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1、1 课题8 上 Unit7 Seasons Comic strip and welcome to the unit 学习目标 知识目标掌握关于天气和季节的单词。 能力目标学会谈论自己最喜欢的季节。 情感目标热爱生活,学会享受生活。 学习重点掌握关于天气和季节的单词。 学习难点会和别人谈论自己最喜欢的季节。 课前自学 1.根据图片写出天气。 _ _ _ _ _ _ 3. 朗读对话,学会谈论自己最喜欢的季节和原因。 4. 朗读 Comic Strip 部分,回答下面的问题。 Do the two “ cool ” have the same meaning? 课堂交流展示 一 Free talk

2、E.g. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they? 二 look at the pictures on Page81 and finish Part A. 三 Talk about your favourite season with your partners, use the conversation 2 8 年级上册Unit7 of Part B to help you. 四 Listen to the tape about the comic strip and answer a question. Do the two

3、“ cool ” have the same meaning? 五 Group work Talk about your favourite season and the reason. 课堂达标检测 一 What kind of weather does each season have? Spring: _ Summer: _ Autumn: _ Winter: _ 二 .按要求写单词。 1. sun(形容词 )_ 2.storm(形容词 )_ 3.cloud (形容词 )_ 4.foggy(名词 ) _ 5.windy( 名词 ) _ 6.snowy(名词 )_ 7.rain ( 形容词

4、 )_ 8.frost(形容词 )_ 三.在横线上填上合适的词. 1. I like sitting in the sun on _ days . 2. He often makes snowmen on _ days . 3. Jim loves flying kites on _ days . 4. I dislike _days because the ground is all wet. 5. Drivers must be careful on _ days, they can t see far clearly . 6. I hate _ days because there is

5、 strong wind and heavy rain . 学习感悟 3 课题8 上 Unit7 Seasons Reading1 学习目标 知识目标掌握单词: butterfly, shower, memory, memory, stream, shake, pile, upon, harvest, drop, as, temperature, drop 能力目标学会运用诗歌中的押韵。 情感目标热爱生活,发现每个季节的美。 学习重点掌握单词,会简单的押韵。 学习难点学会运用诗歌中的押韵。 课前自学 一 Read the poem and feel the beauty of the poem

6、. 二翻译短语 1. 充满 _ 2. 忘记生长_ 3. 甜蜜的回忆_ 4. 宁静的小溪_ 5. 落成堆_ 6. 温度下降_ 三 Finish the exercises on Page83. 四 Read the poem and answer the following questions. 1. What does winter look like? 2. In which season can we often see bees and butterflies? 3. What do we often eat in summer? 4. Which season is a harvest

7、 season? 四 Talk about your favourite season with your partner. 课堂交流展示 一.对课前自学中的重要的语言知识点(单词、短语、句型)在组内和班 内展示。 二. 根据图片找到合适的季节。 三听录音,注意诗歌的韵律美。 4 三. 学生自己朗读课文,每组一到两名同学到台前展示。 四检查练习完成情况。 五学习简单的押韵。 E.g. get bet 1. ground _ 2. kite _ 3. fly _ 五有能力的同学背诵这些诗或其中的一、两段。 六小组讨论:Which season do you like best? Why? 七组员

8、展示: My favourite season is _, because _. 课堂达标检测 一欣赏下面的诗歌,画出押韵的单词。 The moon goes down and crows caw in the frosty sky, Dimly- lit fishing boats neath maples sadly lie. Beyond the Gusu walls the Temple of Cold Hill, Rings bells which reach my boat, breaking the midnight still. 二请你为下面这首小诗填上合适的词,使它押韵且意思

9、通顺。 are star sky high Twinkle,twinkle, little _. How I wonder what you _. Up above the world so _. Like a diamond in the _. 三请你填好下面的诗歌,注意押韵。 One,two, go to _, Three, four, close the _, Five, six,sit down _, Seven, eight, you are _, Nine, ten, don t be late _. 学习感悟 5 课题8 上 Unit7 Seasons Reading2 学习目标

10、 知识目标 词汇:学会运用本课时的四会单词和重点词组。 能力目标 能用英文描述四季。 情感目标 热爱生活。 学习重点 掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、词组和句型,能用英文描述四季。 学习难点 掌握并运用本课时的四会单词、词组和句型,能用英文描述四季。 课前自学 一、继续学习巩固Reading,能够背诵全文。 二、完成课本84 页 PartB4。 三、有感情地朗读这首诗。 四、和小组成员聊聊自己喜欢的季节。 课堂交流展示 一朗诵比赛。每组一名代表背诵一段,给予评价。 二根据课文内容回答问题。 1. Which season has snow? 2. Which season do you often

11、 eat ice cream? 3. Which season is a harvest season? 4. What s the weather like in spring? 5. What can we often do in spring? 6. What do we often do in summer? 7. What about autumn and winter? 8. what is each season like? 9.What do you like doing in each season? 三检查学生84 页 B4 部分的完成情况。 四重点短语 6 be full

12、 of = be filled with 充满 forget to do something 忘记去做某事(事情未做) forget doing something 忘记做过某事(事情已做) fly far away 飞到遥远的地方去 sweet memories 甜蜜的回忆 autumn leaves 秋叶 fall into piles 落成堆 五重点句子 1. What a perfect time to fly a kite! 2. It will be a new year once again. 六寻找你喜欢的句子并且有感情的朗读出来。 课堂达标检测 一翻译短语 1. 满是雪_ 2

13、. 忘记生长_ 3. 甜蜜的回忆_ 4. 收获庄稼_ 5. 慵懒的下午_ 6. 落成堆_ 二写下代表每个季节的单词或短语. Sping: _ Summer:_ Autumn:_ Winter:_ 三阅读理解 No one can change the weather But if read the signs correctly around us,we can know how the weather will beThis way of telling what the weather will be like on the following day or two is called w

14、eather forecasting For many centuries and in all countries , people have studied the weather and tried to make weather forecasting Rings around the sun are a sign of coming rainMany people feel in their bones the coming of wet weatherTheir joints( 关节 ) acheSome birds fly high if the fine weather is

15、coming,but they fly near ground if rainy or stormy weather is on the wayIt is probably because of the insects which they are hunting fly lowIf you see a rainbow during rainy weather , this is a sign that the weather will become clear and fineSuch rainbows come in the evening If the stars twinkle cle

16、arly at night ,then fine weather will continueIf a fog appears in the evening just above a river,then the day will be warm If the sunset is mostly red in color , then the morning,rainy weather will probably comeMost of the above sayings have been made by the people who have used their eyes and brain

17、s to make weather forecasting 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 7 ( ) 1Peoples joints ache _ A is a sign of coming rain Bbecause they are ill Cwithout any reason D because of the insects ( ) 2Which is true about weather forecasting? A Weather forecasting is a report about the weather on the following day or two BWeath

18、er forecasting is a way of telling what the weather will be like CPeople can change the weather forecasting D Weather forecasting is a sign of coming rain ( ) 3The birds fly high and the stars twinkle clearly is a sign that the weather will _ A be rainy Bbe warm Ccontinue clear and fine D be cold (

19、) 4A rainbow during rainy weather is a _ of the fine weather A sign Bway Cmethod D road ( ) 5We must _ to make weather forecasting A use our eyes and brains Bstudy the weather hard Cread the weather hard D all of the above 学习感悟 8 课 题8 上 Unit7 Seasons Grammar 学习目标 知识目标识别五种基本句型结构。 能力目标能识别五种基本句型结构。 学习重

20、点识别五种基本句型结构。 学习难点识别五种基本句型结构。 课前自学 一. 认识五种简单的句子结构。 S+V ( 主语 +不及物动词 ) e.g: Some boys are swimming. S V 请模仿造句 : S+V+DO( 主语 +及物动词 +) e.g. My father is reading a newspaper. S V DO 请模仿造句 : S+V+P (主语 +系动词 +) e.g. Autumn leaves turn brown. S V P 请模仿造句 : S+V+IO+DO ( 主语及物动词直接宾语 ) e.g. Simon bought Jim a CD. S

21、 V IO DO 请模仿造句 : 注意:在英语中常跟双宾语的动词有: 1.give / show/ send / pass/teach/bring sb sth = give / show / send/pass/teach/bring sth to sb 2.buy/make/sing/draw/get sb sth = buy/make/sing/draw/get sth for sb S+V+DO+OC( 主语 +及物动词 +直接宾语 + ) e. g. Millie call her dog Eddie. S V DO OC 请模仿造句 : 注意 : 1.宾语和宾补是主谓关系。 2.常

22、带宾补的动词有make / keep / find / call / believe /think等 。 e. g . The news made him unhappy . We should keep our classroom clean and tidy . I find him kind . 二完成课本85 页的内容并核对答案。 课堂交流展示 9 一、判断下列句子属于哪种句型。 1. The sun rises in the east. _ 2. He enjoys reading. _ 3. I showed him my pictures. _ 4. They painted t

23、he door green. _ 5. The leaves turn green in spring._ 二、小组活动:学生分成五组,每组一个句型,分组讲解。 三、小组展示五种句型。 四、完成课本86 页 B 部分的内容,核对答案。 五、重点短语或句子 1. catch a bad cold 着凉2. an awful day 糟糕的一天 3. I saw some kids kicking the ball in the park. 我看见一些孩子在公园里踢 足球。 see somebody do something (表示全过程或经常性) doing something(表示正在做) 课

24、堂达标检测 一. 分析下列句子的句型。 1. They work hard. _ 2. The flower is dead. _ 3. The plants need water. _ 4. He gives me some books. _ 5. We found his speech interesting. _ 6. The cake tastes delicious. _ 7. Classes begin at 8:00 every morning. _ 8. The sun keeps us warm. _ 9. I heard him singing. _ 10. The pot

25、atoes went bad. _ 二翻译下列句子并写出它的句型结构。 1. 我们有四个季节。 _ _ 2. 他们放风筝。 _ _ 3. 秋天树叶变黄了。 _ _ 4. 吴老师教我们英语。 _ _ 5. 汤姆让我们在公园等了一个小时。 _ _ 学习感悟 10 课题8 上 Unit7 Integrated Skills 学习目标 知识目标单词: snowstorm, wind, around, sunshine, rest, degree, bit, blow, loud, ring 短语: drop below zero, the rest of the week, a few showers

26、. 能力目标1. 注意听力技巧。 2. 学会报天气预报,了解世界各地的天气。 情感目标关注世界,关心他人。 学习重点 根据听力内容完成天气预报。 学习难点学会运用听力技巧完成听力内容。 课前自学 一请你写出与天气预报有关的单词和短语。 1. 单词: _ 2. 短语: _ 二阅读课本87-88页的内容,完成A1部分的练习。 三关注天气预报的内容,为本课的听力做好准备。 课堂交流展示 一 Leading-in 1.Talk about today s weather and the temperature. 2. What about Beijing? What s the weather in

27、different seasons in Beijing? 3. Check the answers to Part A1. Get some important word phrases from the part. 二 Listening 1.While listening, pay attention to the weather and the temperature. 2. Check the results. 3. Listen to Annie and Simon s conversation and complete Annie s diary entry. 4. Check

28、the answers. 三 To be a weather reporter 1. Suppose you are a weather reporter, try to report the weather in different places, use the information in Part A3 to help you. 2. Show time. 11 四 Speak Up:Talking about the weather 听录音,回答问题: 1. What s the weather like in Beijing? 2. What about Nanjing? 五朗读对

29、话,小组编写新的对话,并且展示. 课堂达标检测 一短语翻译 1. 傍晚_ 2. 降到零度以下_ 3. 在三十几_ 4. 本周的剩余时间_ 5. 一些雷阵雨_ 6. 了解更多天气方面的东西_ 7. 最低温度_ 8. 保持零度以上 _ 二翻译句子 1. 来自北部的暴风雪将在下午抵达。 _ 2. 阳光和蓝天在本周内的未来几天会一直陪伴着我们。 _ 3. 纽约的温度将会保持在零度以上。 _ 4. 保重。 _ 三句型转换。 1. How is the weather?( 同义句 ) _ 2. The temperatures will be 10 to 19 degrees.( 同义句 ) The _

30、temperature will be _ _, the _ temperature will be _ _. 学习感悟 12 课题8 上 Unit 7 Study skills 学习目标 知识目标 1.单词: fog, sleepy, shine, shiny, sudden, snowball, fight 2.词组: cover their faces with scarves, the high temperature, cause a lot of problems, snowball fights, sudden heavy rain 3.认识形容词后缀-y. 能力目标能够用所学词

31、汇来谈论不同的天气状况。 情感目标 学习重点 识别描述天气状况的单词和短语,认识形容词后缀-y. 学习难点用形容词来描述四季的天气情况。 课 前 自 学 一.按要求写单词。 1.sun(形容词 )_ 2.storm(形容词 )_ 3.cloud (形容词 )_ 4.foggy(名词 ) _ 5.windy( 名词 ) _ 6.snowy(名词 ) _ 7.rain(形容词 ) _ 8.frost(形容词 ) _ 9.bad(比较级 )_ 10.low( 比较级 ) _ 二.在横线上填上合适的词. 1. I like sitting in the sun on _ days . 2. He of

32、ten makes snowmen on _ days . 3. Jim loves flying kites on _ days . 4. I dislike _ because the ground is all wet. 5. Drivers must be careful on _ days, they can t see far clearly . 6. I hate _ days because there is strong wind and heavy rain . 三预习课本89 页的内容,认识形容词后缀,知道哪些名词后面加后缀-y,并 完成课本中的练习。 课 堂 交 流 展

33、 示 展示一 :对课前自学中重要的语言知识点(单词 ,短语 ,句型 )在组内和班内进行展 示. 展示二 :(1)根据图标 ,默写出下列天气状况的名词和形容词. 13 总结规则: 表天气的名词+ y (双写+ y)形容词 (2)小组合作:找出其他的以-y 结尾的形容词。 _ (3)核对课本98 页的练习。 (4). Talk about the weather of your favourite season. Try to use the adjectives with the suffix -y. 展示三 :根据表格汇报灌南未来24 小时的天气预报。 Time Weather Tempera

34、ture this evening cloudy 5 -12 tomorrow rainy 3 -9 Good evening! Here s the weather report of Guan Nan for the next 24 hours. This evening _ _ _.The _temperature will be _. The _ temperature will be_. Tomorrow will be _.The temperature is going to _ _ _.The highest Temperature will be _. The lowest

35、temperature will be_. Thank you for listening. 课 堂 达 标 检 测 一请把下列名词变成形容词。 1. shine _ 2. fun _ 3. noise _ 4. snow _ 5. cloud _ 6. sun _ 7. rain _ 8. health _ 二 .用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Today is a _ day.Now it is _ hard .(rain) 2.The weather will become _(bad) on Friday than before. 3. It s _(snow). The groun

36、d is all white. 4. It s _(wind) and the children are flying kites. 5. Today is _(cloud), but tomorrow will be _(sun). 6.It s _ today and it has much _ this time every time.(fog) 7.The temperature _(be) around 7 tomorrow. 8. It s not going to be _(storm). 三句型转换。 1There was much fog this morning. (改为同

37、义句) It _ this morning. 14 2.It rained hard last night. (改为同义句) There _ last night. 3.It was snowy yesterday. (改为同义句) It_ yesterday. 4.The weather is frosty today.( 用 tomorrow 改写句子 ) _ 学习感悟 15 课题8 上 Unit7 Task 学习目标 知识目标掌握写关于季节的文章的单词短语和句子。 能力目标会写一篇关于季节的文章。 情感目标热爱生活。 学习重点完成一篇关于季节的文章。 学习难点完成一篇关于季节的文章。 课

38、前自学 一翻译短语 1. 我最喜爱的季节_2. 被白雪覆盖_ 3. 被冻起来了_4. 打雪仗_ 5. 冰雪节_6. 美丽的冰灯_ 二熟读课本90-91页的内容 ,回答 91页的问题。 三预习怎么样去写关于自己最喜爱的季节的文章。可以分为四个部分, 请填写每个部分应该写的内容 1. Introduce you favourite season 2. The main weather 3. The things you like doing in that season 4. Conclusion 总结 课堂交流展示 一讨论90 页的文章 ,回答以下问题。 1. Which is your fav

39、ourite season? 2. What is the weather like then? 3. What does your city look like then? 4. Why do you like this season? 5. What activities do people enjoy doing in this season? 二用这些问题进行组内提问,并做好记录。 四、文章写作方法的讨论 Introduction your favourite season Main body weather, the things you want to see and do in the season Conclusion your favourite season 课堂达标检测 写作 : 16 写一篇关于你最喜欢的季节的文章,不少于 80 词。(课本91 页的问题对 大家来说能有所帮助.) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 学习感悟 17 8 上 Unit 7 单元测验 一、单项选择: (15%) ( )1. It s _


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