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1、1 Unit 4-5 总复习 学习目标 重点词句 说明: 重点单词短语在各个单元的重点词汇中已经详细讲过,在复习单元不再重复,只 就容易用错的部分进行提示和补充。 Unit4: means, avoid, represent, curious, defend, rank, approach Unit5: fun, wonder, perform, survive, advance, beyond, 重点短语与句型 Unit4: defend against, be likely to, at ease, lose face, turn one s back to, 否定词位于句首的倒 装 Un

2、it5: be famous for, no wonder, be modeled after, in advance, get close to, come to life, whichever and whatever 引导的是让步状语从句 重点语法 动词的 ing 形式作定语和状语 综合运用 阅读理解的主旨大意解题技巧下 重点词句 avoid 【点拨】 v. (1) keep oneself away from sb./sth. 避开,躲避某人或某物 I think he is avoiding me. 我觉得他躲着我。 (2) stop sth. happening; prevent

3、阻止事情发生 As a new driver, Belin tries her best to avoid accidents. 作为一名驾车新手,贝林尽力避免发生事故。 avoid+ n./+v- ing. They all avoided mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。 avoidable adj. 可避免的 avoidance n. 回避,躲避 2 rank 【点拨】 1.n.(1)postion in a scale of responsibility, quality, social status, etc. 等级 ;地位 ,身份 They cat

4、ered for everyone regardless of social rank. 他们为所有人服务而不计较其社会地位。 (2) position or grade in the armed forces 社会阶层 ;军阶 ,军衔 He was promoted to the rank of captain. 他被提升到上尉军阶。 2. v. place sb./sth. in a rank; grade sb./sth. according to quality; achievement, etc.将某人某物 置入行列中;按特性或成就将某人分等级 I rank her among th

5、e country s best writers. 我认为她属全国最优秀作家之列。 She ranked her students according to their grades. 她按成绩排列学生的名次。 means 【点拨】 means n. 手段,方法 There is no doubt that radio and television are important means of communication 毫无疑问,收音机和电视是信息交流的重要工具。 【辨析】 means, way 及 method 的用法区别 means, way 和 method 三个词都有“方法、方式、手

6、段”的意思,它们的区别如下: means的单复数同形,比如我们可以说every means,也可以说all means。means常和介 词 by 搭配使用,构成常见搭配by means of“通过的手段/方法” ,of 后可以跟名词或 动词的 -ing 形式等。如: We have to consider a new means of living. 我们必须考虑新的谋生手段。 3 We express ourselves by means of speech. 我们通过语言来表达思想。 way 表示“方法”时,前面可以用介词in,当 way 前有 this 或 that 时,介词可以省略;

7、 way 后可以接动词不定式或of 介词短语 (of 后只能跟名词或动词的-ing 形式 )。看下面几 个例句: He always speaks in a careful way. 他说话总是十分谨慎。 Man is trying to find ways of controlling pollution. 人类正在寻求控制污染的方法。 method 一般指 (系统的 )一套方法,其前通常用介词with,后面常接of 介词短语, of 后可 接名词或动词的-ing 形式。如: The young teacher used a new method of teaching. 那位年轻老师采用了

8、一种新的教学方法。 I worked out the maths problem with a different method. 我用不同的方法解出了这个数学题。 Unit 5 fun 【点拨】 1. It s fun后接不定式或动名词均可,意思基本相同。如: It s great fun to sail a boat. 扬帆驾舟十分有趣。 2. 表示做某事很开心,重点句型have ( there is) fun ( in) doing sth。如: We had fun riding our bicycles to the beach today. 我们今天骑自行车去海滨玩得很开心。 Th

9、ere s no fun in spending the evening doing nothing. 晚上无事可干,很无聊。 4 3. 以下各例中的fun 虽用作表语,但仍为名词,而非形容词,故可用great, much, a lot of 等形容词修饰,而不用very 等副词修饰。如: She s great fun to be with. 同她在一起很有意思。 Why don t you come with us? It ll be great fun. 干吗不同我们一起去呢?很有趣的。 4. 注意 for fun(为了高兴,为了好玩)与in fun (不是当真的,闹着玩的,开玩笑地)意

10、 不同。比较: I am not saying it for fun. 我说这话并不是在开玩笑。 He said so only in fun. 他这样说只是开开玩笑。 at ease 【点拨】feeling relaxed, especially in a situation in which people might feel a little nervous, 常 与 with 连用。 Her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe. 听到孩子们都很安全,她才放心。 He is at ease about the matt

11、er. 他对这事很放心。 She felt completely at ease with Bernard. 她和伯纳德在一起感到完全没有拘束。 no wonder 【点拨】 no wonder“ 怪不得 “,its no wonder/small wonder/little wonder“并不奇怪 ,不足为奇 “ (Its)No wonder youre tired, youve been walking for hours. 难怪你累了呢,你一直走了好几个小时。 5 【拓展】 I wonder if/whether. 我不知道是否 I am wondering if/whether 不知道

12、可不可以 wonder how/what/who. 想知道 I wonder if I might have a glass of water. 我不知可不可以要一杯水. I am wondering if I could borrow your car. 请问我能否借用一下你的汽车. I wonder how James is getting on. 我想知道詹姆斯的近况. 重点语法 动词的 ing 形式作定语和状语 动词的 ing 形式作定语和状语 现在分词作定语 现在分词作定语,当分词单独做定语时,放在所修饰的名词前,说明其修饰名词的性质或特 征,表示 “ 供作 之用 ” 和“ 的” 。

13、 a walking stick (a stick used for walking) 分词是短语形式, 应放在所修饰的名词后, 相当于一个定语从句。 They are visitors coming from korea. 练一练: -Any danger for the patient _on by Dr Smith? - Hard to sayDoctors are trying their best Ato operate Bbeing operated Cto be operated Doperating 【答案解析】B。解析:句意: -史密斯先生做手术的那位病人有危险。-很难说。医

14、生 们正在尽力。 根据题干中的danger 应该是正在进行手术的病人,patient 是 operate的动作 承受者,有表示动作正在进行,应用现在分词的被动式。故选B。 现在分词作状语 现在分词作状语时, 分词的逻辑主语必须是句子的主语, 分词必须和句中的主语含有逻 辑上的主谓关系, 否则不能用现在分词作状语。但要注意它的各种形式变化: 完成式 主动形式被动形式 一般式V-ing being V-ed 6 完成式having V-ed having been V-ed e. g. Hearing the bell, the students began to enter the classr

15、oom. 听见铃声 , 学生们开始走进教室。 (听见和进入两个动作同时发生) The building being built now is our new library. Not having received the letter, he decided to write again. 由于没有收到来信,他决定再写一封。 练一练: Every morning Jacks wife will stand before the mirror, _herself before leaving home A admired Bbeing admired C to admire Dadmiring

16、; 【答案解析】D。解析:每天早晨,出门前,Jack 的妻子将会站在镜子前,欣赏自己。 admiring 作 stand的伴随状语。故选D。 综合运用 阅读理解的主旨大意解题技巧下 常用提问方式 1. The story mainly tells us _. 2. From the passage we know/can conclude that _. 3. What is the subject discussed in the text? 4. The main idea of Paragraph 1 is _. 5. Paragraph 2 deals with _. 3. 主题句在文

17、首和文末(首尾呼应) 文章一开始就点题,接着举例,最后回归主题。 Shu Pulong has helped at least 1000 people bitten by snakes. “ It was seeing people with snake bites that led me to this career,” he said. In 1963, after his army service, Shu entered a medical school and later became a doctor of Chinese medicine. As part of his stud

18、ies he had to work in the mountains. There he often heard of people who had their arms and legs cut off after a snake bite in order to save their lives. “ I was greatly upset by the story of an old farmer I met. It was a very hot afternoon. The old man was pulling grass in his fields when he felt a

19、pain in his left hand. He at once realized he had been bitten by a poisonous snake. In no time he wrapped a cloth tightly around his arm to stop the poison spreading to his heart. Rushing home he shouted “ Bring me the knife! Minutes later the man lost his arm forever.” “ The sad story touched me so

20、 much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes,” Shu said. The best headline for this newspaper article is _. 7 A. Astonishing Medicine B. Farmer Loses Arms C. Dangerous Bites D. Snake Doctor 4. 没有明显的主题句 1. 文章的主要内容;2. 选项之间的区别 James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer an

21、d the grandson of black slaves. His family moved to Cleveland when he was 9. There, a school teacher asked the youth his name Owens ran his first race at age 13 A week before the Big Ten meet, Owens accidentally fell down The stage was set for Owens victory at the Olympic Games in Berlin the next ye

22、ar, and his success would come to be regarded as not only athletic( 体育的 )but also political In time, however, his gold medals ( 奖牌 ) changed his life. “They have kept me alive over the years,” he once said. “Time has stood still for me. That golden moment dies hard. ” Which of the following is a sui

23、table title for the text? A. Jesse Owens, a Great American Athlete B. Golden Moment a Life-time Struggle C. Making a Living as a Sportsman D. How to Be a Successful Athlete? 阶段测试 一、根据提示填入单词 1. There s no f_ in spending the whole evening playing cards 2. We r_ him among the best tennis players. 3. Sh

24、e d_ herself successfully in court. 4. The slope designer is unlikely to be _with unpleasant surprises when the slope is excavated. 5. Steve was intensely c_ about the world I came from. 6. Christmas was_. 二、完成句子 1. He _ a friends face in the crowd. ( 辨别出 ) (pick out) 2. The bank _(提供 ) him with a l

25、oan $100,000. (provide) 3. _(难怪 )people say that computers are taking over the world. 8 4. Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure because they _( 有可能 )have been formed at a very young age. 5. This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _(提前 ) that if you smoked her

26、e you would be fined. 6. _(无论什么 )you want to chat about, well do it tonight. 三、词义辨析 1. 用 means, way 和 method 填空 (1) Every possible _has been tried ,and we find only by this _can we do it well. (2) Whats the right _to say this in English? (3) A new training _was introduced. 四、语法填空 Yangshuo,China It w

27、as raining lightly when I 1 ( arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn But I didn t care A few hours 2 ,I d been at home in Hong Kong ,with 3 ( it)choking smogHere,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain I d skipped nearby Guilin ,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and

28、 dark waters of the Li River 4 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 5 ( painting ) Instead,I d headed straight for YangshuoFor those who fly to Guilin ,it s only an hour away 6 car and offers all the scenery of the better - known city Yangshuo 7 ( be)really beautiful A study of travelers 8 ( c

29、onduct)by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the worldAnd the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in AsiaAbercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong,says it 9 ( regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 10 ( live) in Sh

30、anghai and Hong Kong 五、完型填空 It was a rainy morning and the children, mainly boys with various learning difficulties, refused to settle for the start of the lesson. As an inexperienced teacher, I tried every means to get them to be 1 , but in vain. My panic was rising and I could feel my heart beatin

31、g wildly. This was the 2 of my job as a music teacher, I thought - teaching was not for me. Then I had an idea. Hoping that no one would notice that I was 3 inside, I threw my voice as far as it 9 would reach: “ Put your heads on the desks and close your 4 ! We are going on a journey.” 5 , the child

32、ren fell silent. “ Now what should I do?” I thought to myself. Reaching over to my collection of CDs, I blindly 6 , put it in the machine and played it. Obediently ( 顺从地 ), my class lay their heads on their desk, closed their eyes and 7 _. When the music started, the room as filled with the most bea

33、utiful tones and musical colors I could have ever imagined. All the children were 8 . When the music finished, I asked them all to raise their 9 slowly so that we could share our musical journey. At this point, when all the children were willing to share their experiences, I began to learn how to _1

34、0 . The music allow me to learn that teaching is about sharing and respect, tears and smiles, the knowing and the 11 and most of all, an understanding of each other. This was the power that 12 in the classroom could have. 1. A. glad B. safe C. kind D. quiet 2. A. end B. aim C. rule D. plan 3. A. gue

35、ssing B. shaking C. responding D. laughing 4. A. eyes B. mouths C. books D. doors 5. A. Punctually B. Importantly C. Amazingly D. Obviously 6. A. passed one on B. gave one back C. turned one in D. took one out 7. A. slept B. nodded C. waited D. continued 8. A. talking B. singing C. dancing D. listen

36、ing 9. A. legs B. heads C. arms D. shoulders 10. A. teach B. imagine C. play D. understand 11. A. unprepared B. unspoken C. unknown D. unforgotten 12. A. games B. music C. tears D. knowledge 六、阅读理解 When the dog named Judy spotted the first sheep in her life, she did what comes naturally. The four-ye

37、ar-old dog set off racing after the sheep across several fields and, being a city animal, lost both her sheep and her sense of direction. Then she ran along the edge of cliff( 悬崖 ) and fell 100 feet, bouncing off a rock into the sea. Her owner Mike Holden panicked and celled the coastguard of Cornwa

38、ll, who turned up in seconds . Six volunteers slid down the cliff with the help of a rope but gave up all hope of finding her alive after a 90-minute search. Three days later, a hurricane hit the coast near Cornwall. Mr. Holden returned home from 10 his holiday upset and convinced his pet was dead.

39、He comforted himself with the thought she had died in the most beautiful part of the country. For the next two weeks, the Holdens were heartbroken . Then, one day, the phone rang and Steve Tregear, the coastguard of Cornwall, asked Holder if he would like his dog bark. A birdwatcher, armed with a te

40、lescope, found the pet sitting desperately on a rock. While he sounded the alarm, a student from Leeds climbed down the cliff to collect Judy. The dog had initially been knocked unconscious( 失去知觉的 )but had survived by drinking water from a fresh scream at the base of the cliff. She may have fed on t

41、he body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge. “ The dog was very thin and hungry,” Steve Tregear said , “ It was a very dog. She survived because of a plentiful supply of fresh water,” he added. It was ,as Mr. Holden adm itted, “ a minor miracle(奇迹 ) ” . 1. The dog Jody fell down the cliff

42、 when she was A. rescuing her owner B. caught in a hurricane C. blocked by a rock D. running after a sheep 2. Who spotted Judy after the accident? A. A birdwatcher B. A student from Leeds C. Six volunteers D. The coastguard of Cornwall 3. What can we infer from the text? A. People like to travel wit

43、h their pets. B. Judy was taken to the fields for hunting. C. Luck plays a vital role in Judys survival. D. Holden cared little where Judy was buried. 4. Which of the following can be the best title for the text? A. Miracle of the Coastguard. B. Surviving a Hurricane. C. Dangers in the Wild D. Comin

44、g Back from the Dead. 答案与解析 一、根据提示填入单词 1. fun 2. rank 3. Defended 4. faced 5. curious 6. approaching 二、完成句子 1. picked out 2. provided 3. No wonder 4. are likely to 5. in advance 6. Whatever 三、词义辨析 (1)means (2) way (3) method 11 四、语法填空 1. arrived【解析】根据主句It was raining 可知用过去时态,所以谓语动词用arrived。 2. earli

45、er/before【解析】表示时间,且后句为过去完成时,所以用earlier/before,容易误 写 ago(只能和一般过去时连用)。 3. its【解析】 with 介词结构, it 指代前面的Hong Kong 修饰后面的名词smog,所以用形 容词性物主代词形式。 4. that/which 【解析】因为定语从句缺主语,所以用which/that 代指 the Li River 。 5. paintings【解析】因为前面有so many,所以用复数形式。 6. by【解析】介词短语by car,坐车。 7. is 【解析】考察时态及主谓一致。Yangshuo 是单数, 描述其美景应该

46、用一般现在时。 8. conducted【解析】因为句子的谓语动词是nameas(把命名为),conduct 只能是非谓语动词,再加上后面有by,所以用过去分词形式。 9. regularly 【解析】修饰动词arrange 应该用 regular 的副词形式。 10. living 【解析】句子不缺谓语动词,live 只能用非谓语形式,又因为people 和 live 之间 是主动关系,所以用现在分词形式。 五、完型填空 1. D。根据第一段开头refused to settle for the start of the lessons 和第二段中的the children fell sil

47、ent 可知文章一开始作者试图开始上课,但是教室太吵闹。所以选quiet。 2. A 。根据后文I thought teaching was not for me 可知,作者认为这是最后一次作为音 乐老师上课。 3. B。根据前文My panic was raising and I could feel my heart beating wildly可知作者当时 很生气很激动,但是没有办法,他试图不让学生发现他内心的情绪,用shaking 表达作者 内心强烈的情感。 4. A。 根据第三段开头my class lay their heads on their desk, closed thei

48、r eyes可知, 此时 作者要孩子们将头放在桌子上然后闭上眼睛。 5. C。 Punctually 准时地; Importantly 重要地; Amazingly 令人惊讶地; Obviously 明显地。 作者无意识的做法让学生安静下来,用amazingly 表达作者的惊讶的心情。 6. D。passe on 继续传递; give back 还回; turned in 上交; take out 拿出。根据语境,应 12 是作者随意取出一张D。 7C。根据下文When the music started, the room was filled with the most beautiful

49、 tones and musical colors 可知,当作者将音乐放进机器里,学生们趴在自己的桌子上静静地等着音 乐响起来,故选C。 8D。老师在放音乐,当然学生们都在听,listening 比其他选项都合适。故选D。 9B。raise sbs head(s) 抬起头来。句意:当音乐放完的时候,我要求他们所有人慢慢 地抬起头来,那样的话,我们就可以一起分享我们的音乐之旅。故选B 10A。根据上文At this point, when all the children were willing to share their experiences 可知,学生们从开始的不愿响应作者到最后跟着作者一起参与其中,这让作者开始知道 怎么教书了,故选A。 11C。unp


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