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1、1 2013中考英语复习训练(单项选择) 大部分选自2012 中考真题,很少一部分选自2012 各省市模拟题。 1. The number eighty-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-six is _. A. 85662 B. 58626 C. 85626 2. A library with two hundred thousand books _ to the school last year. A. was given B. were given C. will be given 3. Does your mother often make y

2、ou _ some housework at weekends? Yes, she does. A. do B. to do C. did 4. Do you know the boy _ father is a bus driver? Yes, he is my friend. A. who B. which C. whose 5. How is your English _? Very well, thank you. A. getting on B. getting up C. getting off 6. I m going to take part in the piano comp

3、etition next week. _ A. Really? Congratulations! B. Good luck! C. Nice work! 7. One of my friends _ in the country now. A. live B. lives C. lived 8. Jim is a young man _ wants to be a famous singer. A. that B. which C. where 9. I moved to a new house, please _ if you have time. A. drop to B. drop on

4、 C. drop in 10. Today it is _ hot, but we still have _ work to do. A. much; many B. much too; too much C. too much; much too 11. I don t like loud music, she doesn t like it, _. A. either B. too C. also 12. You had better not _ if you want _ fit. A. give; stay B. to give; stay C. give; to stay 2 13.

5、 Oh, sorry. I _ your book at home. A. left B. forgot C. missed 14. I can t find my book. Have you seen it _? A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere 15. The picture is on the floor. Please _ on the wall. A. pick up it B. put it up C. pu t it on 16. Shanghai is bigger than _ city in China. A. any othe

6、r B. other C. the other 17. Could you tell me when _? In ten minutes. A. the bus left B. will the bus leave C. the bus will leave 18. Tom, what does TWO _? World Trade Organization. A. set up B. stand for C. wait for 19. Alice is ill. She _ to hospital at once. A. is sent B. must be sent C. must sen

7、d 20. The sign _ is often found in a reading room or in a library. A. Keep quiet B. Stop C. No borrowing 参考答案 15: CAACA 610: BBACB 11 15: ACABB 1620: ACBBA *结束 21. We all know _ Christmas Day is on Dec.25. However, the date of _ Spring Festival changes from year to year . A. the; the B./; / C. the;

8、/ D. /; the 22. The excellent teacher always has a good way _ making his class_. A. of ;interesting B. of ;interested C .to; interesting D. to;interested 23. It s brave _ you to go _ the forest. A. for, across B. of , across C. for, through D. of, through 3 24. They were_ busy talking with each othe

9、r to remember to pay for the trousers. A. so B. very C. too D. such 25. The strong wind has a bad _ our newly planted young trees. What s more, it _ many people riding bikes on the road. A. effect on, affects B. affect on, effects C. effect in, affects D. affect in, effects 26. _ you _ Kate s letter

10、 yet? Yes. I _ it for several days. A. Did receive, have received B. Did receive, ha ve had C. Have received, have received D. Have received, have had 27. You can t imagine _ when they received these nice Christmas presents. A. how they were excited B. how excited they were C. how excited were they

11、D. they were how excited 28. _do you water the flowers? Twice a day. A. How long B. How ma ny times C. How often D. How soon 29. There are only _ new words in the passage, but I know _ of them. A. a few; none B.a little; none C. little; all D.few; all 30.Will you please _ it to me on Friday? What ab

12、out next Monday ?My comput er doesn t work well these days. A. post B. bring C. email D. give 31.Hi.Mike ,Why are you so sad? Well, I found the computer I had had _went wrong again. A. it repair B. repaired C.it repaired D. repairing 32. Most men _ cars to watches while most women _ have necklaces t

13、han computers. A. would rather; prefer B. prefer; would rather C. would rather; would rather D. prefer; prefer 33. He used to _ games on the Internet, but now he is used to _ a walk after supper. 4 A. play, taking B. playing, take C. play, take D. playing, taking 34. Could you tell me _, please? A.

14、that he has been to Beijing twice B.what will they talk at tomorrow s meeting C.where they would meet at the gate of the park D.something about tomorrow s weather 35. He _ be in the restaurant. His car is just outside it! A. can B. can t C. must D. mustn t 36、 Tony like playing _football,but Lucy li

15、kes playing _piano. A. the, the B. /,theC. /,/ 37. _you ever _to the Great Wall? No, never. A. Did; be B. Have; been C. Have; gone 38. Why _he _ you? Because I broke his bike. A. is; mad withB. is; mad C. does; mad with 39、 We should stop the factories _ the river. A. to polluting B. from pollute C.

16、 from polluting 40. Trees should _ every day in summer. A. water B. be watered C. are watered 参考答案21-25 DADCA 26-30 DBCAC 31-35 BBADC 35-40 BBACB *结束 41. Look at the sign. No _ here. A. so smoke B. smokingC. smoked 42. _ Confuicus works still _ by many people today. A. Do; read B. Are;readC. Is; rea

17、d 5 43. There are _visitors in Beijing in summer. A. much B. a large number C. a large number of 44. Im allowed _ TV at the weekend. A. watch B. to watchC. watching 45. _ trees are planted on the mountain every year. A. Million of B. Three millions of C. Millions of 46. When will the match _ ? Next

18、Friday. A. hold B. held C. be held 47. All these toys are made _ , not on a machine. A. with hand B. by handC. at hand 48. Many people like to go to the cinema at the weekend rather than _ _at Home. A. staying B. to stay C. stay 49、 He is paying attention to _ TV at the moment. A. watch B. watchingC

19、. looking 50. He is a cook _ wants to improve school dinner. A. whoB. whose C. which 51. She is _ girl. A. a eightyear-old B. an eight-year-oldC. an eight-years-old 52. She doesnt know the way to the hospital and I dont know, _. A. too B. also C. either 53. NBA _ National Basketball Association. A.

20、spell B. stands forC. looks like 54. Mt. Qomolangma is the _ mountain in the world. A. highestB. tallest C. longest 55. There are kangaroos _ were jumping alongside ( 沿.一侧) the car on our way back. A. who B. thatC. / ( ) 56.will you parents be back? In two weeks. 6 A. How long. B. How soon. C. How o

21、ften. ( ) 57. . Neither you nor he Beijing before. A. has gone to B. have been to C. has been to ( ) 58.A young man practiced English with Mr. Wang. A. speak B. speaking C. to speak ( ) 59.How long it to go there by bus? A. do, take B. does, take C. does, spend ( ) 60.As soon as he ,he will write to

22、 me. A. arrives at B. arrives C. reaches 参考答案 41 45 BBCBC 4650 CBCBA 51 55 BCBAB 56-60 BCBBB *结束 ( ) 61.Look!The boys basketball on the playground. A. playing B. play C. are playing ( ) 62.The students are in the story. A. interested, interested B. interesting, interested C. interested, interesting

23、( ) 63.Do you know where from? A. he come B .does he come C. he comes ( ) 64.Were you born May 1,1982? A. on B. in C. at ( ) 65.We all enjoy English. A. to learning B. learning C. learn ( )66.The teacher told us in class. A. talk B. not talk C. not to talk ( )67.May I your Chinese-English dictionary

24、? Sorry, I it at home. A. borrow, forget B. lend, left C. borrow, left ( )68.This is useful book. A. an B. a C. ( )69.Lily s never been to China,? A. has she B. hasn t she C. isn t she ( ) 70The old man for ten months. A. has been dead B. has died C. died 7 ( ) 71.Mr Li gave us on how to learn Engli

25、sh well. A. an advice B. some advice C. some advices ( )72.Don t be angry with him. He is only an boy. A. eight years old B. eight year old C. eight years old ( )73. Our trip is than yours. A. more longer B. much long C. much longer ( )74.The building was built a year ago looks beautiful. A. why B.

26、that C. who ( )75.The boy is young carry such a box. A. to, to B. too, to C. to, too 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出与所给句子划线部分意义相同或相近并能代替的那一项。 76、Let s buy some more books this afternoon. A、other books B、another some books C、many books D、 some another books 77、Do you know the teacher who is having an English less

27、on. A、that B、whom C、which D、whose 78、It s very not outside. Why don t you stay at home? A、why don t B、why not C、why no D、why didnt 79、He looks sad. Let s cheer him up. A、let him down. B、Make him happy C、make him pleasure D、disappoint him 80、We re going to set up a food bank to help hungry people. A、

28、set out B、put up C、fix up D、publish 参考答案6165 C C C A B 6670 C C B A A 7175 B B C B B 7680 B A B B B *结束 ( )81. My sister likes playing _ volleyball while my brother likes playing _ piano. A. the; the B. a ; a C. the; / D. / ; the ( )82. It s bad for your eyes _ TV for a long time. A. to see B. to wa

29、tching C. to watch D. watch 8 ( )83. Miss Gao teaches _ English. We all like her lessons. A. our B. we C. ours D. us ( )84. Wait a moment, I have _ to tell you. A. important something B. something important C. anything important D. important anything ( )85. Lucy spent three years _ Chinese before sh

30、e came to China. A. on learning B. to learn C. learning D. learn ( )86. I was born _ the morning _ August 1 st , 1993. A. in ; of B. on ; of C. on ; for D. at ; of ( )87. The little girl with her classmates _ playing computer games happily now. A. are B. is C. were D. was ( )88. Hurry up, _ you will

31、 be late for school. A. and B. so C. or D. but ( )89. There _ a knife and two forks on the table. A. has B. are C. have D. is ( )90. This is the book _ we are looking for. A. who B. which C. whose D. whom ( )91.-Could you tell me _? -It s next to the post office. A. where was the bank B. where the b

32、ank was C. where is the bank D. where the bank is ( )92. -What will you do if it _ tomorrow? A. will rain B. is raining C. rains D. isnt rain ( )93. - _ the population of China? - It s about 13,000,000. A. What B. How many are C. What is D. How much is ( )94. The cake looks _ and it sells _. A. well

33、; well B. well; good C. good; good D. good; well ( )95. All the new books _ to the poor village next month. A. were sent B. will be send 9 C. are sent D. will be sent ()96、 .I d like a cup of tea_ some sugar and milk A. in B. to C. of D. with ()97、 .We have bought two _ for the coming party. A. bott

34、le of milk B. bottles of milk C. bottle of milks D. bottles of milks ()98、 .There isnt _ fruit here, but you can have a bottle of orange. A. much B. many C. some D. a lot of ()99、 -Linda, when shall we take a walk? -After I finish_ the dishes. A. wash B. washed C. to wash D. washing ()100._ Thank yo

35、u when someone has helped you. A. Speak B. Tell C. Say D. Talk 参考答案 81-85. D C D B C 86 90. B B C D B 91-95. D C C D D 96-100 D B A D C *结束 101、There are plenty of _ in our school. They work very hard. A、woman teachers B、woman teacher C、women teachers D、women teacher 102、Who is _ boy playing basketb

36、all on the playground. He is Tom. He joined _ unusual basketball match last year. A、an. a. B、 a. a. C、 the. a. D、the. an. 103、The rest of students in the classroom _my classmates. A、is B、are C、be D、am 104、Mrs Zhang has taught _math for three years and she teaches very well. A、our B、we C、us D、ours 10

37、 105、My son wants a pet dog for long, but I have no time to buy _for him. A、it B、that C、 the one D、one 106、Mary, how old are you this gear? _. And My parents just had a party for my _birthday last monty. A、Fifteen, fifteenth B、Fiveteen , fiveteenth C、Fifteenth, fifteen D、Fiveteerth, fiveteen 107、Whe

38、n shopping, keep your eyes _for those energy-saving machines. A、opened B、open C、to open D、 to be open 108、I didn t sleep _last night. I feel tired now. A、well B、niceC、fine D、good 109、Are you worried about the coming exam? No, I think the more_ you are, _mistakes you ll make. A、Careful, the less B、Ca

39、refully, the fewer C、Careful, the least D、Careful, the fewer 110、The noisy boy _stand up by a teacher. A、was made B、 was made to C、made D、made to 111、_does your sister do? She is a nurse. A、Who B、What C、How D、Why 112、_exciting the news is! A、What an B、What C、 How D、How an 113、Hurry up. The car is co

40、ming. Wait a minute, Don t cross the street _the traffic lights are green. A、while B、when C、until D、after 114、I m a football fan. I was interested in everything _is about the 2010 World Cup. A、who B、that C、where D、which 115、What a nice day! How about playing football after school. _! Lest s ask Li M

41、ing to go with us. A、That s OK. B、No problem. C、Good luck. D、Sounds great. 116.We are going better _ English _ our teacher s help. A. in , at B. at , in C. in , with D. with , with 11 117.How much does the ticket _ from Beihai to Beijing? A. cost B. take C. spend D. pay 118.Not only his parents but

42、also his grandfather _ to a lot of places of interest in our country since they came here. A. has gone B. has been C. have gone D. have been 119._ spending our vacation in a hotel, why not try hiking in the country? A. Instead of B. Because of C. Thanks to D. As for 120.The number of students in our

43、 school_ more than two _. A. are , thousands B. are , thousand C. is , thousand D. is , thousands 参考答案 101105 CCBCD 106110 ABADB 111115 BCCBD 116120 CABAC *结束 121. This kind of fruit smells _ ,but tastes_. A. well ; badly B. good ; badly C. well ; bad D. bad ; good 122. I like reading _, There are m

44、any interesting things in them. A. TV B. movies C. sports D. magazines 123. -Whose T shirt is this? -It _ be Lisa s . Lisa likes Hello Kitty. Look there is a picture of Hello on it. A. should B. must C. can D. can t 124. -Do you want to buy the red pen or the yellow one? - I ll take _ of them . The

45、red one is for me and the yellow one is for my brother. A. either B. both C. neither D. all 125.We must say no to smoking, _ in public places. A. mainly B. exactly C. possibly D. especially 126. All the mobile phones must _ before the meeting begins. A. turn off B. was turned off C. be turned off D. turned of 127.It s bad for you _ too much junk food . 12 A. eat B. to eat C. eating D. ate 128.I was nervous because Jim _ me to his party. I didn t know what I should give to him. A. invented B. visited C. invited D. let 129.Sometimes he _ with his dog in that park. A. go out B. works o


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