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1、AZ首字母高频 A 开头单词高频 副词: 句中: already also almost always 句尾: again accurately altogether alone 连词:after and as although 介词:around among across along about above after against as 动词:得到: achieve/get/gain/receive afford (afford to do ) agree answer allow appear award 代词: a. anything anybody all another any

2、b. both c. everybody/everything/either/each s. somebody/something n. nothing/nobody/neither/none o. others other one(s) B 开头单词高频 连词:but because before 介词:besides beside/next to below behind before between 动词:begin/start become believe blow book break borrow 形容词: beautiful/pretty brave brief better/b

3、est busy 聪明: bright/clever/smart/wise C 开头单词高频 动词: change sth to sth choose to do sth confuse called catch/know/understand cause sb./sth. to do check v./n. close continue correct v. 纠正 complete/finish complain connect to/with compare withcost control 形容词: careful(carefully) careless correct common c

4、razy cheap convenient confident clear comfortable cold clever 一定的: certain/sure be to do 一定去做某事 正确: right true correct real 名词: chance choice corner culture/custom hobby/habit D 开头单词高频 动词: decide dislike/hate develop discover drive(驱 赶 ) discuss disappear 毁坏,破坏 damage/destroy/hurt/wound 形容词: differe

5、nt( difference)difficult dull/boring dishonest deaf dangerous developing-developed 名词: make a decision/suggestiondream/ambition duty diet day danger darkness 介词: during E 开头单词高频 副词: even/ever exactly easily everywhere enough especially 形容词: early/earlier easy elder empty excited expensive else(what/

6、who else anything/nothing else) 好的:excellent/perfect/nice/fine/good/great/wonderful 动词: 解释,回答 :explain/answer/say/suggest 检查:examine/check enjoy encourage sb. to do end n./v. escape 希望: expect/wish/hope 介词: except 名词: end everything/body 测试:exam/quiz/competition/contest exercise(s) experience(s) exa

7、mple F 开头单词高频 名词:fun friendship form freedom flight 种类:form type kind 动词:forget follow find finish/complete fail 发现: find/discover/notice/learn/realize 副词 :far(farther, farthest) fast finally first forward 介词:from 形容词:first friendly favorite few funny fine/well/nice following frightened/afraid G 开头单

8、词高频 形容词: 好的: good/great 开心的glad/pleased/happy/satisfied 温柔的 gentle 大方的 generous 动词:grow guess go give 得到get gain achieve receive 名词:goal game group guide 副词: gently generally greatly H. 开头单词高频 名词 habit hobby headache health heart help hope hour 愿望hope wish dream 目标ambition goal aim task 动词:hope happ

9、en hate help hesitate hide hurry 希望hope wish expect 形容词:大huge /giant / big large homeless helpful hungry healthy harmful happy 副词: happily hard hardly 连词:However how I. 开头单词高频 名词: idea information importance 副词: insteadindeed/trulyinsideinto immediately 动词: introduce include improve 形容词: impossiblei

10、mportantimpatient interesting/amusing 连词: if J. 开头单词高频 动词: join judge jump 路way road journey 名词:journey judge裁判joy-happiness 副词: just K. 开头单词高频 名词: key kind ofknowledge 动词:keep know knock L 开头单词高频词 动词: learn leave let lift(raise)live 形 容 词 :little/ less/ least local late lazy lucky large(big/ great)

11、 lonely(与 alone 区别)lovely likely (be likely to do )= possible 补充: 可能perhaps、possibly 、probably、maybe 副词: later luckily 介词: like (such as 与 for example ) M 开头单词高频词 动词:miss 想念,错过mean 意味着 (show )meet 遇见, move 搬家match 与相配mind 介意 matter 要紧make make 相似单词:make、have、let +sb. do sth. cause / enable sb. to do

12、 sth. 名词: market member method 方法( way/ solution ) month manner(礼仪) message 信息 (information) 形容词: many/ much/ more/ most modern N 开头单词高频词 动词: notice 注意到need 形 容 词 :nervous 紧 张 的new necessary 必 要 的 (unnecessary )nice 名词: nation news=message neighbor (neighborhood )notice 代词: nothing nobody neither(ei

13、ther)none(all) 副词: nearly never nearby 扩展: 紧张的nervous/worried 好nice pleasant good (better、 best) great (greatly) well(形容词:身体好)excellent perfect wonderful 国家nation country state 几乎almost nearly 发现find notice discover O 开头单词高频词 动词: own offer order ask 形容词: ordinary only own other outdoor 副词: often onc

14、e of f over outside 介词: over= throughout out outside 连词: or P 开头单词高频词 动词: promise pay play plan prevent prefer prepare provide提供process 加工produce生产prove 证 明 名词: pain performance place progress进步process过程 practice 形 容 词 :physical 身 体 的patient ( impatient )pretty powerful private ( personal)public 公 共

15、 的pleased pleasant polite 副词: possibly perhaps probably politely personally 扩展: 给give to sb. offerto sb. provide sb. with sth. provide sth. for sb. 地方place location address 常考的代词(有时可做形容词用) other all neither either both any each every another one(ones ) Q 开头单词高频词 名词: question 形容词: quiet quick 副词: qui

16、ckly quietly quite R 开头单词高频词 动词: receive; realize; reach; remember; require; reduce; refuse; run; relax 形容词: real rich responsible right 副词: really; recently; right; rather 名词: reason; result; rest; S开头单词高频词 动词:suppose; show; seem; suggest; share; spend; spread; start; 名词: secret; story; shame = pit

17、y; sign; symbol; situation; somebody; 形容词: serious; simple; special; soft; successful; strict; surprising; strange; Same similar 副词: suddenly; slowly; still; seriously; sometimes; soon;seldom T 开头单词高频词 副词:tomorrow; tonight; today; too; then; there ;together ;terribly 介词: till; to; towards; through;

18、throughout; 动词: turn; try; train; touch; teach; trouble; 名词: trouble; team;teenager ;tradition; 形容词: tired; thirsty; thankful; thick; thin;terrible ;their; traditional U 开头单词高频词 形容词:unusual; useful; unhappy; upset; unhealthy; 介词: until; up; under; 连词: until; unless; V 开头单词高频词 形容词: various 动词: vary v

19、isit W 开头单词高频词 动词: waste; warn; work(运转;起作用 ); wonder(想知道); worry; 形容词: wonderful; worse; wise; wrong; worried 介词: with; without; within; 连词: what; whether; while; Y 开头单词高频词 副词: yet; yesterday 形容词: young 名词: youth year 同义词整理 说:say; answer/ reply; suggest; explain; repeat; promise; 种类: type; kind; fo

20、rm; 问题: problem; trouble; question; 不同: different; various; 明白: understand; know; realize; find; learn; 害怕的,担心的 :fright/frightened/frightening, horrible, afraid, fearful 非常:very/rather/really/quite/terribly/completely/seriously 准确的:accurate/correct/right/true 达到, 获得:get/gain/achieve/reach 反对:against

21、/ disagree 年老的:elderly/old/aged 几乎:almost/nearly 尽管:though/although 令人惊讶的 :amazing/surprising 志向/ 目标:ambition/goal/aim/dream/ task; 有乐趣的 :amusing/interesting 回答/ 回复:answer/ reply 进攻/ 袭击:attack/hit/beat 奖品/ 奖励:award/prize 前面:front/ahead 好:good/great/nice/wonderful/excellent/perfect 坏:bad/terrible/awf

22、ul 允许:allow/permit 打电话:ring/ telephone/ call 理解:understand/catch/follow 困惑:confuse/puzzle 可能:possible/perhaps/ probably/likely/maybe 大:big/large/huge 预订:order/book 乏味的:boring/dull 愚蠢的:foolish/silly/stupid 聪明的:clever/smart/bright/wise/sensible 一点:little/bit 介意:mind/care 检查:examine/check 主管:charge/man

23、age/responsible/duty 主要的:chief/main 干净的:clean/tidy 冷:cold/freezing/frozen 全部的:complete/whole/all 会议:conference/meeting 考虑:think/consider 漂亮的:pretty/beautiful/cute/nice/ 每天的:everyday/daily 黑的:dark/black 争论:argue/debate 投递:deliver/post 值得:deserve/worth 希望:desire/hope/wish/expect/prefer 掉下:drop/fall 基本的:basic/elementary 其它的:else/other/another/more 能:enable/can 结束:end/finish 喜欢:enjoy/like/love 愉快的:enjoyable/pleasant 理由 :excuse/reason/cause 练习:exercise/practice


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