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1、短文填空 IV. (2018 ? 新疆乌鲁木齐)短文填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,在各空白处填写一个适当的词,使文章意思完整且符合逻辑。(每空一词) There once was a farmer who grew the best corn in his town. One day, his friend Scott asked him 91 he grew the best corn. The farmer told him that he often gave his good corn seeds (种 子) to his 92 . “ 93 d

2、o you give your good seeds to your neighbors? They will compete 94 you! ” Scott asked. “Why? ” the farmer laughed. “Don t you know? The wind picks up pollen (花粉 ) from the corn and 95 it from field to field. If my neighbors grow bad corn, the bad pollen will have bad influence on 96 . My corn cannot

3、 improve 97 my neighbors corn improves.” It is the same with our lives. Those 98 choose to live in peace must help their neighbors to live in peace. Those who choose to live well must help 99 to live well. And those who choose to be happy must help others to find 100 , as the happiness of each has s

4、omething to do with the happiness of all. 体裁记叙文话题哲理故事词数174 【主旨大意】本文是一片哲理故事。一个农民能种出镇上最好的玉米的秘诀是他把自己的好种子给邻 居去种。风传播花粉时,这样就不会给他的田地带来坏的影响。只有邻居的玉米好了,他的才会好。同样 因为每个人的幸福都与所有人的幸福有关。 91. how 文章首句叙述这个农名种的玉米是他镇上最好的,下一句又说他告诉司各特他把种子给邻居,可 知朋友问他怎么能种出最好的玉米,可知应用how引导一个宾语从句。 92. neighbors 根据下一段朋友的问他为什么把种子给邻居们,可知他告诉朋友他把他

5、的好种子给了邻居, 故答案为 neighbors 。 93. why 根据朋友的话“他们会和你竞争”可知朋友不理解他为什么这么做,因此应用why构成的疑问句: 你为什么把你的好种子给邻居们? 94. with Compete with固定短语,意为“和竞争”。 95. blows/spreads 该句为农民向他的朋友解释为什么把好的种子给邻居们:风会携带着玉米的花粉,把 它从一块田地吹到/ 传播到另一块田地。故用blow 表“吹” 或 spread 表“传播”。 96. mine 根据句意“如果邻居种了不好的玉米,花粉就会对我的玉米有不好的影响”知,该句应用名词性 物主代词 mine表示 my

6、 corn 。 97. unless由上文知玉米花粉是靠风从一块田地到另一块田地来传播的,不好的玉米会影响邻居的玉米的。 故句意为:如果邻居的玉米没有改进,我的玉米也不会有所改善。两个分句之间是条件关系,故用unless 表“如果不”。 98. who 根据句意“那些和平生活的人们一定会帮助他的邻居和平生活”和结构可知该句为含有定语从 句的复合句,先行词those 为指示代词,这儿指人,因此只能用who作为引导定语从句的关系词。 99. others 从结构上看该段是由几个排比句组成,下一句为“并且那些选择快乐的人会帮助别人” 可知该句的意思是:那些选择好好生活的人会帮助别人好好生活。故用ot

7、hers 表“别人”。 100. happiness 根据后半句“因为每个人的幸福都与所有人的幸福有关。”可知“并且那些选择快乐的人 会帮助别人找到快乐”。find 动词,其后应用happiness 名词作宾语。 (2018. 吉林) X.(A)尊老爱幼、诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德。传承家风、铭记家训是我们需要肩负 的神圣使命。下面是李华给她的外国朋友 David写的一封介绍“家风、家训( Family Instructions)的 信。请将其补充完鉴,每空一词。(5 分) Dear David, How is everything going ? You asked me about Ch

8、inese family instructions in your last letter. In my opinion,they re common beliefs(信仰)that family members should follow. From a very young 86 , my parents told me to respect(尊重) the old and the young. Many traditional stories tell us to be 87 and keep our promises. people are 88 trouble,be there an

9、d help them. I was influenced by what I saw and heard. Gradually,I came to 89 the importance of family instructions. I think we teenagers need to pass them on. Are there any family instructions like 90 in your country?Please write to me soon. Love, Li Hua X. A. 86.age 87. honest/open/ straight/ fran

10、k/ direct(若作答为 helpful、 friendly、 kind 、handworking 等表 示美德的形容词均给分) 88. in/having/meeting/facing 89. realize/know/understand 90. ours/mine/this/ that/ those/these VII. (A) (2018 ? 吉林长春)多亏了建筑者们的辛勤付出,自今年四月份以来长春南湖大桥的水幕瀑 布成为了我们城市的又一道绚丽的新风景。下面是林立写给美国笔友Mike 的邮件,请你将其补充完整,每 空一词。(5 分) Dear Mike, How is it goi

11、ng? Here I have something new to tell you. Since _71_, Nanhu Bridge Waterfalls have been another attraction in Changchun. You know, _72_ to the builders, the project is a great success. People can not only enjoy the waterfalls in different shapes and colors, but also _73_ to nice music at the same t

12、ime. You cannot imagine lots of people come here just for a look, _74_ they live quite far. The bridge is sometimes crowded _75_ many visitors, so policemen are there to keep things in order. Welcome to my hometown this summer. Looking forward to your reply. Yours, Lin Li 71. April 72. thanks 73. li

13、sten 74. although/though 75. with 71. April 句意:自今年四月份以来长春南湖大桥的水幕瀑布成为了我们城市的又一道绚丽的新风景。考 查“自从四月以来” ,应用 since April。故答案是April。 72. thanks 句意:你知道,多亏了建筑者们的辛勤付出,该工程获得了巨大的成功。表示“多亏了”,应 用 thanks to。故答案是thanks 。 73. listen 句意: 人们不仅能欣赏瀑布的不同的形状与颜色,而且同时可以听美妙的音乐。表示“听”, 应用 listen to 。故答案是listen。 74. although/though

14、 句意:你不能想象到许多人来这儿仅仅是看一下,虽然他们住得离这儿很远。表示 “虽然,但是” ,应用 although或 though 。 75. with 句意:有时桥上挤满了游客,因此警察在那儿维持秩序。表示“挤满,拥挤” , 应用 be crowded with 。 故答案是with 。 (2018?广东 ) 五短文填空( 本大题有10 小题,每小题15 分,共 15 分) 请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在答题卡指定的位置上。每个空只能填写一个形式正 确,意义相符的单词。 Will Johnson has worked his way up the list of most

15、popular stars in his country. In fact, it is not surprising that Will is so successful if we know about his early life. Some valuable lessons he learnt as a child have strongly influenced him 71 his later life. One of them was from his father 72 was strict with him and his brother. Once, Will and hi

16、s brother Harry 73 given a job to rebuild a brick (砖) wall in the yard. The wall was fifty feet 74 and around sixteen feet high. the boys had to mix concrete ( 水泥 ) and place only one brick at a time. They didnt know why their father gave them 75 a huge job. 76 with the attitude (态度) of “one brick m

17、ore”, both Will and Harry rebuilt the wall in _77_ period of six months. Each time they were about to give up, their father _78_ them up patiently. Both brothers were so sad about the job at 79 , but after completing the task, they felt a sense of pride, and so did their father. Even today when Will

18、 thinks that he won t be able to do something, he will look back to his experience and keep telling _80_ “one brick a time”. 体裁记叙文话题故事词数221 【主旨大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。Will Johnson 荣登最受欢迎的明星榜。他的成功源自于小时候的一次经历。小时候, 他的父亲要求Will 和他的弟弟重建一堵墙,并且每次只能搬一块砖。六个月的时间里,他们把墙建好了。 至今, Will 遇到不可能完成的事情时,他都会回想起他的那段经历并不停的告诉自己“一次只搬一块砖

19、”。 71. in in ones life “在某人一生中”,为固定短语。 72. who / that 分析本句句子结构知,本句是含有定语从句的复合句,其先行词his father,指人 , 应 用关系代词who 或 that 引导定语从句。 。 73. were Will and Harry是被给予工作,故 此处 为被动语态, once 体现出本句是一般过去时。 74. long 与下文 around sixteen feet high相呼应,意为“50 英尺长”。 75. such 句意:他们不知道为什么父亲要给他们如此艰巨的任务。“such a/an +形容词 +可数名词单数” 意为

20、“如此的”。 76. However 上句“父亲给了艰巨的任务”,下句“他们六个月建好了”,两句之间为转折关系,且空格后 有逗号, 故填 However。 77. a 句意:在这六个月的时间里,他们重建了这堵墙。in a period of 表示一段时间。 78. cheered 根据文意 , 每次他们想要放弃,他们的父亲总是让 他们振作起来。cheer up “使振作”。且此 处表示过去 的动作 。 79. first 下文“完成任务后,他们感到自豪”。可知,“起初 ,他们两兄弟是感到沮丧的”。at first意 为“ 起初 ” 。 80. himself 父亲对 Will 的教导 对他的一

21、生都产生影响。 Will 会回顾这段经历并告诉自己“一次只搬一 块砖”。 (2018湖南岳阳) E)阅读填空根据短文内容,在文中空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 More and more people celebrate May 20 th because it s an online Valentine s Day(情人节) .There _61_many people expressing deep feelings to their lovers on this special day. I just think I m supposed _62_ show my love

22、to my English teacher. She tells me what to learn and how to learn. She lets me know the true meaning of knowledge and life. At the age of 13, I wanted to leave school and have _63_ own life. The only way that I could do this was to work in the _64_ in my town. I was nervous when I told my teacher.

23、I thought she was about to be _65_ with me. She surprised me when she said, “OK! Go to the factory as soon as possible.” Two days later, she took me to the factory. She _66_ two and a half hours showing me around the factory. While I was _67_ around the factory, I found it difficult for me to use th

24、e modern machines. I ran back to my teacher, “I hope to study at school.” She asked me, “_68_do you think of the trip to the factory? “Its so bad, I dont know how to use the machines. ”I replied. I went back to school the next day. After that, I got good grades by_69_hard. _70_to my English teacher

25、and our trip to the factory, I understood-Education is more important than other things. On May 20, I am going to say, “I love you, my dear teacher.“ 体裁记叙文话题人际交往, 情 感与情绪 词数270 61.are 62.to 63.my 64.factory 65. angry 66.spent 67.visiting 68.What 69. studying/working 70.Thanks 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。在520 这个特别

26、的节日里人们都向所爱的人表达自己的爱意,本文 记叙了一个孩子在这个日子里表达了对老师的感激之情。 61.are【解析】考查助动词义辨析。 根据句子结构及句中空白后边的many people expressing 可知是There be 结构,其后接的是many people 故助动词be 用 are 。 62.to 【解析】考查介词词义辨析。根据固定搭配be supposed to do 理应做某事,故填to 。 63. my 【解析】考查形容词性物主供词的辨析。根据句意“我想离开学校过自己的生活。”形容词性物主 供词 +own+ 名词,某人自己的,根据主语I ,故应该填my。 64. fac

27、tory【解析】考查形容名词词义辨析。根据下文“OK! Go to the factory as soon as possible.” 可知此处填factory。 65. angry【解析】考查形容词词义辨析。根据句意:当我告诉老师时我很紧张,本以为老师会生我的气。 Be angry with生的气。 66.spent 【解析】考查动词词义辨析。根据句意应该是老师花了两个小时时间带我参观了工厂。从后半句 two hours showing me around the factory可推断出填spent 。 67.visiting【解析】考查动词过去进行时的辨析。分析:根据句意及句子结构Whil

28、e I was 可知填此处 为过去进行时,故填visiting 。 68.What 【解析】考查固定搭配及特殊疑问词辨析。根据句意:你认为这次旅行怎么样?What do you think of 你觉得怎么样呢?故填What。 69. studying/working【解析】考查动名词词义辨析。根据句意:从那儿以后,我努力学习取得了好成绩。 By 是介词其后接动名词study/work hard努力学习。故填studying或 working 。 70.Thanks 【解析】考查固定搭配。根据句意:多亏了我的老师和那次旅行使我懂得了教育比其它一切都重 要。Thanks to 多亏了。故填Tha

29、nks to 。 .短文填空。(每空 2 分,共 16 分) 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。 (2018重庆 B卷) We all know that a good night s rest helps us stay healthy. After we sleep for 7 or 8 hours in bed and 75 up next morning, our mind is better prepared to memorize and learn something. But what about getting a rest during t

30、he middle of the day? Scientists say, “Short periods of sleep, napping(小睡), may help learning and memory. Napping can help your children learn better. It can 76 help older people remember longer. “ Take China as an example. Chinese people are used to mapping after lunch. Recently researchers made a

31、survey among nearly 3,000 Chinese people over 65 years old. The researchers asked them 77 they napped and for how long. They found that about 60 percent of them took a nap and they napped for 60 to 90 minutes. The research shows that napping for about an hour is the best. However, these are the find

32、ings for those 78 the age of 65. Doctors say that napping for about an hour may be too 79 for young and healthy people. And they believe that half an hour is enough to 80 young and healthy people from feeling tired. By doing so, 81 will help them stay awake. Doctors also say. “If you have trouble falling asleep at 82 , take a daytime nap for less than 45 minutes and dont nap after 3 p. m. in the afternoon.” 75.wake 76.also 77.if/whether 78.over 79.Long 80.Stop stop sb from doing sth 。 81.It 82.Night


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