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1、用心爱心专心 九年级英语中考解题指导(一)翼教版 【本讲教育信息 】 一. 教学内容: 中考解题指导(一) 二. 具体讲解: 研究中考科学应试 (一)河北省中考英语试题结构 IX 15 5 10 5 1 连 词 成 句 根 据 所 给 提 示 或 图 画 , 写 出 一 篇 60-80字 的 英 语 作 文 X XI 第 四 部 分 书 面 表 达 10 10 D. 填 空 10 10 C. 单 项 选 择 10 10 B. 单 项 选 择 10 10 A. 单 项 选 择 40 5 5 词 语 运 用 V III 10 10 完 形 填 空 V II 35 20 20 单 项 选 择 第 二

2、 部 分 语 言 知 识 运 用 第 三 部 分 阅 读 理 解 5 5 听 短 文 填 空 10 10 听 短 文/ 对 话 , 选 答 案 5 5 听 对 话 , 选 答 案 5 5 听 句 子 , 选 答 案 30 5 5 听 句 子 , 选 信 息 第 一 部 分 听 力 理 解 总 分计 分小 题 数内 容题 号部 分 (二)中考试题的分析 Listening 一、听句子,选信息 1. 时间、日期、号码、价钱类 This is the BBC.Time now is 6: 15. ( 04) 用心爱心专心 I was born on October 3rd, 1989 . (04)

3、I cant believe this shirt cost ninety dollars. (05) My office telephone number is 9653847. (06) 2. 短语信息 1)I think this film is really boring. I want to go home. (04) 2)My best friend, Paul, is from Australia. (05) 3)Do you think you can come this Sunday afternoon? 4)I hope Dad will like this white s

4、hirt we bought him. 5)We ll have a sports meeting in our school next week. (06) 3. 句子意义类 1)This book costs $ 29.Thats really a lot! The book is too expensive. (04) 2)Janet, you look cool in that new skirt. Shes nicely dressed. (04) 3)You may fail this exam if you dont spend some time preparing for i

5、t. (05) Prepare for the exam or youll fail it. 4)After a long walk, they all felt very thirsty. (06) They wanted something to drink. 二、听句子,选答语 11 项 64 条功能意念项目 注意事项: 1. 一致性(时态、人称、句式) 2. 一些用来回答感谢、 表扬、道歉、建议的热点短语: That s all right. It doesnt matter. You are welcome. Not at all. 等等。 三、听对话,选答案 特别注意间接的时间和价

6、钱 1. W: Excuse me. What time is it, please? M: Its a quarter past eight. W: The meeting will start in 15 minutes. I must leave now. Q: What time will the meeting begin? A. At 8:30. B. At 8:15. C. At 7:45. 四、听对话或短文回答问题 注意不要只停留在一个空上,而要注意全文的理解。 单项填空 由近三年的中考卷来看,选择题的发展方向为: 1. 知识点覆盖比较全面,纯知识性的题比例减少,能力分析题增多

7、。 2. 由单句向情景发展。 3. 考理解,考语用的试题相继出现。 用心爱心专心 新增加语法项目: 冠词(一般用法) 时态:过去进行时 被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态 缩写和简写:US UK sth. sb. etc. 感叹句 定语从句 直接引语与间接引语 完形填空 1. 要先通读全文,切莫见空就填。要先通读全文,掌握该语篇大意,使自己对其有一个 整体概念,然后再答题。 2. 完形填空是综合题,既考查考生对篇章的理解与分析能力,又考查考生对基础知识的掌 握情况, 同时还要求考生具备较扎实的文化、风俗背景知识和一般常识性知识。要做好完形 填空题除平时多读多练外,还要注意解题技巧。 3. 现在的完

8、形填空基本上已经淡化了对纯语法的考察,而更多的是注重对语意的理解。 每个小题所给出的四个选项是四个意思不同的单词,只要看哪个单词放到空中最符合对文章 的理解即可。 The series of books 31 Harry Potter are becoming more and more popular, and it has become the best selling series of children s books in history. The series of books follow the exploits(线索)of an 11-year-old boy, Harry.

9、 Harry had no 32 , but he knew there were two powerful wizards (巫师) , and he found out he also had the magical powers . Harry first lived with his uncle and aunt, they had their 33 life before he received a sudden 34 from a boarding school (寄宿学校)for wizards. There he met others like him and made new

10、 35 . These new friends helped him beat the powerful bad man. He was the man who killed his parents. While we are 36 the pages of Harry Potter books, we must be attracted by those 37 stories. And even we can imagine (想象)ourselves at this school with magical powers. While we may not 38 come into the

11、school , we can 39 a Harry Potter trail(足迹)when we are visiting 40 . 31. A. name B. about C. with D. in 32. A. friends B. sister C. brother D. parents 33. A. important B. excited C. interested D. ordinary 34. A. question B. ask C. invitation D. talk 35. A. friends B. friendly C. friend D. a friend 3

12、6. A. reading B. looking C. turning on D. opening 37. A. sad B. bad C. exciting D. interested 38. A. can B. go C. be able to D. take 39. A. find B. follow C. step D. walk 40. A. Australia B. England C. Canada D. Japan 参考答案 3135:B D D C A 3640:AC C B B 用心爱心专心 【模拟试题 】 (答题时间: 50 分钟) I. 单项选择 A) 选择与句中划线部

13、分意思相同或相近的选项。 1. Jim didn t catch the early bus this morning. A. missed B. waited C. found D. enjoyed 2. Tom thought hard and came up with an idea at last. A. hit B. met C. looked for D. found out 3. Because of his health and the doctor s advice , my father decided to stop smoking. A. go on B. drop C

14、. give up D. hand up 4. How much are these tomatoes? A. What B. How C. What s the price D. How much is the price 5. -Do you know what the most expensive car in the world is? -I beg your pardon? I didn t catch you. A. Sorry. B. What a pity! C. Can you tell me about it? D. What was that? B) 选出可以填入空白处的

15、最佳选项。 6. I gave up. I had _the Internet for more than 2 hours, yet I found nothing. A. searched B. looked for C. found out D. watched 7.It s very _to help make a contribution to protecting the environment. A. friendly B. exciting C. rewarding D. traditional 8. When you want to buy a refrigerator, yo

16、u can see this word on the cover: _. A. THIS SIDE UP B. DANGER C. INSTRUCTIONS D.ENTRANCE 9. You always find your _ when you do something wrong. Its not good, boy! A. way B. excuse C. trouble D. luck 10. I really didn t know the girl _. A. where she borrowed my VCD. B. who she borrowed my VCD. C. wh

17、at did she borrow from me. D. who lost the library book. 11. Sending e-mail is much _than making a long distance call. A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. the cheapest 12. About 800 cars _in the factory this month. A. were produced B. will produce C. have been produced D. will be produced 13. Mr Wang

18、 _in a village school for 25 years. Let s go and visit him. A. teaches B. taught C. teach D. has taught 14. Excuse me. Read the text louder, please. I _ hear you. 用心爱心专心 A. can t B. wouldn t C. needn t D. may not 15. Congratulations, John! I m really happy _ you . A. in B. on C. for D. to II. 完形填空 F

19、amily life, has been changed greatly because of science and industry ( 工业 ). In the past, when more Americans lived (16) _farms, the typical(典型的 ) family had many children. In a farm family, parents and their children often lived with grandparents. Often, too, uncles and aunts lived (17) _ . But whe

20、n industry became more important than agriculture ( 农业 ) in American life, families became (18) _ .Industry needs lots of workers. They must be ready and able to move off the land and to move again whenever necessary. Large families (19) _ be moved from place to place as smaller families can. Today

21、there are more and more smaller families. Smaller families may keep childless and have only a man and a woman because keeping children is really hard work. It (20) _ parents not only money and time, but also much energy(精神 ) . More and more young couples(夫妇 ) are busy working, studying and (21) _ th

22、eir lives all day. They are probably not (22)_ in keeping children. That s why the population of most developed countries (23) _ more and more slowly. In China today, each family has only one but (24) _ child. In this way, the country can (25) _faster than before and young children can have more opp

23、ortunities ( 机会 ) to get education and to find suitable jobs. 16. A. in B. on C. for D. with 17. A. nearly B. near C. next D. nearby 18. A. larger B. happier C. smaller D. less 19. A. cannot B. mustn t C. needn t D. won t 20. A. takes B. spends C. costs D. pays 21. A. enjoyable B. enjoy C. enjoyment

24、 D. enjoying 22. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests 23. A. is growing B. are growing C. is becoming D. are becoming 24. A. health B. healthy C. healthier D. more healthy 25. A. produce B. happen C. develop D. increase III. 阅读理解 A Most English people have two or three names, but so

25、me Spaniards (西班牙人 ) have a lot more. Once a Spaniard and his wife went to a foreign country in their car and drove around in it for several weeks. They always stayed in big hotels in towns for night, but then something in their car broke. They had to take it to a garage (汽车修理厂 ), and had it repaire

26、d, but it took a long time, and the Spaniard and his wife were very late after that. They could not reach a town, but came to a small village at midnight. They were very tired. They got out of their car and looked for a hotel in the small streets. They walked around the village for a quarter of an h

27、our before they found a small hotel, which was the only one in the village. There were no lights in the hotel. The Spaniard went to the door and knocked at it. He waited 用心爱心专心 for a minute, but nobody came to the door. He knocked again and waited another minute, but again no one came. Then he found

28、 a bell and rang it. He rang it for several minutes, and then a window at t he top of the hotel opened. An old man looked out of the window and asked, “What do you want?” “ Good evening,” the Spaniard said. “ Have you got any free room? We re very tired.” It was very dark in the street, and the old

29、man said, “ Who are you?” The Spaniard said, “ We are Don (= Mr.) Ramon Roberto Nanual Claudio Rodrigues Rafael Eduardo de Salas and Dona ( =Mrs. ) Maria Conchita Diana Marcelina Robert Merceles Manueta de Salas.” The old man did not speak for quite a few seconds, and then he said, “ There are a lot

30、 of you. This is a small hotel, and we haven t got more than two free rooms.” Then he closed the window. 26.The Spaniards could not reach a town that evening because _ . A. they had to leave their car in the garage B. their car broke when they got to a small village C. they had stayed at the garage

31、too long D. they couldnt find out the way to the next town 27. They found a small hotel _ . A. fifteen minutes after they got to the village B. early in the morning C. as soon as they got out of their car D. after they walked around the village a long time 28.The old man opened the window _ . A. whe

32、n he heard a knock at the door B. after the Spaniard knocked for a while C. as soon as the Spaniard rang the bell D. after the bell rang for a few minutes 29. Why did the old man not let the Spaniards stay for the night in his hotel? A. Because he didnt like Spaniards. B. He thought their names were

33、 too long. C. He had no empty rooms. D. He thought there were too many Spaniards. 30. A free room is one that is _ . A. not being used B. for sale C. less expensive D. prepared for a late traveler B Mabel is a cashier ( 收银员 ) in a big shop in New York. People can buy medicine, watches, sweets, and m

34、any other things. They pay Mabel for the things they buy. At the shop people can also buy lottery tickets (彩票 ) . They pay one dollar for a lottery ticket. There are pictures on the ticket. Some pictures are winning pictures, and some pictures are losing pictures. Most people win nothing. Some peopl

35、e win two dollars. A few lucky people win thousands of dollars. One day Mabel was working at the shop. She sold three lottery tickets to a woman. The woman looked at the pictures on the tickets. Then she threw the tickets on the counter (柜台 ) and 用心爱心专心 walked away. “These are losing tickets,” she t

36、hought. Mabel picked up the tickets and looked at them. She was surprised. Then she was excited (兴 奋的 ). One ticket was a winning ticket! “ Excuse me!” Mabel called to the woman. “You won $ 50,000!” The woman came back t o the counter. She took the winning ticket and looked at it “Youre right,” she

37、said. “ I won $50,000.” The woman walked away slowly, looking at the ticket again and again. Then she turned around. “ Thank you! Thank you very much!” she said to Mabel. Why did Mabel give the woman the ticket? Why didnt she keep the ticket? Didnt she want the $50,000? “ Of course I wanted the mone

38、y,” Mabel said. “ But it was her ticket. It wasn t my ticket.” “ Well, I m sorry that you aren t rich,” her mother said. “ But I m happythat you re honest (诚 实). ” 31. Mabel _ at the big shop. A. receives and pays out money B. puts things on the shelve C. helps people choose things D. carries things

39、 for old people 32. One lottery ticket costs _ . A. nothing B. three dollars C. two dollars D. one dollar 33. The woman was lucky because _ . A. all her three tickets were winning tickets B. all her three tickets were losing tickets C. Mabel found the winning ticket and gave it back to her D. she fo

40、und the winning ticket herself 34. Mabel didn t keep the winning ticket because _ . A. she won $50,000 , too B. her mother told her not to do so C. she didn t want to have anything that was not hers D. her mother was very rich 35. Which sentence is true? A. Mabel is so foolish. B. Mabel is mother was angry . C. The women got the money at last. D. The woman was sad. 用心爱心专心 【试题答案】 15 ABCCD 6 10 ACABD 1115 DBDDA 1620 CBCBB 2125 BDCAC 2630 DBABC 3135 ADCCB


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