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1、PEP 五年级英语上册期中测试题 一、读一读,找出不同类的单词。(5 个知识点) ( ) 1. A. Tuesday B. weekend C. Wednesday D. Thursday ( ) 2. A.old B.teacher C. kind D. young ( ) 3. A. watch TV B. wash my clothes C. tea D. do homework ( ) 4. A. shy B. sandwich C. hamburger D.ice cream ( ) 5. A. delicious B. fresh C.healthy D.salad 二、看图片写出

2、英语单词或词组。(20 个知识点) 三、单项选择。( 30 个知识点) ( ) 1.- What _ John like? - He is very polite. A. am B. is C. are ( ) 2. - _ your English teacher ?- Miss White. A. Who B. What C. Who s ( ) 3.- Is she young? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. No, she is. C. No, she isn t. ( ) 4. - What do you have _ Mondays? - I have Chinese,

3、 English and art. A. on B. in C. at ( ) 5. - _ you often watch TV? - No, I don t. A. Are B. Can C. Do ( ) 6. - Do you often read books on the weekend? -_ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C.Yes, it is. ( ) 7. - _ would you like to drink? - I d like some milk. A. What B. Where C. Who ( ) 8. - What would yo

4、u like to eat? -_ A. I d like a sandwich. B. I like a hamburger. 学 校 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 班 级 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓 名 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 考 号 _ _ _ _ _ _ 装 订 线 内 不 准 答 题 C. I d like some water. ( ) 9. - What s your favourite food? - Ice cream. It s _ . A. hot B. sweet C.fresh ( ) 10.“每天一个

5、苹果,医生远离我。”是下面哪句谚语? A. You can t judge a book by its cover. B. For the hard-working, a week has seven days; for the lazy, seven tomorrows. C. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 四、选择正确的答语。 (15 个知识点) ( ) 1. Is he funny? A. She s kind. ( ) 2. What s she like? B. I have maths and music. ( ) 3. What do

6、 you have on Tuesdays? C. Yes, he is. ( ) 4. Do you often wash your clothes? D. I d like a sandwich. ( ) 5.What would you like to eat? E. Yes, I do. 五、阅读理解,判断正“T”或误“ F”。(15个知识点) Hello, everyone. My name s John. I m 12 years old. My favourite day is Monday. We have music, English and art on Mondays.

7、And on Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. Sandwiches are my favourite food. They re very delicious. My favourite teacher is Miss Green. She s our art teacher. She s kind and funny. I like her class very much. ( )1.My favourite day is Tuesday. ( )2.We have music, English and art on Mondays. ( )3.

8、Salad is my favourite food. ( )4. Miss Green is our art teacher. ( )5. Miss Green is kind and funny. 六、小练笔。(15 个知识点) 假如你是 Mike, 请根据下列表格内 提示的内容写一段自我介绍,不少于5 句话。 I m Mike. Name Mike Character(性格)funny,hard-working Lessons of Fridays (周五的课)maths,English and music Weekend Activities (周末活动)read books ,do

9、homework Favourite food (最喜欢的食物)ice cream The reason I like the ice cream (我喜欢冰激凌的原因) sweet 五年级英语上册期中试卷答案 一、(5 个知识点,每题1 分。) B B C A D 二、(20 个知识点,每题 2 分。) clever、polite、Friday、Saturday、sweet hot、hamburger、sandwich 、read books 、play football 三、(30 个知识点,每题 3 分。) B C C A C B A A B C 四、(15 个知识点,每题 3 分。) C A B E D 五、(15 个知识点,每题 3 分。) F T F T T 六、(15 个知识点,每句 3 分。)略


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