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1、高中英语学习材料 *鼎尚图文理制作 * 必修 5 测试题( 1) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35 分) 第一节单项填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分35 分) 21 He was 500 for the picture but he turned it down. A provided Bsupplied Cshown D offered 22the 28th Olympic Games were declared open, the whole world cheered. A While BThe moment CAs long as D Every time 23 Some

2、of my classmates were against the suggestion while others were it. A in favour of Bin memory of Cin honour of D in search of 24with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. A Compare BTo compare CComparing D Compared 25 One person experiencing a

3、great deal of stress may function exceptionally well another may be unable to function at all. A when Bas Cwhile D since 26 What are you going to do this afternoon? If it snowing in the morning, we ll go to the park. A has stopped Bstopped C stops Dwill have stopped 27 Do you like the material you b

4、ought yesterday? Yes, it very soft. A is feeling Bfelt Cfeels D is felt 28 Linda, why did you go back to the shop? I left Alice and Sue there. A waiting Bto wait Cwait D waits 29 When you were talking to the policeman, I saw a teenager on your car and off. A getting; driving Bgot; drove C getting; d

5、rive Dget; drive 30 With leaves in the earth every year, the soil becomes richer and richer. A falling; burying Bfallen; buried C fallen; burying Dfalling; buried 31 Let s go. OK? Just a moment. I my work, and it won t take long. A had finished Bam finishing Chave finished D finished 32 I don t know

6、 the reason you were absent from the meeting, but I m sure that someone will tell me the reason you haven t told me. A why; that Bthat; why Cbecause; which D of which; that 33 Do you know where Miss Gao is? I couldn t find her anywhere. She have gone farher coat is still here. A shouldn t Bmustn t C

7、can t D wouldn t 34 Only if we get prepared the opportunities instead of letting them slip by, just as the saying goes, “ Opportunities are only for the prepared minds. ” A we can seize Bseize can we Cseize we can D can we seize 35 When he married he left his father s shop and his own business. A pi

8、ck up Bfix up Cset up D make up 第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1 分,满分20 分) I am a teacher. Last Monday, at the beginning of class, I 36 asked my students how their weekend had been. A boy said that his weekend had not been so good. The boy then asked me 37 I always seemed to be so cheerful. His question 38 me of

9、 something I d read somewhere before, “ Every morning when you 39 up, you have a 40 about how you want to face life that day. ” I smiled and said to myself, “ I choose to be cheerful.” “ Let me give you a(n) 41 ,”I said. “ In addition to teaching here, I also teach in another college, 17 miles down

10、the freeway from where I live. A few weeks ago, I 42 those 17 miles to the school. I only had to 43 another quarter mile to reach the school, but then my car 44 . I tried to start it again, but the engine wouldn t start. So I took my 45 and walked to school.” “ As soon as I got there, I called AAA a

11、nd arranged for a tow truck(拖车 )to meet me at my car 46 class. The headmaster asked me what had happened. This is my 47 day, I replied cheerfully. Your car is broken and today is your lucky day? she was 48 . What do you mean? I live 17 miles from here, I replied. My car could have broken down 49 alo

12、ng the freeway, but it didnt. 50 , it broke down in the perfect place: off the freeway and 51 walking distance from here. I m still able to teach my class, and able to arrange for a tow truck to meet me. The headmaster s eyes were 52 open and then she smiled.” I 53 the faces in my class. Although it

13、 was the early hour, no one seemed to be 54 . My story had 55 them, or maybe it wasn t the story at all. 36 Aanxiously Bangrily Csadly D cheerfully 37 Awhy Bhow Cthat D whether 38 Awarned Btold Creminded D thought 39 Araise Bkeep Cwash D get 40 Aproblem Bchoice Cright D chance 41 Aexample Banswer Cs

14、tory D explanation 42 Awalked Bran Cdrove D flew 43 Astay Brepair Crun D cover 44 Aburst Bdied Cstarted D hit 45 Afriends Bbooks Cways D students 46 Aafter Bduring Cbefore D in 47 A terrible Bgreat Clucky D special 48 Asurprised Bpuzzled Cshocked D amazed 49 Asomewhere Beverywhere Cnowhere D anywher

15、e 50 AInstead BAlso CThen D Therefore 51 Aat Bwithin Cbeyond D off 52 Ahardly Balmost Cwide D quite 53 Awatched Bstudied Cexamined D scanned 54 Aawake Basleep Calone D cheerful 55 Acontrolled Bdefeated Ctouched D educated 第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题2 分,满分40 分) A It is men s nature to live together in famili

16、es and tribes(部落 ), and cities and nations, and therefore men have learned to prize those qualities in each other which make social life the happiest and best. Of these qualities one of the most important is sympathy fellow-feeling. If a man had no fellow-feeling, we should call him “ inhuman” ; he

17、would be no true man. We think so much of this quality that we call a kind man “ human” that is, man-like in his conduct, first to other men, and afterwards to all living things. If you are cruel to animals, you are not likely to be kind or thoughtfull to men; and if you are thoughtful towards men,

18、you are not likely to be cruel and thoughtful towards animals. This is why the wise man of old wrote, “ The merciful man is merciful to his beast. ” What a pleasure it is also to be loved by our pets or domestic animals; and to feel that we are caring for them and are deserving of their love; or to

19、watch the ways of wild creatures, and gradually to make friends with them! Treating animals kindly does not mean that we must never inflict any pain on them. We ourselves are trained by pains as well as by pleasures; so too, punishment is sometimes needed to train our dogs and horses to obey us. We

20、endure pains at the hands of the surgeon, to cure some wound or to heal some disease; so too, animals must submit to being doctored. We send out our bravest men to face wounds, sickness and death, for the good of the nation; so too, we let our horses share the risk of battle. For similar reasons, we

21、 cannot hesitate to destroy dangerous creatures like wolves and show senseless ferocity( 残忍 ). It is no excuse to say that these animals deserve to be treated cruelly on account of their own cruelty. They are not really cruel, for they tear and kill not from love of unkindness, but because they must

22、 do so in order to live. 56 One of the most important qualities of men is fellow-feeling because . A you are likely to be cruel and thoughtful without it Ba man would be inhuman without it C men can t bear any pain on themselves and animals D only sympathy makes a man man-like in his conduct 57 The

23、author would probably agree with the following EXCEPT that . A we must never force any pain on animals Bsome people have to kill some animals in order to live C it is human for a doctor to cut off some part from the animals D wise men are not only good to men but also to animals 58 What do you think

24、 is the title of the passage? A Loving your pet. BFellow-feeling. C Making friends with animals. DKindness to animals. 59 Which of the following is inhuman according to the writer? A To treat animals cruelly because they are cruel. BTo train animals. C To destroy some of the dangerous animals. D To

25、make animals submit to being doctored. 60 The underlined word “ inflict” here means . A make sb/sth suffer Bforbid C punish Davoid B Frank Woolworth knew what was in the heart of a child when she stood with her nose pressed against the pane of a store window. He, too, felt the weight of unsatisfied

26、longing. He supported a family on the10 a week he earned as a clerk in a small-town store. He knew what aching hopes, what dreams of better life, lay in the nickels and dimes that were left after the family bills were paid. So in his mind there grew a picture of a new kind of store for America. It w

27、as a make-a-wish store. It was filled with things that people wanted out of life. There were things to eat, to wear, to read, to build with. There were things to make children happy and to make women beautiful things for health, for laughter, for work, and for comfort. And anybody in America could w

28、alk into that store with a dime and buy anything he saw. There, with life s bounty(慷慨施舍 ) spread before you, was nothing you couldn t afford. With a bucket of red paint and 300 in cash, Frank Woolworth opened his store. At first there were only a few things on the counters. But each week there were

29、more, for a wonderful thing began to happen. The more people bought with their dimes, the more their dimes were able to buy. Frank Woolworth s little red store had proved a great American truth that the power of people s nickels and dimes, working together, can manage anything. It made him rich. And

30、 it made us richer still. For he showed us, in a way we can never forget, that most of the good things in life are within the reach of everyone who works towards them on this land of opportunity. 61 Which could be the title of this passage? A Frank Woolworth. BFrank Woolworth s dream. C Frank Woolwo

31、rth s store. DFrank Woolworth was rich. 62 Frank Woolworth opened a store because . A he had a lot of money B he had in his mind a dream C there was no store in his neighborhood D he was tired of his work 63 From the passage, we know that . A it was not convenient for the people to buy anything B ch

32、ildren could take away anything from the store as they wished C if people bought more from the shop, they could buy anthing at a lower price D most of the good things in life are within the reach of determined and hard-working people 64 Frank Woolworth s success showed us that . A one must have a go

33、od observation B there is nothing you can t afford if you are generous enough C the future will be just what we make it D money can make the mare go 65 The following statements are all wrong EXCEPT that . A Frank was born in a business family B children were not interested in his store C Frank once

34、worked as a clerk D Frank borrowed much money in order to open his store C Jennifer Aniston was born on February 11, 1969 in Sherman Oaks, California. Her parents separated when she was nine years old. After the divorce, she was raised in New York City by her mother. Aniston was inspired to act afte

35、r seeing the play Children of a Lesser God on Broadway. At eleven, Aniston joined the Rudolf Steiner School s drama club. Aniston was, and still is, a very talented artist and at the young age of eleven, one of her paintings was displayed at an exhibit at New York s Metropolitan Museum of Art. At fi

36、fteen, Aniston was accepted to New York s High School for the Performing Arts. In 1987, after graduating from high school, Aniston spent a year living at home with her mom. She did not want to go to college. Instead, she worked at a burger joint called Jackson Hole in Manhattan. During those burger-

37、pushing days, Aniston won roles in the Off-Broadway productions of For Dear Life at New York s Public. Theater and Dancing on Checkers Grave. Looking for more of a challenge, Aniston moved west where she met soon-to be friend, Matthew Perry (Chandler Bing). During 1989, Aniston was cast in a handful

38、 of television shows. In 1993, Aniston won a part in Leprechaun. In those years, Aniston made a name for herself as an actress who would take risks and graciously accept criticism of herself and her work, Then, a pilot (试播节目 ) of a show called Friends Like Us came along. Aniston was originally teste

39、d for the role of Monica, but she told the producers that she felt much more comfortable with the Rachel character and they agreed. Life wasn t all easy for Aniston though. Before getting the role of Rachel Green on Friends, Aniston was told to lose some weight and she did. She lost 30 pounds. Now,

40、as the girl everyone wants to look like, fame has proven to be a bit daunting for Aniston. Now, her passions for things like antiquing, hiking, and travelling have been halted for the time being. She can no longer go out into public without being stopped for autograph requests or photos and finds th

41、e worst part of her newfound celebrity status is meeting a man. However, that doesn t seem to be a problem anymore because Jennifer Aniston is currently dating with actor, Tate Donovan. 66 According to the article, Aniston s first public performance was probably . A on the stage Bon the screen Con T

42、V D in the club 67 What has mainly made Aniston a successful actress? A That she once worked in the burger joint. B That she is a very talented artist. C That she met a soon-to-be friend, Matthew Perry. D That she likes to take challenges. 68 What does the underlined sentence “ Life wasn t all easy

43、for Aniston though” indicate? A She would not feel comfortable any more. B The producer thought it would be hard for her to succeed in the show. C She had to lose some weight first. D The role of Rechel Green was not fit for her to act. 69 It seems that after Aniston became famous . A she had to giv

44、e up all her interests B she was afraid to go out to meet her boyfriend C she was stopped by her fans each time she appeared in public D she could only go out with actor Tate Donovan 70 From the first paragraph we can infer that . A Aniston had a happy family BAniston is no longer a talented artist

45、C Aniston s father left her when she was nine D Aniston s mother was against her career D The first digital audio player hit the American market back in the summer of 1988. The company “ Eiger Labs”is credited with creating a thirty-two megabyte(兆) Mp3 player called the F10. The F10 came with thirty

46、-two megabytes of storage standard and also included an upgrade to sixty-four megabytes for an additional sixty-nine dollars plus shipping and handling. This expandability would turn out to be an important and key feature to the future success of the digital Mp3 player. The first Mp3 player to reall

47、y make a significant impact(影 响 ) on the buying population in America was the Diamond multimedia Rio PMP300. Diamond multimedia wisely released the PMP in September of 1988 just prior to the Christmas season. Sales of the Rio far exceeded the company s expectations, which led to a number of large co

48、mpanies decisions to enter the digital audio Mp3 race. These early Mp3 players were constrained by their slow parallel-based transfer methods and lack of overall storage. At the end of 1999 another large leap forward was made when a company called Remote Solutions introduced a hard-drive based Mp3 player called the Personal Jukebox. The Personal Jukebox was a vast improvement with a storage capacity of up to 1,200 individual songs which is the equivalent to over one hundred of today s CDs. As interest grew people wanted to access their favor


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