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1、Unit 2English around the world (2) .短语填空 hold on;come up;believe it or not;the same.as ;play an important part in 1San Francisco _ to win 4- 2. 2With Christmas _,few people have much money to spare. 3The naughty boy enjoys reading ,_. 4We are faced with _ kinds of challenges in life _ you are. 5Tele

2、phones are _ our daily life. 答案1.held ing up3.believe it or not4.the same ;as5.playing an important part in .单项填空 1My hometown has changed so much that I cant _ it. Aknow Bunderstand Crecognize Drealize 答案C句意:我的家乡变化太大了,我都认不出来了。know 知道,了解; understand明白,理解; recognize认出; realize意识到。 2As a student ,he i

3、s _ to work hard to keep up with his classmates. Aexpected Bknew Crecognized Dhoped 答案A考查动词词义辨析。 句意:作为学生, 他被期望努力学习以跟上他 的同学。 expect sb to do sth期望某人做某事,而hope则无此用法。 3Lincoln is recognized _ one of the greatest presidents in America. Aas Bfor Cbeing Dlike 答案A考查固定搭配。句意:林肯被公认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。be recognized as

4、. “ 被公认为 ” 。 4I requested that you _ the task on time. Afinished Bfinish Ccould finish Dwould finish 答案Brequest后接宾语从句,谓语动词用should动词原形。 5He went to the hospital for a medical examination.And that is _ he was absent from the meeting. Awhy Bwhen Cwhether Dwhat 答案A句意:他去医院体检了,那就是他缺席会议的原因。why 表原因, 引导表语从句,

5、在从句中作状语。 6Time is limited,and lets come _ to the point. Astraight Bstrangely Cimmediately Dclearly 答案A考查副词词义辨析。句意: 时间有限,让我们直奔主题。come straight to“ 直接” 。 7As soon as he heard the news,an _ of surprise appeared on his face. Acondition Bsituation Cfunction Dexpression 答案Dexpression 意为“ 表情” 。句意:他一听到这消息,脸

6、上就露出一副 吃惊的表情。 8There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party.You _ come,and what a pity! Amight have Bshould have Ccould have Dwould have 答案B考查情态动词的用法。 根据语境可知是对过去的推测,而且用来表 示责备、遗憾,所以用should have done “ 本该做某事而事实上没做” 。 9The part that she _ in the film made her famous. Aplayed Bput Ctreated Dgot 答案A 句意:她在这

7、部电影中扮演的角色让她出了名。play a part in.“ 在里扮演角色 ” 为固定搭配,所以选A。 10Judging by her _ ,Jane must be a southerner. Apronunciation Baccent Cvoice Dsound 答案Baccent意为“ 口音” 。 11The composition is good,_,there is room for improvement. Atherefore Binstead Crather Dhowever 答案D考查副词词义辨析。 however“ 然而” ,句意:这篇作文还不错,不 过还得改进。 1

8、2In order not to let the cars drive along the street ,they _ the entrance with big stones. Astood Bdug Cburied Dblocked 答案D句意:为了不让车在这条街上开, 他们用大石块堵住了路口。 stand 站立; dig 挖;bury 埋葬; block 阻塞。结合句意应选D。 13The policeman _ the car to stop immediately because it was running too fast in the street. Arequested B

9、begged Choped Dcommanded 答案D句意:警察命令那辆车立即停下来,因为它在街上跑得太快。 14As I know,there is _ student in this school. Ano such Bno a Cnot such Dno such a 答案A考查 no,not 和 such连用的用法。 no 相当于 not a,故排除 B、D 两项。 C 项没有不定冠词,故选A。 15Good use that the villagers have been _ the water resources has brought them a large income.

10、Amaking of Bputting into Ctaking on Dproviding with 答案A句意为 “ 村民一直合理利用水资源,这给他们带来了巨大的收 入。” make good use of好好利用,合句意。 put into 使进入,把 放进; take on,穿上,承担,呈现; provide with 供给,这三项不与use搭配。 .完成句子 1_( 信不信由你 ),our English teacher knows everything. 2There is _( 没有这样的一个字 )within my memory. 3English _( 起到重要的作用 )in

11、 finding an excellent job for us. 4I have _( 和你观点一致 ) 5_( 径直往前走 ),and you will find a hospital. 6He _( 被公认为 )one of the fastest runners in the world. 答案1.Believe it or not2.no such word3.plays an important part/role4.the same opinion as you 5.Go/Walk straight ahead 6.is recognized as .阅读理解 Canadian

12、English Canadian English is affected by both British and American English.In vocabulary there are a lot of US influences:Canadians use billboard,gas ,truck and wrench rather than hoarding ,petrol,lorry,and spanner ; but on the other hand ,they agree with the British in saying blinds,braces ,porridge

13、, and tap rather than shades,suspenders ,oatmeal,and faucet. South African English Since 1994 South Africa has had eleven official languages : English, Afrikaans (having developed from Dutch),Zulu, Xhosa, and other largely regional African languages.English is the first language of only about 10 per

14、cent of the population ,but the second language of many others.The English of native Afrikaners has influenced the“standard ”English of white South Africans,examples being such informal usages as the affirmative( 肯定的 )no, as in“How are you?No,Im fine.”and the all-purpose response “is it”,as in“She h

15、ad a baby last week ,is it?” Indian English Together with Hindi,English is used across India ,but it can also be a speakers first , second , or third language.The grammar of Indian English has many distinguishing features ,of which perhaps the best known are the use of the present continuous tense,a

16、s in “He is having very much of property”,and the use of “isnt it ”as an ordinary question tag,“We are meeting tomorrow,isnt it?”The first example shows another characteristic of the language,which is using “in ” or “of ” in idiomatic phrases.Verbs are also used differently,with speakers often dropp

17、ing a preposition or object altogether ,“I insist ed immediate payment”,while double possessives( 所有格 )“ our these prices”(instead of the British English“these prices of ours”) are common. 1What does the underlined word“distinguishing”mean in Paragraph 3? Adifferent Bsame Cshort Dmissing 答案A由下文的例子看出

18、此处意为“ 不同的,多样的 ” 。 2According to the passage ,which group of words is all in American form? ABillboard,gas ,blinds,braces. BHoarding,petrol,porridge,tap. CTruck,wrench,shades ,suspenders. DLorry,spanner ,oatmeal,faucet. 答案C由第一段可知。 3What can we learn from Paragraph 2? ADutch is one of the official lan

19、guages in South Africa. BZulu is one of the official languages in South Africa. CLess than 10% of the South African people speak English as their second language. DMore than 10% of the South African people speak English as their mother tongue. 答案B由第 2 段前两句可知。 4How many distinguishing features of Ind

20、ian English grammar are mentioned in the passage? A2 B3 C4 D5 答案D由第 3 段可知。 .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。 _1_ One sort of crime which particularly worries people is juvenile delinquencycrimes committed by young people.For some years , juvenile delinquency has been increasing.There are t

21、wo main sorts of juvenile crime: stealing and violence._2_ There are ,I think ,a large number of different reasons. These crimes are not usually committed by people who are poor or in need.Young people often dislike and resent the adult world._3_ Also in Britain today it is easier for young people t

22、o commit crimes because they have more freedom to go where they like and more money to do what they like. There are two other possible causes which are worth mentioning.More and more people in Britain live in large towns._4_ But in the village I come from crimes are rare because everybody knows ever

23、yone else. Although it is difficult to explain,I think the last cause is very important.Perhaps there is something wrong with our society which encourages violence and crime.It is a fact that all the time children are exposed to films and reports about crime and violence._5_ But I think that young p

24、eople are very much influenced by the society they grow up in.I feel that the fault may be as much with our whole society as with these young people. AMany people do not agree that this influences young people. BThey will do things to show that they are rebels. CCrime is a serious problem in Britain. DThey wanted to show their ability and get fame. EMost people do not understand why young people commit these crimes. FIn a large town or city there are more people than in villages. GIn a large town no one knows who anyone else is or where they live. 答案1.C2.E3.B4.G5.A


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