行板书开展以下对话。)T:OK. Look at the blackboard, please. Lets make a free talk with the phrases. Do you plan to go to Australia this summer holiday?S1:Yes. I do.S2:No, I want to go to S3:No, I wish to travel around the country and take pictures.S4:No, I hope toS5:No, Id like to visit some places of inter

6、est in China.S6:(请学生两人一组,用这些词或词组分别造句。)2. (继续师生对话,复习4b。)T:Boys and girls, lets make a dialog together. How are you going?Ss:Fine.T:Please give my love to your parents.Ss:Thank you very much.T:I want to visit Japan. Whats the best time to go there?Ss:I think you can go anytime.T:What do you think of t

7、he food there?Ss:It is very different from ours, but its delicious, too.Ss:When you want to enter someones home in Japan, you should take off your shoes.T:Thank you. You are good! Work in pairs like this. Then Ill ask some of you to act it out.3. (学生总结,完成3。)T:Boys and girls. We learned lots of quest

8、ions in the topic. Now, lets look at 3 and match the questions with the right answers. Work in pairs. One ask the question, and the other answer it. Ready? Go!(核对答案。)T:Please read the questions and answers.S7:Where did you go on holiday?S8:Australia.S9:S10: 4. (让学生认真观察问句, 发现问句的时态及结构。)T:Please pay at

9、tention to the questions. Lets find out the rules.Ss:Theyre the past simple tense. (如果学生回答有困难, 教师帮助学生回答。)(请学生到黑板上将句式结构补充完整。)T:Look and complete the structures on the blackboard.(板书)WhereHow + +主语+ + ? (教师在黑板上用汉字标出句式结构要点。)WhereHow+ did +主语+v.原形 + ?What time Who When What特殊疑问词+助动词过去式+主语+动词原形 + ?(请学生用以

10、上句式结构造句。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)完成1。复习一般过去时,并学习英语贺卡的书写格式。1. (完成1中的明信片。)T: Jack went to New York the day before yesterday. He wanted to send a postcard to his friend, Cao Yan. Please help him to complete the postcard.2. (核对答案。)T: Whod like to write your answers on the blackboard?Answers:

11、got, rented, traveled, visited, bought(让学生观察黑板上的答案, 引导他们发现都用了动词的哪种形式, 并提醒学生注意不规则动词get, buy的过去式。)T:Look at the blackboard. They are verbs. What form of the verbs do we use?Ss:The past form. (如果学生回答有困难, 教师帮助学生回答。)T:Yes, we use the past form. “got” is the past form of “get”, “bought” is the past form o

12、f “buy”, so “get” and “buy” are both irregular verbs.3. (学习英语贺卡的书写格式。) (让学生认真观察贺卡的格式并做总结,老师补充。) T: Please look at the postcard carefully and learn the form of it.(1)有明确格式标记的贺卡按标记书写。(2)自制贺卡在正面分别写收信人和发信人的姓名、住址,格式与英文信封相同,反面由称呼语,贺文,签名三部分组成。称呼在卡片的左上方顶格书写。贺文写在中间,第一行可以顶格或空3-5个字符的距离开始书写。祝贺人签名写在卡片的右下方。Exampl

13、e:To Mum and Dad, Greetings from Beijing! I enjoy myself every day Yours, JackDear teacher,Happy Teachers Day! With love from JackStep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)巩固1, 掌握有关表述。1. (根据短文1的内容提问, 复习一般过去时的特殊疑问句形式与贺卡的书写格式。)T:Now, please answer my questions. When did Jack get to New York?Ss:He got to New

14、York the day before yesterday.T:What did he rent?Ss:He rented a car.T:Did he travel around the city?Ss:Yes, he did.T:Where did he visit?Ss:He visited Chinatown in New York.T:What did he buy for Cao Yans sister?Ss:He bought a beautiful skirt for her.2. (在黑板上呈现关键词, 让学生根据关键词复述贺卡内容。)gotrentedtraveledvis

15、itedboughtT:Who can use the key words to retell the story?S1:Jack got to New York the day before yesterday. He rented a carStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:9分钟)练习并完成2。1. (向学生说明英语国家有不同于我国的习俗。)T:Now Jack is in New York. He knows different countries have different customs. For example, in China, when we meet

16、our friends, we often greet with“你吃了没有?”, “你多大了?”, “你要去哪里?”. Can we greet an Englishman like this?Ss:Ha! Ha! No.2. (播放2录音, 让学生根据听力内容, 做出选择。)T: We know in English-speaking countries, we cant ask such questions as we do in China. Because its impolite. Please listen to 2 and mark them with P for polite

17、 or I for Impolite.3. (核对答案。)T:If we ask“Do you have any brothers or sisters”, is it polite or impolite?Ss:Polite.T:Is it polite or impolite to ask the question“How much money do you make per month”?Ss:4. (再听录音2,让学生简述2。)T: Now listen to 2 again and try to retell some of it.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(

18、时间:7分钟)1. (猜一猜。六人为一组,让学生分组描述曾经去过的有代表性的地方, 其他组的学生猜是什么地方。看哪组学生用最少的信息就能猜对。)T:Work in groups of six. Group A describes something about the place he or she has visited. The other groups guess where it is. The group which can guess the right place with the fewest words will be the winner.2. (家庭作业。)(让学生假设自己正在度假,然后给朋友写一张贺卡, 告诉他/她自己在哪旅游, 并做了哪些活动。完成5。).疑点探究 Please give my love to your parents. 意为“请代我向你父母问好。”也可说Please remember me to your


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