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1、Unit 3 Life in the future 单元测试(人教版必修5,课标 通用) (满分: 150 分,时间: 120 分钟 ) 第卷 (共 115 分) 第一部分听力 (共两节,满分30 分) 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分 ) 听下面 5 段对话。 每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听完每段对话后, 你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1Where does the conversation take place? AIn a shop. BAt a bank. CIn a res

2、taurant. 2What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? ATicket seller and customer. BPoliceman and driver. CTaxi driver and passenger. 3What do we know about the man? AHe will not learn to use a computer. BHe uses computer every day. CHe will learn to use a computer. 4What is the tota

3、l cost of the two tickets? A90 yuan. B135 yuan. C125 yuan. 5What will the woman probably do? AGo to bed. BDrink more coffee. CEat something. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后, 每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答

4、第6 至 8 题。 6Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? AHusband and wife. BFriends. CClassmates. 7How much did the shoes cost? A$60. B$80. C$100. 8Where was the key? AIts in the handbag. BIts lost. CIts in the lock. 听第 7 段材料,回答第9 至 11 题。 9What is the probable relationship between the t

5、wo speakers? ATeacher and student. BSalesman and customer. CManager and secretary. 10When will the man handle the report of Mr.James? AThis morning. BThis afternoon. CThis evening. 11What will the man do after meeting with Sally? AHe will review the report of Mr.James. BHe will meet with the client.

6、 CHe will have a talk with Mr.James. 听第 8 段材料,回答第12 至 14 题。 12What is the woman? AA writer. BA tourist. CA reporter. 13When does the man expect the woman to finish the assignment? ABy Friday. B By Wednesday. CBy Thursday. 14What can we learn from the dialogue? ABurj Dubai is the tallest building in

7、the world. BDubai is a city in Western Europe. CThe woman is just back from a trip to Dubai City. 听第 9 段材料,回答第15 至 17 题。 15Why is the mans school having a no- uniform day? ATo meet the students demand. BTo raise money for charity. CTo satisfy the teachers need. 16What is the man going to wear? AA dr

8、ess. BA dress and the jeans. CHis new designed jeans. 17What is the man? AA teacher. BA student. CA parent. 听第 10 段材料,回答第18 至 20 题。 18What seems to be an especially important way to stimulate ones memory? ALearning new things. BLearning to use a computer. CPaying attention to everything. 19How can w

9、e concentrate on a pen? ABy focusing on one of its characteristics. BBy associating it with other objects. CBy focusing on its features. 20What is the speaker mainly talking about? AThe skills of developing ones memory. BThe importance of improving ones memory. CThe relationship between relaxation a

10、nd memory. 听力材料 Text 1 W:Excuse me,madam.What can I do for you? M:I want to open an account here. Text 2 W:Hangzhou Railway Station ,please.I want to catch the 11:30 train. M:We should be OK if the lights are with us. Text 3 W:Are you going to study computer language? M:Well,I dont like to talk to a

11、 machine. Text 4 W:How much will it cost my daughter and me to go to Beijing by bus? M:Its 90 yuan for you and half of the ticket price for your daughter as she is under 1.2 meters. Text 5 M:Would you like another cup of coffee? W:Thanks, but I dont really like more coffee before I go to bed.Id rath

12、er have something to eat. 听第 6 段材料,回答第6 至 8 题。 Text 6 W:How much are the shoes? M:$80 a pair.But wheres the money? W:In my handbag.Ill get it.My God!Where is my key? M:I put it in your handbag before I left the house. W:But it isnt in my handbag.You must think about it carefully. M:Lets see.I closed

13、 the windows.Then I closed the door. W:Yes?Then I left the key in the lock. 听第 7 段材料,回答第9 至 11 题。 Text 7 W:Sir,Mr.James from Editing Department would like your opinion on this report. M:Im too busy right now.Put it in my mailbox.I will handle it later this afternoon. W:Yes sir.And Sally from Sales D

14、epartment wants to discuss a project with you. M:Hmm ,yes,thats a key issue we still have to resolve.Whats my schedule like? W:The earliest time available is in two days. M:OK ,make an appointment for a meeting with Sally. W:What about the appointment with the client? M:Make it after the meeting wit

15、h Sally.Is that OK? W:No problem. 听第 8 段材料,回答第12 至 14 题。 Text 8 M:Well,you look wonderful. W:Thanks.So do you have any assignments for me? M:Yes,I do.I need a writer for my new travel column. W:And are you asking me to write it? M:Yes.You are an excellent writer.Youll do a good job. W:Thanks! So wha

16、ts my first column about? M:For your first column ,I want you to write about Dubai City. W:Dubai City.Wheres that? M:It is a city in the Middle East. W:Are there a lot of interesting things in Dubai City? M:There are! There is a place to go skiing inside.Workers are building the Burj Dubai.Thats the

17、 tallest building in the world. W:Great! Ill be sure to write about that. M:Can you finish this assignment by Thursday? W:Ill do my best. M:Excellent.I cant wait to read it. 听第 9 段材料,回答第15 至 17 题。 Text 9 M:I cant wait for next week. W:Why? M:Well have our annual no- uniform day. W:What? You dont hav

18、e to wear your uniform to school? M:No,we can wear anything we like. W:Why do you have a no- uniform day? M:Its to raise money for charity.We have to pay one pound to wear any casual clothes we like. W:What? Any clothes?I think you should shock your students in a dress! M:I am not wearing a dress.Im

19、 really eager to show off my new designed jeans. W:Well,you could wear a dress over the top !Thats a real fashion statement! M:Im not wearing a dress.My friends would beat me and theyd never let me forget it. W:Come on,its for a worthwhile cause.What charity is the money donated to? M:Its being dona

20、ted to “ Children in Need” W:Well,there you go.Your students are in need of a good laugh. M:I am not teaching my students wearing a dress. 听第 10 段材料,回答第18 至 20 题。 Text 10 There are many techniques you can use to improve your memory.Some of them are introduced here. First and foremost ,you need to st

21、imulate your memory all the time.To put it simply,you should use your memory as much as possible.It is especially important to try to learn something new.If you work in an office , learn to dance; if you are a dancer, learn to deal with a computer ; if you work with sales, learn to play chess; if yo

22、u are a programmer , learn to paint.These added activities stimulate the brain so that it continues to function. Older people need to pay attention to things they are dealing with.Dont try to memorize everything that catches your attention ;focus on what you consider important ;for example,you can t

23、ake any object such as a pen and concentrate on it.Think about its various characteristics:its material ,its function ,its colour ,and so on.Dont allow any other thought to occupy your mind while you are concentrating on that pen. Another method that can be used is to relax.It is impossible to remem

24、ber things if you are tense or nervous.So try holding your breath for ten seconds ,and then release it slowly. Association is also a powerful tool to develop your memory.For example,if you cannot remember a persons name,you can think about a special feature of his face and then link it with his name

25、. 答案1.B2.C3.A4.B5.C6.A7.B8.C9.C 10 B11.B12.A13.C14.A 15.B16.C17.A18.A19.C20.A 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节语法和词汇知识(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21In_third stage of the exploration ,_spacecraft will be sent to collect the moon minerals. Athe;/ Ba;the Cthe;the Da; / 答案C第一空序数词前使

26、用定冠词;第二空表示特指用定冠词。 22He paid back the money he owed us_he returned home. Ainstant Binstantly Cfor the first time Dminute 答案B考查状语从句的引导词。他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。表示 “ 一 就” 可用 The instant/minute/instantly 从句。 for the first time在句中只能用作状语,不具有连词功 能,不可用来引导状语从句。故选B。 23Mrs Clark loves reading and soon becomes a_custom

27、er of the bookshop.(2012济南高 二检测 ) Aoften Bconstant Cfrequently Dinstant 答案B考查词义辨析。句意:克拉克夫人喜欢读书并且很快成了这家书店的一名常客。 空白处需要一个形容词来修饰customer,而 often 和 frequently 都是副词, instant 用作形容词 时意为 “ 立刻的;速溶的” , 不符合语境。 24 The speech by Premier Wen Jiabao at the World Economic Forum in Davos in summer in 2011 is strongly

28、 impressed _my memory. Ato Bover Cby Don 答案D考查介词搭配。句意:温家宝总理在2011 年夏季达沃斯世界经济论坛上的讲话深 深印入了我的脑海中。“ sth impress on sth 或 be impressed on/upon sth”是固定搭配,意为 “给,留下了印象 ”。其他几个搭配都不对。 25After having followed the thief for an hour,the police_him in a large store. Adiscovered Bcaught sight of C out of sight Dlost

29、 sight of 答案D考查短语辨析。句意:在跟踪了那个小偷一个小时以后,警察在一个商场里看不 到他了。由于警察一直在跟踪小偷,所以排除A、B。out of sight 是介词短语,而且也不能接 宾语小偷,所以排除。 26To keep healthy, Professor Alex_jogging as a regular form of exercise after he retired. Atook up Bturned up Cbrought up Dset up 答案A考查短语辨析。句意:退休后,为保持健康,亚历克斯教授把慢跑作为一种常用 的锻炼方式。 take up“ 从事;开始

30、做某事” ;turn up“ 出现 ” ;bring up“ 提出;养育 ” ;set up“ 建立; 创建 ” 。 27The days seem to_by. Aflash Bstrike C hit Doccur 答案A考查词义辨析。句意:光阴似箭。sth strike/hit on/occur to sb “ 某人突然想起 ,” 故选 A 项。 28Some old people dont like pop songs because they cant _ so much noise. Aresist Bsustain Ctolerate Dundergo 答案C考查动词词义辨析。句

31、意:一些老人不喜欢流行音乐因为他们不能忍受那么多的 噪音。 A 项“ 抵挡 ” ;B 项“ 蒙受;遭受 ” ;D 项“ 经历;承受 ” 均不符合语境。tolerate 表示 “ 忍受 ” 符合语境。故选C。 29 One of my net friends went through a period of emotional_after her daughter was dead and she finally decided to find a new job.(2012长沙高二检测 ) Acontrol Badjustment Coutburst Dimprovement 答案B考查名词词

32、义辨析。句意:我的一位网友在她的女儿离世后,经历了一段情感的 调整期,然后最终决定找一份新工作。adjustment 调整;调节。故选B。 30Health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _of exercise. Alimit Black Cneed Ddemand 答案B考查名词词义辨析。句意:健康问题与不良的饮食习惯和缺乏锻炼密切相关。lack 作名词时常构成a lack of 短语。故选B。 31You watch your favourite channel first and then we_

33、. Aswitch on Bswitch off Cswitch over Dswitch in 答案C考查 switch 所构成的固定短语。根据句意“ 你先看你最喜欢的频道,过一会儿咱们 再换着看。 ” 可知应选择C 项。 switch over 在此意为 “ 转换,变换 ” ,其他选项均不符合语境。 故选 C。 32Grardet looked at his daughter,_to find a word to say. Aif Bas if C even if Dwhether 答案B句意:葛朗台瞪着女儿,好像要与她说话。if 是否,如果; as if 好像; even if 尽 管,

34、即使; whether 是否。根据句意B 项正确。 33Everyone involved in preparing for the Olympic Culture Festival has enjoyed working in such beautiful_. Asurrounding Bsurroundings Csituation Dconditions 答案B考查词义辨析。句意:每一个参与奥林匹克文化节准备工作的人都喜欢在这么美 丽的环境中工作。surrounding 是形容词,意为“ 周围的 ” ; situation“ 情况 ” conditions“ 条件 ” 都不 符合语境。

35、surroundings“ 环境 ” ,符合语境。故选B。 34Soldiers stood next to a police truck ,looking at the crime scene_ a woman was gunned down in a poor neighborhood of the border city of Libya. Athat B which Cwhere Dwhy 答案C考查定语从句的关系词。当先行词为scene时,表示场所,又因关系词在从句中作 状语,故用where。选 C。 35_ as the “ First Lady of Speech”,Dr Lil

36、lian Glass is recognized as one of the worlds leading experts on communication skills. AKnowing BHaving known CKnown DTo be known 答案Cbe known as 被称为 。Dr Lillian Glass与 know 之间为被动关系,应用过去分词 形式作状语。A、 B 项表主动,应排除;D 项表将来,也可排除。故选C。 第二节完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中选出可以填入空白

37、处的最佳选 项。 One of the most remarkable things about the human mind is our ability to imagine the future.In our _36_ we can see what has not yet happened.For example, while we are looking forward to _37_ a new place or country,we _38_ what it will be like.We predict the _39_ people will eat,dress and ac

38、t.Of course,we do not always predict things _40_.Things are often very different from the way we _41_ them to be.One of the _42_dreams in history is the dream of the German scientist,Kekule ,who had been _43_ to work out a very difficult problem in physics.He had _44_ and analyzed the problem from e

39、very angle for days,but there _45_ to be no way of _46_ out the answer.Then one night he went to bed and dreamed.When he _47_ up,he realized that he knew the answer.He had solved the problem in his _48_.The hypnotist (催眠者 )sat in the chair opposite him and spoke _49_: I want you to concentrate on my

40、 voice.Think about _50_.You know nothing but my voice.And as you pay attention to my voice,your _51_ will get heavier.Soon youll be asleep.You will hear my voice and _52_ my words,but your body will be asleep,your eyes are too heavy.You are _53_ asleep ,and when you wake up you will _54_ nothing.You

41、 will forget everything.Now I am going to _55_ slowly from one to five.One,two, three,four ,five. 【解题导语】本文讲述了人的大脑有预测未来的非凡能力,甚至在梦中有时也能解决一些难 题。 36A.brains Bsenses Cminds Dsights 答案C从前一句话中可以得到足够的启示。 37A.visiting Bseeking Creaching Ddiscovering 答案A此处强调过程,另三个词系短暂动词,不能这样用。 38A.imagine Bknow C feel Dguess

42、答案Aimagine 表示一种心理描绘,意思为“ 想象 ” 。 39A.custom B habit Cstyle Dway 答案D这里强调的是行为方式。此外,第41 题空格前重现了类似的表达方式。 40A.quickly Bsimply Ccorrectly Dneatly 答案C情况经常与我们预计的不同,说明我们的预计不总是“ 正确的 ” 。 41A.required Bwished Cleft Dexpected 答案D四个选项中只有expect 与 predict 相一致。 42A.funny Bdull Cfamous Dsilly 答案C开普勒的梦不具有funny ,dull 和

43、silly 的特征。 43A.managing Btrying C thinking Dhoping 答案A从下文来看,已成功地解决了问题,而不是“ 想” ,“ 希望 ” 或“ 努力 ” 去做。 44A.studied B learned Cdiscussed Dresearched 答案A “ 研究 ” 与“ 分析 ” 是紧密相连的。study 此处意为 “ 研究 ” 。research作“ 研究 ” 讲时,若 接宾语,须加上介词on 或 into。 45A.used Bought Cseemed D had 答案Cthere seemed to be好像是 。 46A.making Bfi

44、nding Cturning Dletting 答案Bfind out 意为 “ 弄清 ” ,“ 找出 ” 。其余三个词组不合文意。 47A.gave Bsat Cwoke Dgot 答案Cwake up“ 醒来 ” ,符合情节发展的进程:睡觉 做梦 醒来。 48A.dream Blesson Cresearch Dexercise 答案A由上文可知,他是在“ 梦” 中解决了难题。 49A.softly Bloudly Cslowly Dfirmly 答案Asoftly 意为 gently and slowly ,这是催眠者对催眠对象应该采用的方式。 50A.everything Bsomet

45、hing Cnothing Danything 答案C从前后句来看,催眠者希望他什么也不要想。 51A.eyes Bfeet Chead Dbody 答案A从下文 your eyes are too heavy 一句中可得到暗示。 52A.believe B repeat Ctake Dunderstand 答案D听到并且 “ 理解 ” 合乎逻辑。 53A.really Bextremely Cactually Dalmost 答案Dalmost asleep 意为 “ 迷迷糊糊地睡着了” ,从眼皮沉重,还有简单的思维活动来看, 不能说是完全睡着了。 54A.accept Bremember

46、Chear Dreceive 答案B这里的 remember nothing 等于下一句中的forget everything 。 55A.count Bsay Cadd Dspeak 答案A后面列举的一、二、三、四、五这一串数字,表明“ 计数 ” 已经开始。 第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A ,B, C 和 D)中选出最佳选项。 A Traditional rubbish collection is dirty, smelly, labor-intensive, and rubbish c

47、an pile up in basements or wooden bins.This new system does away with all that and with lots of expensive bin lorries. “Nobody sees anything happening,theres no bins,theres no trucks on street,theres no boxes, there is no kids on the bikes trying to fight with dust cars going up on the street.Its sa

48、fe,its clean, and its healthy for everybody. ” This is how it works : you sort your rubbish into special containers in your kitchen, then take the bags to one of these.They drop down into the buildings basement.Twice a day ,a powerful vacuum sucks them away to a collection centre down a single pipe.First , the food waste, then general rubbish, then stuff fo


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