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1、福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 1 / 17 福州第八中学20162017 学年第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题 (完卷时间:120 分钟满分: 150 分) 第一卷(满分 100 分) 第一部分:听力(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C 和 D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂 黑。 A I was walking into the office yesterday, minding my

2、business, when all of a sudden I turned the corner and there it was, sitting on my chair . “ Oh, my God” , I said surprisedly, “ Zucchini( 西葫芦 ) isn t that nice ” said Rachel, my workmate, “ Somebody left zucchini for everyone!” Have you ever noticed how somebody actually gives you zucchini? At leas

3、t, not in the same way they give you corn or apples or tomatoes. I mean, if someone wants to give you a few fresh, juicy peaches off their tree, they walk right up and hand them to you. You will be pleased. It seems that they have confidence you will like their gift. But with zucchini, they left it

4、and went away. No note. No calling card. I thought zucchini is the abandoned orphan(孤儿)of the vegetable kingdom. “ Yeah, it s nice,” I said. “ Who should we thank for this gift?” “ I don t know,” Rachel said. “ You know how it is with zucchini.” Of course I do. Nobody actually grows it. At least, no

5、t on purpose. It just grows like weeds. “ So what are you going to do with yours?” I asked. “ I will just do what I always do with zucchini,” she said. This morning I stepped into my office area carefully, afraid of what might be there waiting for me. There 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 2 / 1

6、7 was a piece of bread in a white box sitting on my desk. I picked it up. It smelled wonderful. I took a bite. It tasted wonderful. “ Who made the banana bread?” I asked. Rachel said, “ It isn t banana bread. It s zucchini bread.” I stopped chewing. “ This couldn t be zucchini. It s delicious!” I pa

7、used, and added, “ But I dislike zucchini!” “ So do I,” Rachel replied. “ But a few years ago I found this great way to cook zucchini bread, and now I actually look forward to zucchini season.” I took another bite of the bread. I couldn t help wondering: “ How could anything so tasty come from somet

8、hing so distasteful?” “ It s a fact of life,” Rachel said. “ You mix effort with creativity and you can turn almost anything around.” 21. What happened to the author yesterday? A. She found a zucchini on her office chair. B. She shared vegetables with her workmates. C. She made zucchini bread for ev

9、eryone. D. She harvested the tomatoes she grew. 22. Paragraph 2 is actually about _. A. the author s thoughts in the heart B. a discussion between workmates C. the way of making zucchini bread D. the author s earliest memory of zucchini 23. How did the author feel about the zucchini bread? A. Tradit

10、ional. B. Unhealthy. C. Wonderful. D. Just so-so. 24. For what purpose is the text written? A. To introduce ways of making zucchini bread. B. To teach readers how to grow zucchini. C. To encourage people to work hard. D. To show readers the truth of life. B Archaeologists(考古学家)studying Stonehenge an

11、d its surrounding area say theyve dug up the relics of an untouched, ancient campsite that dates back to 6,000 years-a find that could rewrite British prehistory. “ This is the most important discovery at Stonehenge in over 60 years,” Professor Tim Darvill, a Bournemouth University archaeologist and

12、 a Stonehenge expert who did not take part in the new discovery, told 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 3 / 17 the Telegraph. And as he told The Huffington Post in an email, the discovery changes earlier theories that Stonehenge was built in a landscape that was not heavily used before about 3000

13、 B.C. The discovery was made during a dig at Blick Mead, a site about 1.5 miles from Stonehenge. Researchers found charcoal (木炭)dating back to 4,000 B.C. and evidence of possible buildings, according to a statement released by the university. They also dug up burnt stone and tools, as well as the re

14、mains of animals-ancient cattle that served as food for ancient hunter-gatherers. The researchers plan further analysis on the artificial objects but say theyre worried the tunnel construction (隧道建设)could damage the site and get in the way of their work. “ Blick Mead could explain what archaeologist

15、s have been searching for centuries -an answer to the story of Stonehenge s past,” David Jacques, the University of Buckingham archaeologist who discovered the campsite, told The Guardian. “ But our only chanceto find out about the earliest part of Britain s history could be ruined if the tunnel goe

16、s ahead.” Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument made up of a ring of standing stones, lies eight miles north of Salisbury, England in Wiltshire. It has been listed as a World Heritage Site since 1986. 25. The main purpose of the passage is _ A. to introduce a recent discovery of ancient relics B. to ca

17、ll on people to protect the ancient relics C. to warn the researchers not to do further analysis D. to attract more tourists to visit Stonehenge 26. We can learn from the passage that_. A. the researchers express their concern that the relics might be ruined B. the ancient campsite has been destroye

18、d by the construction workers C. archaeologists are repairing artificial objects founded in the relic site D. the tunnel construction rewrites the earliest part of Britain s history 27. What might be the best title for the passage? A. Stonehenge Is In Danger of Being Destroyed Because Of the Find. B

19、. New Stonehenge Discovery Described As Most Important In 60 years. C. A New Tunnel Is Being Constructed Under Stonehenge. D. Stonehenge Has Been Listed as a World Heritage Site Since 1986. C 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 4 / 17 Parents are fighting for their child s right to rest across the

20、country. Twenty-three elementary schools in Orange County, Florida, have been cutting back on rest, and even canceling it to increase class time. In a recent Orange County School Board meeting, parents demanded that rest time be carried out in all local schools for all students. Angela Browning, a p

21、arent in the area, said that schools rest is ranging from zero to 30 minutes per day. “ Five -year-olds not getting rest means abuse,” said Browning, whose twins in the second grade benefit from taking a break and learn better. The main reason for reducing the rest time is Common Core exams includin

22、g math, language arts and literacy, where the students performance often controls teachers pay and sometimes teachers may lose their jobs. Many teachers are using that extra 20 minutes that would have been spent on the schools scores, everybody is stressful,” said Diana Moore, president of the Orang

23、e County Classroom Teachers Association. The requirement of whether reducing rest takes place, and for how long is up to each schoolsrule. “ Florida law requires that districts provide 900 teaching hours during the school year,” Florida s Department of Education press secretary Cheryl Etters said in

24、 a statement. “ Whether rest is part of the school day is a choice made by the school board. ” Reducing rest also can take away an opportunity for children to learn social skills, according to many experts. “ In society, who cares if you have straight A s and you get a scholarship(奖学金 ) to Harvard i

25、f you lack social skills?” said Mallet, a mother of two children. 28. What will Angela Browning agree with? A. Kids of five years old had better get more break time. B. Proper rest time improves children s learning efficiency. C. The more rest children have, the higher grades they will get. D. Eleme

26、ntary schools should limit kids rest time to 30 minutes. 29. What drives so many teachers to reduce students rest time? A. Parents demand B. Students lack of social skills 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 5 / 17 C. Students bad behavior D. The link between their pay and school s scores 30. What

27、can we infer from the last paragraph? A. Social skills are more important than high scores B. Whether students get A s in school is very important C. Graduates from Harvard can t find good jobs. D. Rest time has nothing to do with students social skills 31. What s the main idea of the text? A. The g

28、overnment is to order schools to increase rest time. B. Students expect to get more time to play in school. C. Parents struggle for the rest right for their kids in school. D. Teachers pay is related to their performance in teaching. D If you could be anybody in the world, who would it be? Your neig

29、hbour or a super star? A few people have experienced what it might be like to step into the skin of another person, thanks to an unusual virtual reality (虚 拟现实 ) glasses. Rikke Wahl, an actress, took part in a body swapping experiment at the Be Another lab. She swapped with her partner, an actor, us

30、ing a machine called The Machine to Be Another and became a man. “As I looked down, I saw my whole body just like a man , in my partners pants,“ she said. Both users wear virtual reality glasses with a camera on the top. So if she moves her arm, you see it. If you move your arm, she sees it. To get

31、used to seeing another persons body without actually having control of it, participants (参与者) start by raising their arms and legs very slowly, so that the other can follow along. Finally, they really start to feel as though they were living in another persons body. Using such technology promises to

32、 change people s behavior afterwards -potentially for the better. Studies have shown that virtual reality can be useful in fighting biases(偏见 ) that humans have against those who dont look or sound like them. Researchers did a test called the Implicit Association Test, which measures how strong 福建省福

33、州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 6 / 17 peoples connection between, for example, black people and adjectives such as good, bad, or stupid is. Then they asked them to control the body of a dark skin using virtual reality glasses, before taking the test again. This time, the participants bias scores w

34、ere lower. The idea is that once youve “put yourself in anothers shoes“ youre less likely to think ill of them, because your brain has accepted the feeling of being that person. The creators of The Machine to Be Another hope to achieve a similar result. “At the end of body swapping, people feel like

35、 holding each other in their arms,“ says Arthur Pointeau, a programmer with the project. 32. The underlined phrase “ put yourself in another s shoes ” (paragraph 3) means_. A. supposing you were wearing someone s shoes B. supposing you were in someone s situation C. supposing you followed someone cl

36、osely D. supposing you took the place of someone 33. We can infer from the experiment at the Be Another lab that . A. our feelings are connected to our body experience B. we can learn to take control of other peoples bodies C. people will live more actively after the experiment D. The Machine to Be

37、Another can help people change their skin colors 34. After the Implicit Association Test, . A. people began to think ill of the black B. people began to think highly of the black C. people began to fight for equality of the black D. people s biases were reduced 35. It can be concluded from the passa

38、ge that . 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 7 / 17 A. technology helps people realize their dreams B. we could get rid of our biases through experiments C. virtual reality helps the understanding among people D. our points of view about others need changing 第二节( 共 5 小题,每小题2 分,满分10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的

39、选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。 How to Make a Good First Impression ( 印象 ) Have you ever met someone and walked away with “fool“ or “loser“ in mind? Are you afraid of being that someone and having others not like or understand you? Happily, you can get rid of these worries and fears by learning some e

40、ffective skills on how to make a great and lasting first impression. Let s get started. Talk about your interests and hobbies._36_. It is always a great conversation starter! Ask if they like a specific band or singer. The more similar interests and hobbies you have , the easier it will be to carry

41、on the conversation. Smile. Especially when first meeting someone. Its not necessary to show your teeth, just a meaningful grin( 露齿而笑 ) will do. _37_, or people will feel youre being fake or that you dont like them. _38_. Stay focused on the person you are speaking with and certainly not on anything

42、 else to avoid them feeling unappreciated and unwanted. Often if the person has an eye problem, like an eye that turns in, youre put off by this. Instead, focus on the persons nose or mouth. Have a sense of humor. Born funny people are just themselves and the humor shows. Don t worry if you are not

43、a born funny person._39_. Dont keep serious all the time while you are talking to a new friend. Be yourself. Dont pretend to be someone youre not, or you are stuck with that label forever. Be yourself. That may be what everyone says but it is entirely true!_40_. If somebody finds out you have been l

44、ying to him or her, they will be very hurt and it will be hard for them to forgive you easily. A. Appreciate others B. Make eye contact. C. Never lie to anybody about yourself and always be honest. D. Keep smiling when you are talking to a new friend. 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 8 / 17 E. P

45、eople who try to be funny can be funny if they try hard. F. Be careful not to change from a smile to a straight face too quickly G. Ask the other person about what their hobbies are 第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节:根据汉语提示完成句子(每空一词,每空1 分;满分 20 分) 41.纳尔逊曼德拉为什么要借助暴力来实现黑人与白人之间的平等? Why did Nelson Mandela _ _ v

46、iolence to make black and white people equal? 42.他们因他救了那个小孩而奖赏了他。 They _ him _ saving the little child. 43.我怀疑这个新的是否会好些。 I _ _ the new one will be any better. 44. 到现在,我们已经为贫困儿童们筹到了50000 磅,这一点远非我们能想象得到。 Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children, _ is quite unexpected. 45.由于他们已达成的协

47、议,他们决定不放弃这个机会。 _ _ _ of the agreement they had made, they decided not to give up the chance. 46.冬奥会和夏奥会都是每四年定期举行一次。 The Winter and the Summer Olympics are both held every four years _ a regular _. 47.他理应因为违规而受到惩罚。 Since he had broken the rule, he _ _ 48.最近设计的这款宝石风格与过去的风格几乎无共同之处。 The style of the jew

48、el designed recently _ little _ _ with the old one. 49.这意味着它应该能打扫房间、擦地板、做饭以及应对来往的电话。 福建省福州第八中学20162017 年高一英语期末试卷(无听力,有答案) 9 / 17 This means that it should clean the house, mop the floors, cook the dinner and _ _ telephone calls. 50. 昨天他们之间的争吵产生于他的粗鲁。 Yesterday the quarrel between them _ from his rud

49、eness. 第二节:语法填空(共10 题,每空1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读以下已读过的Teens 材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 51. According to Duchamp himself, the reason why he created Bicycle Wheel was _ (simple) because watching a bicycle wheel turning made him feel at peace. 52. Long March 5 is a lot _(fat) than any of today s Chinese rockets and an engine _ gives the rocket a stronger


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