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1、Unit 4第一课时 .单词拼写 1This _ (理论 ) is helpful to explain how the universe began. 2The big project has cost almost as much as one _ (十亿 ) dollars. 3Two people have been killed in the _ ( 暴力的 ) incident on March 2nd. 4Across the _ ( 地球 ), sea level varies by hundreds of feet. 5People suffering hunger stil

2、l _ ( 存在 ) in many parts of the world today. 6Smoking is _ ( 有害的 ) to health, but there are still many people picking it up. 7Some people are still _ ( 迷惑的 ) about how the computer works. 8_ (不像 ) what you supposed, only few people attended his birthday party. 9The new owners have tried to give the

3、restaurant a more family- friendly _ ( 气氛 ) 10The little boy is interested in _ ( 天文学 ) 答案: 1.theory2.billion3.violent4.globe5.exist6.harmful7.puzzled8.Unlike 9.atmosphere10.astronomy .完成句子 1The scientists experiments _ ( 产生 ) a new drug. 2If you give up this chance, youll regret it _ (迟早 ) 3After a

4、 long time wait, _ ( 轮到她 ) to learn how to drive. 4_ (下蛋 ) is the ant queens full- time job. 5Their son _( 被阻止上大学 ) because of their low income. 6These families mainly _ ( 生存 ) their poor wages. 7The girl listened with _ ( 迷惑的表情 ) on her face. 8Sometimes, doing exercise violently _ ( 对健康有害 ) 9_ (不是这

5、个淘气孩子的特点) to stay calm for such a long time. 10As he was angry, he shut the door _ ( 猛地 ) 答案:1.gave birth to2.in time3.it is her turn4.Laying eggs5.was prevented from going to college6.exist on 7a puzzled expression8.is harmful to/does harm to health 9It is unlike the naughty boy10.violently/with vi

6、olence .单项填空 1The new rules make _ for people here to have a peaceful environment. Ano possibility Bthere was possibility Cimpossible Dit possible 答案: D句意:这些新规定使这里的人们能够拥有一个和平的环境。it 作形式宾语,真 正的宾语为后面的不定式的复合结构。 2The festival of this year has been a great success, _ the year before when it rained non-sto

7、p. Alike Bunlike Calike Ddislike 答案: B句意:今年这个节日过得很成功,不像前年过节时,雨下个不停。根据题干, 此处需用介词,故排除C,D 项。 unlike 意为“不同,不像”;符合题意。like 相像的;类似 的。 3People of Chitian County, Japan, had been always trying hard to keep themselves _ by the tsunami (海啸 ), but unfortunately it happened. Abeing hurt Bfrom hurting Churting Df

8、rom being hurt 答案: D句意:日本池田县的人们一直努力避免海啸的伤害,但是不幸的事情还是发生 了。 keep. from doing. 阻止, 做, 。此结构中介词from 不可省掉。 4(2014 泰安高一检测)The worker earned little money a month, so he had to _ only fast noodles. Aexist on Bexist in Clie in Dlie on 答案:A考查短语辨析。 句意:这个工人一个月挣的钱很少,因此不得不靠方便面度日。 exist on 靠 , 生存;exist in 存在于 , 中;l

9、ie in 在于 , ,位于 , ;lie on 与 , 接壤。 结合句意应选A。 5(2012 安徽, 31)Grace doesnt want to move to New York because she thinks if she _ there, she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often. Alives Bwould live C having lived Dwere to live 答案: D本题考查虚拟语气。句意:格蕾丝不想搬到纽约去,因为她认为如果她住在那 里她就不能经常见到她的父母了。根据句意可知,because后面的

10、分句表示将来的事情,且根 据 she wouldnt be able to see her parents very often 可知空白处要用虚拟语气,表示将来的动作, if 从句可用should do,were to do 或 did,故选 D 项。 6Toms father is so _ that Tom is afraid to tell him he has failed in the exam. Aviolent Bquiet Chappy Dpleasant 答案: A考查形容词的用法。violent 意为“暴力的”;quiet 意为“安静的”;happy 意 为“高兴的”;p

11、leasant意为“快乐的”。从整个语境来看,B、C、D 三项均不符合题意。因 此正确答案为A。 7It is wrong to sell products that are harmful _ the people. Afor Bwith Cto Don 答案:C句意:销售对人有害的产品是不对的。be harmful to 为固定搭配, 意思是“对 , 有害”。 8In order to be _ for Christmas, all these gifts must be mailed immediately. Aagainst Bin time Cat a time Din no tim

12、e 答案:B句意:为了及时赶上圣诞节,所有这些礼物应马上寄出。(be) in time for sth “及 时赶上某事”,符合题意。 .完形填空 (2014 全国新课标) As a general rule, all forms of activity lead to boredom when they are performed on a routine (常规 ) basis. As a matter of fact, we can see this _1_ at work in people of all _2_. For example, on Christmas morning,

13、children are excited about _3_ with their new toys. But their _4_ soon wears off and by January those _5_ toys can be found put away in the basement. The world is full of _6_ stamp albums and unfinished models, each standing as a monument to someones _7_ interest. When parents bring home a pet, thei

14、r child _8_ bathes it and brushes its fun. Within a short time, however, the _9_ of caring for the animal is handed over to the parents. Adolescents enter high school with great _10_ but are soon looking forward to _11_. The same is true of the young adults going to college. And then, how many _12_,

15、 who now complain ( 抱怨 ) about the long drives to work, _13_ drove for hours at a time when they first _14_ their drivers licenses (执照 )? Before people retire, they usually _15_ to do a lot of _16_ things, which they never had _17_ to do while working. But _18_ after retirement, the golfing, the fis

16、hing, the reading and all of the other pastimes become as boring as the jobs they _19_. And, like the child in January, they go searching for new _20_. 文章大意: 本文是一篇议论文。告诉我们,所有的事情按照一定的常规来进行的话,人 会感到无聊厌倦的,这适合于所有年龄的人。然后从孩子到退休的老人举例来说明这一点。 1A.principle Bhabit Cway Dpower 答案: A文章开头提出,一般来说,所有形式的活动当它们按照一定的常规来

17、进行的 话,都会造成人无聊厌倦。这是一个常规,一个规则,故本空应填principle ,意为“原则”。 而 habit 个人行为习惯;way 方法,方式;power 权利,力量,均不合语境。 2A.parties Braces Ccountries Dages 答案: D由后文可知,这个原则适应于所有年龄的人。party 政党; race 种族; country 国家; age年龄。由后面举的孩子和年轻人的例子可知。 3A.working Bliving Cplaying Dgoing 答案: C在圣诞节的早上,孩子们很显然是对玩儿新玩具很兴奋。play with 玩, , 跟, 玩儿,符合语

18、境。work with 跟, 共事;live with 跟, 一起生活;go with 跟, 一 起去,均不合语境。 4A.confidence Binterest Canxiety Dsorrow 答案: B由常识可知,孩子们刚开始玩儿新玩具时,很感兴趣,但是慢慢地,就会失 去兴趣。 confidence 自信; interest 兴趣; anxiety 焦虑; sorrow 伤心。由语境可知B 项正确。 5A.same Bextra Cfunny Dexpensive 答案: A很显然,此处表示的是“圣诞节的新玩具被放置一边了”,也就是跟刚开始 的是一样的玩具, 故选 same同样的, 一

19、样的。 而非 extra(额外的 ),funny( 可笑的 ),expensive(昂 贵的 )。 6A.well- organized Bcolorfully- printed Cnewly-collected Dhalf-filled 答案: D由空后面的信息unfinished models 可知,此处表示“还没有集满的集邮册”, 即: half-filled 。well- organized 有序的,有条理的;colorful- printed 彩印的; newly- collected 新 收集的,均不合语境。 7A.broad Bpassing Cdifferent Dmain 答

20、案: B前面提到没集满的集邮册,未完成的模型,这每一个都是某个人短暂兴趣的纪 念碑。 broad 广泛的; passing经过的, passing interest 短暂的兴趣;different 不同的; main 主 要的。由语境可知B 项正确。 8A.silently Bimpatiently Cgladly Dworriedly 答案: C由常识可知,当父母带回家一个宠物时,刚开始孩子们很高兴的给它洗澡,梳 毛; silently 默默地; impatiently不耐烦地; gladly 高兴地; worriedly 担心地。由语境可知C 项正确。 9A.promise Bburden

21、 C right Dgame 答案: B由语境可知,过一段时间之后,照顾宠物的责任就移交到父母手上。promise 保证; burden 负担,责任;right 权利; game 游戏。由语境可知B 项正确。 10A.courage Bcalmness Cconfusion Dexcitement 答案: D青少年刚进高中是非常兴奋的。courage勇气; calmness镇静,冷静; confusion 困惑; excitement 兴奋,激动。 11A.graduation Bindependence Cresponsibility Dsuccess 答案: A新鲜劲刚过,就会盼望着毕业。

22、graduation 毕业; independence 自立,独立; responsibility责任; success 成功。很显然,这些学生兴奋劲过去之后就会盼望着毕业,故A 项正确。 12A.children Bstudents Cadults Dretirees 答案: C由空后的long drives of work可知,此处举的是成年人的例子,故C 项正确。 13A.carefully Beagerly Cnervously Dbravely 答案: B由常识可知,刚拿到驾照,肯定会迫不及待地一次开上几个小时。carefully 小 心地; eagerly 急切地; 迫不及待地;

23、nervously 紧张地; bravely 勇敢地。 由语境可知B 项正确。 14A.required Bobtained Cnoticed Ddiscovered 答案: B此处表示“刚拿到驾照”,obtain 得到,获得,符合语境。require 要求; notice 注意到; discover 发现,均不合语境。 15A.need Blearn C start Dplan 答案: D由常识可知,人在退休前往往要计划好退休后干很多事。need需要; learn 学 会; start 开始; plan 计划。 16A.great Bstrange Cdifficult Dcorrect 答

24、案:A由语境可知, 退休前计划要干的都是在上班时不能干的大事,即: great things, 故 A 项正确。 strange 奇怪的,陌生的;difficult 困难的; correct 正确的,均不合语境。 17A.time Bmoney Cskills Dknowledge 答案: A工作时,缺的是时间;工作时没时间干的事,就计划退休后干。 18A.only Bwell Ceven Dsoon 答案: D由常识可知,退休后不久,诸如打高尔夫球,钓鱼,读书以及所有的打发时间 的休闲活动就跟他们离开的工作一样无聊了。此处表示“时间上的快”,要用副词soon。only 只有; well 好的

25、; even甚至,均不合语境。 19A.lost Bchose Cleft Dquit 答案:C由常识可知, 退休就是离开工作岗位,即 leave,而非quit(辞职,退出 );lose(失 去),choose(选择 )。 20A.pets Btoys Cfriends Dcolleagues 答案: B就像一月份的孩子一样,他们又去寻找新的玩具了。这与上文相呼应。上文 提到,圣诞过后,孩子很快就对圣诞玩具不感兴趣了。 .阅读理解 Scientists now believe there are some things in the sky that we will never see. We

26、 wont see them with the biggest telescope in the world ,on the clearest night of the year. Thats because they are invisible ( 不可见的 ). They are the mysterious dead stars called black holes. You might find it hard to imagine that stars die. After all, our sun is a star. Year after year we see it up in

27、 the sky, burning brightly,giving us heat and light. The sun certainly doesnt seem to be getting old or weak. But stars do burn out and die after billions of years. As the stars gases burn, they give off light and heat. But when the gases run out, the star stops burning and begins to die. As the sta

28、r cools, the outer layers of the star pull in toward the center. The star squashes into (挤进 ) a smaller and smaller ball. Imagine if the earth were crushed ( 挤压 ) until it was the size of a tiny marble ( 玻璃弹子 ). Thats how tightly this dead star, a black hole,is packed (堆积 ). What pulls the star in t

29、oward its center with such power? Its gravity. A black hole is so tightly packed that its gravity sucks in (吸进 ) everything even light. The light from a black hole can never come back to your eyes. Thats why you see nothing but blackness. 1Which of the following can explain how the star dies? AAs th

30、e gases run out, it cools down. BAs it collides ( 碰撞 ) with other stars ,it crashes. CAs it sucks in too much light ,it explodes. DAs it gets hotter and hotter ,it explodes. 答案: A细节理解题。由第三段第二句话可知。 2The underlined word“ mysterious” in Paragraph 1 probably means _. Aordinary Bbright Cstrange Dcommon 答

31、案:C猜测词义题。 由所在句前介绍可知,这些星星是我们无法看见的,所以说是“奇 怪的,神秘的”。 3Which of the following is NOT a fact? ABlack holes are dead stars. BBlack holes have gravity. CThe dead stars are tightly packed. DThe sun wont die even after billions of years. 答案: D细节理解题。由第二段最后两句话可知。 4What happens after a star dies? AIt becomes inv

32、isible. BIt falls to the earth. CIt burns up all of its gases. DIt becomes brighter and easier to see. 答案: A推理判断题。由最后一段内容可推知,当一颗星星死亡后,就看不见了。 5Why cant you see light when you look at a black hole? ABecause most black holes are so far away. BBecause the gravity of a black hole is so strong that it sucks the light inward. CBecause as the stars gases burn, it stops giving off heat and light. DBecause its outer layer pulls in toward its center as a star cools. 答案: B推理判断题。由最后一段后三句话可推知。


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