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1、用心 爱心 专心1 Be Bold: Ask for What You Really Want!(Reading fortune favors the bold . The reality isthat you will seldom be given more than what you have the courage to ask for. So dont diluteyour requests in order to avoid being turned down. Just ask for what you want confidently and courageously. Be

2、_about what and when. In the workplace, the biggest reason for unmet expectations is a lack of understanding of exactly what is expected. Asking someone to 用心 爱心 专心2 do something “soon” can beinterpretedin all sorts of way. For a request to hold any water , it needs to specify not just what you want

3、, but also the time frame within which you want it, that is, both a specific and clear “what” and “when ”. Let others know what you will or will not_. Making requests will go a long way to eliminatingthe “tolerations” in your life. Whether it be asking your friend to show up on time, or asking your

4、colleagues to return the money they ve borrowed from you, you teach others how to treat you. If you allow others to take you for granted, to overstep the line of your personal boundaries, then you are partly to blame for the abuse you receive. What are you no longer willing to tolerate? Therein lie

5、the boundaries that you alone must set and the powerful requests that you alone must make. Skip the _ and put your own needs first. You may sometimes struggle with needless guilt when it comes to putting your own needs ahead of others. As the big sister of seven, mother of four and girlfriend of man

6、y more, I believe we women can sometimes sell ourselves shortand put the needs of those around us first. Don t get me wrong, it s wonderful to come to the aid of those who need help, and to be generous with colleagues, community, friends and family. But if, in being all things to all people, we fail

7、 to take care of our own needs, we end up overwhelmed, angry , or both. Who s that serving? Putting your own needs ahead of everyone else s is not a selfish act, it s the most loving thing you can do for everyone. So enough of the guilt-driven act. Your needs matter. So, when there s something you n

8、eed, ask! Asking for less than you really want from yourself, from others and from life doesnt serve anyone. Take responsibility. You are capable of more than you think you are. Remember that fortune favors the bold. So make bigger, better, bolder requests, and ask for what you really want. Who know

9、s , you might just get it! Now wouldnt that be nice? Vocabulary: bold: adj. brave overwhelmed: adj. 压倒性的 spouse: n. 配偶 convey: v. express and communicate interpret: v. understand eliminate: v. get rid of dilute: v. weaken Guess the meaning of the following items according to the context Hints just d

10、ont cut it. Fortune favors the bold hold water boundary sell oneself short get sb. wrong 三、教学步骤: Structure of the passage Divide the whole passage into three parts and draw the main idea of each part. Part I (para_) _ Part II (para _) _ Part III (para_) _ Find out the topic sentences from paras 37 a

11、nd complete them Dont _ others are mind readers. Be_ in your requests. Be_ about what and when. Let others know what you will or will not_. Skip the _ and put your own needs first. Reading for details Para 3 situation: Wife: How could you do that? I told you so many times,Why didnt you understand me

12、? Do you know it really hurt me? Husband: What happened on earth, honey? Where am I wrong this time? Conclusion: Does the womans hints work in this situation? _ In order to solve the problem, they need_. Para 4 Q:Why do people dilute their requests sometimes?_ T or F: Sometimes you will get what you

13、 want even you havent asked for it._ Conclusion: Fortune_ the bold. Para 5 Situation: Vivi: Hey, Monitor, please hold a class meeting soon. How can this sentence be interpreted? _. In order to make my request hold water, I need to_. Which of the following requests can hold water? A. Would you please

14、 solve it soon? B. Would you please solve the problem of nuclear radiation soon? C. Would you please solve the problem of nuclear radiation in a month? Guess the meaning of the phrase “hold water”_. Para 6 Situation: You have an appointment with your friend, but he/she didn t come up on time. Your c

15、olleague borrowed some money from you, yet it seems he/she has totally forgotten about it. Are you willing to tolerate? Actually, they are overstepping the line of your personal _. What does the word “boundaries“ mean? A. an imaginary line separating one thing from another. B. a line that determines

16、 an area. C. The limit of your toleration. D. The thing that make you and your friends different. Para 7 Situation: When it comes to putting your own needs ahead of others, you may sometimes feel g_. Therefore, you are likely tosell yourselves shortand put the needs of_ first. Guess the meaning of t

17、he phrase “sell oneself short ”._. From the context, “Dont get me wrong, it s wonderful to come to the aid of , ”, explain the phrase “get sb. wrong”_. Q: what is not a selfish act? _ Consolidation: Apply the tips youve learnt in the following situations ?Situation1: My deskmate always copied my hom

18、ework and even asked me to help her cheat in the exams, which made me annoyed. I know it does harm to her progress and it is even more stupid for me to continue to help her. What shall I do? ?Situation2: The English teacher asked the students: “Would you please make up a dialogue when you have time?

19、” But only few of them have prepared for it before class. ?Situation3: Lily told her husband several times the bulb( 灯泡) was broken with the hope that he would change it for a new one. But he didn t take any action. ?Situation4: There was a promotion in the company. Lucy was capable of the new posit

20、ion of the department manager, but she hesitated about whether she should ask for it or not. At last, she lost the chance. Conclusion: To ask or not to ask for what you really want, things will surely be different. HELP! Dear Rose, Glad to hear from you!_ _ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely Editor 四、教学反思: 该课授课对象是普通中学的高三文科班,虽然是高三,但是学生的认知水平还是有一定 局限。再者,此文篇幅较长,生词量较大,语言非常地道,因此,学生理解起来存在一定困 难。这就需要教室去做更多的铺垫。该篇文章是典型的议论文,结构总分总,所以 非常适合学生模仿此文章的格式写一篇简单的议论文,且文章告诉学生一些具体解决问题的 建议,因此笔者在最后设计了一个问题情境,提出问题,让学生参考文章内容去解决问题, 并且模仿文章议论文结构去写一篇议论文,真正达到了读写相扣,使学生有话可说,有框架 可参考,最后能比较快的写好英语作文。


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