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1、毕业论文 探究小妇人中的家庭教育校 英语专业 名 号 级 指导教师 院系. .外国语言文学系二。一年十二月探究小妇人中的家庭教育美国作家路易莎-梅-奥尔科特的作品小妇人是一部关于女性成长的经典之 作。这部小说主耍讲述了美国南北战争时期马萨诸塞州马奇家的四姐妹的成长故事。 小说中马奇四姐妹的光辉品质一直都是众多读者关注的对象,但是这四位优秀女性的 培养者_马奇太太却常常被人忽视。马奇太太不是教育方面的专家,却是真正的教 育艺术的践行者。这篇论文主要从以下几个角度探究了小妇人的家庭教育。这篇论文分为四部分,第一部分主要介绍马奇太太一家及马奇太太的教育理 念。第二部分,也是这篇论文最重要的部分,主要

2、分析马奇太太的教育方式。第三部分 阐述女孩们的性格在马奇太太的教导下所发生的变化。最后对这篇论文作丫总结,它 所得出的结论是家庭教育对小孩的成长起非常重要的作用,家长要采用合适的方式和 手段来引导和启发他们,让他们健康快乐地成长。关键词:路易莎-梅-奥尔手斗特、小妇人、家庭教育Analysis on the Family Education in LittleWoman AbstractLittle Women, written by American writer Louisa May Alcott, was regarded as the classic work about women

3、growth.lt mainly tells the growing-up experiences of the four March sisters in Massachusetts New Egland during the American Civil War. The good qualities of four girls in Little Woman are payed much attention by numerous readers.But the cultivator of these outstanding girls-Mrs March has often been

4、overlooked. She is not an expert in education but a true practitioner of the art education.This paper mainly analyzes the family education in Little Women from the following points to It is divided into three parts.In the first part it introduces the family briefly and analyzes the weaknesses of fou

5、r girls personality. Besides, it introduces the concept of Mrs. Marchs family educaion.In the second part, which is the most important part, it analyzes the teaching methods that Mrs. March used. In the third part, it shows the changes of four girls personality under the influence of their mother. I

6、n the last, it makes a conclusion: Family education plays an important part in childrens growth. It suggests that parents should use a proper way to guide children and help them grow healthily and happily.Key words: Louisa May Alcott, Little Women, Family EducationContentsAbstractIIIntroduction51. T

7、he education21.1 A brief introduction of March family错误!未定义书签。1.2 Mrs. Marchs education conception错误!未定义书签。 1.3 weakness of Girls personality错误!未定义书签。2. The ways of Mrs Marchs family education32.1 Create a better family environment 72.2 Let children experience by themselves82.3 To be a good friend w

8、ith them 103. The effectiveness of Mrs Marchs family education 错误!未定义书签。3.1 Joes change in character73.2 Megs change in character83.3 Beth9s change in character 103.4 Amys change in character10Conclusion13Bibliography13IntroductionLouisa May Alcott is one of the most distinguished American female wr

9、iters in 19th century. She was bom in Germantown, Pennsylvania on November 29, 1832. She and her three sisters, Anna, Elizabeth and May were educated by their father, a philosopher, Bronson Alcott and raised on the practical Christianity of their mother, Abigail May. Louisa spent her childhood in Bo

10、ston and in Concord, Massachusetts where her days were enlightened by visits to Ralph Waldo Emersons library, excursions into nature with Henry David Thoreau and theatricals in the bam at Hillside (now Hawthornes Wayside).Louisas career as an author began with poetry and short stories that appeared

11、in popular magazines. In 1854, when she was 22, her first book Flower Fahies was published. A milestone along her literary path was Hospital Sketches (1863) based on the letters she had written home from her post as a nurse in Washington, DC during the Civil War. The early poor family situation and

12、parents education lay the two basic values of her life: One is faith in God; another is the determination to change herself and her family situation through her personal struggle. In chapter 13 Castle in the Air, Jo has described it.Little Women is an everlasting classic work in American history. It

13、 is May Alcotts best-known novel. The story concerns the lives and loves of four girls growing up during the American Civil War. It was based on Alcotts own experiences as a child in Concord, Massachusetts. More than that, however, Little Women is a morality tale. Each chapter not only contains the

14、lives and adventures of the four girls, but also the lessons on how to be a good and mature person, and how to achieve happiness in life.In the eyes of many readers and critics, Louisa May Alcotts Little Women is the American female myth, and Alcotts heroine Jo has become the most influential figure

15、 of the independent and creative American woman. In 1989, when American governors were asked to name their favorite childhood books, two of the three women governors chose Little Women. Several scholars, including Ann Douglas, Sarah Elbert and Anne Rose have discussed the novel as an important femin

16、ist critique of the Transcendentalist movement. Nina Auerbach interprets Little Women as a novel about self-sustaining communities of women, while Judith Fetterley regards it as Alcotts personal Civil War, a novel split by conflicting impulses about femininity and creativity.There are a considerable

17、 number of academic researchers about Little Women from different points of view: from the perspective of interpretation of American traditional culture; from the perspective of the war; from the comparison with others studies; from the perspective of the study of childrens education; even from the

18、humanistic psychologist Erich Fromms theory of personality organizations point of view. Most of the current feminist research focused on womerfs pursuit of independence, equality and freedom and selconsciousness on women. Rarely study on the Family Education which I think plays the most important ro

19、le in four girls success.As we all know, one person is different from another because of different personalities. From my point of view, personality is generally influenced by three aspects: family education, school education and society. Among these, I think that family education has decisive influ

20、ence on the formation of their personalities. From the babyhood, we are under the requirements of parents. Just because of this kind of education, we learn the morality in heart and make it a part of ourselves. The children do not have their independent personalities in their early years and they to

21、tally reflect their parents spirit. Generally we can say that personality is greatly influenced by family education and remains fairly consistent throughout life.Because of the special natural relationship between mother and child, mother takes a very important task in the family education. Mother u

22、nderstands her children more and whether the children can have achievement is largely determined by the early education given by his mother. A good mother who knows how to educate her children, it will have totally different results, just like Mrs. March, a respectful mother in Little Women, helps h

23、er daughters live a successful and happy life.Most people are attracted to the shiny image of four girls in Little Women, while we cannot be overlooked their mother - Mrs. March. It can be said that she is the very successful mother and female image in novels. She is the guide of the family. She not

24、 only encourages children to take the burden of life, but also teaches them consistently love and embrace everything happened in life. So the four daughters can continue to progress in the life experience of mature growth. She guided the girls to understand the reality, to experience the hardships o

25、f lift, and try not to hurt them in reality, she is always with the warmth of the family to influence them and make them believe that no matter what the outside world has suffered twists and turns home can disperse all the unfortunate and regain the joy of the life!The situation of Mrs. Marchs famil

26、y2.1A brief introduction of Marchs familyThe March family was a warm and fragrant American family. Mr. March was at the Civil War battle front. So Mrs.March became backbom of the family. In order to help mother to support the family, Jo and Meg work outside home to earn money. Meg spends her days te

27、aching small children as a governess; Jo accompanies a lame and eccentric Aunt March. Sometimes she writes articles for the newspaper to gain the payment to increase the daily necessities to the family. For her girls, mother is the moral role model. Four sisters although are different characters all

28、 become independent and optimistic under the guidance of the mother: Meg had defeated much of her vanity, and had cultivated industry and the womanly skills to create a happy home. Jo realized her dream as a successful writer and open schools for children. She eventually became a gentle young lady w

29、ho dressed properly and no longer used slang. Amy became an artist who helped the poor in the society.2.2The characteristics of Mrs. March and four girlsMrs. March (Marmee): the mother of the four March sisters, Marmee is the guide of the family. She appears to have infinite wisdom and patience, and

30、 an exceptionally charitable nature. She wants nothing more than her daughters happiness, and knows how to teach them the lessons they need to achieve that happiness. Once a woman ask Mrs March whether she plans to marry one of her daugghter to Laurie Marmee knows that there is more to life than ric

31、hes and lives off the love of her family and not of money.Meg: the oldest of the March sisters, Meg is plump and beautiful. She is sweet, good tempered and motherly, and has a penchant for pretty things. She likes to sew, and does her best at running a household, though at times she has trouble. She

32、 battles with being poor because she wants so much to have nice things but adores her family and later her husband.Jo: the main heroine of the book, Jo is the second oldest sister and a tomboy. She adores writing of any kind, and plans as a girl to make her fortune with her pen. She is quick-tempere

33、d, but tries hard to be good and pleasing to her parents. She takes Laurie under her wing and helps to raise him into the man he becomes. She is often selfsacrificing, and has a strong maternal connection over her sister Beth who she adores .She is exceptionally dependable, and when their father is

34、away, she acts as the man of the house.Beth: the quiet sweet-tempered angel of the family, Beth does everything she can to make the house a happy place. She is shy, and adores playing the piano and singing. She loves cats and dolls, and takes care of both with a fever.Amy: the youngest of the March

35、sisters, Amy is at first selfish and spoiled. Destined to be the sister who becomes a Lady, Amy concentrates on making herself better than their poverty-stricken life. She is an artist who loves to portray beauty in all things. As time goes on, she tempers her nature and becomes a mature woman, who

36、puts away her greed for money, and help poor people.3. The concept of Mrs Marchs family educationFor children* the family is the most influential factor. A child does not know what is right or wrong and most of the time, they stay with parents. What they do has a great effect on childrens future. At

37、 first, parents should set a good example and make them have a basic understanding of morality. Besides, parents need to observe and concern children in their process of growing and have communications with children. So they can cultivate children abilities and let them become adaptable for the soci

38、ety. Thus their future will be better. Little Women is a very good parenting book, which helps parents to educate their children.3.1 Cultivate their living abilityIn order to cultivate their industry and independence, Mrs. March lets them share the family burden. Under the mothers influence, the fou

39、r girls can do a lot of things and organize a variety of family activities. Meg spends her days teaching small children as agoverness; Jo takes care of Aunt March, who is a lame and eccentric, and keeps company with her. Both of them can gain some income for the family. Being too bashful to go to sc

40、hool, Beth does her lesson at home. She often helps do some housework such as knit, wash dishes and make things in order. Amy is sent to school to master some knowledge and learn to deal with relationship with others. In their spare time, Meg does needlework; Jo writes articles and dramas then organ

41、ize sisters to perform; Beth plays the piano; Amy paints. On the Christmas morning, she gives every girl a book. On one hand it is a guidebook for them going their life journey. The other hand, it helps them to keep a learning habit. They keep working and learning and never make themselves become la

42、zy. When they have no work to do, Jo will arrange sisters to rehearse dramas. Sometimes, they play Jos drama. Sometimes, they share interesting stories with each other. With these acticvities their life is colorful and cheerful.3.2 To be optimistic and contentedOur life is a series of ups and downs,

43、 when we smile at them, our life will smile at us. One winter day, a telegram arrived from the war department: Mr. March was ill. Everyone feel very sad. Mrs. March calms down after a while and arranges all things. Before she leaves she tells her daughters: I am anxious that you should take this tro

44、uble rightly. Dont grieve and fret when I am gone, or think that you can comfort youselves by being idle and trying to forget. Go on with your work as usual. Hope and keep busy, and whatever happens, remember that you never can be fatherless. When Meg complains her burden was too hard to continue. J

45、o says, Dont let us grumble but shoulder our bundles and trudge along as cheerfully as Marmee does. But it doesnt brighten Meg. When they go look back before turning the comer, they see Mrs. March smiling and waving. That day, everyone is busy and in bad mood. But they think of a way to get rid of i

46、t-share funny stories with each other. Jo blames herself for Amys drowning and says in despair: Its my dreadful temper! I try to cure it but it breaks out worse than ever. What shall 1 do? Mrs. March kisses her and says: dear, never feel tired of trying, and be hopeful. Just think it is possible to

47、conquer your fault/ There are a lot of troubles and temptations in our lives, but we can overcome and outlive them all if we have firm belief.Sometimes, we feel unhappy because we expect something more.If we contented with what we have, we are the happiest. When Christmas draws near, Jo, Meg and Amy

48、 complain their family is so poor that they have nothing while some girls have plenty of pretty things. Poverty is nothing, weve got father and mother and each other, thats enough.” Beth says contentedly. Once Mrs. March tells them that some boys and girls often curse and beat each other in the rich

49、 family. They are poor, but they lived happily. In chapter 4 Burdens, girls complain that thay have to do work, envy some girls in rich family because they dont need to work but have a lot of toys to play. Mrs. March use two stories to tell them: when you feel discontented think over your blessings? and you will feel happy. So be grateful for


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