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1、Unit 3第一课时 .单词拼写 1The first _ ( 幕) of the play is so wonderful. 2You are not _ (允许 ) to smoke in the office. 3I screamed and everyone _ (盯着看 ) 4The thief was _ ( 发现 ) by the police entering the building. 5She managed to calm him down and _ ( 寻求 ) help from a neighbor. 6Hot and cold are _ ( 相反的 ) wor

2、ds. 7You should apologize to your classmate. No way.It is not my _ ( 错误 ) 8Who is the _ ( 作者 ) of the new novel? 9Looking out of the window, she saw a man _ ( 游荡 ) 10Please change the _ (短语 ) into Chinese. 答案: 1.scene2.permitted3.stared4.spotted5.seek 6contrary7.fault8.author9.wandering10.phrase .单项

3、填空 1(2014 安徽泗县双语中学高一下第一次月考)Peter must be ill. Its the only thing that can _ his strange behavior. Alie in Bresult from Caccount for Dexplain about 答案: C句意:彼得一定是生病了,这是唯一可以解释他古怪行为的理由。lie in 在于; result from 起因于; account for 导致;做出解释;explain 是及物动词,后面不用接介词。 2 (2014 湖北襄阳四校高一下期中)The teacher found he was pla

4、ying online games _, when the ringing came from his cell phone. Aby accident Bas a result Cas usual Don the contrary 答案:A句意:老师偶然间发现他在玩网上游戏,这时他手机上的铃声响了。by accident 偶然; as a result结果; as usual像平常一样;on the contrary 正相反。 3(2014 河北唐山一中高一下第一次月考)Seeing the happy _ of children playing in the park, Im full o

5、f joy and confidence in the future of our country. Asight Bscene Cview Dsign 答案: B句意:看着孩子们在公园里玩得快乐一幕,我对我们祖国的未来充满自信和喜 悦。 sight 视线; scene一幕; view 观点; sign 征兆。 4(2014 安徽泗县双语中学高一下第一次月考) Would you permit me _ here? Sorry. We dont permit _ here in the reading room. Asmoking; smoking Bto smoke; to smoke Cs

6、moking; to smoke Dto smoke; smoking 答案: Dpermit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事;permit doing sth 允许做某事。 5(2014 安徽泗县双语中学高一下第一次月考)Rose was born in Hong Kong but _ in the USA, because her parents went there to work for some reason. Abrought out Bbrought up Ctaken out Dtaken up 答案: B句意:罗斯在香港出生,但在美国长大,因为她的父母因为某种原因去

7、了那里 工作。 bring out 使表现出; bring up 抚养; take out 取出; take up 从事。 6It was 80 years before Christopher Columbus crossed the Atlantic _ Zheng He had sailed to East Africa. Awhen Bthat Cafter Dsince 答案: B考查强调句型。句意:是在哥伦布穿越大西洋之前80 年郑和航海到了东非。 本句强调了时间状语,故 B 项正确。 7(2014 陕西西安一中高一下期中)Would you mind if I turned of

8、f the light? _. AYes, go ahead BNo, please dont CGo ahead, please DCertainly, do as you please 答案: C句意: 关掉灯你介意吗? 请关吧。 A 项意为:介意,关吧;B 项为: 不介意,请不要关;D 项为:当然介意,愿意关就请关吧;C 项为:请关吧。故C 项正确。 8(2014 安徽蚌埠二中高一下期中)When the thief found the police had already _ him, he ran away quickly. Arealized Bknown Cspotted Dst

9、ared 答案:C句意:当这个贼发现警察已经发现了他时,他迅速地跑了。 realize 意识到; know 知道; spot 发现; stare盯着看,后加at,再接宾语。 9We are currently _ new ways of expanding our membership. Asearching Bseeking Cexploring Ddiscovering 答案: B句意:我们现在正在寻求新方法来扩大组织规模。若选A 项,需要加上for; seek vt. 寻找,寻求;explore 探索; discover 发现。 10It was how the young man ha

10、d learned five foreign languages _ attracted the audiences interest. Aso that Bthat Cwhat Din which 答案: B本句为强调句型,强调了主语部分how the young man had learned five foreign languages。 11Dont _ at me in that way. It makes me uneasy. Aglance Bglare Cstare Dwatch 答案: C句意:不要那样盯着我。那样让我不自在。glance 扫视; glare 怒视; star

11、e 盯着 看; watch 注视,后面不用加介词。 12If you are found _ in the exam, you wont get away with it. Acheat Bto cheat Ccheating Dcheats 答案: C句意:如果发现你在考试中作弊,不会放过你的。find sb doing sth 发现某人正 在做某事。 13I was watching TV in the room _ the doorbell rang. Awhile Bwhen Cthe moment Dsince 答案:B句意:我正在房间里看电视, 这时门铃响了。 was/were d

12、oing. when. 正在做 , 这时, 。 14Why should I say sorry when its not my _? Achance Bchange Cfault Dturn 答案:C句意:又不是我的错为什么我应该道歉?chance机会;change 变化;fault 错误; turn 顺序。 15(2014 福建三明一中高一下第一次月考)How did you find your missing key? _. AI found it in my drawer BQuite by accident CIt was well kept by the monitor DI ha

13、d no idea where it was 答案: B句意: 你是怎么找到丢失的钥匙的? 很偶然。故选B 项。 .完形填空 On a warm Monday, Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees. Rolling down the windows to_1_in fresh air, she settled back to enjoy her lunch. Suddenly she_2_a big bald(秃顶的 )man running through the parking lot. B

14、efore she came to_3_what would happen, the man was there, shouting through her window, “Get out!” Neilson_4_. Pulling open her door, the man seized her_5_the neck and hair, and threw her out of the car onto the ground. She screamed,_6_her purse and the keys. Two reporters of the local newspaper, Rob

15、ert Bruce and Jeff Jackson, just outside their office building on a_7_ , heard the screams and began running. When they_8_Neilsons car, the attacker had jumped into the drivers seat and was_9_searching for the keys. Bruce opened the door, and he and Jackson dragged the man out. The attacker_10_back.

16、 But even in his cornered panic, he was no_11_for the two athletic men. Reggie Miller, a worker of the local newspaper, heard the screams, too. He rushed back to the office to_12_the police, and then ran back with some plastic ropes used to tie up newspapers. With his arms_13_tightly behind him, the

17、 prisoner looked up and said_14_, “I hope you guys feel good about yourselves you just caught one of the most wanted men.” They_15_him and waited for the police. Later, Bruce and Jackson were shocked to learn the man was the_16_carjacker (劫车者 )and suspected murderer, whose_17_but with a full head of

18、 hairhad been recently printed in their own newspaper. Neilson considers herself lucky_18_she suffered injuries. She believes the story might have had a_19_ending if those good people had not come to her aid. “Unfortunately ,” she said, “ many people would_ 20_have done what they did, and that is th

19、e real truth.” 文章大意: Jenny Neilson 把车停在树下, 正津津有味地享受着她的午餐,这时有个秃顶男 子过来把她拽出了她的车。恰好有两名记者看到了这一幕,他们冲过来把歹徒制服,并报告 警察。随后他们发现这名歹徒是他们报纸上刊登出来的一名劫车杀人犯。 1A.bring Blet Cgather Dsend 答案: B摇下车窗换换空气。let in 让, 进来。bring in 提出,赚钱,不合文意。 2A.recognized Bwatched Cnoticed Dmet 答案: Crecognize 认出; watch 观察; notice 无意间注意到,看到;me

20、et 遇见。 Neilson 正吃着午饭,突然注意到一个高大的秃顶男子穿过停车场。 3A.realize Bunderstand Cimagine Dconclude 答案: Acome to realize 开始意识到。 4A.escaped Bstruggled Crefused Dobeyed 答案: C根据下文来看Neilson 没有听从歹徒的话,故选refuse(拒绝 )。 5A.by Baround Cwith Don 答案: Aby 表示触及或抓住人或物的部分。那个男子抓住她的脖子,揪住她的头发。 6A.burying Bforgetting Coffering Dgrabbin

21、g 答案: DNeilson 认为秃顶男子是来抢劫的,于是把钱包和钥匙抓了起来(grab)。 7A.trip Bvisit Cbreak Dholiday 答案: C在他们自己的办公大楼外面不会是度假或旅游,而是休息。break 休息,间歇。 8A.started Bstopped Centered Dreached 答案: D当他们到达 (reached)Neilson 的汽车时, 那个袭击者已经跳到驾驶员座位上,正 发疯地找钥匙。 9A.carefully Bmadly Cdisappointedly Dpatiently 答案: B参看 8 空解析。 10A.fought Bturned

22、 Cjumped Dshouted 答案: A袭击者进行回击。fight 搏斗,打斗。 11A.match Btarget Cequal Dcompanion 答案: A他不是这两个健壮男子的对手。match 敌手,旗鼓相当的人。be no match for sb 不是某人的对手。 12A.remind Bphone Cinvite Dbeg 答案: B根据文意, Miller 跑回办公室给警察打电话报警。 13A.rolled Bfolded Cbent Dtied 答案:D上文提到Miller 带了一些绳子, 可知此处是用绳子把歹徒的胳膊绑(tie)了起来。 14A.angrily Bk

23、indly Ccoldly Dwarmly 答案: C虽然被绑了起来,但歹徒毫不在乎,故用coldly( 冷漠地,冷淡地)。 15A.caught Bthanked Ccomforted Dignored 答案: D不管歹徒说什么,他们毫不理睬(ignore)。 16A.ordinary Bprofessional Chonest Doutstanding 答案: Bordinary 普通的; professional 职业的,训练有素的;honest诚实的; outstanding 杰出的。这个歹徒是一名职业劫车者。 17A.picture Bbackground Ccharacter Ds

24、tory 答案: A在报纸上登出了这个歹徒的照片(picture)。 18A.and Bbut Cthough Dwhen 答案: C由 lucky 可判断出此句为让步状语从句。尽管(though)受了伤,但Neilson 认为 自己是幸运的。 19A.ridiculous Bsimilar Cstrange Ddifferent 答案: D她认为如果这些好心人不来帮助她的话,结果会不一样。 20A.sometimes Bnever Coften Dforever 答案: Bunfortunately一词说明后面的意思与前面相反。不幸的是,很多人不会像他们 那样做。 .阅读理解 (2014 福

25、建三明一中高一下第一次月考) Mark Twain was a great writer. He was from the USA. He was born in 1835. He was also a famous speaker. He was famous for his sense of humour. Many people liked to listen to him talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time. One day Mark Twain

26、 was going to a small town because of his writing. Before he was going to leave, one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes in the town and told him that hed better not go there. Mark Twain waved ( 摇动 ) his hand and said, “ It doesnt matter. The mosquitoes are not rela

27、tives of mine. I dont think they will come to visit me.” After he arrived at the town, Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station. He went into his room, but when he was just about to have a rest, quite a few mosquitoes flew about him. The waiters felt very sorry about that. “ Im very sorry

28、, Mr. Mark Twain. There are too many mosquitoes in our town.” One of them said to him. Mark Twain, however, made a joke, saying to th e waiter, “ The mosquitoes are very clever. They know my room number. They didnt come into the wrong room.” What he said made all the people present laugh heartily. B

29、ut that night Mark Twain slept well. Do you know why? That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night. 1That day Mark Twain went to the town _. Ato see one of his friends Bbecause he wanted to do something there for his writing Cbecause h

30、e was told there were a lot of mosquitoes there Dto see one of his relatives 答案: B从第二段的第一句话One day Mark. because of his writing 可知答案。 2The waiters felt sorry because _. Athey did something wrong to Mark Twain Btheir hotel was too small Cthe room was not very clean Dthere were quite a few mosquitoes

31、in Mark Twains room 答案: D从第三段的第三、四句话可知答案。 3All the people present laughed heartily because _. Athe mosquitoes were very clever and they didnt come into the wrong room Bthe mosquitoes knew Mark Twains room number CMark Twain gave the waiters some nice presents DMark Twain made a joke 答案: D从第四段的全文可知答案

32、。 4From the story we know that _. Ano mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain during the night Bthe owner told the waiters to look after Mark Twain well at night CMark Twain didnt have a good rest that night Dthere were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer 答案:A从最后一段可知那天晚上马克 吐温睡得很好, 因为整个晚上宾馆里的全体服务 员为他驱赶蚊子。


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