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1、Unit 5 Canada “ The True North ” Section Warming Up ride Briding; ride Cride; to ride Dto ride; riding 答案C考查固定句式。句意:他喜欢骑自行车而不喜欢乘坐拥挤的公交。 根据句式此处为prefer to do.rather than do 句式,意思为 “宁愿 ,而不 愿, ”。 7Its getting dark.Wed better find a hotel and _. Aset out Bsettle down Cmake out Dmove down 答案B考查动词短语。 句意:天渐

2、渐黑了,我们最好找个宾馆住下来。 settle down“安定下来;平静下来 ”; set out“陈述; 阐明; 起程; 开始 ”; make out“辨 认出;看出;理解 ”;move down“向下移动 ”。 8She often shares her deepest thoughts and fears with friends through QQ, as if they _ in her living room. Awere chatting Bwas chatted Cchat Dhas chatted 答案A考查动词时态。句意:她经常与朋友通过QQ 分享内心深处的想法 和恐惧,

3、 好像是在卧室闲聊一样。 根据语境 “在, ”可知用一般过去进行时。 9It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some _ over 90 meters. Ameasure Bmeasures Cmeasuring Dmeasured 答案C考查独立主格结构。句意:气候太湿润了以致于树木相当地高,有 些高达 90 米。此处前后主语不一致用独立主格结构,some指代树木,可以发 出 measure的动作。 10The sunlight came in _ the window in the roof and lit up th

4、e whole room. Athrough Bacross Con Dover 答案A考查介词。句意:阳光穿过屋顶的窗子进来照亮了整个房间。由此 处语境 “阳光”“窗子”推知用介词 through。 11She begins her life in a strange land, learning to navigate the distance between the old world and her new _. Asurroundings Bsituation Cthings Dmatters 答案A考查名词辨析。句意:她在这块陌生的土地上开始生活,学着在旧 世界和新环境下之间穿梭。

5、 此处语境旧世界与新 “环境”对比, 故答案 A 合适。 12 The owners of a Southern California truck stop are paying $1.2 million to _ a fuel storage environmental lawsuit( 诉讼) Asettle Bdeal Cdo Dprevent 答案A考查动词辨析。从前面支付$1.2 million与后面的a fuel storage environmental lawsuit 可知是为了解决这一争端而支付的款项,故答案 A 合适。 13Peter was so excited _ he

6、 received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing _he felt on top of the world. Awhen; who Bthat;that Cwhen; that Dthat; where 答案C考查连词。句意:皮特收到朋友邀请他去重庆游玩的邀请函时,他 感觉到非常高兴。分析句子结构可知when 引导时间状语从句;另外还含有 so.that. 固定结构。 14It took _ building supplies to construct these energy- saving houses. It took

7、brains, too. Aother than Bmore than Crather than Dless than 答案B考查固定短语。句意:要建造这些节省能源的房子需要的不仅仅是 建筑材料,还需要智慧。more than不仅仅,符合题意。other than除了;rather than 而不是; less than 不足。 15Did you remember to give Jenny the money? Yes. _ I saw her, Im sure. ASo long as BSo far as CThe moment DAny time 答案C考查连词用法。句意:我保证一看

8、到她就给她。the moment意思为 “一,就”。 .阅读理解 Oxford University has introduced confidence classes for female students to get them to compete for jobs in future and win chances to work in best companies. They may be young and gifted but research at the excellent institution has found that female undergraduates( 大

9、学生 ) are shying away from applying for jobs in banking, finance, management consultancy(咨 询 ), engineering and resource management. Partly as a result, starting salaries for women when they graduate are on average 2,000 to 3,000 lower than their male counterparts. “Women are earning less on leaving

10、Oxford. It is ridiculous,” said Jonathan Black, the careers service director at the university. “We have high quality, high achieving students of both genders. But it appears that women are selecting lower paid jobs. They accept more prejudice in certain industries and are saying I wont struggle for

11、 that really high paid job . We are not trying to push loads of women but we are trying to say, you should feel able to apply for these sorts of jobs. Boys seem to have a more self- confidence and see the bigger picture generally, even when their self-belief is not necessarily based on any greater a

12、cademic advantage.” The four-day programme at Oxford will help 45 female undergraduates improve their self-confidence and decision making, think positively and build up their strengths. Confidence training will teach them how to deal with opposition and challenging situations. Successful female empl

13、oyees from RBS and BP, which are supporting the course, will talk about their lives and careers. RBSs involvement follows a promise by the bank to increase its national percentage of female graduate applications from 35 percent to 50 percent by 2014. Sophie Kelley, 20, studying law at Oxford, is hop

14、ing the course will make her more confident in courses and interviews. “I am applying to London law firms for vacation schemes and it is so competitive ,” she said. “The rejection letters dont give any real feedback (反馈) so Im expecting the programme might give me a hand and advice. ” 【语篇大意】牛津大学为了让在

15、校的女大学生在将来参加社会后更有竞争 力,开设了 “自信课 ”,帮助她们树立自信,这个活动也受到了一些公司的支 持。 1Oxford University brings in confidence classes in order to help _. Afemale undergraduates build up their strengths in daily life Bmale undergraduate make friends with girls at university Cfemale undergraduates get success with more confiden

16、ce Dfemales fight against challenges in face of danger 答案C细节理解题。第一段第一句话的get them to compete for jobs in future and win chances to work in best companies 说明该项目的初衷。 2What is the worrying situation for female undergraduates? AThey dont like to work in companies offering low wages. BTheir opportunities

17、are limited and their salary is lower. CThere are fewer females admitted to Oxford University. DThey refuse to work in banking and finance fields. 答案B推理判断题。第二段第一句话的shying away from applying for jobs in banking.和第三句话的3,000 lower than their male counterparts 说明女大学 毕业生可能会遭遇的不良境遇。 3What is the mistaken

18、idea for female undergraduates? AThey themselves dont like working on resource management. BThey themselves think they are superior to boys in all sides. CThey themselves think men and women are born equal. DThey themselves think they are not good as boys. 答案D细节理解题。第三段第二句话的appears that women are sel

19、ecting lower paid jobs和第三句话的 They accept more prejudice说明即使女生自己也在 一定程度上看轻了自己。 4What can we learn about Sophie Kelly? AShe hopes to benefit more from the program. BShe has been rejected by the program at Oxford. CShe feels the program is ridiculous in modern society. DShe isnt fit for the world of competition and challenges. 答案A推理判断题。文章最后一句话的Im expecting the programme might give me a hand and advice 说明 A 项正确。


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