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1、Unit 1 Festivals around the world Section Learning about Language 课时精练(人教版必修3,课标通用) .短语填空 1Many people _ as guests at the meeting yesterday. 2You should always _ , or no one will trust you. 3The race was so close that everyone was _ at the finish. 4The villagers _ fireworks to celebrate the successf

2、ul completion of the power station. 5The photo _ me _ my college. 答 案1.turned up2.keep your word3.holding their breath4.set off 5.reminds;of .单项填空 1Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside the bed to keep himself _ of his own dreams. Areminding Bto remind Creminded Dremind 答案C考查非谓语动词。句意:Michael 把

3、姚明的图片张贴在床边是为了 提醒自己要实现自己的梦想。remind sb of sth 表示“提醒某人某事 ”,himself 与 remind 之间是动宾关系,故用动词的过去分词形式。 2Armed with the information you have gathered, you can _ preparing your business plan. Aset out Bset about Cset off Dset up 答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:收集到的信息已备好,你可以开始准备 你的商业计划了。根据句意可知,此处应用set about表示“着手做 , ”,其 后用动名词形式。

4、 set out 后接 to do sth; set off 表示“出发”;set up表示“建 立”,均与句意不符,所以选B 项。 3He is the last to come. _ , he is the latest. AIn a word BIn another word CIn other words DIn words 答案C考查介词短语。 句意:他是最后来的人, 换句话说, 他是最后一个。 根据前后句意可知后面的句子是对前面句子的解释,故有“也就是说,换句话 说”的意思。 4Under good treatment, Linda is beginning to _. Apick

5、 up Bturn up Ctake up Dshow up 答案A考查动词短语。句意:经过好的治疗,琳达的病开始好转。 5According to my grandma, it is a good idea to eat chicken soup when you have a cold. _, scientists agree with her. ASooner or later BOnce in a while CTo be exact DBelieve it or not 答案D考查短语意义辨析。句意:从奶奶那儿得知,当感冒的时候喝 鸡汤是个好主意。 信不信由你,科学家也这样认为。so

6、oner or later “迟 早”;once in a while “偶尔”;to be exact “确切地说 ”;believe it or not“信 不信由你 ”。 6They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _ they themselves couldnt. Aonce Bthen Cwhile Dif 答案C考查连词。他们感到吃惊的是在他们不能解决这个问题时,然而孩 子们却能解决。根据句子前后意思有“对比,转折 ”意思,故答案 C 合适。 7You promised you would take

7、the boys for a camp, so now you must _. Amake a promise Bkeep your word Cbreak your word Dcarry your promise 答案B考查动词短语。句意:你承诺你会带孩子去野营,所以你一定要遵 守诺言。 keep your word 意思为“遵守诺言 ”符合此处句意。 8This will probably _ trouble in the future. Alead to Bresult from Clie in Dgive away 答案A考查动词短语。句意:这可能会在将来带来麻烦。此处意思为“带 来

8、,导致 ”,lead to有此意。 9She promised to come but hasnt _ yet. Aturned down Bturned up Cturned away Dturned off 答案B考查动词短语。句意:她答应来,但是还没有露面。turn up 意思为 “出现,露面 ”符合题意。 10 Sir, you _ be sitting in this waiting room. It is for women and children only. Aoughtnt to Bcant Cwont Dneednt 答案A考查情态动词。句意:先生,你不应该坐在这个等候室,

9、它仅供孩 子和妇女使用。根据语境 “仅供孩子和妇女 ”推知“不应该 , ”,故答案 A 合适。 .完成句子 1The sight of the watch _ _ _( 提醒我 ) it was too late. 2Two children _(淹死了 )after falling into the river. 3I almost _ _ _( 喘不过气来 ) after a fast running. 4Can I _ _ _ _ ( 谈话)you after the meeting? 5_ _ _ _( 把收音机开大声点 )so that I can hear it better. 答

10、案1.reminded me that 2.drowned3.lost my breath 4have a word with5.Turn up the radio .完形填空 There is an English saying that goes, “He who laughs last, laughs the hardest.” High School Musical star and teen attraction Zac Efron is _1_ a lot these days. _2_ a young boy, Efron was bullied(恐吓) in school be

11、cause he was the smallest in his class and made _3_ of because he looked a bit ugly. But history, as they say, is a thing of the _4_. Now at 21, Efron is one of People Magazines 100 Most Beautiful People, and is _5_ the world promoting the third High School Musical film. Efron was born and _6_ in Ca

12、lifornia. He took school seriously._7_ Efron, he would be mad if he got not an A _8_ a B in school. It was his father who _9_ him to act. He took part in school _10_ and practised with a local theater group. He also took singing lessons. He _11_ from high school in 2006 and was accepted at the Unive

13、rsity of Southern California to study film. But he put it off_12_ study movies when you can star in them? Now he has signed on to star in a romantic comedy and to _13_ in the remake of the popular movie, Footloose. Efron is also earning more than $3 million for his _14_ in High School Musical 3. Not

14、 _15_ for a 21_16_ remembers those bullies. “You have to remember that bullies want to bring you _17_ because you have something that they _18_ ,” Efron said. “Also, when people _19_ your weaknesses, it is _20 _ an opportunity for you to rise above.” 【语篇大意】文章主要叙述了一位貌不起眼的电影明星的成长过程。 1A.thinking Bdoing

15、 Csinging Dlaughing 答案D“笑到最后,笑得最好。 ”暗示了本文的主人公就是这样一个人, 所以选 D,与段首的句子保持一致。 2A.As BLike CFor DTo 答案A考查 as作介词的一个用法, asn.可以表示时间,译为 “当什么时 候”。 3A.little Bfree Cfun Duse 答案C因为他看起来有点丑, 所以他被别人取笑。 make fun of sb的被动形 式为 sb be made fun of 。 4A.present Bpast Cmoment Dtime 答案B历史顾名思义就是过去的事情。a thing of the past与过去有关的

16、事 情。 5A.visiting Bshowing Cturning Dtraveling 答案D根据下文可知现在他正在周游世界来宣传High School Musical 3 这 部影片。 6A.grown Brisen Craised Dbrough 答案C讲在哪里出生及被抚养长大。sb be raised sb be brought up 。 7A.According to BJudging from CAs for DOwing to 答案Aaccording to sb根据某人的观点或说的话。 8A.or Bbut Cand Dnor 答案B考查固定句型。 not A but B。不

17、是 A 而是 B。 9A.wanted Bpromised Cencouraged Dexpected 答案C为什么他会走上艺术道路,这都源于他的父亲对他的鼓励。 encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人去做某事。 10A.meetings Breports Clectures Dperformances 答案D他开始参加学校组织的表演。这是他艺术之路的开始。 11A.graduated Bleft Cbenefited Dstarted 答案A后面紧接着提到被大学录取,所以该空的意思是从高中毕业。 graduate from 从,毕业。 12A.how Bwhy Cwho Dw

18、hen 答案B句意为 “他推迟了去上大学,因为既然你能够在电影中扮演角色, 那你为什么还去学习电影表演呢?”所以选 why 表示反问。 13A.play Bbehave Cmove Dmanage 答案Ato play 与上句的 to star形成对比,都是讲他在艺术上的表现。 14A.result Bdeed Ceffect Drole 答案D在电影中扮演角色用role。 15A.good Bbad Cfamiliar Dpopuar 答案B这句话是说他能够取得这样的成就对于一个21 岁的年轻人来说已 经不错了。 not bad不错。 16A.even Byet Cstill Din 答案C

19、但是 Efron 依旧记得别人对他的嘲笑。 17A.down Bup Con Din 答案A考查短语的区别。 bring sb down 让某人消沉,打败某人。 18A.hate Bshare Cneed Denvy 答案Denvy 羡慕,嫉妒。别人对你的嘲笑可能源于你有一些让别人嫉妒的 东西。 19A.pick out Bpoint out Ctake out Dfind out 答案B句意为 “还有,当别人指出你的缺点的时候,这很可能是一个机会 来让你变得比别人出众。 ”point out 指出,挑出。 20A.probably Bsimply Cclearly Dfairly 答案A见上

20、题分析。 probably 有推测的含义。 . 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。 There was a story about a king._1_ One day ,the king ordered some of his workers to dig a pond.Once the pond was dug,he made an announcement to his ministers ,saying that one person from each family was required to bring a glass of m

21、ilk during the night and pour it into the pond._2_ After receiving the order,everyone said “yes”and then went home.One of the ministers was preparing to take the milk during the night._3_Since everyone would bring milk ,he would just take a glass of water instead and pour it into the pond.It would b

22、e so dark that no one else would discover it.So he quickly went out , poured the water into the pond and came back home,feeling rather satisfied with what he did._4_But much to their surprise,they saw the pond only filled with clear water!What had happened was that everyone was thinking just like th

23、e other person :“I dont have to put milk into the pond,and someone else will do it. ”So when it comes to helping poor people ,you shouldnt think that others will take care of it._5_If you dont do it,no one else will do it.Whatever you do,be true to your words,and that will make a big difference. ARa

24、ther,it starts with you. BAll of a sudden,an idea occurred to him. CThe king had never spent a sleepless night. DHe couldnt wait to see what would happen. ESo the pond would be full of milk by the morning. FHe had his own way to find out whether his ministers were honest. GThe next morning,the king

25、came to visit the pond with his ministers. 【语篇大意】国王命令在夜间每一个大臣都要把一杯牛奶倒进刚挖好的 一个池塘里。结果每一个人都想着别人倒进去的是牛奶,自己倒一杯清水就行 了。第二天,国王和大臣们来到池塘边,他们看到的却是一池塘的清水。 1答案F第一段是故事的开头,再结合下文内容,国王命令他的大臣们每人 带一杯牛奶,在夜里倒入新挖的池塘里。他想通过这件事来检验那些人是否诚 实。由此可知此处选F。这是一个承上启下的句子。 2答案E国王让每一个大臣们在夜里把一杯牛奶倒进池塘,这样第二天一大 早他就能看到池塘里充满牛奶。本句与前一句存在因果关系,故此处选E。 3答案B下句点明了他想到的主意:既然别人都要带牛奶去,他就带一杯清 水倒进池塘里。故此处选B。 4答案G结合语境和下文内容 “令他们非常吃惊的是,他们看到池塘里满是 清水”可知此处选 G,表示“第二天国王和大臣们来到池塘边”。 5答案A结合语境和选项可知此处选A。从自己做起。你不做,别人也不会 做。


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