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1、第九讲八年级 (下)Units 12 重点词汇 1.stomachache(n.)胃痛;腹痛 2neck(n.)颈;脖子 3hurt(v.)(使)疼痛;受伤 4 passenger( n.)乘客 5 trouble(n.)问题;苦恼 6blood(n.)血 7control( n.)限制;约束;管 理 8spirit( n.)勇气;意志 9.volunteer(n.)义务做;自愿做 (n.)志愿者 10 several(pron.)几个、数个; 一些 11raise(n.)募集;征集 12 repair(v.)修理 13wheel(n.)车轮;轮子 14disabled(adj.)有残疾的;

2、丧失能力的 15imagine(v.)想象;设想 16change(n.)变化 词汇拓展 1.foot (复数 )feet 2climb 攀登者climber 3important 重要性 importance 4knife (复数 )knives 5decide决定 decision 6.satisfy满意的satisfied 满足 satisfaction 7difficult 困难 difficulty 8train培训;训练training 9 kind仁慈 kindness 10understand善解人意的 understanding 重点短语 1.感冒 have a cold 2

3、 躺下 lie down 3量体温 take ones temperature 4发烧 have a fever 5休息 take breaks 13.打扫干净clean up 14振奋起来cheer up 15分发;散发give out 16推迟 put off 17分发 hand out 18曾经 used to 6下车 get off 7立即 right away 8习惯于 be used to, 9冒险 take risks 10 用尽 run out of 11 离开 get out of 12掌管 be in control of 19照顾 care for 20参加 , 选拔tr

4、y out 21修理;装饰fix up 22(外貌或行为 )像 take after 23建起 set up 24影响 make a difference 重点句型 1.Whats the matter with Ben? 本怎么了? Hehurt himself He has asore back 他自己受伤了。他背痛。 2 What should she do?她 该怎么办? She shouldtake hertemperature 她应该量体温。 3She talkedtoo much yesterday and didntdrink enough water. 昨天她说话太多, 并且

5、没有喝 足够的水。 4You couldhelp to clean up the city parks. 你可以帮助打扫城市公园。 5.Thanks to Mr.Wang and thepassengers ,the doctors saved the manin time 多亏了王先生和乘客们, 医 生及时救治了那个人。 6We cantput off making a plan. 我们不能推迟制订计划了。 7Imagine you cantwalk or use your handseasily想象一 下你不能走或自如地用你的 手。 8Im only able to have a“dog-

6、helper”because of yourkindness 因为你的仁慈, 我才能有一只 “导盲犬”。 一、根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词。 1I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction( 满足 ) 2Her aunt is a nurse(护士 ) in this hospital. 3Thank you again for changing( 改变 ) my life. 4Can you help me repair( 修理 ) my broken bike? 5I really had a badheadache(头痛 )yesterda

7、y. 6There was only onepassenger(乘客 )on the bus at that time. 7They always lose because they have nocourage(勇气 ) 8Here are several(一些 )books about China. 9The bike has two differentwheels( 轮子 ) 10The girl is blind( 失明的 ) The dog helps her. 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11Her fathersdeath(die) made her very sad. 12

8、This little girl wasexcited(exciting)to see her mother. 13That boy agreedto_help(help) me carry the heavy box. 14There are someknives(knife) in the box. 15He is looking for theowner(own)of the dog. 三、根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 16昨天劳拉没有去上学,因为她患了重感冒。 Yesterday Laura didnt go to school ,because shehad a bad cold 1

9、7这条围巾过时了,我想把它送给我妹妹。 The scarf isout of style ,I want to give it to my sister. 18如果你下次来上海,记得给我打电话。 If you come to Shanghai next time , remember to call me up 19你儿子经常参加各种各样的课后活动吗? Does your son often take part inall kinds of after - school activities? 20我妈妈和她最好的朋友正在打电话。 My mother and her best friend a

10、re talking on the phone 一、 Whats the matter ?怎么啦? I have a cold.我感冒了。 【考点精讲】 (1)Whats the matter?意为“怎么啦?”,该句通常用来询问出了什么状况,遇到什么 困难、烦恼等。类似的表达还有:Whats the trouble ?或 Whats wrong ?如果表示“某人(物) 怎么了?” ,我们要在这几种形式后加上with sb./sth. 。eg: Whats the trouble/matter with you ? Whats wrong with you ?你怎么了? I have a sto

11、machache.我胃疼。 (2)“havea症状名词”表示具有某种“病症、症状”,有“患 ,(病)”的意思 , 其中的不定冠词a不可省略。 eg: I have a headache and a cough. 我头疼而且咳嗽。 _? I have a headache and I dont feel like eating anything.(2014 , 孝感 ) AHow are youBWhat can I do for you CWhats the matter with you DHow do you like it 【解析】 C。由答句 “我头疼 ,不想吃东西 ”可知问句应询问人

12、的身体状况, 故选 C。 【即时演练】 .单项选择。 1Mum ,Im not feeling well. Oh,dear!_A_(2014 ,南充 ) AWhats wrong? B Not at all. CAll right. 2.Tell me_A_ Well,its like ,(2013,武汉 ) Awhat is wrong with it Bwhat is it Cwhat the matter is with it Dwhat is it like 3Tony,whats_B_matter with you? I have _toothache.(2013,莱芜 ) Aa;t

13、he Bthe;a C/;the Dthe;/ 4Whats the matter?(2014,贵港 ) I have a_C_ I have to go to the doctor. Ahead Btooth Ccold Dnose .按要求完成句子,每空词数不限。 5你的电脑出了什么问题?(matter)(汉译英 )(2013, 福州 ) Whats_the_matter_with_your_computer? 6Peter has_a_high_fever(对画线部分提问) Whats_wrong/Whats_the_matter with Peter? 7Whats wrong wit

14、h you ,boy?(改为同义句 ) Whats_the_matter with you ,boy? 二、Aron did not give up after the accident and keeps on climbing mountains today.阿伦 在这次事故之后没有放弃,如今他继续爬山。 【考点精讲】 give up 为“动词副词”结构的短语,意为“放弃”。eg: He is a man who doesnt give up easily. 他是个不轻易放弃的人。 She wanted to give up maths because it was too difficu

15、lt. 她想放弃数学,因为它太难了。 The people in Yaan have met lots of difficulties , but they havent_hope.(2013, 安徽 ) Apicked up Bgiven up Clooked for Dwaited for 【解析】 B。pick up “捡起 ”;give up“放弃 ”;look for “寻找 ”;wait for “等待 ”。 由 but可知 , 前后为转折关系, 再结合英语提示可知句意应为“雅安的人们遇到了许多困难, 但是他们未放弃希望”。故选 B。 【即时演练】 .单项选择。 1Smoking

16、is not allowed in public places since May 1st.It may be a good chance for some people to_B_smoking.(2014 ,浙江舟山 ) Aput up B give up Cpick up Dlook up 2We shouldnt _D_our hopes.Everything will be better.(2014,梧州 ) Aput up B cheer up Cfix up Dgive up 3We must_B_using plastic bags in order to protect ou

17、r earth.(2014 ,广西贺州 ) Agive out Bgive up Cgive away Dgive in 4Smoking is bad for your health.Youd better_B_ (2014,广东 ) Aset it up Bgive it up Cpick it up Dlook it up .根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 5如果你想保持身体健康,就不要放弃锻炼。(2011,天津 ) Dontgive up exercise if you want to stay fit. 6因为公共场所禁止吸烟,我相信越来越多的人将会戒烟。(2014,盐城 ) I gu

18、ess more and more people willgive up smoking because its not allowed in public 三、 For example,we can make plans to visit sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people.例如 , 我们可以制订计划到医院里去看望生病的孩子或者为无家可归的人筹 钱。 【考点精讲】 raise 用作动词 ,用法非常广泛 ,主要有: (1)意为“筹款;筹募”。eg: Their sons and daughters r

19、aised money for their house.他们的儿女为他们的住房筹集资金。 How much did you raise for school ?你筹集了多少钱办学校? (2)意为“养大;培养;饲养”。eg: The farmer raises cows and sheep.那个农民饲养了一些母牛和羊。 (3)意为“举起;抬起;升起”。eg: Raise your hand if you want to ask questions. 如果你要问问题, 请举手。 【辨析】 raise/rise 两个词都有“举起;提高;升起”之意,但其用法不尽相同。 rise 是不及物动词 , 是“

20、升起; 上升;上涨”的意思。 表示由低变高的变化过程。eg: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起而落在西方。 The river has risen several metres.河水涨了好几米。 raise 是及物动词 ,是“举起;提高;抬高”的意思,强调动作的姿势。eg: If anyone has questions, please raise your hand. 如果有人还存在问题,请举手。 We need your help to_(筹集 )money for those homeless children

21、.(2012 ,盐城 ) 【解析】 raise。to 后面用动词原形。 【即时演练】 .单项选择。 1The price of phones_B_recently. Arise Bhas risen Craise Dhas raised 2Why do you have the talent show? Because we want to_D_some money to help build schools in Yushu. Alend B take C look Draise .用 rise 或 raise 的适当形式填空。 3They must find a way toraise t

22、he temperature in the house. 4The population of the city hasrisen to five million. 5He watched the smokerise from his cigarette. 四、 【辨析】 alone/lonely 【考点精讲】 alone 单独的;独自的。不带感情色彩,可作形容词 , 只能作表语。 eg: I was alone in the house yesterday.昨天我一个人在家。 alone 还可作副词 ,表示“只有;仅仅;单独地”。eg: She lives alone in that lar

23、ge house.她独自一人住在那个大房子里。 lonely 是形容词 ,意为“孤独的 ,寂寞的” ,有一定感情色彩。在句中可作表语或宾 语补足语。 eg: Sometimes he feels quite lonely because he has no friends.有时候他感到非常孤独,因为他 没有朋友 。 The boy did his homework with the help of his father in the past.But now he can do it alone(2013,黄冈 ) Afor himself Bon himself Cby himself Dw

24、ith himself 【解析】 C。句意:过去这个男孩在父亲的帮助下做作业。但是现在他独立做作业了。 alone“独自 ”, 相当于 by oneself,故选 C。 【即时演练】 .单项选择。 1I dont think you can finish the work by_yourself(2013,巴中 )_B_ Alonely B alone Ceasily 2Though he is_A_at home ,he doesnt feel_for he has many things to do.(2013 , 绥化 ) Aalone;lonely Blonely ;alone Cal

25、one;alone 3His grandparents live_B_in a small house ,but they dont feel_ (2012,安顺 ) Alonely; alone Balone;lonely Clonely ;lonely D alone;alone .根据汉语完成句子,每空一词。 4当丈夫出去工作的时候,那妇女感到寂寞。 The womanfelt lonely when her husband went out to work. 5第二天 ,他独自去了森林。 The next day hewent to the forestalone 写作专题 倡议书 一

26、、要点入门 倡议书一般包括以下部分: 1标题:简单概括倡议的内容。多数情况下可省略。 2称呼:根据受倡议对象选用适当的称谓,如 Dear classmates,Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls 等。 3正文:主要写倡议的背景、目的、内容、意义及要求。 4结尾:表示倡议者的决心、希望以及建议,常用 Lets,Why not , ?等句型。 5落款:写倡议者的单位名称或发起人姓名。 二、典型例题 某英文网站发出“步行去上学”的倡议,请你写一篇英语倡议书,在你校进行宣传。可 适当发挥 ,100 词左右。 内容包括:走路有利健康;和同学结伴有利于, ;让父母节省

27、 , ;使城市 , 提示词语: be good for;develop friendship ;save 【思路点拨】 本篇倡议书主要说明“步行去上学 ”的意义。 首先总述 “步行去上学 ”有益学生。 然后 可详细阐述益处,即步行有利健康,和同学结伴有利于建立友谊、相互交流 ,让父母节省送 你的时间 ,保护环境、美化城市等。最后重申主题,倡议同学们步行去上学。阐述益处时用 一般现在时;发出倡议时可用一般将来时。倡议的对象是在校学生,包括倡议发起者,故用 第一人称。 【写作模版】 总述 Walking to school does much good to us. 详述 Walking is g

28、ood for ,Its fun to,Its helpful to ,It can make,倡议Lets go to school on foot. 【满分范文】 Boys and girls, As we know ,going to school on foot does much good to us.First of all ,walking to school is the most wonderful way to exercise and its good for our health.Next, its fun to walk together with our class

29、mates every day.We can talk about something interesting on the way and its helpful for us to develop friendship.Whats more,if we walk ,our parents wont have to give us a ride to school.And more walking and less driving helps to make our city cleaner. So lets go to school on foot from now on. Li Ming ,请完成备考跟踪训练9)


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