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1、Book 5 Module 1 Wonders of the world 一、 教学内容:Unit 1 What is a wonder of the world? 二、 课型:Listening and speaking 三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用这些单词和句子:wonder, band, review, ancient, composition, grade, pyramid, pupil, meeting, call, even, Thats news to me! Whats it about? Listen up, everyone. Anyone else? That s

2、a fantastic idea. 2、能听懂介绍景观的对话,能分辩和抓住对话中的细节信息。 3、 能够用表述事实和观点的形容词描述景观。 四、 教学重难点: 能听懂介绍景观的对话, 并能够用表述事实和观点的形容词描述景观。 五、 教学准备: 运用任务型教学途径,围绕核心任务,设定小任务,开展和 谐愉悦的课堂活动。教具:课件、录音机。 六、 教学过程: 教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming -up Show the pictures to the students and ask the questions below: What clubs are they in

3、the picture? What clubs do you go to or would you like to go to? Look and answer the teacher s questions. 通 过 图片 提 问 题 来调 动 学 生 的学 习 积极性, 培养 学生的兴趣, 使 学 生在 轻 松 活 泼的 气 氛 中 开始 新 课。 Step2 Pre-task 1. Learn the new words by talking some pictures. 2.Ask the students to read the words. 1.Learn the new word

4、s by pictures. 2.Read the new words. 利 用 图画 来 学习单词,做 到词不离句, 并 为 接下 来 课 文 的学 习 打好基础。 Step 3 While- task 1.Play the tape and have the Ss listen and choose the best answer. (Activity 2) What s the name of the band? ( ) A. Wonderful World. B. The Wonderful Band C. The Wonder When are they going to give

5、a concert?( ) A. Next Friday. B. On Friday. B.C. On Saturday. What s Betty s suggestion for Lingling?( ) A. Go to her dance club on Friday. B. Go after Dance Club, and dance at the concert. C. Don t go to Dance Club. 2. Play the tape twice (Activity 3) What are the children doing? A. They are speaki

6、ng at the meeting. B. They are talking about the school magazine at the meeting. C. They are writing the school magazine. Is there a school magazine in Damings school? A. Yes, there is. B. No, there isnt. C. It s not mentioned. 3. Let the students listen to Activity 3 and decide whether the statemen

7、ts are True or False. Crazy Feet is a band. Becky Wang was Linglings favourite singer. Becky Wang started a school 1.Listen and choose the best answer. What s the name of the band? ( ) A. Wonderful World. B. The Wonderful Band C. The Wonder When are they going to give a concert?( ) C. Next Friday. B

8、. On Friday. C. On Saturday. Whats Betty s suggestion for Lingling?( ) A. Go to her dance club on Friday. B. Go after Dance Club, and dance at the concert. C. Don t go to Dance Club. 2. Listen twice, and choose the best answer. 3. Listen to Activity 3 anddecide whether the statements are True or Fal

9、se. Check the answers in pairs. 根 据 课文 材 料 活 动设 计 听力的练习, 培 养 学生 细 节 听 力的 技 巧,能够听取 信息, 训练和 培 养 学生 细 节听力技巧。 通 过 带着 问 题读对话,帮 助 学 生进 一 步 理 解课 文 内容。 magazine. Daming watched the interview on TV yesterday. Tony is writing a composition. Betty suggests putting Homework Help in the school magazine. Then Org

10、anize the students to check their answers. 4. Reading. Let the students read Activity 3 and do Activity 4 by themselves. Then check their answers. 5. Solve the language points Ask the Ss to work with their groups to read the conversation aloud. Then find out the difficult points. 4. Reading. Read Ac

11、tivity 3 and do Activity 4 by themselves. Then check their answers. 5.Work in groups to read the conversation. Then find out the difficult points. Help each other. 小 组 合作 找 出重难点,更 能 让 学生 自 主学习, 充分 地 实 践运 用 语言, 提高学 生 学 会发 现 问题、 解决问 题的能力。 Step 4 Post-task Ask a few groups of the students to act out th

12、e conversation. Ask students to do some exercises and then check. A few groups of the students to act out the conversation. Ask students to do some exercises and then check. 通 过 反复 阅 读课文, 让学 生 巩 固课 文 的语言重点 , 通 过 做练 习 来 检 测学 生 对 课 文的 掌 握情况。 Step5 Summary Get the students to sum up the language points

13、. T: What have we learnt today? S: Sum up the language points. 引 导 学生 对 这 节 课的 总 结, 让学生做 自由发言,培 养 学 生自 主 学习, 自主总 结 的 良好 学 习习惯。 Step 6 Home-wor k Have the students finish the exercises in unit1. Finish the homework. 课 后 作业 有 助 于 学生 巩 固 已 学的 知 识。 板书设计Module 1 Wonders of the world 七、Unit 1 What is a wo

14、nder of the world? That s news to me! What s it about? Listen up. Anyone else? That s a fantastic idea. 达标训练题 一、选择填空 ( )1.How about _ a picnic this weekend ? A go for B going for C to go for ( )2.Is there _ in that box ? No , nothing . A anything else B else anything C somrthing else ( )3They don t

15、know when _ . A will start B starts C to start ( )4.The words on the blackboard are not very clear . I ca nt _. A write it down B write down them C write them down ( )5 Why don t you _ the teacher for help ? A. to ask B ask C asking 二、完成句子 1.你昨晚发生什么事 ? What _ you last night ? 2 A: 今晚将有英语晚会。 A: There

16、 will be an English party tonight . B: 我一点儿都不知道。 B: _. 3.记者们正在采访刘翔 .。 The reporters are _ Liu Xiang now . 4.请注意 ,约翰,上课别说话。 Please _ , John , dont talk in class . 5.我们的老师将对校刊做评论。 Our teacher will _ the school magazine . Book 5 Module 1 Wonders of the world 八、教学内容: Unit 2 I was on the edge of the Gran

17、d Canyon. 九、课型: Reading and writing 十、教学目标: 1、能使用本单元的单词和短语: natural, light, reply, rock, clear, rise rose-risen, ground, below, edge, bottom , canyon, top, disappear, distance , huge, get out of; look over, on the edge of, at the bottom of 。 2、能读懂关于世界奇迹景观介绍的简单文章,进行简单的阅读技能训练。 3、能运用不同英语常用时态句型写出简短的关于世界

18、奇迹景观介绍的句子。 四、教学重难点: 1、能够运用所学句型结构向他人介绍世界奇迹景观. 2、使用地道的英语介绍世界奇迹景观. 五、教学过程: 教学 步骤 教师活动学生活动设计意图 Step 1 Warming -up Show the students some pictures about famous places. Let students look at the pictures and use their own words to describe . Look at the pictures and use their own words to describe . 通过看图片、

19、 谈 论 图 片 可 以 培 养 学 生 的 观 察 能 力 和表达能力, 可 以 帮 助 学 生 回 忆 所 学 的知识。 Step 2 Pre- reading Show students some pictures and check the new words. Look at the pictures to say out some new words . 学 习 新 单 词 和句型,为下 面 的 阅 读 学 习扫清障碍。 Step 3 While- reading 1. Scanning Ask students to scan the passage and answer two

20、 questions: 1) When did the writer arrive at the Brand Canyon area? 2) Were there many people when the writer visited the Grand Canyon? 2 skimming. Let the students read the passage carefully and complete the table. Par agr ap hs Main idea Par a.1 I was close to the Great Canyon when it was getting

21、light, but I couldn t _. Par a.2 I came to _ and looked over there. Par a.3 It got better and I _ the Great Canyon. 1. Scanning Scan the passage and answer the question : 1) When did the writer arriveat the Brand Canyon area? 2) Were there many people when the writer visited the Grand Canyon? 2. Careful reading. Read the passage carefully and complete the table. 1.要求学生快 速阅文章,回 答问题,帮助 学 生 理 解 课 文内容。通过 学 生 快 速 阅 读,培养学生 获 取 阅 读 主 旨的能力。 2.让学生带着 任 务 去 阅 读 课文,去找答 案,有助于学 生 更 加 准 确 地获取信息, 提 高 阅 读 效 果和技能。


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