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1、1 Unit 8 I will help clean up the city parks 【单元话题分析】 在社会生活的每个方面都存在着提供帮助、互助友爱的人和事, 志愿者的身影也是随处 可见。本单元谈论的话题就是提供帮助。 提供帮助是英语课程标准要求学生必须掌握的一项语言技能, 也是一项重要的社会 交往技能。该话题在各类考试中经常出现, 在现实生活中的使用频率也很高。它涉及的内容 很广泛 , 可以介绍所开展的志愿者活动, 记一次志愿者活动或提供帮助的经历, 组织开展志 愿者活动、 为他人提供帮助等。这个话题的开展对于提高学生应用英语的能力、加强中学生 的思想道德品质教育、促进同学间的团结友爱

2、和和谐社会的发展有非常重要的现实意义。 该话题的命题形式灵活多样。主要的形式是提示性作文, 有语言提示和看图作文。通常采 用的记叙文、日记、通知、书信等作文形式。写作时要注意文体, 有效的把提示性文字和图 画内容的思想表达出来。 【写作指导】 1.写作本话题常用的句型有: what kind of volunteer work would like to do? I would like to be a volunteer. We always volunteer to help clean up the school gym. We are going to put up signs. Yo

3、u could help hand out advertisement. , 2.注意文中时态的恰当使用。例如介绍志愿者活动讲的是经常开展的活动,一般使用一般 现在时;写日记记一次活动则使用一般过去时。根据短文内容选择适当的时态。 3.内容安排上要尽量做到条理清晰、表达明确。必要时要适当增加部分细节内容,使短文 更具连贯性和逻辑性。 【解题技巧】 看图作文的解题技巧: 看图作文有一定的发挥空间,但不允许随意发挥。这是看图作文的特点。 1. 看清题目要求,弄清图画内容。看清每幅图片的主要内容,合理发挥想象,抓住要点, 确定写作的体裁、人称、时态等。 2. 根据每幅图的内容确定要选用的词汇和句型,

4、根据自己的语言水平,尽量选用自己熟 悉的有把握的句式,做到扬长避短。 3. 连句成篇。用适当的连词把每幅图的内容联系起来,在规定的范围内适当发挥。要注 意各种句式灵活搭配应用,正确使用标点符号。 4. 修改全文。主要看短文内容是否符合题目要求和图画内容,要点石是否齐全,有无拼 写、语法、标点等错误。 【佳篇欣赏】 A I am a member of the Y outh Volunteers Service of our school. Every week we volunteer to do 2 something for the school. Our school has a big

5、 garden, and there are many flowers in it. Every Friday afternoon, we work in the garden to take care of the flowers after school. Usually, we plough and water the flowers. The streets around our school are very busy, so they need to be cleaned frequently, but the dustmen seem to be very busy. So we

6、 also help clean the streets every week. Besides, we try our best to tell the young students to stay away from Internet bars. The top students of the Youth Volunteers Service have to do more. They always help the students who have difficulties in their subjects with their schoolwork. B Sunday, Augus

7、t 7 th Fine I went to the People s Park with Lin Ling. It took us about half an hour to get there by bike. The weather was fine and hot. It was wonderful for us to go swimming in such a good day. We were both excited about it. We started swimming. Suddenly, we hared someone shouting, “Help! Help” We

8、 were shocked and saw a boy struggling in the water. Then he sank into the water. We started swimming towards him immediately. We pulled the boy onto the shore and carried him to a nearby hospital at once. The boy was saved. We felt exhausted and thirsty. But both of us were really happy. C Zhang Bi

9、ng had a dream last night In the dream, he volunteered to serve the 2008 Beijing Olympics He tried his best to help the foreign friends from different countries When he found a foreigner worried in the street, he went up to him and asked him what was the matterThe foreigner told Zhang Bing that he w

10、as Jack, and he forgot the way to the Friendship HotelThen Zhang Bing stopped a taxi and took him to the Friendship Hotel Zhang Bing talked with Jack on the way to the hotel and told Jack more about BeijingJack thanked Zhang Bing very much and thought Zhang Bing s English was very good Xiao Ming was

11、 very happy and smiled, then he woke up 【重点结构和句型展示】 A原汁原味(课本重点结构和句型) 1. I d like to help homeless people. 我想帮助无家可归的人。 2. You could help clean up the city parks. 你可以帮着打扫城市公园。 3. Not only do I feel good about helping other people, but I get to spend time doing what I love to。 我不仅对帮助别人感到很满足,而且我还能花时间做自己

12、喜爱做的事情。 4. I fix up bikes and give them away. 我修理好自行车,然后捐赠出去。 5. We are going to set up a food bank to help hungry people 。 6. He looks sad. Let s cheer him up. 他看起来难过,咱们让他高兴起来吧。 7. We need to come up with some ideas. 我们需要想出一些主意来。 8. We cant put off making a plan. 我们不能拖延制订计划的时间了。 9. Being a voluntee

13、r is great! 做一名志愿者真棒! 10. I d like to join the school volunteer project, but Im not sure what I should do. 我想加入 学校的志愿者项目,但我不知道我该做什么。 11. She puts this love to good use by working in the after-school care center at her local elementary school. 她把这种爱好很好地用在了当地小学的课后辅导中心的工作中。 12. You have helped to make

14、it possible for me to have “ Lucky ” , who has filled my life with pleasure. 你的帮助让我用有Lucky 成为可能,它使我的生活充满了快乐。 3 13. I thank you again for supporting “ Animal Helpers ” . 我再次感谢你,谢谢你对“动物助手中 心”的支持。 B 精彩例句拓展 1. We can t put off our meeting. 我们不能推迟会议。 2. Dont put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

15、 今天可以做的事情不要拖到明天去做。 3. The flowers need watering. 这些花需要浇水。 4. I volunteer to help you. 我自愿帮助你。 5. My friends not only gave some English books but also told me how to learn English. 我朋友不 仅送给我一些英语书,而且还告诉我该如何学习英语。 6. Put your time to good use. 好好利用你的时间。 7. We must think out a plan. 我们必须要想出一个计划。 8. I wil

16、l give the old coat away. 我要把这件就外衣送人。 【原创习作点评】 假设你是王鹏, 你的网友Peter 来信,说他想成为2008 年北京奥运会的志愿者, 但他不 知道志愿者要干些什么。请你根据下列要点,给他回信,欢迎他加入北京2008 年奥运会志 愿者服务的行列。 主要内容 : 1. 充当来自世界各地的运动员及官员的向导兼服务员; 2. 为各客房配送毛巾、香皂、牙刷、笔、纸巾等日用品; 3. 引导观众进入比赛场馆观看比赛; 4. 每天工作 8 小时。 要求: 1. 不能逐条翻译上述要点; 2. 词数 :不少于 90 个。 参考词汇:配送prepare and deli

17、ver,毛巾towel,纸巾 paper napkin,比赛场馆venues 分析: 这是一篇提示性作文。要求给网友写一封关于奥运会志愿者服务内容的回信。首先, 要熟悉书信的基本格式,特别是英文书信的标点和落款签名。其次, 从内容上来看, 书信的 正文部分要写成说明文,因此, 可以选择一般现在时或者一般将来时。在内容安排上, 为了 使个要点之间的过渡要自然, 可以适当增加合理的细节内容。在信的结尾 , 可以表达自己对志 愿者活动的看法, 并对 Peter 的到来表示欢迎。 习作 1 : Dear Peter, Nice to hear from you. Welcome to be a vol

18、unteer of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. As a volunteer, you first serve as a guide for the officials and athletes from all over the world. At the same time,you are also an attendant. You need to prepare and deliver daily supplies, such as towels, soap, toothbrushes, pens, paper napkin and so on to the

19、ir rooms. If necessary , you may help the athletes to carry luggage. During the Olympic Games,many people from every corner will come here,and most of them are strangers here,so you will also need to help them enter the venues to watch the games. The job as a volunteer is simple and tiring. Y ou nee

20、d to work 8 hours a day. But it is very important and 教师点评 这是一篇成功之作。 得分点 ( 1)能按照要求写作,内容完整, 书信格式正确。 ( 2)使用了比较丰富词汇、句型, 显示了良好的语言功底。 ( 3)使用了at the same time,if necessary 等短语 , 使短文内容连贯 流畅。 提示 在保证内容完整的基础上, 字数也 要符合题目要求。 4 meaningful. I am looking forward to the day you come to Beijing. See you then. Yours,

21、 Wang Peng 习作 2 : Dear Peter, I am glad to know you want to be a volunteer for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Let me tell you the things volunteer will do. The volunteers have many things to do. First ,you will beguide and waiter for the officials and sportsmen. Second, you should prepare and deliv

22、er towels、 soap、 toothbrushes、 pens and paper to every room. Third,you will help people enter the venues to watch the games. If you become a volunteer,you will work eight hours a day. I think the job must be very interesting. See you in Beijing. Yours, Wang Peng 教师点评 这是一篇中等的学生习作。 得分点 ( 1)书信格式正确, 内容完

23、整。 ( 2)使用了分first ,second,third, 是正文部分要点更突出明了。 失分点 此处与前文重复, 可用 they来代 替。 此处应使用冠词a。 此处用sportsmen 欠妥当 , 最好 使用 athletes。 【拓展练笔】 1、 根据提示写一个书面通知。 初三 (1) 班的同学要去红星农场帮助农民摘棉花。我们乘校车去哪里。周六早晨7 点在 校门口集合,请同学们做好准备,并自备午餐,准时到达校门口。 初三一班 9 月 6 日 要求: 1. 通知必须包括以上要点,可适当增减细节,使其意思完整、语句通顺。 2. 词数在 80 个左右。 _ _ _ _ _ One possib

24、le version: Notice September 2 nd All the students of Class 1 Junior 3 will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers pick cotton. We will get there by the school bus. We will meet at the school at seven on Saturday morning. Please get everything ready. Dont forget to take lunch and water with you

25、. You d better put on your old clothes and take a pair of gloves. Everyone must get there on time. 5 Class 1 Junior 3 2、 根据下列提示写一篇80 词左右的短文。 内容提示:1. 时间:星期日早上10 点; 2. 在商店购物时遇到一对英国夫妇。他们想买两套运动服,但与售货员语 言不通; 3. 我帮助了他们,他们对我表示感谢; 4. 我很高兴自己能用英语与外宾交谈了。 _ _ _ _ _ One possible version: When I was doing some sh

26、opping at ten on Sunday morning, an English man and his wife came into the shop. They told the shop assistant that they want two sport suits. Unfortunately, the shop assistant did not understand English, and they didn t understand what the shop assistant said, either. I went to them and told them th

27、at I could help them. Then, I put what they said into Chinese. At last, they bought the sport suits. They were very happy that I helped them, and thanked me again and again. I am glad that I can talk with foreigners in English fluently. 3、 下面六幅图描述了十月九日星期三早晨你所经历的一件事。请根据这些图画,用英语写 一篇日记。 要求: 1. 日记须包括所有图

28、画的内容,可以适当增加细节,使其连贯。 2. 日记格式已写出。 3. 词数:不少于100。 _ _ _ _ _ 6 One possible version: Wednesday,October 9th Fine This morning , my friend and I went to the park by bike. A boy before us was on a bike , too. He rode very fast. Suddenly he fell off his bike. He lay on the ground and couldnt get up. My frien

29、d and I rode up to him and tried to help him rise. He sat up but couldnt stand up, because he had his right leg broken. We decided to send him to the nearest hospital on his bike. In the hospital, he was well examined and given immediate treatment. There I phoned his home and told his parents about the matter. His parents came to the hospital before long. After knowing what had happened they thanked us. Then we said good-bye to them. Though we didnt play in the park,we felt very happy because we had done what we should do.


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