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1、第 1 页共 10 页 咸宁市嘉鱼县实验中学2019-2020 学年上学期第一次月考 八年级英语试卷 (考试时间: 120 分钟,满分: 120 分) 第一部分听力 (25 分) . 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ . 听句子,选择与所听句子意思相同或相近的一项。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) 6. A. Basketball is my favorite. B. I don t like playing basketball. C. Sometimes I play basketball. 7. A. Ding Kang won

2、 the game. B. The winner must be Ding Kang in the game. C. I believe Ding Kang will lose the game. 8. A. Kangkang is good at Chinese. B. Kangkang does well in English. C. Kangkang isn t good at Chinese. 9. A. There is loud speaking in the classroom. B. There is no one speaking loudly in the reading

3、room. C. There is loud speaking in the reading room. 10. A. Da Wei often gives a hand to foreign visitors. B. Da Wei is a foreigner. C. Da Wei won t help foreigners. . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5 分) 11. A. Basketball. B. Football. C. Tennis. 12. A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn t. C. They all forget it.

4、 13. A. To the classroom. B. To the reading room. C. To the playground 14. A. They re watching a match. B. They re reading. C. They re playing basketball. 15. A. One. B. Two C. Three . 听对话,完成表格。对话读三遍。(5 分) Name Favorite Tom He is going to 16. . He prefers 17. . He is 18. playing soccer. Mary She lik

5、es doing sports 19. . 第 2 页共 10 页 She likes 20. best. . 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读三遍。(5 分) 21. How was the match? A. Bad. B. Exciting. C. Boring ( 令人生厌的 ). 22. When did the match start? A. At three. B. At two. C. At one. 23. What was the result ( 结果 ) in the first half of the match? A. 2 to 0. B. 1 to 0. C. 0 t

6、o 0. 24. When did Sam kick the ball into the right corner of the goal? A. In the first half of the match. B. Almost at the beginning of the match. C. Almost at the end of the match. 25. What was the result of the match for Sam s team? A. 1 to 0. B. 2 to 0. C. 0 to 0. 第二部分基础知识运用( 65 分) . 单项选择。(20 分)

7、26. Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday? I d love to. But I _ play table tennis against Class Three. A. am going B. am going to C. am D. going to 27. Do you like swimming? Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit. A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. keeps 28.Sam spends two hours _ his homewo

8、rk every day. A. to do B. doing C. do D. does 29. Would you please _ so much noise? Oh, sorry, I won t. A. not make B. don t makeC. not to make D. making 30. When and where _ we meet? Let s make it 3:00 at my home. A. do B. must C. shall D. did 31. I talked with a foreigner for a long time yesterday

9、. Great! It s a good _ to practice English. A. habit B. chance C. skill D. exercise 32. The shirt looks very nice. I guess it is _ 100 yuan. A. at first B. at most C. at least D. at last 33. Would you mind _here? I m sorry about that. Ill go somewhere else. A. no smoking B. not smoking C. no smoke D

10、. not smoke 34.Which team are you going to play _ the day after tomorrow? A team from No.7 Middle School. I hope we will win. A. about B. about C. for D. against 35. I think _ a foreign language is not easy. You should _ it often. 第 3 页共 10 页 A. to learn; to practice B. learning; practice C. learn;

11、practicing D. learns; to practice 36. Uncle Li is _ about the _ game. A. exciting, exciting B. excited, excited C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited 37. There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it? A. will have B. has C. have D. will be 38. Dont be late next time! _ A. Sorry, I

12、 won t. B. Sorry, I don t. C. All right, I won t. D. OK, I won t. 39. I prefer _ to _. A. sing; dance B. singing; dancing C. singing; dance D. sing; dancing 40. When did your school hold the sports meet? Last week. And I _ the girls 400-metre race. A. joined B. took part in C. will join D. will take

13、 part in 41. Don t worry. I m sure _ there on time. A. get B. getting C. to get D. got 42. Don t shout at him. He _. A. will do his best B. did well in C. is good at D . did his best 43. Bob came to China with her mother _ the third time in 2008. A. for B. as C. in D. during 44. We should _ the scho

14、ol rules as students. A. break B. catch C. tell D. follow 45. Kangkang won the first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week. A. boy s 100-meter race B. boys 100-meter race C. boy s 100-meters race D. boys 100-meters race II. 完形填空。( 10 分) A lot of students are having all kinds of sports o

15、n the sports field. A football game is going on right now 46 Class 3 and Class 4. We don t know which team will 47 . Look at those people over there! Some students of Class 1 are practicing the 48 jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hard every day. Many people think

16、 he will 49 the school record ( 记录 ) in the sports meet next spring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They 50 have a 600-meter race in ten minutes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group (群) of students. Their teacher is telling them 51 to throw discus

17、( 铁饼 ). In schools, 52 students love sports now. Sports help people to keep 53 . They also help people to live happily. And 54 doing sports on the sports field, many people will 55 good friends, too. Do you think so? 46. A. in B. of C. from D. between 47. A. fall B. winning C. win D. falling 48. A.

18、long B. far C. high D. tall 49. A. break B. turn C. leave D. name 50. A. were B. going to C. were going to D. will 51. A. what B. how C. which D. that 第 4 页共 10 页 52. A. much and much B. most and most C. many and many D. more and more 53. A. health B. tired C. healthy D. happy 54. A. in B. after C.

19、before D. over 55. A. become B. change C. get D. bring III. 阅读理解。(30 分) ( 其中 A、B两篇阅读, C为任务型阅读,每小题2 分) (A) If you re into sports , you ve seen it happen -tennis players jump over the net to shake hands after a hard match ;football players exchange jerseys ( 运动衣 ) after 90 minutes of knocking each oth

20、er around ;even boxer( 拳击运动员 )touch gloves at the beginning of each round .Players in every event ,from spellingbees to golf( 高 尔 夫 ) ,act in this way .It s all parts of sportsmanship(体育精神 ), A great tradition( 传统 ) in sports and competition .It means playing and being calm all through the match . E

21、veryone feels great when they win .In the last few years ,your may see some players celebrate a goal with a long dance .However , it s always hard for people to say in public that they made a bad play .Good sportsmanship is what they really need .It s the golden rule of sports . Good sportsmanship m

22、eans that you play by the rules ,talk politely to every during games and stay cool even when you lose the game .At the school sports meet, for example , it s more important for you to know how to work as part of a team and cheer your team on .hey may help you enjoy more success at your future work .

23、In competition-as us in lifeyou may not always win ,but believe me ,sportsmanship will help you get through , and there is always the next match . 56.What match do you know will last 90 minutes ? A. Tennis B. Football C. Golf D . Spelling 57.The underlined word “ bees ” in the passage means _. A. fl

24、y B. competition C. guess D. research 58 .Why do you think good sportsmanship is really important ? A .It s all part of sports . B. It s all part of celebration . C. It s the golden rule of sports . D. It s how to stay cool . 59.Winning the game will make it possible for players to _. A. celebrate a

25、 goal B .exchange jerseys C. shake hands D. feel great 60.The passage mainly tells us that sportsmanship gets you through no matter whether(无论是否 ) _. A. you win or lost B .you play or learn C .you are happy or not D .you feel hard or not (B) Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the USA. Childre

26、n play baseball in sports fields or parks. At summer picnic, there is often an informal baseball game. Boys and girls, young and old take turns to bat. There are nine players on each team. The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball matches are showed on TV and membe

27、rs of the important baseball teams become America s heroes (英雄 ). At the end of the season, the two top teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go together to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch the television. People seem to talk only about the game. Even long

28、after it is over, they still talk about the result and the players. American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the USA. The football season begins 第 5 页共 10 页 when the baseball season ends. More people are interested in football than baseball. When there is an important game, thousands o

29、f people sit beside radios or in front of television sets to get the result. 根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 61. According to the passage, which is NOT true? A. Boys and girls like baseball games. B. Baseball is played in the open air. C. A baseball match has nine players. D. Children sometimes play baseball in park

30、s. 62. American people play baseball in April, _ and September. A. May, June, July, August B. March, May, July, August C. January, June, October, November D. February, May, July, December 63. What happens at the end of the baseball season? A. People talk only about football games. B. Many baseball f

31、ans become members of top teams. C. A lot of people join in the games. D. Two top teams play a wonderful baseball game against each other. 64. _ follows the baseball season in the U. S. A. A. The baseball season B. The football season C. A baseball match D. A football match 65. This passage mainly t

32、ells us something about _. A. the football season in the USA. B. football is more interesting than baseball in the USA. C. the difference between baseball and football D. the baseball season in the USA. (C) Many young people want to be famous players like Yao Ming. They think they will own (拥 有) eve

33、rything when they are famous. And then they will do what they want. For example, when you are famous, you can do something good for schools and charities (慈善机构 ). You can also do some work to help others. However, as a famous person, it is not easy. You will meet many problems. If you are famous, pe

34、ople will you everywhere. They are around you every day, but you ll never know who your real (真正的 ) friends are. You ll lose your own ( 自己 的) life. In fact, many famous people are not happy. They feel that the life before was more interesting. 根据短文内容,完成任务。 任务一:判断正(T)误( F)。 66. Many famous people wou

35、ldn t like to help others. 67. Many young people dream about being famous. 任务二:完成句子。 68. If you are famous, people will you everywhere. 任务三:回答问题。 第 6 页共 10 页 69. Are the famous people happy all the time? _. 70.将画线句子译成汉语。 _. VI. 情景交际。(5分) 从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。(5 分) A:Hi, Jim. 71 B:I am going t

36、o the gym. A:72 B:I m going to take part in the football match there. 73 A:Of course. I ll go there to cheer you on. B:Oh. It s very good. 74 A:Yes, I do. But I don t play it very well. B:You need more practice. A:Yes, you re right. 75 B:At five o clock. A:Oh, it s ten past four now. Let s hurry. 第三

37、部分笔试部分( 20 分) I 句型转换(题目见答题卡)(10 分) 76. You can also pass a teammate the ball .(同义句 ) 77. My dad bought a basketball for my brother . ( 同义句 ) 78. My brother is going to join the English Club .(就划线部分提问) 79. Ma Yu can run very fast now. ( 同义句 ) 80.Wang Yi took part in the school sports meet for the fir

38、st time. (同义句 ) II.根据首字母填单词,完成短文。(10 分) Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the United States and other parts of the word . It has a 81.h of over a century. The inventor of basketball ,James Naismiths ,came from Canada . He invented basketball for his students in 1891. At 82.f ,it was an

39、 indoor game so 83.t students could play in bad weather. Basketball soon became very popular .In 1946 the National Basketball Association came into being .There were many great basketball 84.s in the NBA .For many years they were all Americans. But now many good players come from other 85.c . Basket

40、ball is both an 86.i and outdoor game . It is a team sport 87.w two teams of five players each. The goal is to throw the ball 88.t the other side s basket, and to stop the other team from doing so . You can throw it from any part of the court with one hand or both hands .You can also pass the ball t

41、o your teammates . But you must 89.f the rules . For example ,you can t hold the ball and run with it . To win basketball games ,you should have good skills . But it is more important for you and the other players to play as a team .You are sure to 90.e playing this popular sport . A. How long will

42、it last? B. Do you like playing football? C. Would you like to go with me? D. Where are you going? E. When will the match start? F. What are you going there for? G. Will you enjoy soccer? 第 7 页共 10 页 第四部分书面表达部分(10 分) 假如你叫杰克,下面是你同班同学的体育活动情况。请根据表格信息写一篇短文,不少于 80 个词。 Name Favorite sport How often Favori

43、te player Dream Steve swimming twice a week Sun Yang great swimmer Marry tennis every day Li Na dancer Jack football often Ronaldo scientist _ _ _ _ 答题卷 第一部分听力(25 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21 22 23 24 25 16. _ 17. _ 18. _ 19. _ 20. _ 第二部分基础知识运用(65 分) . 单项选择。(20 分) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 3

44、3 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 II. 完形填空。(10 分) III. 阅读理解。(30 分) ( 其中 A、B两篇, C为任务型阅读,每小题2 分 ) 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 第 8 页共 10 页 C :66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _ IV. 情景交际。(5分) 71 72 73 74 75 第三部分笔试部分( 20 分) I 句型转换 (10 分) 76. You can also pass _ _ _ _ _ . 77. My dad bought _ _ _ _ . 78. _ _ _ _ to _ ? 79. Ma Yu _ _ _ _ very fast now. 80. It _ Wang Yi s _ _ _ take part in the school sports meet . II.根据首字母填单词,完成短文。(10 分) 81. _ 82. _ 83. _ 84. _ 85. _ 86. _ 87. _ 88. _ 89. _ 90. _ 第四部分书面表达部分(10) _ _ _ _ _ _ 第 9 页共 10 页 _


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