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1、1 M2U3 Amazing people The curse of the mummy(period1) 教学重难点:How to analyse the structure of the article and the main idea of the article. 教学目标:Able to become better and more active readers by learning how to predict and anticipate information. 方法设计:Cooperative learning, task-based learning Step1 Ski

2、mming-The article can be divided into four parts.Read the article quickly and try to give the main idea of each part.(分层 次问题学习 A) Part1(1) _ Part2(2-3) _ Part3(4-5) _ Part4(6-8)_ Step2 Scanning- Read the article carefully and answer the following questions.( 分层次问题学习B) Q1:What kind of education did c

3、arter receive? _ Q2:What was Carter s most amazing discovery? _ Q3:Find out three explanations mentioned in the passage. _ Step3 A small test-Choose the best answer to each question : (分层次 问题检测A) 1. )Howard Carter and his team found the following things EXCEPT _ in the tombs of the Egyptian kings. A

4、. birds B. gold C. jewels D. mummies 2. )Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text? ACarter s father was an art teacher and taught him to draw at school. B. Carter s death seemed to have nothing to do with the opening of the tomb. C. Both Carnarvon and his dog died in Cairo, Eg

5、ypt. D. Carter s secretary, Richard Bethell, died of high fever four months later. 2 3.) What is implied( 暗示 ) in the passage ? A. The mystery of Tutankhamun s tomb has been completely explained. B. Carter has become famous because of discovering Tutankhamun s tomb . C. People died because of differ

6、ent reasons. D. There are still many riddles for scientists to explain. Step4 A big test-Complete the following task-based reading according to the article .(分层次问题检测B) Discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun Howard Carter (1)_ the tomb in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. The tomb contained a l

7、ot of treasures , gold and jewels, (2)_ the mummy of the king. Mysterious death Carter s lucky bird was eaten by a snake upon (3)_ the tomb. George Gould died after (4)_ the tomb. Arthur Mace died shortly after the (5)_ of the tomb. Different (6)_ of the deaths Just (7)_. The result of the curse of

8、the mummy. Caused by the (8)_ in the tomb. Step5 Discussion. What kind of personality( 个性,人格 ) do you think an explorer like Carter has to have? As students, what kind of personality should you have during your school life? Homework Write a summary about Howard Carter. Read Part A in Reading on Page

9、 106 in Workbook. 3 M2U3 Amazing people The curse of the mummy(period2) 教学重难点: (1) master the key words: curious, preserve, breathe, present, certain (2) master some useful phrases (3)analyse long sentences 教学目标: By the end of the lesson,most of the Ss will be able to: (1)raise their reading abiliti

10、es by focusing on language points (2)grasp the new usage of some important words and phrases in the text through language practice. 方法设计: Step1 Key words ( 分层次问题学习A) 1. curious 【语境展示】 1). The man threw a curious look at the fashionable lady. 2). The girl is curious about everything she sees. 3). My

11、father was curious to know what my brother would say. 4). I heard a curious noise last night and it made me very nervous. 【自我归纳】 通过以上例句可知: curious 表示 好奇的,想知道的 , 如句 1; 可用于 be curious about sth. 结构中,如句2;还可用于_ 结构中,如句3,表示 _ ;curious 还可表示 奇怪的,奇特的 ,如句 4。 【拓展】 1. curiosity 好奇心,为不可数名词。如: I m always full of

12、curiosity abou t foreign cultures. 我对异国文化一直都非常好奇。 The news aroused a lot of curiosity among the local people. 这条新闻激起了当地人很大的好奇心。 2. curiously 好奇地;奇怪地。如: The little boy was looking at those people curiously. 这个小男孩好奇地看着那些人。 She was there all day but, curiously, I didn t see her. 她一整天都在那里,然而奇怪的是,我却没有看见她

13、。 2. preserve vt. 1) 保护,保存 (使免受破坏 ) preserve sth. (from) 保护 以免 I pray that fate may preserve you from all harm. 我祈祷上天保佑你平安。 You can preserve meat or fish in salt. 你可以用盐保存肉或鱼。 2) 维护 , 保持 (状况不变 ), 保养 preserve the world peace 维护世界和平 4 巧辩异同 protect 强调保护使 . 免受 (伤害 , 损失 ) prevent 阻止 做 ;防止 做 He raised his

14、arm to protect his face from the blow. 他举起胳膊以保护脸不受打击。 His parents prevented him from chatting online. 他的父母不让他网上聊天。 3. breathe vt. /vi.呼吸breathe (in) fresh air 呼吸进新鲜的空气 举一反三 breath n. 呼吸hold one s breath屏住气,不呼吸out of breath 气喘吁吁 take a deep breath. = breathe deeply 做深呼吸比较: take breath 休息一下 4. present

15、 【语境展示】 1. I am just going out to get a birthday present for my mum. 2. Every member of the committee was present today. 3. At the present moment he is supposed to be in Paris. 4. The students presented flowers to their teachers on Teachers Day. 5. We should present some suggestions which would solv

16、e this difficult problem. 6. Mr Smith, may I present you to my wife? 【自我归纳】通过以上例句可知: present作名词,可表示 礼物 / 现在 ,如句 1;作形容词时,可表示 _ ,_ (可 作后置定语 ),如句2;还可表示 现在的 ,现存的(可作前置定语) ,如句3;作动词时,可 表示 赠送 ;呈现;递交; , 如 _; (present sth. to sb. 把某物递交给某人,也可以用present sb. with sth. 来表示)还可表示 提出(论点、看法) 和 介绍 ,如句 5 和句 6。 【拓展】 1. a

17、t present 现在,此刻。如: At present, I am living in Henan with my grandfather. 我现在和祖父住在河南。 2. for the present 就现在来说,暂时。如: Let s leave these books as they are for the present, even though we may have a change later on. 尽管我们一会儿可能挪动这些书,不过暂时还是先把它们放在原处吧。 5. die vi. 死亡 , 它是非延续性动词,不能与一段时间连用 He has died.他已经死了。 如果

18、要表示死了多长时间,要用下面的句型。 He has been dead for three years. 他已经死了三年了。 举一反三 die of 死于内因,常指由于疾病、情感、饥寒等原因引起的死亡 He died of liver failure. Many birds died of hunger. die from 死于外因,常指因为环境、事故等引起的死亡。 He died from the accident. He died from drinking too much. 当指出疾病名称时,两者可换用。 He died of/from cancer. 他死于癌症。 (此部分用巧辩异同

19、形式来讲) 7. certain (1) certain adj. 确定的 , 肯定的(近义词: sure ) be certain about/ of/ be sure about/ of 确信某事;对某事有把握 be certain/sure to do 务必会做, ;一定会做, You must be certain/ sure of / about the facts. 你必须对这些事实很确信。 5 He is certain/sure to return. 他肯定会回来的。 You re pretty certain to be seen by someone who knows y

20、ou. 你肯定会被某个熟人看到的。 (2) be certain/ sure + that. 相信 ; make certain/ sure that 确保 /确信(that 部分是宾语从句) We are certain/ sure that he will get over his illness. 我们肯定他会康复的。 I was not certain/sure whether he would come. 我不能确信他是否会来。 I stayed long enough to make certain/sure that the house was absolutely empty.

21、 我在那呆得久一些以确保那房子确实是空的。 (3) It s certain that 是肯定的 (在此句型中不能说:It s sure that ) for certain / for sure 肯定地 It s certain that he will win the election. 他肯定会赢得这次大选。 I cannot say for certain/sure when he will arrive. 我不能肯定地说他何时能到达。 Step2 Sentence structure( 分层次问题学习B) 1.By the 1920s, he had become an explor

22、er, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. 到二十世纪二十年代, 他已成为一名著名的探险家,寻找古代埃及国王的坟墓。 【句法分析】 searching for the tombs of the Egyptian Kings是现在分词作状语,表示他具体在做什么 by prep. 用法指南 在 之前 ,到 时间为止(常与完成形式连用); By last term, we had learned 200 words. 到上学期,我们已学了200 个单词。 We ll have finished the whole book by the en

23、d of this term. 到学期结束为止,我们将学完整本书。 2. Inside the tombs, he discovered a great fortune in jewels and gold, along with the preserved bodies of dead kings. 【句法分析】 preserved 是过去分词做定语, 修饰 bodies 例如 : a fallen tree 一棵倒下的树a stolen car 被偷的汽车a burnt house 被烧毁的房子 What s certain, though, is that the mystery of

24、Tutankhamen s tomb has never been fully explained. 【句法分析】此句里what is certain 是句子的主语, that 从句部分是表语。此句的主语和表 语都是由从句充当。 3. He had received money from Lord Carnarvon, a British man who was very interested in Egypt. 他从卡那翁勋爵那儿得到钱。卡那翁勋爵是个对埃及非常感兴趣的英国人。 【句法分析】 a British man 是 Lord Carnarvon 的同位语; who was very

25、interested in Egypt是非限制性定语 从句修饰这个同位语 4. The tomb contained more treasure than any of us had ever seen before, as well as the mummy of the king, said Carter. 这个陵墓含有的财物比我们任何人先前所见过的都要多,还有国王图坦卡蒙本人的木乃伊。 1) ?treasure means ?wealth 2) as well as 同样;也; 以及(用于连接两个并列的成分;相当与 not only but also 但 as well as 强调的是它

26、前面的内容,而 not only but also 强调的是but also 部分的内容。 当 as well as 用来连接两个并列的主语时,句中谓语动词的形式必须与第一个主语一致。 John can speak Chinese as well as French. 约翰不仅能讲法语而且能讲中文。 It s important for you as well as for me. 这不仅对我而且对你也很重要。 6 Lily as well as her classmates was in deep sorrow at the death of their principal. 得知校长的死讯

27、 Lily 和她的同学们一样沉浸在极大的悲痛中。(as well as 连接两个并列的主语。此句谓语动 词用单数was, 同第一个主语Lily 一致)。 as well 同样;也(相当于副词too) I m going to London and my sister is coming as well/too. 我将去伦敦,我的妹妹也要去。 She can ride a horse and swim; she can shoot as well/ too. 她会骑马和游泳,她也会射击。 5. Upon entering the tomb, Carter s lucky pet bird, wh

28、ich had led him to the place, was eaten by a snake. 【句法分析】 which 引导一个从句,修饰bird。 upon/on sth. / doing sth 一 就 一到教室,他就发现同学们已经离开了。Upon arriving at the classroom, he found that his classmates had left. Upon seeing his mother, the baby began to smile.一看到他的妈妈,那个婴孩就笑了。 举一反三 As soon as / the moment /immedia

29、tely 都可以表示 一就。 但它们后面必须接句子。 As soon as he heard the news, he came here. He came here the moment he heard the news. He came here immediately he heard the news. 6. He too visit the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day. 句中 only to catch a high fever 作,表示一种结果。 7. Some people way the deaths were

30、just coincidence. by coincidence 碰巧 What a coincidence (it is) to do sth! 真是巧合 It is a coincidence that Cl. 真是太巧了, (从句中常用should 情态动词,表示惊讶) We met in London by coincidence. What a coincidence (it is) to meet you here! It s rather a coincidence that her hair should be the same colour as mine. 8. If br

31、eathed in, they can result in illness or even death. =If (the viruses are) breathed in, they can cause illness 在 if、unless、once、though、when、while 引导的从句里,如果从句和主句的主语一致并且 谓语部分含有be 动词,可将主语和be 动词省去。 If heated, water will be changed into vapour.=If water is heated, 如果加热,水就会变成蒸汽。 I will not go to the party

32、 unless invited= unless I am invited. 除非受到邀请,否则我不参加晚会。 Once seen, it will never be forgotten.=Once it is seen, it will never be forgotten. 一旦看到,它就永远不回被忘记。 While in Paris, he worked very hard.=While he was in Paris, he worked very hard. 在巴黎的时候,他学习很认真。 Step3 Translate the following phrases(分层次问题检测A) 1

33、) 在某人的一生中11) 同时 2) 对 , 好奇12)发高烧 7 3) 启航去,13)死于心脏病 4) 保存的尸体14)不久以后 5) 以 , 知名,出名15)与 , 有关系/牵连 6)偶遇,发现16)继续活着 7) 和 , 一样,也17)引起(某种结果) 8) 生病18)提前;预先 9) 当的时候19)回报;成功; 10) (灯)熄灭20)呼吸困难 Step4 单项填空(分层次问题检测B) 1. -They are said to be quarrelling about our new language lab. - I don t care. It has _ to do with m

34、e. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 2. Success results _ hard work, while laziness leads _ failure. A. from; in B. in; to C. from; to D. to; in 3. E-mail, as well as telephones, _ an important part in daily communication. A. play B. have played C. are playing D. is playing 5. At the

35、 meeting, all the _ agreed to make Mr. Jackson principal. A. present teachers B. teachers at present C. at present teachers D. teachers present 6. - Can you show me Mr. Jaffer s office, please? - _. But I don t know if he is in at the moment. A. Thanks B. Go on C. Sure D. You are welcome. 7. _ wild

36、plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research. A. So curious about the couple was B. So curious were the couple about C. How curious to the couple were D. The couple was such curious on 9. After ten years of hard work, his dream _. A. came true B. lived C. realized D. wa

37、s come true 10. The operation on my mother was _ for 20 minutes because there was electricity failure. A. interrupted B. disturbed C. missed D. lost 11. the danger from another attack of earthquake, people had to overcome a shortage of food, drinking water, medicine, clothing, and almost everything.

38、 A. As far as B. As well as C. As many as D. As much as 12. She must have gone to bed, for the lights when I passed her room just now. A. went off B. went over C. went away D. went out 13. What a ! I was thinking about Roy when his letter arrived. A. happening B. pity C. coincidence D. satisfaction

39、14. The research is so designed that once nothing can be done to change it. A. begins B. begun C. beginning D. having begun 15. When first to the market, these products enjoyed great success. A. introducing B. being introduced C. to be introduced D. introduced 16. His curiosity and hard work his gre

40、at discoveries in science. A. caused B. resulted from C. led to D. lay in 17. France is well known its fine wine and perfume in the world. 8 A. for B. to C. as D. in 18. , he couldn t help crying. A. The moment to hear the bad news B. Immediately hearing the bad news C. As soon as hearing the bad ne

41、ws D. On hearing the bad news 19. Who invented the first equipment for earthquake in history ? A man Zhang Heng. A. was called B. called C. calling D. to be called 20. They kept trying, and their efforts finally _. A. make it B. paid off C. are made it D. are paid off Step5选择合适的短语并用其正确形式填空。(分层次问题检测C

42、) set sail(for), as well as, pay off, shortly after ,have something to do with, live on, 1. He passed through a difficult period _his marriage broke down. 2. The ship will _ London at 8:30. 3. According to Tom, two years of business school really _. 4. Tom,_ his parents, is fond of classical music.

43、5. Most people in that country _ rice. 6. The man insisted that he _ the murder. He was not on the spot at the moment. Homework 1. Recite the new words and phrases in Reading. 2. Preview the Word Power. 9 Module Two Unit Three Amazing people Word power Different jobs 教学重难点 : After learning this sess

44、ion, the students will be able to grasp rules of word formations, such as adding suffixes to verbs, nouns, and adjectives to form agent nouns. 教学目标 :Enable the students to deal with different expressions related to jobs 方法设计 Step1 What is suffix (后缀)used for? ( 分层次问题学习A) _ Shortly( 简言之 ):_ Step2 Wor

45、d formation( 分层次问题学习B) 1.Vocabulary learning: different jobs for verbs suffixes examples exercises -er teach think -or act edit -ant assist serve -ent study preside -ist type science different jobs: for nouns suffixes examples exercises -ist art artist science -ian music musician history -er photog-

46、raph photogr-apher farm 10 different jobs: for Adjectives suffixes examples exercises -ist special specialist economic -ian electric electrician beautiful veterinary 2. different jobs: male or female Male Female Exercises waiter waitress god host hostess headmaster actor actress poet 3. We can also join two words together to form nouns. work man workman police woman policewoman sales man salesman Step3 Word puzzle分层次问题学习 (C) 1. Of course I am a noun.I work with dishes and glasses. As you know,I meet a lot of new friends every day. I smile often and hope your back smile


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