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1、知识改变命运百度提升自我 本文为自本人珍藏版权所有仅供参考 Learn to Relax, If You Want to Be Succes Learn to Relax, If You Want to Be Successful in Life The subject of relaxation is a big topic and a very important part of the Happy Venn Diagram. Whats more, true relaxation not only makes you feel good, increases self esteem, b

2、ut it also puts your manifestation powers on after burners. This may sound like a paradox, almost a contradiction in terms. Have you not been told that you need to be pro-active in order to achieve? Action is the thing that gets you what you desire. Sure, I cannot and will not argue this essential p

3、art of making dreams reality. However, if you know the Bhagavad Gita, you will know that action and non-act io n are valued equally by Krishna in his conversation with Arjuna. Knowing when to take action and when to stay away is one of lifes secrets. It requires a balance of mind, body and environme

4、nt to facilitate optimum timing free from interference. Most of us have a somewhat flawed idea about relaxation. Relaxation is not about sleeping excessively, going on holiday, or seeking out so called relaxing entertainment, like sitting in front of the box and be brainwashed, or some other form of

5、 mental or physical intoxication. These activities only distract you from a problem you may have and delude you into thinking that you are relaxing. Alcohol and television slow down your mind, which means you enter a less frenzied state for a while, however, true relaxation is very different. With p

6、ractice you can enter a state of true relaxation at will. Actually, in seconds. However, if you are experiencing feelings of guilt, anger and fear, as many of us do, you will find it hard to truly relax. You will need to do a little mental house cleaning first. Because, true relaxation requires a mi

7、nd free from guilt and fear. Both guilt and fear are the biggest enemies of progress and success. They stop you from being in touch with yourself and your life. This artifical feeling of separation is painful and induces more stress, quite the opposite from what you need to achieve your goals. If yo

8、u are out of touch with yourself, how can you possibly connect to others? Let alone, create the habits and thoughts of a successful person. Relaxation is about entering a mild alpha state and maintaining it. Breathing 知识改变命运百度提升自我 exercises are a great way to practice cognitive relaxation, particula

9、rly, if you have not practiced any cognitive relaxation techniques before. Relaxation is also about becoming aware of your body and your mind and consciously doing those things that bring about balance. When you lear n to become truly relaxed, you will conserve energy. You will tire less easily and

10、increase your productivity in due course. With energy techniques, like EFT and Micro EFT you can release tension very quickly. Use Micro EFT as a quick relaxation technique several times throughout the day to induce moments of relaxation. Practice meditation. The guided problem solving meditations a

11、re a great way to experience relaxation and solve problems at the same time. In closing, let me just say this. Learn to relax, it will increase your conscious awareness. You need to expand conscious awareness of yourself and your world in order to grow and manifest your goals easier and faster. Relaxation is expansive, in the true meaning of the word. Tension contracts. This is true for your body, as well as your brain. .


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