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1、用心爱心专心1 用心爱心专心2 用心爱心专心3 用心爱心专心4 用心爱心专心5 用心爱心专心6 用心爱心专心7 用心爱心专心8 用心爱心专心9 用心爱心专心10 2012 年中考英语模拟试卷( 一) 听力稿及参考答案 听力稿: Text 1 Whos that girl over there? Text 2 How shall we go to the zoo on Sunday? Text 3 What would you like for supper? Text 4 Which dress do you like? Text 5 When were you supposed to arr

2、ive? Text 6 M: Do you have a temperature? W: I dont know. I havent taken it. Can you take my temperature now, sir? 用心爱心专心11 Text 7 M: Will you leave at 5:00 or a quarter past? W: A quarter past. Text 8 W: What are we going to do now? M: Since there is no ticket for the movie, lets go window shopping

3、. Itsmore interesting than going to the park. Text 9 M: Your skirt is very nice. It must be very expensive. W: Thank you. It only cost me ten dollars. Text 10 W: Tomorrow I plan to go for a picnic with Joan. M: Great. Ill go with you too. Text 11 M: Why dont invite Cathy to the party tonight? W: Inv

4、ite Cathy? Shes studying hard for tomorrows exam. Text 12 M: Whats wrong, Miss Wang? Do you have a problem? W: Yes, I have a chance to get another job and I dont know what to do. Text 13 W: Come in, please. M: Hello, Kate. Where is Jane? I want her to type this letter for me. W: Im afraid she cant,

5、Tom. She isnt working today. M: Oh, why? Is she ill? W: No, shes studying for an exam. M: An exam? Is she going to school? W: Yes, she is. She is learning French at a night school. M: I see. Are you going to a night school, too? W: Im not, not this year. But Im thinking about going to a night school

6、next year. M: Thats a good idea. Is it expensive? W: No, not very. Text 14 W: I hear most of your classmates have a cold. M: Terrible! Im afraid of this disease. W: Dont worry. They will be OK several days later. M: I think taking care of our environment is very important. Wherever you live, you can

7、 do something around your neighborhood. W: Youre right. So many serious diseases can be stopped. M: Come on! Help me sweep the floor and clean the windows of the classroom W: By the way, does your school playground have a dustbin? M: Im afraid not. What shall I do? W: I think you can talk to the hea

8、dmaster and ask him to put several there M: OK, tomorrow Ill go to his office and have a try. Text 15 W: Hi, Andy! Whats up? 用心爱心专心12 M: Oh, hi. Not much. Oh, except that we have new neighbors. W: Really? What are they like? M: Well, it was quite funny really. The son was in the garden, so I went to

9、 introduce myself and talk to him over the fence. He seemed really nice and seemed interested in being my friend. He asked me lots of questions, such as “Whats your name? ”, “How old are you? ” and so on. W: So, whats so funny about that? M: Well, he went back into his house and I continued playing

10、basketball. Then he came out again and asked me all the same questions again! W: Thats strange. What did you say? M: Well. I was polite and just answered him all over again. But Id like to talk to two different boys! I thought there was only one but then I saw them both in the garden together a few

11、days later. And they look the same. W: Can you tell them who is who? M: No, not at all! I cant see any differences. Text 16 A young American got onto a British train. And he found that there was no seat left, including one on which a small dog was seated. To its owner, a middle-aged lady wearing a l

12、arge hat, he said politely, “Excuse me, madam, but may I sit down? ” She said nothing, and turned over the pages of her newspaper. Again he said, “Excuse me, madam, but may I have this seat, please? ” And again she didnt reply. For a third time the young American said, “Madam, would you please remov

13、e your dog so that I may sit down?” And for the third time the lady still didnt answer him, so he opened a window, picked up the dog, threw it out, and then sat on the empty seat. There was a silence, and then an Englishman sitting opposite said, “You know, you Americans are the strangest people. Yo

14、u drive on the wrong side of the road. You eat with the fork in the wrong hand, you name the floors in the wrong numbers, and now youve just thrown the wrong dog out of the window!” 参考答案: 一、听力测试 1-5.CBBAC 6-10.BBACC 11-15.CACBA 16-20.CBCAC 21-25.CBBBC 二、选择填空 26-30.BCACD 31-35.DBCDA 36-40.DBACA 三、完形填

15、空 41-45.BDADB 46-50.ADCDC 51-55.BACCA 四、阅读理解 用心爱心专心13 56-60.CCBAD 61-65.CDBAB 66-70.CADBD 五、词与短语填空 71.expensive 72. keep out 73. lead 74. compare 75. cheap 六、阅读理解填词 76. hit 77. closed78. across 79. dropped 80. While 81. together82. ice83. million84. since85. lend 七、书面表达 Dear Tom, How are you recentl

16、y? Now, Ill tell you something about my English teacher Mr Lee. Mr Lee is forty years old. He has a happy family. Hes outgoing and gets along well with us students. His classes are very interesting. After class he often helps us with our English. He never smokes. He likes sports. He is especiallygood at playing chess. Most of my classmates like him and think that hes not only a good teacher but also a good friend. Im looking forward to your reply. Yours, Li Ming


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