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1、1 编写说明 写作是考生失分的重灾区,针对这一薄弱环节,本书采用4 步学习法 ,教 考生 先完成 再完美;先求稳 再求变;先仿作再创作;先写好再写快 。四个层级梯 度设置,步步登高、级级提档。 层级一表达无误保住分 “写对句子”是基础 (安排 2 个学案 ) 写作中 写对句子是最基本的要求,其中最重要的一点是句子结构要完整。所以,在平 时训练时一定要从掌握基本句式做起,通过观摩、 背诵、 仿写, 最终写出准确无误的句子。 在高考中即使你的作文不能写得漂漂亮亮、洋气十足, 也一定要写得像模像样,硬伤不多! 所以学写作,要先从最基本的句子抓起。 学案 (一)万变不离其宗的5 种基本句式 句子成分构

2、成了英语中各种各样的句子,其实英语中最基本的句式只有五种,其他各 种句式都是由这五种基本句式演变而来。 一、主语谓语(不及物动词 ) 该句式常用来表示主语的动作或状态。其特点为:句子的谓语动词都能表达完整的意 思,这类动词叫作不及物动词,后面可以接副词、介词短语、状语从句等结构。 The_13th_National_Games will take place in Tianjin at the end of August.(2017天津 高考书面表达) 第十三届全运会将于8 月底在天津举行。 And I can play outside too!(2016 四川高考书面表达) 我也可以在外面玩

3、! 即时演练 补全句子 1 (2017 江苏高考书面表达)如图所示,中国电影的票房收入从2012 到 2015 不断上升。 As is indicated in the graph, the box-office income of Chinese films increased_constantly_ from_2012_to_2015. 2(2015 北京高考书面表达)训练营将于7 月 20 号开始。 This camp will_open_on_July_20th. 3(2014 湖南高考书面表达)因此,这种新鞋最近才问世。 Therefore, this_new_kind_of_sho

4、es_has_come_into_being recently. 二、主语谓语(及物动词 )宾语 该句式特点为:谓语动词均为实义动词,都是主语发出的动作,但不能表达完整的意 2 思,必须跟一个宾语(宾语可以由名词、代词、动名词、 不定式等来充当), 即动作的承受者, 才能表达完整的意思。 I plan to find a part- time job in a foreign capital company.(2016全国卷书面表达) 我计划在一家外资公司里找一份兼职。 It offers teenagers like you and me a chance to enjoy sports a

5、nd learn about Chinese culture.(2015北京高考书面表达) 它给像你和我这样的青少年提供了一个享受运动和学习中国文化的机会。 名师指津 该句式的谓语动词要用及物动词或及物动词短语。 We debated over what to put into the video.(2017北京高考书面表达) 我们讨论了将什么放进视频中。 即时演练 补全句子 1(2017 全国卷书面表达)我们学校的乒乓球队现在正在招收新队员。 The Student Table Tennis Team of our school is_looking_for_new_players righ

6、t now. 2(2015 陕西高考书面表达)作为一名外向的女孩,我和同学们相处得很好。 As an outgoing girl, I_get_along_well_with_my_classmates. 3(2014 江西高考书面表达)最后,我们应该经常参加运动和户外活动。 Finally, we_should_take_part_in_sports_and_outdoor_activities frequently. 4(2014 重庆高考写作)十二岁时,我得到了一辆漂亮的自行车作为生日礼物。 At the age of twelve, I got_a_nice_bike_as_my_bi

7、rthday_gift. 三、主语系动词表语 该句式就是常说的主系表结构。此句式侧重说明主语是什么或怎么样,谓语动词需用 系动词 (主要是be 动词 ),表语多为形容词,也可以是名词、介词短语、不定式、分词、从 句等。 Tang_Poetry is what we are going to learn the next class, scheduled on July 20 in the school library.(2017全国卷书面表达) 唐诗是我们下一节课将要学习的内容,定于7 月 20 日在学校图书馆进行。 This is surely a good chance for more

8、people to see them.(2016全国卷书面表达) 对于更多的人来说这确实是观看它们的一次好机会。 即时演练 补全句子 1(2016 北京高考书面表达)收到你的来信真是太棒了!知道你对中国历史有兴趣,我 很自豪。 It s great to hear from you! I feel_proud of knowing your interest in Chinese history. 2现在,在中学课外活动正变得越来越受欢迎。 Nowadays, after- class activities are_becoming_more_and_more_popular in high

9、schools. 3 四、主语谓语(及物动词 )间接宾语直接宾语 该句式中的谓语动词必须跟两个宾语才能表达完整的意思。一个是表示人的间接宾语; 一个是表示物的直接宾语。一般间接宾语在前面,直接宾语在后面。 The_purpose_of_my_writing is to tell you that there will be an outing for us these days.(2017浙江高考应用文写作) 我写信的目的是想告诉你最近我们有一次郊游。 Now, on behalf of my schoolmates, I wish you a safe return.(2016天津高考书面表

10、达) 现在,我代表全校同学,祝你们一路平安。 即时演练 补全句子 1(2015 北京高考书面表达)首先,他向我们演示了捏面人的基本步骤和技巧。 First, he_showed_us_the_basic_steps_and_skills of making dough figurines. 2同时,父母给孩子的保护太多了。 At the same time, parents are giving_their_children_too_much_protection. 3幸运的是,她答应给我一个重新面试的机会。 Fortunately, she_promised_me_another_chanc

11、e to interview. 五、主语谓语(及物动词 )宾语宾语补足语 该句式中的谓语虽然是及物动词,但是只跟一个宾语还不能表达完整的意思,必须加 上一个补充成分来说明宾语,才能使意思完整。 宾语补足语是用来补充说明宾语的情况的, 直接跟在宾语之后。 Therefore, I would like you to join our school s table tennis team.(2017全国卷书 面表达 ) 因此,我想邀请你加入我们学校的乒乓球队。 During these two weeks, we have studied and lived together, which giv

12、es us the opportunity to promote our friendship.(2016天津高考书面表达) 在这两周期间,我们在一起学习、生活,这给了我们增进友谊的机会。 即时演练 补全句子 1(2016 北京高考书面表达)事实上,他鼓励我在大学主修英语。 In fact, he inspires_me_to_major_in English in college. 2(2014 辽宁高考书面表达)你的投稿将会使得这次活动获得巨大成功。 Your contribution will certainly make_the_event_a_huge_success. 3作为一名中

13、学生,我认为英语是一门非常重要的科目。 As a high school student, I_consider_English_a_very_important_subject. 学案(二)考场作文常见的 3 类错误及防范措施 一、考场作文常见的3 类错误 考场作文常见的错误主要分为三类:词汇类错误、语法类错误和汉语式英语。 4 (一)词汇类错误 考试时,考生很容易出现单词拼写错误和词形变化错误;而词性不清和词汇用法方面 的错误主要还是受汉语思维的影响。其应对措施是在备考时要多注意容易拼错或容易出现 词形变化错误的单词,真正用心去体会英语词汇的词性和运用,对一些固定习语更不能想 当然地改动。

14、 1单词拼写错误 误: By the way, hes a senior High School student named Lihua from Tian Jin, china . 正: By the way, hes a senior high school student named Li Hua from Tianjin, China . 2词形变化错误 误: People throwed cans, paper, bags and so on into the river water. 正: People threw cans, paper, bags and so on into

15、the river water. 3词性不清错误 误: Everyone in my family is like the dog. 正: Everyone in my family likes the dog. 4词汇用法错误 误: He opened the light after he entered the room. 正: He turned on the light after he entered the room. 5擅自改动习语 误: Nowadays most parents attach much importance with education. 正: Nowaday

16、s most parents attach much importance to education. 即时演练 改正下列句子中的错误 1Doing a part- time job always effects study.effects affects_ 2There is no doubt that keeping an English diary helps you a lot with writen English. writenwritten 3In my surprise, he has got the first prize.In To 4We must pay attenti

17、on our pronunciation when we speak English.attention 后加 to 5We are all entire responsible for our actions and for our reactions.entire entirely (二)语法类错误 一个正确的句子除了用词得当外,语法也应该准确无误。如果语法不正确,再好的构 思也难以正确地表达,语法类错误的多少会直接影响作文的档次。英语书面表达中语法类 错误主要表现在: 1时态错误 误: When he came back, he found that his wife has gone

18、to bed. 正: When he came back, he found that his wife had gone to bed. 5 2语态错误 误: Children who raise in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult years. 正: Children who are raised in poor families can generally deal with problems more effectively in their adult ye

19、ars. 3主谓一致错误 误: Some students like books that is written by Lu Xun. 正: Some students like books that are written by Lu Xun. 4比较级使用错误 误: With the development of transportation, the world seems to be getting more and more smaller. 正: With the development of transportation, the world seems to be gettin

20、g smaller and smaller. 5非谓语动词使用错误 误: The teacher came into the lab, following by some students. 正: The teacher came into the lab, followed by some students. 6平行错误 误: Then I put my book under my desk, opening it and started looking for the answer. 正: Then I put my book under my desk, opened it and st

21、arted looking for the answer. 7词汇冗余 误: On one day, he went to the cinema. 正: One day, he went to the cinema. 误: It is our duty to serve for the people heart and soul. 正: It is our duty to serve the people heart and soul. 8否定式错误 误: Not hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. 正: Dont hesitate to

22、 ask me if you have any questions. 即时演练 改正下列句子中的错误 1If it won t rain tomorrow, we ll go camping.won tdoesn t 2Not only Tom but also I are tired of one examination after another.are am 3They think students should have their own time to study and it is more quieter at home._more much 或去掉 more_ 4 There

23、 are a lot of students stand in a queue to welcome the old soldier.stand standing 6 5She said she would pay a visit to Suzhou in the next month.去掉 in (三)汉语式英语 一般来说,英汉两种语言既有许多相似之处,又有许多不同之处。在写作时如果想当 然地去写,会出现许多汉语式英语,其中主要包括: 1纯汉语式思维和汉语式语序 误: At this school studying, I really very happy. 正: Studying at t

24、his school, I am really very happy. 2句子成分残缺 误: There are many students don t support the project. 正: There are many students who dont support the project. 误: He told me that all my classmates sitting in the classroom. 正: He told me that all my classmates were sitting in the classroom. 3句子粘连 误: The o

25、ld man has two sons, both of them work in the same company. 正: The old man has two sons, and both of them work in the same company. 正: The old man has two sons, both of whom work in the same company. 4主谓搭配不当 误: He happened an accident yesterday. 正: An accident happened to him yesterday. 5动宾搭配不当 误: T

26、hey are trying their best to improve their production . 正: They are trying their best to increase their production. 6形容词和名词搭配不当 误: We walked a far way before planting trees. 正: We walked a long way before planting trees. 7动词和副词搭配不当 误: My grandfather very likes black tea and has it every day. 正: My g

27、randfather likes black tea very much and has it every day. 8介词和宾语搭配不当 误: They will build a monument on memory of the national hero. 正: They will build a monument in memory of the national hero. 即时演练 改正下列句子中的错误 1We are impossible to finish the work in such a short time. 7 We_are_impossibleIt_is_impos

28、sible_for_us 2Its known that the cost in big cities is very expensive.expensive high 3He came here to attend the meeting in car.inby 4I havent heard from your letter for a long time and I miss you very much. your_letter you 5I have many collections of stamps, some of them are my favorite. some前加 and

29、 或 themwhich 二、防范出现错误的2 个措施 写对句子是作文得高分的关键和保证,考场上要避免上述低级错误,可采取以下两个 措施。 (一)确定主语 英语句子无论多长都有自己的主语(祈使句省略了主语you)。 写句子前首先要确定主语, 其次要特别注意汉语与英语的区别。例如: 1北京八月多雨。 误: Beijing rains much in August. 正: It rains much in Beijing in August. 2写得很匆忙,我们发现书中满是错误。 误: Written in a hurry, we found the book full of mistakes.

30、正: Written in a hurry, the book was found full of mistakes (by us) (二)确定谓语动词 英语中没有动词就构不成句子,但动词千变万化,稍不注意就会写错句子。在写句子 时应特别注意以下几个方面: 1注意及物与不及物动词的正确运用。 误: The living standard of the people has raised in the past twenty years. 正: The living standard of the people has risen/has been raised in the past twen

31、ty years. 2注意延续性与非延续性动词的正确运用。 误: His grandmother has died for fifteen years. 正: His grandmother has been dead for fifteen years. 3注意一些不可用于被动语态的动词或动词短语。 误: That dictionary is belonged to the library. 正: That dictionary belongs to the library. 层级二词靓句高赢高分 “ 营造亮点 ”有一套 (安排 9 个学案 ) 阅卷时,一篇高考作文往往在1 分钟内就会被判定

32、生死,大众化的词汇、平庸的表达 已使长时间工作的阅卷老师产生了视觉疲劳。在词汇方面:如果一篇作文中突然出现几个 8 与众不同、让人眼前一亮的词汇,阅卷老师的给分也绝不会吝啬;在句式方面:如果考生 多运用一些 并列句和复合句等高级句式, 并注意句式的灵活多变,使文章读起来抑扬顿挫, 让考生深厚的语言功底得以体现,阅卷老师一定会毫不犹豫地将考生的作文定位于五档线。 学案 (一)不落俗套的亮点词汇 写作最基本的要求是考查考生遣词造句的能力,遣词的原则是表达准确、地道自然、 生动形象。如果考生在掌握了最基本词汇的基础上,能够将一些常用词汇进行升华,就将 成为高考作文获得高分的亮点之一。 一、使用亮点词

33、汇的4 种方法 1“ 语 ”众不同,避免人云亦云 写作时,恰当得体地使用别人可能想不到的词汇或表达,会给阅卷老师耳目一新的感 觉。 Im busy with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination, which is very important to me, is near. I m occupied with my lessons now, for the College Entrance Examination, which is of great importance to me, is around the corne

34、r.(2017 天津高考书面表达) So I have to bother you to correct my mistakes in the material I attach to the letter. Therefore, I have no choice but to put you to trouble by correcting my mistakes in the material I attach to the letter.(2016全国卷书面表达) 2更新换代,避免重复 写作时应尽量避免重复使用相同的词语,要用贴切多样的词语来展示自己的水平。用 词不同、表达方式迥异,也是

35、高级用法。 The team will hold many activities, some of which will appeal to you, including many matches. The team will hold a range of activities, some of which will appeal to you, including many matches.(2017全国卷书面表达) We ve built a new experiment building beside the old one and we ve also built a library

36、 where the old playground used to be. We ve built a new experiment building beside the old one and we ve also set up a library where the old playground used to be. 3单词与短语巧妙互用 一般情况下短语优先,应多使用短语、习语来代替一些单词,以增加文采。但有时单 词比短语更生动,可以“一词传神 ”。 Ive decided to teach you Tang Poetry in Room 101 Building 1 at 8 am

37、on Wednesday, which will last two hours. 9 Ive made up my mind to teach you Tang Poetry in Room 101 Building 1 at 8 am on Wednesday, which will last two hours.(2017全国卷书面表达) We should try to improve ourselves through learning and prepare for the future. We should take pains to improve ourselves throu

38、gh learning and get prepared for the future. (2015 福建高考书面表达) We can look at this problem in many ways. We can view this problem in many ways.(view 比 look at 更有 “内涵 ”) 4用高年级学到的词汇代替低年级学到的词汇 为了表现自己的语言功底,吸引阅卷老师的眼球,应避免反复使用初中或小学阶段学 过的词汇,尽量用高中阶段学到的词汇来代替。 I should say sorry for being unable to go to the boo

39、kstore with you on Friday afternoon. I owe you an apology for being unable to go to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.(2016全国卷书面表达) Second, I am trying my best to acquire the essential knowledge and skills concerning my position. Second, I am sparing no efforts to acquire the essential know

40、ledge and skills concerning my position.(2017天津高考书面表达) 二、使用亮点词汇的2 点注意 1注意增加亮词的“ 出镜率 ”,变消极词汇为积极词汇 阅读中能认识但写作中不会用的词汇属于消极词汇,写作中能运用自如的词汇为积极 词汇,也就是平常所说的“第一反应词”。积极词汇量的多少直接决定着英语作文表达水 平的高低。现在很多考生的困难是,头脑中的很多词汇介于积极词汇与消极词汇之间;另 外,很多背到的消极词汇如果较长时间不接触就会变成陌生词汇。因此在备考过程中,考 生要做的事情就是迅速扩大消极词汇量并且保持接触的频度,力争使其变成积极词汇。 很多考生作文

41、驻足不前的一个重要原因是反复用初中学过的简单词汇,背了大量的亮 词妙语而不用。建议大家在想到一个表达时,务必要想一想还有没有更好的表达方式, 这 就是我们平时常讲的“头脑风暴法”。例如想表达“美丽的”这个含义,大家首先想到的 是“beautiful ”, 那么在下笔时, 要想一想还有没有更出彩的表达,如“attractive”或“charming ” 等。再如表达“困难的”时,大家常用“difficult”,那是不是用 “tough”或 “challenging ”更与 众不同呢? 2注意亮点词汇使用的场合 写作时,在用词上不可随心所欲,决不能为追求“高级”而使用复杂但毫无把握的词 10 语,

42、也不能满篇堆积所谓的“高级”词汇,否则给人过分炫耀之嫌,得不偿失。 一般来说, 一篇文章能用好三至五个高级词汇就可以了。另外,为能更好地“完成规定的写作任务”, 减少错误, 特别提醒考生在使用“高级词汇”时,一定要注意遵循“准确、恰当”的原则, 并且要注意使用的场合,难词和生僻词汇并不一定就是高级词汇,例如: 一大早我们买了一些圣诞礼物。 Early in the morning we purchased some Christmas presents. (purchased太过于书面化, 改为 bought 更地道 ) 三、高分必备的24 个亮点词汇 名 词 普通词 汇 高级 词汇 普通 词

43、汇 高级词 汇 chance opport unity choice alternati ve idea opinio n people individu als result conseq uence effect influenc e 动 词 have posses s replac e substitut e bear put up with unders tand make sense of develop promo te consid er take into account 形 容 词 enough adequ ate rich abundan t proper appro pr

44、iate import ant vital/ significant interesti ng absorb ing/ appealing difficu lt challeng ing 副 词 finally eventu ally hardly barely immedia tely in a flash nowad ays currentl y 11 连 词 so theref ore and as well as Thats why I think the trip along the Y angtze River will be a better choice. That s why

45、 I think the trip along the Yangtze River will be a better alternative.(2017 北京高考书面表达) 这就是为什么我认为长江之行将是一个更好的选择。 In the coming three years, our school life will be difficult. In the coming three years, our school life will be challenging.(2014 江西高考书面表 达) 在随后的三年里,我们的学校生活将会非常具有挑战性。 学案 (二)整齐和谐的并列句 并列句是用连

46、词或分号把两个或两个以上的简单句连接而成的句子,在这一句型中需 要注意连接并列主语时,有些句型采取“就近原则”。 一、常见并列句的类型及并列连词 类型连词 并列关系 (递进关系 ) and, both . and ., not only . but (also) ., neither . nor . 转折关系but, yet, whereas 选择关系or, otherwise, or else, either . or ., not . but . 因果关系for, so, therefore, thus 对比关系while I plan to go for an outing, and I

47、 would like to invite you to participate.(2017浙江高考 应用文写作 ) 我计划去郊游,想邀请你参加。 I know you are very interested in ping- pong, so I really hope you can join our school team.(2017全国卷书面表达) 我知道你对乒乓球很感兴趣,所以我真的希望你能加入我们学校的球队。 As middle school students, were not familiar with foreign cultures, while Chinese cultu

48、re isn t fit to appear in an English newspaper.(2014上海高考满分作文) 作为中学生,我们不熟悉外国文化,而中国的文化也不适合出现在英语报刊中。 12 即时演练 用适当的并列连词填空 1(2015 陕西高考书面表达)First, my English is very good and I m open-minded and warm- hearted, so Im getting along well with everyone. 2Some choose to avoid them while others decide to deal wi

49、th them. 3She herself lived a simple or rather poor life but she was so generous to the people in need of help. 4Youd better take an umbrella, for it is going to rain. 二、并列句的常用句型 1both .and .“既 又” On the Internet, people can seek information about their favorite stars and buy tickets at a discount as well, which is both time-saving and economical.(2017


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