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1、Unit 5单元综合技能训练 时间: 120 分钟,满分: 150 分 第一部分:听力 (共两节;满分 30 分) 第二部分:基础知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节:单项填空 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21_ or other we must protect the old tombs from being destroyed. A. SomehowB. However C. Somewhat D. Whatever 答案: A句意:我们必须设法保护古墓免遭破坏。somehow“以, 方式; 不知

2、怎么地”, somehow or other “以某种方法”,符合题意。however“然而;无 论多, ”;somewhat “有点儿”; whatever“无论什么”。 22When I became _ of the mistake I had made, I felt ashamed. A. frequent B. calm C. determined D. aware 答案: D句意:当我意识到我所犯的错误时,我感到很羞愧。aware“意识 到的;知道的”,be/become aware of“知道, ;意识到 , ”,符合题意。 frequent“频繁的;常见的”; calm“平静

3、的;沉着的”; determined “坚决的;有 决心的”。 23The witness said the accident was _ improper operation. A. due to B. according to C. close to D. thanks to 答案: A句意:目击者说那起事故是操作不当引起的。due to“由于, ; 归功于, ”,符合题意。according to“根据”; close to“靠近”; thanks to“由 于;幸亏”。 24My pencil needs _. Could I borrow your knife? A. shorten

4、ing B. washing C. sharpening D. cleaning 答案: C句意:我的铅笔得削一削了。我能借你的小刀用吗?sharpen “(使) 锋利”,符合题意。 shorten “(使)变短”; wash“洗涤”; clean“清理”。 25 Welcome to our club. You will be accepted as members _ your age and sex. A. because of B. regardless of C. in case of D. in place of 答案:B句意:欢迎来到我们的俱乐部。 不论年龄和性别, 你们都会被接

5、纳。 regardless of “不管; 不顾”,符合题意。because of “因为;由于”;in case of“假 设;万一”; in place of“代替”。 26He hurried to the hall, only _ that the meeting had been put off. A. to tell B. telling C. to be told D. being told 答案: C考查动词不定式。 only to do 表达意料之外的结果, tell 与其逻辑主 语 he之间为被动关系。句意为“他匆忙赶到礼堂,结果被告知会议延迟了”。故 选 C 项。 27I

6、f only I _ to Beidaihe last summer! A. can fly B. could fly C. flied D. had flown 答案: D考查虚拟语气。 if only 引导的句子多用虚拟语气,从last summer 可知,与过去的事实相反,因此用过去完成时。句意为“要是我去年夏天飞往北 戴河就好了”。故选D 项。 28He has a talent for _ and planning everything well. A. looking ahead B. looking behind C. looking up D. looking for 答案:

7、A考查 look 短语的辨析。 look ahead“向前看,为将来做打算,展望 未来”; look behind“向后看”; look up“抬头看”; look for“寻找”。句意为 “他有展望未来,未雨绸缪的才能,把一切都计划得很好。”故选A 项。 29The reform of housing is of _. A. great significance B. very significance C. great significant D. very importance 答案: A考查 be of抽象名词。 be of 后面跟抽象名词常用来表达性质,名 词前可以用形容词修饰,但v

8、ery 是副词,因此可以排除B、D 两项。句意为“这 次住房改革具有重要意义”。故选A 项。 30 The big noise outside _ my attention and I stopped my reading to see what happened. A. made B. distracted C. arrested D. paid 答案:C考查动词辨析。make“制造,使成为”;distract“分散”;arrest“逮 捕,吸引”; pay“付款”。句意为“外面巨大的噪音吸引了我的注意,我停下读 书去看看发生了什么事”。故选C 项。 31Of the two strawbe

9、rries, which one do you prefer? _ bigger one. Its _ most delicious one, I think. A. The; a B. The; / C. A; / D. A; a 答案: A考查冠词。两者中较大的一个,表示特指,故第一空用the;后面 的 most意为“很,非常”,无比较意义,其前加不定冠词表示泛指。故选A 项。 32The lawyer was expected to _ some proposals after reading all those documents. A. come up with B. put up

10、with C. look up to D. keep up with 答案:A考查动词短语辨析。句意:人们期望律师在看了所有那些文件后能 提出一些建议。 come up with“提出”; put up with“忍受”;look up to“尊敬”; keep up with “跟上”。 33I saw Tom drinking alone just now. But as far as I know, he _ little. A. drinks B. is drinking C. has drunk D. had drunk 答案:A考查时态。句意:“我刚刚看到汤姆在独自喝酒。 ”“但据

11、我所知, 他很少喝酒。”此处是在陈述一个事实,所以用一般现在时。 34The crazy fans _ patiently for almost one hour, and the famous singer hasnt arrived yet. A. were waiting B. has been waiting C. has waited D. would wait 答案:B考查时态。句意:那些狂热的歌迷已等了将近一个小时,那个著名 的歌手还没来”。从句意看,歌迷们已等了一段时间,还将继续等下去,应使用 现在完成进行时,故选B 项。 35Hello! Is Mr Fred availab

12、le? _ A. I am Mr Fred. B. Speaking. C. Who are you? D. Who are you looking for? 答案:B考查交际用语。 打电话时如果自己就是对方要找的人,可以说 “This is.speaking.”或者简略地说 “Speaking. ”句意:“喂,弗雷德先生在吗?”“我就是, 请讲。”故选 B 项。 第二节:完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655 各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、 D),选出最佳选项。 When I was a little girl ,I f

13、ound love in a box all because of a class assignment. On a Friday night I _36_ at the dinner table ,“My teacher said we have to bring a box, a special box, for our valentines on Monday” Mother said,“Well see,” and she continued eating. What did “Well see” mean? I had to have that box, _37_my second

14、grade Valentines Day would be a disaster. Maybe they didnt love me enough to help me with my _38_. All Saturday I waited _39_ and with Sunday arriving, my concern increased. However,I _40_ that an enquiry about the box would _41_ anger or loud voices,for in my house children only asked once. More th

15、an that _42_ trouble. Late Sunday afternoon, my father called me into the kitchen. The table was covered with different kinds of colorful _43_ . A (n) _44_ shoebox rested on top of it. _45_ flooded through me when Daddy said ,“Lets get started _46_ your project.” In the next hour my father _47_ the

16、shoebox into an impressive valentine box. Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard with red hearts _48_ to what I considered all the right places. He sang while he worked. When he finished,he was so delighted that a _49_ smile spread across his face. “What do you think of that?” he asked. I answere

17、d him with a hug. But inside, _50_ danced all the way to my heart. It was the first time that my father had devoted so much _51_ to me, for his world consisted only of work. The holiday party arrived, and my classmates put cards and presents into the valentine boxes. Laughter filled our classroom un

18、til dismissal time _52_. On the way home,I held out my valentine box for the world to _53_. The love that filled it meant more to me than all the valentines inside. The valentine box became a symbol of his love that _54_ through decades of other Valentines Days. My father gave me other gifts through

19、 the years, but none _55_ compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old,empty shoebox. 文章大意: 盒子里的爱陪伴我度过了很多的情人节,也让我对父亲的爱深信 不疑。 36. A. announced B. appeared C. served D. sat 答案: A词汇辨析题。在餐桌上我说到, ,announce “宣布,说”; appear “出现”; serve“服务: ;sit“坐”。 37. A. and B. but C. or D. so 答案:C句式结构题。我必须要有

20、个盒子否则我二年级的情人节将是一场灾 难。 38. A. design B. plan C. idea D. project 答案: D词汇复现题。根据后文的Lets get started_your project. 中的 project 可知选 D 项。 39. A. sadly B. anxiously C. disappointedly D. patiently 答案:B逻辑推理题。前文提到母亲只说我们会看到的,此处提到整个星期 六我都在等,故用anxiously,表示我的心情。 40. A. found B. realized C. knew D. imagined 答案: C词汇辨

21、析题。我知道要那个盒子会招致愤怒。 41. A. start B. cause C. mark D. produce 答案:B词汇辨析题。 根据下文“在我们家里只允许要一次”可知再要一次 会招致愤怒。 42. A. invited B. took C. saved D. had 答案: A词汇辨析题。超过那个会招致麻烦。“invite trouble”招致麻烦。 43. A. boxes B. gifts C. paper D. food 答案:C词汇复现题。 根据下段第二句 Colorful paper covered the ugly cardboard可知选 C 项。 44. A. ne

22、w B. big C. attractive D. empty 答案: D词汇复现题。根据文章最后一句compared with the love I felt within the limits of the old,empty shoebox. 可知选 D 项。 45. A. Relaxation B. Relief C. Cheer D. Calm 答案: B逻辑推理题。前文提到我很焦虑,下文提到父亲说开始这项工作, 可知我听了之后应该是松了一口气,故选B 项。 46. A. by B. at C. in D. on 答案: D词汇搭配题。 start on sth.“开始做某事”。 4

23、7. A. folded B. packed C. changed D. pressed 答案: C词汇搭配题。 change.into. “将, 变成, ”。 48. A. joined B. attached C. linked D. connected 答案:B词汇辨析题。attach to“附在, ;黏上,贴上”;join to“加到, 上”;link to“联系”; connect to“联系,连接”。在覆盖旧盒子的彩纸上一颗颗 红心图案贴在了适当的地方。 49. A. slight B. brief C. broad D. confident 答案: C背景常识题。父亲很高兴因此是

24、笑得很开心。broad smile“笑得开 心”。 50. A. joy B. fun C. interest D. amusement 答案: A逻辑推理题。父亲帮我完成了这项工作,我应是很高兴,故选A 项。 51. A. money B. time C. support D. hope 答案:B逻辑推理题。根据上文 In the next hour可知父亲花费了很多的时间, 故选 B 项。 52. A. reached B. set C. spent D. came 答案: D背景常识题。解散的时间到了。 53. A. accept B. respect C. admire D. reco

25、gnize 答案: C词汇辨析题。我拿出盒子让别人欣赏。admire“欣赏,赞赏”; respect “尊重”; accept “接受”; recognize“辨认出”。 54. A. carried B. kept C. spread D. lasted 答案: D词汇辨析题。此处表示爱的延续,故用last。 55. A. ever B. even C. yet D. still 答案: A逻辑推断题。没有什么能比得上那时我感觉到的爱,故选A 项。 第三部分:阅读理解 (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。

26、 A Christmas dinner at Bruce Sweetser and Denali Delmars house will come in part from their backyard garden. And this retired couple will add another locally grown delicious food to their menu. “We started harvesting road- killed deer last year,” Bruce explained. His fridge is filled with meat harve

27、sted from deer killed in car accidents. Bruce and his wife think it is a right road toward a greener life. Their idea might best be described as locavorism (本土膳食主义 ). And they believe that eating local food is healthier and better for the environment. About two years ago, the couple ran across a car

28、 accident. The only victim was a deer. And then they found an interesting list by chance. In Massachusetts, many deer always rush to the motorway and often cause the accidents. So some Massachusetts police departments keep lists of people interested in harvesting meat if a deer isnt damaged too much

29、 after a run-in with a car. There are eight people on the Westford Police Departments official list. In addition, animal control officials also call people to harvest the meat. But Massachusetts law requires that the driver of the car get first right to the deer. If the driver or passengers dont wan

30、t to get the deer, then police can give the animal to people living in Massachusetts. In other words, they can go to the list. Bruce and his wife werent on the Westford list, when they came across that first deer in 2009. But now, they are, and they have harvested three deer as a result, putting the

31、 extra meat in the fridge for regular dinners and special occasions like Christmas. 文章大意: 为了更绿色环保的生活,新英格兰的本土膳食主义者竞相食用一 些因车祸而死的鹿。 56For Christmas dinner, the couple will cook _. A. deer bought from the market B. deer got from their neighbor C. deer killed in car accidents D. deer hunted by themselves

32、 答案:C推理判断题。 由第一段 “But this retired couple will add another locally grown delicious food to their menu.”及第二段 “His fridge is filled with meat harvested from deer killed in car accidents.”可推知,这对退休的夫妇为圣诞晚餐特别准备了鹿 肉,这些鹿肉是来自死于交通事故的鹿。 57Why does the couple have such a diet? A. To save money. B. To seek a gr

33、eener life. C. To enjoy a special food. D. To show their kindness. 答案: B细节理解题。由第二段 “Bruce and his wife think it is a right road toward a greener life.”可知, 这对夫妇认为食用一些遭遇车祸而死的鹿是更绿色环 保的生活方式。 58When did the Sweetsers find the interesting list? A. After they happened upon a car accident 2 years ago. B. Af

34、ter they were asked to harvest the deer by chance. C. After they heard about the road- killed deer. D. After they failed to save the injured deer. 答案:A细节理解题。 由第三段可知大约两年以前, 这对夫妇遇上一场车祸, 车祸中唯一的受害者是一头鹿,并且之后他们得知了一份有趣的单子。 59“An interesting list” mentioned in Paragraph 3 records _. A. the food prepared for

35、 the Christmas Day B. the steps how to cook the delicious food C. the punishment for the drivers who drive too fast D. the names of people who can harvest the deer meat 答案:D细节理解题。根据第四段“ So some Massachusetts police departments keep lists of people interested in harvesting meat if a deer is not damag

36、ed too much after a run-in with a car.”可知, “an interesting list”记录了愿意回收死于车祸的鹿的人的 名字。 B Khushi Ram, who is a 78-year-old Indian man, shares a house with 12 other family members. Khushi Ram has been married to his wife, Kassmiri for 57 years. “Although we have little money, I have never seen any probl

37、em and we are happy to feed our children with whatever we had , ”she says. Kassmiri says her husband has taken whatever job he could do to support his family. She is clearly proud and grateful for this chance to tell the world how happy her family is. I am impressed with how well the family members

38、get on with each other. Four generations not only share one roof but one bank account. Ram Avtar, a son of Khushi Ram, works for a big company. Khushi Rams other son runs a coffee shop. His grandson sells auto parts and second-hand cars. I also notice there always seems to be someone watching grandp

39、a, Khushi Rams father Hartman, who is blind. Whether he knows it or not, there is always someone just making sure that if he ever does need help, someone will be right there. “In another country, in another life you might be on your own ,” Hartman said. “If I were in a bad situation and were driven

40、away like flies from milk, then what kind of a family would that be?” In America, a lot of parents say the last thing they want is to be a burden on their children. Also, a lot of children dont want to be burdened by their parents. It is too bad that we cant all see like the blind man. 文章大意: 本文介绍了印度

41、的一个四代同堂的大家庭,虽然生活不富裕,但 其乐融融。 60Which of the following is TRUE about the family? A. The family members share one large room. B. Kassmiri keeps the bank account of the family. C. Khushi works hardest of all the members. D. The family is poor but happy. 答案: D细节理解题。由第二段中的“Although we have little money, I

42、 have never seen any problem and we are happy to feed our childre n with whatever we had” 可在, Khushi 的家庭虽穷但很幸福。 61What can we know from the passage? A. Hartman used to be able to live on his own. B. Khushi Rams mother looks after Hartman. C. The family is sure of living a richer life in the future.

43、D. Hartman feels fortunate enough to live in the family. 答案: D推理判断题。结合第四段中Hartman 所说的话可推知, Hartman感 到能够生活在这个家庭很幸运。 62The author thinks that _. A. such a good family cant be found in America B. Indian parents feel happier than those in America C. the relation between American family members is an exa

44、mple to follow D. American parents dont expect themselves to be their kids burden 答案:D细节理解题。根据末段的 “In America, a lot of parents say the last thing they want is to be a burden on their children.”可知许多美国父母不愿成为孩子们的负 担。 63Whats the best title of the passage? A. Four Generations Under One Roof in India B.

45、 The Happiest Family in the World C. Differences Between an Indian and an American Family D. An Indian Familys Suffering 答案:A标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了印度的一个四代同堂的大家庭,他们 生活虽然不富裕,但其乐融融,故A 项作为标题最合适。 C Researchers at Queens University in the United Kingdom are looking for volunteers for a study of diabetic( 患糖尿病的 )pe

46、ople who own dogs. The goal of the study is to determine scientifically whether or not dogs can notice diabetes in their owners. The scientists are looking for 100 volunteers. They would also like to see any video footage that the dog owners might already have of the dogs responding to their owners

47、diabetic states in any way. They are especially interested in footage of the dogs reacting to low blood sugar levels in their owners. It is believed that dogs literally can smell what is going on in the blood, and sometimes are even able to predict when change of low blood sugar will occur. However,

48、 there is very little scientific data to support these claims, so the scientists are hoping to collect data that will confirm these stories. The videotape will be studied to see just how dogs react when blood sugar levels change. It will also be studied to see how differently dogs react, and whether

49、 or not there are similarities in the ways that they react. Another important question is how reliable dogs are at noticing the change. Dogs, and other pets, for that matter, are playing a bigger role in health-care systems today. For example, it is well known that dogs reduce peoples stress levels. For that reason they are often taken to hospi


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