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1、七年级英语第1页 共 6 页 景德镇市 2013-2014 学年度上学期期末检测卷 七年级英语 命题人:程娜(市二中)审校人:吕玲 题号一二三四五总分 得分 一、听力测试。(25 分) A)请听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给A,B,C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话读两遍。(每小题1 分) ( )1.Does Tony like basketball? A.Yes,I do B.Yes,he likes C.Yes,he does ( )2.How much are white shoes? A.$7 B.

2、$30 C.$13 ( )3.What s the girl s name? A.Gina B.Grace C.David ( )4.What does Eric like? A.basketball B.baseball C.soccer ( )5.Can the boys play tennis well? A.Yes,we can B.No,they can t C.I don t know B)请听下面三段对话和两段独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前你将有30 秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每 段对话或独白读两遍。(每小题1 分

3、) 请听第一段对话,完成第6 至 7 小题。 ( )6.What does Peter have? A.volleyball B.watch C.clock ( )7.What time is it now? A.9:00am B.10:00am C.11:00am 请听第二段对话,完成第8 至 10 小题。 ( )8.Where s Tom s computer game? A.In the drawer (抽屉)B.In his backpack C.on the sofa ( )9.How many people are mentioned( 提到 )in the dialogue? A

4、.One B.Two C.Three ( )10.Which of the following is not right? A. Mum and Tom are at home B. Dad s books are on the floor C. Mum can t find her bag 请听第三段对话,完成第11 至 13 小题。 ( )11.What does he want? A.Pens B.Pencils C. A pencil-box ( )12.How many pens does he want? A.10 B.11 C.12 ( )13.How much are the

5、pens? A.$30 B.¥30 C.¥13 七年级英语第2页 共 6 页 请听第一段独白,完成第14 至 16 小题。 ( )14.What does Sally like for lunch? A.Fruit B.French fries C.Vegetables ( )15.What s Sally s brother s name? A.Bob B.Jim C.Tom ( )16.Does Jim like eggs for breakfast? A.Yes,he does B.Yes,he likes C.I don t know 请听第二段独白,完成第17 至 20 小题。 (

6、)17.What s his first name? A. Jack B.Brown C.Jack Brown ( )18.What s Jack s father s last name? A.Smith B.Brown C.Black ( )19.When is Jack s birthday? A.May,15th B.March,8th C.March,28th ( )20.What can Jack play? A.Baseball B.Volleyball C.Tennis and basketball C)请听下面一段短文,根据短文内容完成句子,每个空格不超过3 个单词。听短文前

7、你 将有 50 秒钟的时间阅读句子内容。短文读两遍。(每小题1 分) 21.Kate is an _ girl. 22.Kate has a _. 23.They go to school from . 24.Kate s parents are _. 25.Kate likes _. 二、单项选择.(15 分) 请阅读下面各小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。(每小题1 分) ( )26.There is _egg on the table._egg is for you. A.a; A B.an; An C.an; The D.the; An ( )27.Can I

8、help you? _. A.Thank you B.Yes, please C.You re welcome D.Yes, you can ( )28.May I_your watch? Sure. Here you are. A.look B.watch C. see D. have a look at ( )29.Let me and Tom _ good friends. A.be B.are C.to be D.being ( )30._ do you come to China? Because I like here. A.What B.Why C.How D.Where ( )

9、31.I_ the book _ very interesting. A.think;isn t B.thinks;not C.don t think;is D.don t think;isn t ( )32.Your sister is _years old.And today is her _ birthday. A.twelve;the twelfth B.twelfth;twelve C.twelve;twelfth D.twelfth;twelfth 七年级英语第3页 共 6 页 ( )33.Is this _ dictionary? No,it isn t,it s _. A.yo

10、u; he B.your;he C.you;his D.your;his ( )34.My sister _ eggs _ breakfast. A.have;for B.has;for C.have;to D.has;to ( )35._. It s January 13th A.What day is it? B.What s it? C.What s the date? D.What s the time? ( )36._David and Jane like bananas? Yes, _. A.Do;he does B.Do;they do C.Does;he does D.Do;t

11、hey don t ( )37.Look!These are _ pens. A.your brother s B.you C.your brother D.your brothers ( )38._? They are $30. A.How much is it B.How much are these socks C.How old are you D.What are they ( )39.I like apples,_ I don t like oranges. A.and B.or C. D.but ( )40.Let s go to a movie. _. A.I don t B.

12、That s right C.That sounds great D.Comedies are funny 三、完形填空。(25 分) A)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意。然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出 可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(每小题1 分) Look at the girl.she is a Chinese girl.And the boy is her 41 .They are both at school.They like school. 42 parents are both teachers.The girl and the boy 43 at No.1 m

13、iddle school. They go to school 44 Monday to Friday.They 45 classes on Saturdays and Sundays.They have 46 at 6:30am.They come to school at 7:00am.They have four 47 in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.They 48 lunch at 12:15am.They play 49 at 3:50pm. They study Chinese、 English、 art and ot

14、her lessons.The girl s favorite 50 is art 51 it s relaxing.The boy likes science best.He thinks it s difficult, 52 it s interesting.Their parents like 53 .They often read some 54 at home.The girl and the boy love their parents very 55 . ( )41.A.son B.brother C.sister D.father ( )42.A.She B.His C.The

15、y D.Their ( )43.A.study B.teach C.work D.play ( )44.A.on B.about C.from D.for ( )45.A.doesn t have B.don t have C.no have D.not have ( )46.A.dinner B.lunch C.breakfast D.supper ( )47.A.lesson B.lessons C.teachers D.students 七年级英语第4页 共 6 页 ( )48.A.have B.has C.having D.are ( )49.A.sport B.sports C.is

16、 sporting D.sported ( )50.A.movie B.class C.subject D.exam ( )51.A.but B.and C.so D.because ( )52.A.but B and C.or D.so ( )53.A.read B.reading C.reads D.are reading ( )54.A.a book B.the book C.books D.book ( )55.A.many B.much C.good D.well B)请先阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从方框中选出最恰当的10 个词,并用其恰当 形式填空,每个词限用一次。(每小题1

17、 分) breakfast lunch is clothes buy favorite afternoon price Sunday interesting with chicken It s 56 today.After 57 , Mary goes to park 58 her Mom and Dad.They play ping-pong in the park They eat salad and 59 for lunch at home.In the 60 , Mary goes to a 61 store with her Mom.The clothes are at a very

18、 good 62 .Her Mom 63 a nice coat (外套)for her.Mary likes it very much.Then they go to see an action movie.The movie is 64 .she sees her 65 movie star in the movie.Mary is so happy today. 56._ 57._ 58._ 59._ 60._ 61._ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._ 四、阅读理解。(40 分) A)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案, 将其标号填入题前

19、的括号内。(每小题2 分) A Here is a list of the price. Clothes Original ( 最初的 ) price (原价 ) Present(现在的 ) price Socks $10 20%off Trousers $16 50%off Shorts $50 30%off Shoes $24 10%off ( )66.How much are the shoes now? A.$2.4 B.$12 C.$21.6 D.$35 ( )67.The present price of the shorts is _ dollar(s) lower than(

20、比低)the original price. A.25 B.15 C.35 D.20 ( )68.If you have $16,what can you buy? A. A pair of shorts B. A pair of shoes C.A pair of shoes and a pair of shorts D.A pair of socks and a pair of trousers B I m Tom.I have a sister.Her name is Lucy.We like running.we run in the morning and in the aftern

21、oon.We eat three meals every day.For breakfast,I have two eggs and milk.And she has some chicken and milk.For lunch, We have a hamburger, a carrot and an apple.For dinner,I have some tomatoes and chicken.She has some salad.We don t eat ice-cream. 七年级英语第5页 共 6 页 ( )69.Lucy is Tom s _. A.cousin B.brot

22、her C.sister D.mother ( )70.How may meals do they eat every day? A.3 B.2 C.4 D.5 ( )71.Lucy has _ for breakfast. A.two eggs and salad B.some chicken and milk C.some chicken and salad D.two eggs and milk ( )72.Which one is right? A.Tom and Lucy only run in the morning B.Tom and Lucy have the same foo

23、d for dinner C.Tom has salad for dinner D.Tom and Lucy don t eat ice-cream C This is a photo of Liu Xing s family.Liu Xing is my good friend. He has a basketball.He plays it every day.He thinks it is exciting. Xia Donghai is his father.He has a soccer ball.He often plays it in the afternoon.He think

24、s it is fun.Liu Xing s mother is Liu Mei.She has a baseball,but she doesn t play it.She thinks it is boring.She only cooks dinner for the family.It is delicious.They all like it. Liu Xing s sister is Xia Xue.She has a ping-pong ball and two ping-pong bats.She often plays it with her friends after cl

25、ass.She thinks it s interesting.Liu Xing s brother is Xia Yu.He has a volleyball.He only plays it on weekends. They are all very happy.This is a happy and funny family. ( )73.Liu Xing has a _. A.basketball B.soccer ball C.volleyball D.ping-pong ball ( )74._often plays soccer in the afternoon. A.Liu

26、Xing B.Xia Donghai C.Liu Mei D.Xia Xue ( )75.The word “ delicious” means _ in Chinese. A.讨厌的B.熟的C.美味的D.漂亮的 ( )76.Which one is right? A.Liu Xing thinks basketball is boring. B.Liu Xing s father is Xia Xue C.There are (有)five people in Liu Xing s family D.Xia Xue has two ping-pong balls and two ping-p

27、ong bats D I m Cindy. Jack Brown is my music teacher.He is 35 years old. He is funny and we all like him.He likes his job because he is good with the students.He goes to school at 7:00 every morning and goes home at 5:30 in the afternoon.He likes music very much.He can play the violin very well. He

28、likes sports too. His favorite sport is tennis. He usually plays tennis from 4:00 to 5:00 every afternoon. He also likes healthy food.He eats lots of vegetables and fruit every day. ( )77.Jack Brown is Cindy s_. A.brother B.cousin C.music teacher D.partner ( )78.Cindy likes Jack Brown because he is

29、_. A.funny B.strict C.healthy D.successful ( )79.Jack Brown can play _ well. A.chess B.basketball C.ping-pong D.the violin 七年级英语第6页 共 6 页 ( )80.Which one is right? A.Jack Brown is 53 years old B.Jack Brown goes home at 5:30 in the afternoon. C.Jack Brown isn t good with students D.Jack Brown doesn t

30、 eat vegetables B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框的七个选项中,选择 五个适当的句子还原到短文中,使短文意思通顺,结构完整。(每小题2 分) Hello,my name is Nick Brown 81 .My birthday is November 3rd.I usually get up at 6:30am. 82 I like it because it s very interesting,but some students think it s difficult.I play sports in the afternoon. 83 .I

31、like to go to the movies on weekends. 84 because they are very funny. 85 ,I like him very much. 81._ 82._ 83._ 84._ 85._ A. My favorite actor( 演员 ) is Jackie Chan. B. My favorite subject is math. C. I eat lunch at about 12 o clock. D. I am English and I m 14. E. I can play soccer and baseball. F. I

32、go to school after breakfast. G. I like to see comedies( 喜剧 ). 五、书面表达(15 分) 假如你( Jack Brown)想在寒假期交一些新朋友,请根据下面表格内容的提示,对自 己的情况做较全面的介绍,以加深朋友对你的了解。可适当发挥。60 词左右。开头已给 出,不计入总词数。 Name Jack Brown Birthday March 28th Parents Father:Barry Brown Mother:Linda Brown Favorites Food:chicken,hamburgers Subjects:geog

33、raphy,science Abilities( 能力 ) Can play tennis/basketball Timetable( 作息时间 ) 6:00;get up(起床) 12:00; eat lunch 21:00; go to bed(睡觉) My name is Jack Brown_ _ _ _ _ 七年级英语第7页 共 6 页 景德镇市 2013-2014 学年度上学期期末检测卷 七年级英语标准答案 一、 A)1 5 C C B A B B)6 7 B C 810 C C B 1113 A C B 1416 C B A 1720 A B C C C)21、English 2

34、2、brother 23、Monday to Friday 24 、teachers 25、playing baseball 二、2630 C B D A B 3135 C C D B C 3640 B A B D C 三、 A)4145 B D A C B 4650 C B A B C 51 55 D A B C B B)56、Sunday 57、breakfast 58、with 59、chicken 60、afternoon 61、clothes 62、 price 63、buys 64、interesting 65、favorite 四、 A)6668 C B D 6972 C A B

35、 D 73 76 A B C C 7780 C A D B B)8185 D B E G A 作文 My name is Jack Brown.Jack is my first name and Brown is my last name. My birthday is on March28th. My father is Barry Brown and my mother is Linda Brown. I like chicken and hamburgers best. They are delicious. I like biology and science best at school. What can I do? I can paly tennis and basketball. I usually get up at 6:00 and eat lunch at 12:00. I go to bed at 21:00.


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