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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Language Goals 【语言目标】 Talk about what you are allowed to do;Agree and disagree Knowledge Goals 【知识目标】 Key Words license,safety , smoke,tiny ,cry ,field,hug, lift, badly , awful , regret , poem , community , chance, educate ,manage ,soci

2、ety,support ,enter ,choice Key Phrases talk back, keepaway from, make ones own decision , get in the way of Key Sentences 1.Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 2I dont think sixteenyear olds should be allowed to drive. 3Teenagers should not be allowed to have part time jobs. 4I

3、agree. 5I disagree. 6I dont think so. 7 I dont agree with you. Key Grammar Learn to use “should be allowed to” to express the passive voice. Ability Goals 【能力目标】 1.Develop listening,speaking ,reading and writing skills by practicing the target languages passive voice with a model verb. 2Learn to tal

4、k about rules and what we are allowed to do.Learn to express agreement or disagreement. Moral Goals 【情感目标】 1.With the help of this units study ,students can learn some rules and how to be a good student in everyday activities. 2Get to know the differences about rules between China and Western countr

5、ies. Teaching Time 【课时】 Five periods Period 1 Section A(1a2d) Period 2 Section A(3a4c) Period 3 Section B(1a1e) Period 4 Section B(2a2e) Period 5 Section B(3a3b) & Self Check 本单元围绕“规则”这个核心话题,讲述哪些事情是允许青少年做的,哪些事情是不允 许做的,对学生的成长有重要意义。Section A通过对话及讨论青少年驾车、自己选衣服、 穿耳洞戴耳环等介绍重点词汇和语言结构含有情态动词的被动语态,紧接着出现训练同 意和

6、不同意的句子并在各种情景里训练本单元话题、语法和句型,让学生在语境中体会情态 动词后接被动语态的用法,学习并掌握should be allowed to do sth.同时,在情感上,让 学生感到父母对子女的关爱和教导。这部分的重点是情态动词后接被动语态的用法,难点是 理解诗歌中的语言和一些短语。Section B不仅进一步巩固了本单元的话题内容青少年 该做什么,不该做什么,再现了重点语法和词汇,还回顾了前面单元的一般现在时和一般过 去时的被动语态,设置更多的真实语境再现其用法,巩固和拓展词汇,强化被动语态的运用 意识。这部分的重点是加强学生对被动语态的理解和认识,合理运用三种被动语态的句式,

7、 让学生通过阅读语篇了解父母与孩子对待未来梦想的不同态度;难点是让学生学会正确运用 阅读中所学的词汇和句式。 The First PeriodSection A(1a 2d) Teaching Important Points【教学重点】 Key words & phrases: license, safety ,smoke be allowed to do sth.,no way ,be worried about, part time jobs,get ones ears pierced,be excited about Key sentences: 1.Teenagers should

8、not be allowed to smoke. 2.Students should not be allowed to have parttime jobs. 3.I dont think sixteenyear olds should be allowed to drive. 4.I agree./I dont agree./I disagree. Key structure: should be allowed to do sth. eg: Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Teaching Difficul

9、t Points【教学难点】 Practice using the structure “should be allowed to do sth. ” in listening and speaking. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Step 1Leading in【新课导入】 1Greeting Greet the class and briefly talk with the students using the passive voice. 2

10、Discussing Discuss with the students about school rules. Can you come to school late?Do you have to finish your homework? Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】 1Finish the task in 1a 2Finish the task in 1b Before listening, ask the students to focus on the relationship between the two speakers. Play the r

11、ecording for the first time.Students only listen to the main ideas. Playthe recording a second time.Ask them to pay attention to the details.And circle T or F by themselves. Play the recording again and get the students to read aloud the listening materials. 3Finish the task in 1c In pairs, read alo

12、ud the dialogue in 1c. E ncourage them to use more expressions and give their reasons. Make more dialogue using the five sentences in 1a. 4Finish the tasks in 2a2b Use PPT or pictures to teach the new words. Play the recording for the first time.Students listen and finish the circle task. Play the r

13、ecording again.Stop at the important places and let the students check their choices. Read the instructions in 2b and scan the sentence list.Preorder them. Play the recording again for the students to check their order. Ask some questions to help students practice the language items.Then read aloud

14、the conversation by following the recording. 5Finish the task in 2c 6Finish the task in 2d Talk about going to the museum with students and then play the recording for the class to listen and compare with their ideas about visiting a museum. Ask the students to read aloud the conversation in 2d. Ask

15、 some questions to see how well they understand. Give examples and learn these items : be excited about ,take photos ,the famous painting by Picasso. Play the recording and get the students to follow the teacher in the recording.Then ask some pairs to act out the conversation. Step 3Homework 1Use th

16、e sentences in 1a to make up dialogue and give at least two reasons for each sentence. 2Read and practice the conversation in 2d. 3Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 我认为年轻人不应该允许工作到太晚。 _ (2) 博物馆里不许拍照。 _ (3) 我可以获准来参加晚会吗? _ Board Design板书设计 Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose t

17、heir own clothes. Section A(1a2d) smoke,driver,have a part time job ,get ears pierced ,choose their own clothes be excited about,take photos,the famous painting by should be allowed to may be allowed to must Teaching Reflection【教学反思】 We can discuss the school rules in the passive voice.We teach the

18、students to use “should be allowed to do/should not be allowed to do” in this unit.They can learn by listening and speaking about the rules they are familiar with.They have a lot to say and this can help them learn fast.In this period,we can use reflecting and transforming strategy to lead the stude

19、nts to talk about rules and practice oral ability. The Second PeriodSection A(3a4c) Teaching Important Points【教学重点】 Key words & phrases: tiny ,cry ,field,hug,lift,badly ,awful ,regret ,poem ,community ,chance, educate ,manage ,society by my side,keepaway from,liftup,talk back,shout back,think back t

20、o, regret doing sth.,make ones own decision Key sentences: 1.But I talked back loudly,“I should be allowed to eat some! Give it to me now!” 2.I regret talking back,not listening to Mom. 3.In many Western countries,teenagers are allowed to move out at eighteen. 4.That is why many Chinese adults conti

21、nue to live with their parents. Key structure: model verbsbepast participle eg: Your bedroom must be cleaned every day. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Learn the language items or expressions in the poem. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Step 1Le

22、ading in【新课导入】 1Greeting 2Brainstorming Quickly talk about the rules. Do you think sixteenyear olds should be allowed to drive? Yes,I agree. 3Ask students to say some rules they agree or disagree. Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】 1Finish the task in 3a Help the students to understand the demand in 3a

23、 and show the title on the board.Ask what the title mean. Quickly look at the picture and the text.Understand its a poem and ask about the contents of the poem.Get them to express their own ideas and teach the new words in the poem. Read the poem and answer:Who do you think wrote the poem ?How old w

24、as the writer in the poem? What did he write about/Why did he write the poem? 2Finish the task in 3b 3Finish the task in 3c 4Finish Grammar Focus Ask two students to read aloud the sentences in the grammar frame. Get the students to look back at the sentences which are in the passive voice.Find out

25、and summarize the structure “should/may bedone(p.p) ” Review those in Units 5 & 6.Write these sentences on the blackboard to explain the structure of the passive voice: aHe cleans his bedroom every day. His bedroom is cleaned by him every day. bHe cleaned his bedroom yesterday. His bedroom was clean

26、ed by him yesterday. cHe should clean his bedroom in the morning. His bedroom should be cleaned in the morning. Get the students to sum up the changes. 5Finish the task in 4a 6Finish the task in 4b 7Finish the task in 4c Get to know what to do. Assign tasks to each group and get them to think of rul

27、es for these activities. Each gro up reports their rules and others write down the points. Step 3Homework 1Try to tell the rules for an English club. 2Write a story about “a time you did something even though your parent told you not to do it” 3Rewrite the following sentences using the passive voice

28、. 1They play soccer after school on Friday. _ 2We didnt see your watch on the table. _ 3They must do homework in the evening. _ Board Design板书设计 Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section A(3a4c) poem,tiny ,cry ,field,hug,badly ,awful ,regret ,community ,chance,educate ,

29、manage , society by my side ,keepfrom danger,liftup, talk back,shout back,think back to , regret doing sth. 1But I talked back loudly,“I should be allowed to eat some!Give it to me now!” 2I regret talking back,not listening to Mom. move out ,take care of,look after,the young , Its common for sb.to d

30、o sth. Its better for sb.to do sth. Thats why Teaching Reflection【教学反思】 In this period,we should practice the key points more in reading and speaking activities.New words and expressions are important in this period,so we should ask the students to pay attention to them when they read the poem and t

31、he passage in 4b. Grammar frame is the summary of the passive voice with model verbs.Students can practice grammar by using what they have learned.So we can get them to review the former units and give sentences in different tenses to change into the passive voice.And get them to sum up how to chang

32、e them.After they learn the main structure in the grammar focus frame ,the students should practice in different activities.And wed better give them some written work after speaking and reading. The Third PeriodSection B(1a 1e) Teaching Important Points【教学重点】 Key words & phrases: worry about,fail a

33、test,take a test,be strict with Key sentences: 1.He isnt allowed to get to school late. 2.He should be allowed to take the test later. 3.Parents should not be too strict with teenagers. Key structure: Use “can” or “should ” to talk about rules in school. eg: He should be allowed to take the test lat

34、er. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 How to express the school rules and agreement or disagreement. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Step 1Leading in【新课导入】 1Greeting Greet the class. 2Brainstorming Ask some students to repeat the teachers sentence

35、s.Change the active voice into the passive voice.Remind them of the verbs and their tenses. Ask the students to tell their stories for homework in the last class. Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】 1Finish the task in 1a Talk with the class about different activities in school life.And get them to thin

36、k of more words about school life. Look at the expressions in the frame.And ask the students to add some more.Write A,U,S or N. 2Finish the task in 1b In pairs, ask and answer about the activities in the list in 1a. Ask different students to act out their dialogue. 3Finish the task in 1c 4Finish the

37、 task in 1d Play the recording for the second time.Read the sentence parts.Remind the students of the meaning groups. Get the students to match the parts to get complete sentences. Play the recording once more.Students repeat and check the matching work and learn the new items. 5Finish the task in 1

38、e Step 3Homework 1Discuss another statement with your classmates after class. 2What do you think of the rules for Peter?Write a few statements about him. 3Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 我认为老师应该对学生要求严格。 _ (2) 我实在不同意你的观点。 _ (3) 我的观点是,应该允许彼得补考。 _ Board Design板书设计 Unit 7Teenagers sh

39、ould be allowed to choose their own clothes. Section B(1a1e) should/can/may/mustbedone worry about,be worried about fail a test,fail in a test take a test,take an examination be strict with sb.,be strict in sth. I think , I agree , I disagree ,Im afraid,I dont think so, in my opinion , I hope, Teach

40、ing Reflection【教学反思】 In this period, the students learn to express the school rules in English.The teacher should get the students to practice them in listening and speaking.They will improve their capacity of language organization and oral output while listening and speaking practice.When we find t

41、he students have difficulty in speaking ,ask some questions to help them.Do not allow them to look at the materials when they are listening. The Fourth PeriodSection B(2a2e) Teaching Important Points【教学重点】 Key words & phrases: support , enter ,choice get in the way of,achieve dreams,be ser ious abou

42、t ,spend time on Key sentences: 1.Should I be allowed to make my own decisions? 2.However ,his parents wont allow him to train so much. 3.I think I should be allowed to decide for myself. 4.Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream. 5.Im serious about running. Key structure: Practice the st

43、ructure learned in this unit. Teaching Difficult Points【教学难点】 Correctly use the sentence patterns in the reading passage to express their own ideas. Teaching Aids【教学工具】 A tape recorder,CAI or multimedia courseware. Teaching Steps【教学过程】 Step 1Leading in【新课导入】 1Greeting Greet the class and briefly tal

44、k about the school rules. 2Interviewing T:Do you agree that parents should not be too strict with teenagers?Think of it and then report to the class. Students think of it in groups and the teacher interviews individuals. Step 2Cooperative inquiry【合作探究】 1Finish the task in 2a 2Finish the task in 2b R

45、ead the instructions.And read the title of the passage. Say “Yes” or “No ” 3Finish the task in 2c Read the questions in 2c. Discuss some questions further. 4Finish the task in 2d 5Finish the task in 2e Step 3Homework 1 Read aloud the passage in 2b until fluently and learn the new words and expressio

46、ns to express their own dreams. 2Make sentences with the bold words in 2d.Write them in the exercise books. 3Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 我的父母常常教育我说努力学习是多么重要。 _ (2) 你需要将更多的时间用在功课上面。 _ (3) 你应该认真对待你的兴趣。 _ Board Design板书设计 Should I Be Allowed to Make My Own Decisions? make ones own decision, get in the way of, achieve dreams, be serious about, spend time on What will happen if My parents worry about Teaching Ref


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