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1、- 1 - PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit 3 At the zoo B Let s talk 教学设计 教学目标: 知识目标: 1. 多数学生能用正确的语音语调独立朗读对话,能重述对话内容。 2. 多数学生能听、 说、认读句型:It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. 能力目标: 1. 学生能运用句型 It has 正确的描述动物的外貌特征。 情感、策略、文化等有关目标: 1. 让学生知道动物是我们的好朋友,逐步培养学生爱护动物的意识。 2. 培养学生学习英语的兴趣以及合作意识。 教学重

2、难点: 教学重点: 1. 能听、说、认读句型: It has a long nose. It has a short tail. It has small eyes and big ears. 2.能在实际情景中运用上述句型描述动物的特征,要求模仿正确,语调自然。 教学难点: 1. 灵活运用句型描述动物的特征。 2. 培养正确的语音语调。 教具: 多媒体、 ppt 、4 posters 教学过程: T:Hello ,boys and girls, I m glad to see you. How are you ?(Ss:) (在与学生课前热身谈话时, 教师播放用 Flash 制作的动物集锦的

3、动画, 让学生 - 2 - 提前复习与动物单词并且提前感受与动物的关系。) T: In this class, I have three requirements: 1. Look at me, look at my eyes, look at my mouth. 2. Follow me, do as I do. 3. Open your mouth and speak louder. T: Very good! Now, boys and girls, look here, I have 4 posters here, in this class ,if you do well, you

4、can get the animals for your zoo. Let s see which group can get the most. Ok? Step 1. Warm-up T: Are you ready? Children, Ss: Ready. 教师出示词卡教读children, 并渗透语 音,T-Ss, 有慢到快读操练,生个别展示。Lets begin our class. First, lets chant together.(要求: read loudly!) Students chant together . T: Wonderful! (鼓励) Children

5、,It s warm today, Spring is coming, let s go to the zoo. Ok? Ss: Yeah . T: At the zoo, There are many animals. Look at the giraffe. Ss :Wow ,It s so tall. T: Look at the monkey. Ss :Ha ,It s thin. T: Look at the panda, - 3 - Ss :Oh,It s fat. T: Look at the tiger. Ss :It s short. 课件逐个呈现小动物,学生描述其特征。 设

6、计意图:通过 Free talk 引出 children的教学并渗透语音,解决本课的教 学难点,并将children贯穿整个课堂,潜移默化的渗透给学生。然后创设老师 做导游的情境,引领学生游览动物园,并进行游览前的热身,既复习了旧知,又 活跃了课堂气氛。 Step 2.Presentation T: Oh , Good job, children. We are in the zoo now. Miss White and her children at the zoo, too. Now, What animal do they talk about? Please watch the vi

7、deo and choose. They are talking about the _ A. elephant B giraffe。 PPT shows the video ,students answer the question. 设计意图:第一遍看视频,学生对文本有一个整体的感知。在听的过程中。有 针对性的获取关进信息,准确表达的能力。 T:Bingo, You re right! (教师奖励小动物卡片) 教师板书: Look at the T:We know the elephant is big and fat. but how do Mike ChenJie and John d

8、escribe ? Let s listen again, children, please listen carefully. - 4 - Students listen and ppt shows the sentences . Look at the elephant. It has a _nose It has a _tail. It has _and_. 学生观看视频,教师根据ppt 来逐步讲解答案。 语音教学 tail :T: children, we know the letter T sounds /t/ , ai sounds /ei/ The letter L sounds

9、 /l/ 采用 phonics. 拓展延伸单词: rain ,wait ,aid . 教师板书: It has _. It has _and_. 设计意图:本环节通过让学生再次观看视频,引出本课的重点句型并进行板书 操练,并进行了语音渗透, 在操练的过程中老师借助简笔画在黑板上勾勒出大象 的特征,让学生更加直观形象的理解语言,降低了教学的难度。 T: Look at these sentences on the blackboard, What s the same part? (学 生总结共同的部分It has - ) , Good ! Tips for you: It has a +形容词

10、 + 身体 部位(单数形式 ) 。 结合 ppt 学习句型: It has _. It has _and_. 拓展操练:结合学生I have . 练习 She/He has T:Children, Look at the pig. It has a fat body. Now there are five pictures here. Please choose one picture and practice in groups. And then show us. 设计意图:,通过一个替换练习让学生对重点句型进行了充分的操练,以及在 真实的交流情境中引导学生感知、理解语言, 激发学生表达的

11、欲望, 培养学生用 英语思维及尝试表达的能力。 - 5 - Step 3.Practice 1. Listen to the tape. T: OK, boys and girls. Please turn to page 27. Let s listen to the tape. Please listen carefully. 2. Listen and repeat. T: Now please listen to the tape and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Students liste

12、n and repeat . T: 教师根据学生模仿语音语调的情况给予评价,并提出对语音语调进一步模仿 的要求,根据需要选择是否进行第二次跟读。 3. Read in groups and Role play. 整体分角色读(师生、男女度对话) ,个体分角色读。 Students practice the dialogue in pairs and then act . 设计意图:让学生模仿录音语音、语调进行跟读,同时注重对学生读的方法的 指导,然后进行了充分的小组练习再让学生表演展示。培养了学生的语音、 语调 模仿能力和朗读能力。 Step 4 Production 1. Guessing

13、game. T: Children ,Do you want to play a game ? Ss: Yes. 2Put the sentences inright order T:Now, children, look here, Put the sentences in right order, as quickly as you can. - 6 - ( ) Wow ! It has a long nose. ( ) Come here , children . Look at the elephant. ( ) It has small eyes and big ears. ( )

14、It has a short tail. Students practice. 设计意图:回到文本,再次感知阅读,排序环节是对文本的整合和再构。培养 学生良好的学习策略。 Step 5. Progress 1. Let s check T: Good job! Now lets listen and tick, open your book at page 30, children , listen careful. Students listen to the dialogue twice , then find the answer . 结合课本 let s check, 进行听的操练。

15、T: You did a good listening job!(教师有针对性的评价 ) 2. T: Children , You have got some pictures of animals in this class. Put them in your zoo. Like this. Lets design the zoo together. T: Now, work in groups and get ready to introduce the animals in your zoo. Please help each other. You can watch the scree

16、n. Use the sentences. (手 指屏幕) 出示课件 : 提示语言。Hi, friends. Look at the _. It s _ . (tall short thin fat-),It has _. I like it. - 7 - Let s say. 学生边说边动作表示语气加上。 Hi, friends. Look at the _. It s _ . (tall short thin fat -) It has _. I like it. T: You are great! Students report their practice. 教师适时进行德育渗透:Co

17、lourful animal world,but they need our love. 3. Game:Riddle. T: Children, look here, can you guess? S1: pig . S2: monkey 4. Summary T: What did we learn in the class? Students to summarize their harvest 设计意图:本环节既有听的拓展,又有说的拓展,让学生描述动物玩具的特 征,将所学句型学以致用! 本环节是输出环节, 所以我在给学生进行示范的同时 也提供了 word box让学生根据提供支架进行选择,降低了输出的难度。 Step 6. Homework 1. Read the dialogue 3 times. 2. Describe yourself like the animal to your friends.


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