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1、牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 1 / 9 M1 U1 School life 一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1In China many students are forced by their parents to be given _ (额外的 ) lessons after school like art lessons. 2The thief _ ( 挣扎 ) to escape, but failed. 3The song written by the artist will be _ (播放 ) at CCTV, which I dare

2、 say will be popular soon among people. 4The company had been _ (管理 ) by the twins before it was in the charge of my uncle. 5_ ( 选择 ) a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology is changing so rapidly. 6Would it surprise you to know that in Japan, the _ ( 平均的 ) savings is 25%

3、of their income? 7. You and mom can spend the day doing whatever is relaxing and _ ( 令 人 愉 快 的) to you both. 8. Many youths can only get through by borrowing money, and it means they have to e_ more money when they graduate. 9. She is not only our teacher but also our friend. We all r_ and love her.

4、 10I have to i_ you that we can not approve the plan. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1I had a rather unpleasant _ at the dentists, and clearly the dentist was not _. (experience) 2 Few people are able to _ themselves fully to their careers. Once they are _ to it, their _ must bring them a big success. (devote) 3To

5、m has just _ with first-class honours in psychology. I regret not attending his _ ceremony. (graduate) 4The government _ the plan of building a park, but I opposed the _. (approve) 5_ for the interview, I closed the book and went into the kitchen in _ for dinner. (prepare) 6. I felt lucky, as all my

6、 teachers gave me much _ (encourage). 7. The teacher listened to his answer and nodded with _ (satisfy). 8. The more _ (choose) you have, the better your decision will be. 9. Upon _ (finish ) his studies, he started travelling in China. 10. The homework was a bit _ (challenge) for me at first becaus

7、e all the homework was in English. 三、 (一)写出下列短语的汉语意思 1used to do sth. _ 2 *for free _ 3*be fond of _ 4 *look back (on) _ 5all year round _ 6 *on average _ 7*make sure _ 8 develop an interest in _ 9*make use of _ 10leave out _ 11 *refer to _ 12*in charge of _ 牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 2 / 9 13 *m

8、ore than _ 14*come up with _ (二)选用以上标 * 的短语填空 (其中有两个多余选项) 1Jack was left _ the job while I was away. 2He offered to do the job _, so no pay was given to him. 3I believe that scientists will _ new methods of increasing the worlds food supply. 4I like to _ my high school days, which were the happiest

9、in my life. 5Experts say that it would take approximately $ 433, 600,000 and _ 20 years to repair the island. 6 Joblessness among women was less common: Their unemployment rate was 8.6% _ last year. 7My experience tells me that it is not what you are given but how you _ it that determines who you ar

10、e. 8Yi Jianlian, the famous basketball player who I _, has announced he decided to return to the CBA recently. M1 U2 Growing pains 一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1He looked at me with much curiosity, not at all angry or _ (不高兴的 )。 2I felt that the punishment was not reasonable, and I believed I _ (应得 ) a sec

11、ond chance. (2012北京阅读B) 3It will take a long time before the peoples life returns to _ (正常 ) in the earthquake-stricken area. 4Pay attention to your _ ( 行为 ) in public places. 5If you want to _ ( 平衡 ) your life, you must learn to have fun in your life. 6The boy _ ( 坚持说 ) that he hadnt stolen the mob

12、ile phone. 7The happy _ (场面 ) of children playing in the garden disappeared, and it was quiet again. 8As you know, smoking is _ ( 禁止 ) here. 9He was _ (应该 ) to have attended the meeting, but he didnt turn up at last. 10 After lunch Carey _ ( 挑战 ) me to a game of tennis. 11. I m quite c_. I really ca

13、n t decide which answer is correct. 12. This is your fault. There is no need for you to d_ yourself any more. 13. Dont m_ us. We are here to help, not to make trouble. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1He _ his idea that each of us should refuse to buy foreign products in _ of our national industry. (defend) 2I will

14、 not _ that sort of behavior in my class and no one will be _ of that. (tolerate) 3I tried to _ to him why I was late, but he just wouldnt listen to my _. (explain) 4I _ my brother carefully, and he had the _ to recover soon. (tend) 5You shouldnt have _ her. Look, she is too _ to join us in this tou

15、r. 牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 3 / 9 (frighten) 6. Teenagers may want to be part of the group, yet desire _ (independent). 7. She had quite a long _ (argue) with the boss on the matter, but in vain. 8. _ (punish) almost had no effect on the naughty boy. 9. Have courage and believe in yourself, but

16、 above all be _ (patience). 10. You ought to be ashamed of your _ (fool) behaviour. 11. We didn t know the reason for his strange _ (behave) at class yesterday. 12. If you show no respect to them, I ll get _ (annoy) or angry. 13. Keep a safe(distant) between cars, please 三、 (一)写出下列短语的汉语意思 1*now that

17、 _ 2 cant wait to do sth. _ 3*be supposed to _ 4*do with _ 5. in a mess _ 6*be hard on _ 7*stay up _ 8*mix up _ 9*insist on _ 10at present _ 11 *go through _ 12out of control _ 13 *along with _ 14*turn out _ (二)选用以上标 * 的短语填空 (其中有两个多余选项) 1Most Senior Three students _ far into the night going over the

18、ir lessons. 2The new law _ drivers, so you should drive carefully. 3We neednt have bought so much food _ Suzie wont be with us for dinner. 4After graduation from college, I took some time off to go travelling, which _ to be a wise decision. 5The manager never _ right and wrong on the principle. 6The

19、 teacher often _ us spending some time reading books. 7But few compounds ( 化合物 ) absorb NIR well and _ chemical changes. 8Tobacco is taxed in most countries, _ alcohol. M1 U3 Looking good, feeling good 一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1Young ladies are running after a slim _ (体形 ),arent they? 2Arent you _ ( 羞愧

20、的 ) of the bad deed you have done to that poor blind man? 3Failing to _ (集中精力 ) on retaining as well as attracting customers costs business huge amounts of money annually. (2011上海完形 ) 4It is not how much you read but what you read that _( 重要 ) 5He never really _ ( 复原 ) from the shock of his wifes dy

21、ing. 6The doctors were worried that he might have _ ( 遭受 ) brain damage. 7“ Stress _ ( 影响 ) how people learn”,says Professor Mara Mather. 8Many buildings were badly _ ( 损害 ) during the war. 9We need to make the club _ (有吸引力的 ) to a wider range of people. 10 Whisky _ ( 包含 ) a large percentage of alco

22、hol. 11.You must have a goal, and you must constantly work towards the a_ of that goal. 牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 4 / 9 12. He refused to give up plan, even under p_. 13. What we need is more programmes on TV that actually show mothers how to do it p_. 14The president g_ high evaluation ( 评价 ) f

23、rom his people due to his excellent work. 15 She could save such a large a_ of money because she lived a very simple life. 二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1 He _ to finish his share of the task on time, which made the plan a big _. (failure) 2He always _ the red coat and his _ influenced his children very much. (pr

24、efer) 3What you did made the guest very _ and also _ me. (embarrass) 4It is a very _ method and has no bad _ on our health. (effect) 5. After a good holiday on the seaside, you will feel _ (energy). 6. Drinking enough water will improve your skin and give you _ (health) hair. 7. The good news is tha

25、t you can feel better, look better and have more energy if you eat the right food and exercise _ (regular). 8There are many kinds of fruits, _ apples, bananas, oranges and peaches. (include) 9 The doctor says he is _ faster than expected and that sunshine, fresh air and proper rest will do good to h

26、is _. (recover) 10 Patients cannot be_ with timely _ because of a shortage of medicine. (treat) 11No one can grow without _ , so we will find a way to live a better life through the _ _ _ past. (pain) 12 The Great Wall is an _ _ _, whose scenes are very _ _ , and it _ a large number of tourists ever

27、y day. (attract) 13 All classrooms are_ _ with computers, projectors, video and audio booth, broadcasting _ _ (equip). 14 The gentle music _ me and I felt much more _ _. (comfort) 15 Making good use of time means spending time in doing something good or _ instead of something _ or unnecessary. (use)

28、 16 Kenya is known to be a _ country. It s been a model of _ _ in Africa. (peace) 三、 (一)写出下列短语的汉语意思 1be dying to do sth. _ 2*work out _ 3*be ashamed of _ 4*recover from _ 5*follow ones advice _ 6*go on a diet _ 7end in failure _ 8*fall out _ 9*get into shape _ 10*make the most of _ 11 *put on weight

29、 _ 12*in the long term _ 13 *give up _ 14*as a matter of fact _ 15 in no time _ (二)选用以上标 * 的短语填空 (其中有两个多余选项) 1It didnt take long for him to _ his illness. 牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 5 / 9 2With so many resources available online for free, you can _ them to improve your studying. 3Often, teenagers

30、 _ sports, saying they have no time left after their studies. 4 As a matter of fact, loss of sleep can make you look tired, and even cause you to _. 5 In the short term, you can take weight-loss pills to lose weight, but it wont work _. 6She _ in the gym regularly to keep fit. 7Exercising often help

31、s the film star_ and keep a slim figure. 8Mary is eating less and less. She is _ to become slim. 9She _ herself for having told such a lie to me. 10 We always think that we see the world as it actually is, but _, we do not. M2 U1 Tales of the unexplained 一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1. As an old teacher he

32、 has _(见证 ) the great changes that have taken place in the school in the past thirty years . 2. In that case, we must stay together or none of us will _ ( 幸存 ). 3. You can _ (假定 ) his innocence before hearing the evidence against him. 4. Large tracks have also been discovered which some people say _

33、 (属于 ) to the Wild Man. 5. After this _ (声明) , we will not make any response to this matter. 6.They say that the traffic accident _ ( 发生 ) at midnight. 7. We must pick out the enemys weakest units for _ ( 进攻 ). 8. She tends to get angry when others _ (不同意 ) with her. 9. Yesterday afternoon Frank Haw

34、kins was telling me about his _ ( 经历 )as a young man. I0. It is believed that she has much_( 经验 ) in teaching. 11. Crop circles are said to have been created by aliens. Is there any p_ that this might be true? 12. Police in America have s_ up their research for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missin

35、g three days ago in Dover. 13. This means that many of these species ( 物种 ) might have d_ before even being discovered. 14. Several people were hurt in the i_. The police arrived in fifteen minutes. 15. Research has made many parents c_ that learning to play chess helps children develop their mind.

36、二、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1. Our headmaster gave a _ (convince) speech to persuade students to donate some money for the disaster area. 2. It is said that human beings came into _ (exist) about millions of years ago. 3. The world we live in is full of_ (explain)mysteries. 4. Since the 1990s, China has _ (cons

37、truction) many harbors for importing and exporting goods. 牛津版 2017-2018 复习模块一二复习资料(无答案) 6 / 9 5. We feel _ (amaze) that the economy of that area is developing at an _ (amaze) speed 6. The _ (disappear) of the boy made the whole family unhappy. 7. The problem seemed very _ (puzzle). Few students coul

38、d work it out. 8. People were so _ (puzzle) and frightened seeing the scene. 9. He is the only _ of his family who _ the train crash.(survive) 10. Our friendship has steadily _ (strength) over the years. 11. It was _ that there wasnt enough _ to prove his guilty. (evidence) 12. As she said: “ Do you

39、 have to be a member of that_ (organize)? 13. The police ruled out the _ (possible) that the villager had stolen the treasure. 14. They were all moved by his _ ( enthusiastic). 15. It is often _ (think) that human beings are naturally equipped to speak. 16. Mr. Greens book is said to _ (translate) i

40、nto several foreign languages so far 三、短语中英文互译 1. 偶遇2. 加紧,促进 3. 失踪4. 寻找某人 5. 由于(介)6. 出现;显露 7. 负责8. 组成;编造;化妆;弥补 9. 调查这个案子10. 到目前为止 11. 梦想着做12. 实施;开展 13. 对 充满热情14. 做一个调查 15. 指出16. 提建议 17. 发生在某人身上18. 报导做过某事 19. 据说20. 与 相似 21. 属于22. run after 23. dozens of 24. be/ become convinced 25. be linked to 26. m

41、ake one s way to 27. according to 28. convincing evidence M2 U2 Wish you were here 一、根据汉语提示或首字母提示写出所缺单词。 1. We must try to live in peace and _( 和谐 ) with ourselves and those around us. 2. The task requires _ (非凡的 ) patience and endurance. 3.It is Parents duty to _ (供给 ) their children with food and clothing. 4. The figure mentioned at the meeting is a very _ ( 大概的 ) estimate. 5. Bored with his plain (简单的) life, he wanted to seek excite


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