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1、外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 1 / 13 高一必修二英语课型:新授课编制:梁玉 定稿:审核:使用 时间:编号: 08 Module 2 No Drugs 第一课时( Introduction) 【学习目标】学习表达抽烟、吸毒及其危害的词汇 【重点提示】词汇学习 【难点提示】掌握和运用词汇和短语,进行讨论 【学法指导】学习词汇,完成练习,注意时态、人称及数的变化 While-class Step1 Finish the following sentences with the words you learned 1. We all know that c

2、ocaine is a powerfully _ (使人上瘾 的)drug. 2. _ (心脏病) is a dangerous illness. 3. I live in a n_ village. It is not very far from here. 4. The doctor _ 注射) the drug into my arm 5. My weight has been _ (减少了) by 6 kilos 6. If you _ (处在危险中), you may ask me for help. 7. She is very l_ to ring me tonight. 8.

3、The amount of rain a_ the growth of crops. 9. No one is allowed to share the same _(针头) with another. 10.I _( 认出) her when I first saw her in the party. Step2. Finish Activity2on P11 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 2 / 13 Step3. Finish Activity1on P11 Step4 Have a discussion 1. 1. Why do people s

4、moke cigarettes? 2. 2. Are your friends and family mainly smokers or non-smokers? 3. 3. What do you think of the dangers of smoking? l After-class Finish Ex6 on P74 Module 2 No Drugs 第二、三课时( Reading ) 【学习目标】阅读文章,完成相应练习 【重点提示】学习相关的词汇 【难点提示】培养联想、理解、前后联系能力和逻辑分析能力 【学法指导】1、学习重要词汇和短语,了解文章大意 2、完成以下练习,注意培养查

5、读和跳读的能力 【学习步骤】 While-class Step1 Finish Activity1 on P12. Step2Skimming: read the text quickly and answer the following questions. 1. Which drug did Adam use first? 2. How did Adam pay for the drugs every day? 4. What are the dangers of using cocaine? 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 3 / 13 Step3C

6、areful reading: read the text carefully and fill in the blanks. What How Adam started doing drugs. A man in 1. sold him cannabis. He continued to buy cannabis from the same man for about 2. . Adam tried crack cocaine. One day, he was offered some crack cocaine, and soon he wanted more. Adam began to

7、 steal. He didn t have enough 3. to pay for more crack cocaine. So he stole a television and a 4. . Adam became 5._ If he didn t have any drugs, he was in terrible 6. . Adam stopped taking crack cocaine. One day, he was taken to the 7. . the next day, a doctor came to see him. He was told that he co

8、uld 8_ if he didnt stop taking crack cocaine, so he stopped immediately. 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 4 / 13 Step4Careful reading: according to the text, choose the best answers. 1. Adam broke into a house and stole to . A. pay for cannabis B. get more crack cocaine C. see the doctor D. stop h

9、imself from taking drugs 2. Why did that man offer Adam some crack cocaine? A. To see Adam in terrible pain. B. To send Adam to the police station. C. To make more money from Adam. D. To find a job in a center for Adam. 3. If people become addicted to cocaine, they . A. will share needles with other

10、 users B. will have low blood pressure C. may suffer from heart attacks D. may have a quick brain Step5 Finish Activity5 on P13. Module 2 No Drugs 第四课时( language points) 【学习目标】学习并掌握重要的语言点 【重点提示】重要语言点的学习 【难点提示】能掌握并运用所学语言点 【学法指导】参照课文或利用字典,学习以下语言点,举出例句 【学习步骤】 学习以下短语的用法,并举出例子 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs

11、 导学案无答案 5 / 13 1.used to do be used to do be/get used to doing 2. start/begin to do/doing 3. offer to do sth offer sb sth accept one s offer 4. dangerous/in danger 5. be/become addicted to(doing) sth 6. allow sb to do allow doing 【反馈检测】单项选择 ( ) 1. In some parts of China winds electricity instead of

12、coal A. are used to producing B. get used to produce C. used to be produced D are used to produce ( ) 2. She finally started what I said. A. to understand B. understand C. understood D. understanding. ( ) 3. He to help me when Im in trouble. A. offers B. offer C. finish D. go ( ) 4. If you like I ca

13、n do some shopping for you. 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 6 / 13 That s a very kind . A. offer B. service C .point D. suggestion ( ) 5. When youre ,you can ask me for help. A. in trouble B. out of trouble C. in a hurry D. in the morning ( ) 6. He is addicted to A. surfing the Internet B. surf t

14、he Internet C. play basketball D. played basketball ( ) 7. Mary wanted to travel around the world all by herself, but her parents didnt her to do so. A. let B. allow C. follow D. ask Module 2 No Drugs 第五、六课时( Grammar) 【学习目标】1、学习动词不定式作目的状语 2、弄清 sothat 和 suchthat 的区别 【重点提示】 1、in order to和 so as to 的运用

15、和功能 2、sothat 和 such that 引导结果状语从句 【难点提示】sothat 和 such that 的区别 【学法指导】观察例句,注意黑体部分的区别,完成归纳总结的填空 【学习步骤】 Step1 Finish Activity1 on P14 Step2 观察下面的句子 1. They broke the law in order to pay for their drugs. 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 7 / 13 2. In order to improve his English, he studies even harder

16、 than before. 3. They started early so as to get there on time. 4. She studied very hard in order not to fall behind. 5. Lets hurry so as not to be late for school. 【归纳总结】 in order to引导的目的状语,可以放在,也可以放 在。so as to 引导的目的状语不能置于,只能置于。in order to 和 so as to 的否定形式都是把“ not ”加在动词不定式符号之前, 即,。 Step3 Finish Act

17、ivity2 and Activity 3 on P14 Step4Finish Activity1 on P16 【归纳总结】so 后面接 such 后面接 Step5Finish Activity2 on P16 Step6观察句子,总结用法 1. It is raining outside heavily so we have to stay at home. 2. Many houses have been damaged as a result of the storm. 3. I have a good lifestyle, as a result, I am very fit.

18、【归纳总结】so, as a result, 和 as a result of Step7 Finish Ex of Function on P15 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 8 / 13 【反馈检测】 一、单项选择 1. Tom kept quiet about the accident_ lose his job. A. so not as to B. so as not to C .so as to not D. not so as to 2. She used_ in town but now she finds herself _ in t

19、he country A. to live ; used to live B. to living ; used to living C. to live ; used to living D. to living ; used to live 3. After twenty years abroad, Mr. Wang came back only_ his hometown completely changed. A. to find B. finding C. to have found D. found 4. I hurried _ I wouldnt be late for clas

20、s. A. since B. so that C. as if D. unless 5. In that country, about 10% of the population_ farmers now. A. are B. is C. was D. were 6. The pilot felt something_ wrong with the engine before the plane took off. A. go B. was going C. went D. to go 7. Since then the number of people taking driving less

21、ons _ 20%. 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 9 / 13 A. has increased to B. have increased to C. has increased by D. have increased by 8. The teacher told him to speak louder _ by everyone. A. so as to be heard B. so as to hear C. in order that heard D. in order to hear 9. I think drinking milk is g

22、ood _ our health. Yes. I agree _ you. A. for; with B. to; to C. with; to D. at; with 10. Learn from past mistakes_ future ones. A. to avoid B. avoiding C. avoid D. having avoided 11. Here is my card, lets keep in _. A. connection B. relation C. touch D. friendship 12. Everyone at the meeting is expe

23、cted to _ the discussion. A. join B. participant C. participate in D. take a part in 13. It is quite impossible for _ people to do _ work in a day. A. such little; such much B. so few; so much C. such few; so much D. so few; so little 14. The driver kept_ about the accident _ lose his job. A. still;

24、 in order to not B. quiet; not so as to C. silent; so as not to D. calm; in order not to 二、完成下列句子 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 10 / 13 1. 他不用功,结果考试不及格。 He didn t work hard, _, he failed his exam. 2. 由于大雪,他迟到了。 He was late _the snow. 3. 当他们到家时,他们发现有人闯入过他们的房子。 When they got home, they found thei

25、r house _. 4. 老师给了他们一个如此难的题,以至于没有人能解出来。 The teacher gave them _that none of the students could _. 5. 这么多有关计算机的书,他都不知道选哪本了。 There were _that he couldn t decide which to choose. 6. 玫瑰需要特殊的护理,这样才能不至于在冬天死掉。 Roses need special care _. 7. 为了不被警察抓住,小偷拼命逃跑。 _ _by the police, the thief ran as fast as he coul

26、d. 三、完形填空 (共小 20 题,计 20 分) About once a month I have to go to Degford for my work. One day I went into a hotel to have something to 1 . The waiter 2 my coat and put it in a small room. 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 11 / 13 About an hour later I was 3 to go. The waiter 4 me my coat. 5 something

27、fell out of the pocket onto the floor. It was a small white box. Then I took a good look at the 6 .“Oh, you ve brought someone 7 coat.”I said to the waiter. “It looks very much like mine, 8 it is quite new, and this isnt my box, either.” “Oh, then I 9 someone has taken your coat and left this.”said

28、the waiter. “This kind of thing 10 sometimes.” I opened the box. There was a beautiful gold ring in it. So I went 11 to the police station. “ 12 lost a ring?”I asked. “Yes.”said a policeman,“A young man who came in this morning lost a ring, he lost it in London.” He 13 the young man. A few minutes l

29、ater, the man arrived. “Yes, this is my ring.” he said,“How can I 14 you, sir? You see, I paid a lot of money for this ring and 15 I lost it on the train!” After I told him the 16 of the coat, he said, “You haven t been on the train, I havent been in the hotel, so how did my ring 17 in the coat? ” “

30、Did 18 sit or stand next to you on the train?” asked the policeman. “Yes.”said the young man.“But I don t remember his face.” 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 12 / 13 “You may remember this coat.”said the policeman,“Was it like this one? ” “Yes, it was. ” said the young man,“But my friend here 19

31、the thief.” The policeman laughed.“ 20 ”He said. “The thief on the train stole your ring, and like our friend here, he went into the hotel to get some food. Only he didnt take the right coat away with him.” 1.Ado Bbuy Ceat D deal with 2.Atook Bfound Cliked Dwatched 3.Aanxious Bglad Cinvited Dready 4

32、.Ashowed Breturned Cbrought Ddressed 5.ALuckily BSuddenly CObviously DAt once 6.Aring Bbox Ccoat Dpocket 7.Alost Bmissed Cnew Delses 8.Abut Band Cinstead Dfor 9. Aknow Bwonder Cthink Dfind 10. A appears Bhappens Cmeets Dchanges 11. A around Babout Cabove Dalong 12. A Who BHas she CHas anyone DHave y

33、ou 13. A wrote to Bremembered Ctelephoned Dknew 14. A return Bthank Cfind Dhelp 15. A then Bso Cyet Dhowever 16. A model Bprice Cstory Dsize 外研版高一必修二英语Module 2 No Drugs 导学案无答案 13 / 13 17. A enter B put Cset Dget 18 A no one Bsomeone Ceveryone Danyone 19.A discovered B isnt Chas caught Ddoesn t know

34、20. A Im afraid not BYes CNo D Surely 四、短文改错 (找出多余的 , 缺少的 ,错误的单词或短语,并改正) (计 10 分) Dear Danny, I have just got some good news to tell to you. I win a national prize for painting last week. My father was so pleasing that he suggested I go to England for a holiday. Id like to staying there for half a m

35、onth, visiting place of interest or practicing my English as well. Weve been writing to each for nearly one and a half year now. I have often dreamed of talk face to face with you. I imagine youll be at vacation yourself by that time. Perhaps we could go out to do some sightseeing together. Best wishes


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