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1、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 1 页 外研版高中英语必背例句 必修 1 Module 1 Book 1 1.我们非常渴望再见到你。 We re so much looking forward to seeing you again. 2.我们一直盼望的假期快到了。 The holiday we have been looking forward to is drawing near. 3.消息传来说市长不久就要来我们的学校参观。 Word came that the mayor would soon pay a visit to our school. 4.

2、(陕西高考 )Ten years ago the population of our village was twice as large as that of theirs. 5.桌子上的书要比书架上的书更有价值。 The books on the desk are of more value than those on the shelf. 6.这么多年后见到我的叔叔是一个难忘的时刻,一个我会永远铭记的时刻。 Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment,one I will always treasu

3、re. 7.使我们感到惊奇的是,参加会议的人数是我们预想的两倍。 To our surprise ,we got twice as many people to attend the meeting as we expected. 8.这座房子的价格是两年前的三倍。 The price of this house is three times what it was two years ago. 9.今年汽车的产量是去年的两倍。 The output of cars this year is twice that of last year. 10. 玛丽现在新工作进展顺利,她挣的工资是去年的两

4、倍。 Mary is now getting on well with her new job and she earns twice as much as she did last year. 11. 李刚事件对我们社会产生不良影响,郭美美事件也是如此。 The case of Li Gang had a bad effect on society ,so did that of Guo Meimei. 12. 他没有完成家庭作业,我也没有完成。 He didn t finish his homework,neither did I. 艾丽斯是个学生并且学习努力。 Alice is a st

5、udent and works hard. 13. 汤姆也一样。 So it is with Tom./It is the same with Tom. 14. Youve left the light on. 你忘关灯了。 哦,是的。我就去关。 Oh,so I have. Ill go and turn it off. Module 2 Book 1 1.我希望这点食物能养活这么小的孩子们。 15. I hope so little food can support such little children. 2.我一到就知道出事了。 I knew something was wrong i

6、mmediately I arrived. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 2 页 3.他刚到家就开始下雨了。 Hardly had he got home when it began to rain. 4.如果今天下午你能给我回电,我将非常感激。 I would appreciate your calling back this afternoon. 5.如果你把音乐关小一点,我将不胜感激。 I would appreciate it if you would turn the music down. 6.他开车如此不小心,以致差点遇难。 So carele

7、ssly did he drive that he nearly got killed. 7.从窗户她可以看到一棵高高的树,树上拴着一只狗。 From the window,she could see a tall tree with a dog tied to it. 8.夏天的夜晚他习惯于开窗睡觉。 He is used to sleeping with the window open at night in summer. 9.这条两岸长满绿草和鲜花的小河从我们校园穿过。 The river with grass and flowers on both sides runs throug

8、h our schoolyard. 10. 由向导带路,我们很容易地找到了她的家。 We found her house easily with the guide leading the way. 11. 现在,许多大学毕业生宁愿在城里寻找较小的工作机会也不愿意到非常需要他们的贫穷 的地方去。 Nowadays,many college graduates would rather hunt for the little job opportunity in cities than work in the poor areas ,where they are in great need. 1

9、2. 我宁愿我没在会上说过那件事。 I d rather not have said that at the meeting. 13. 帮忙打扫一下厨房好吗? Could you help clean the kitchen? 我还是不打扫吧。 I d rather not. 14. 玛丽情绪低落,要是我昨天没把这个消息告诉她就好了。 Mary is feeling upset. I d rather I hadnt told her the news last night. 15. Beijing was attacked by such a terrible sandstorm as fe

10、w residents had ever experienced before. 16. The difficulty the couple had finding their lost child was soon forgotten when they discovered her. 17. The pencil is too dull. It wants sharpening . Module 3 Book 1 1.在去桂林的路上,我们不时地停下来欣赏沿途迷人的风景。 On the way to Guilin,we stopped again and again to enjoy the

11、 charming scenery. 2.我们到达事故现场时,一切已被清理完了。 By the time we arrived at the scene of the accident ,everything had been cleared up. 3.从这扇窗户我们能欣赏到大海美丽的景色。 We have a wonderful view of the sea from this window. 4.每年都有大量外国游客来参观北京的名胜。 Plenty of foreign visitors come to see the sights of Beijing every year. 熟读唐

12、诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 3 页 5.他令人害怕的样子吓坏了这个小姑娘。 His frightening look made the little girl frightened. 6.他妈妈病得严重,所以他不得不请一天假。 His mother was seriously ill,so he had to take a day off. 7.十岁时他的事业便飞黄腾达了。 His career took off when he was only ten. 8.我在这儿抽烟你不介意吧? Would you mind if I smoked here?Do you

13、 mind if I smoke here? 9.要是我们所有人都友好相处,生活会多么不一样啊。 How different life would be if all of us are kind to each other. 10. It is requested that the reporter referred to be to blame for the wrong report. 11. Upon arriving home,I was surprised to find the paper I had had prepared was missing. Module 4 Book

14、 1 1.Not until I was chosen monitor did I realize how important it is. 2.随着秋天的临近,树叶变成了褐色。 The leaves were turning brown with the approach of autumn. 3.就业市场变了,我们找工作的途径也要改变。 The job market has changed and our approach to finding work must change as well. 4.这是非常重要的考试,我不可以失败。 It is a very important exam

15、 so I can t afford to fail it. 5.科学研究表明妇女往往比她们的丈夫寿命长。 Scientific research shows that women tend to survive their husbands. 6.善良的农民为两位被大雨所困的人提供膳宿。 The kind farmer put up the two people caught in the heavy rain. 7.我再也受不了他的无礼了。 I cant put up with his rudeness any longer. 8.(2011新课标全国 )我可以容忍房间里不整齐,但是我讨厌

16、房间里脏。 I can put up with the house being untidy ,but I hate it if it s not clean. 9.我开始学英语已有两年了。 It is two years since I began to learn English. 10. 自从他离开这家公司以来已有三年了。 It is already three years since he worked in this company. 11. 一段时间之后我们再见面。 It will be a long time before we meet again. 12. 他昨晚十一点回来的

17、。 (时间状语从句 ) It was 11 oclock when he came back last night. 13. 他昨晚回来的时候是十一点。(强调句 ) It was at 11 oclock that he came back last night. 14. 那是我读过的最有趣的故事。 That was the most interesting story that I had ever read. 15. 这是我第一次到你的家乡来参观。 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 4 页 And this is/was the first time Ive

18、/I had visited your hometown. 16. 你早该戒掉这些坏习惯了。 Its high time that you should get rid of the bad habits. Module 5 Book 1 1.你从你听到的证据中得出什么结论? What conclusions do you draw from the evidence you ve heard? 2.最后,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。 In conclusion/To conclude,I would like to thank everybody who helped me. 3.这些措施旨在

19、阻止河流遭受进一步的污染。 The measures are aimed at stopping the river from being further polluted. 4.为了通过入学考试,他努力学习。 He studied hard,aiming to pass the entrance exam. 5.这位老人已经养成了每天早晨早起的习惯。 The old man has formed the habit of getting up early every morning. 6.争取把工作和娱乐更好地结合起来。 Try to achieve a better balance bet

20、ween work and play. 7.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。 You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside against the disadvantages. 8.(2011天津阅读, B) 记住:点滴积累成就梦想。 Remember:little steps add up to big dreams. 9.各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。 Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets. 10.五分之

21、三的树已被砍了。 Three-fifths of the trees have been cut down. 11.制作蛋糕用了三分之一的糖。 One-third of the sugar was used to make the cake. 12.(2011江苏完形填空)他越是这样想,越是不开心。 The more he thought like this , the more unhappy he became. 13.He studied hard,aiming at passing the college entrance exam( 目的在于通过高考) Module 6 Book 1

22、 1.在场的每个人都得到了一件礼物,包括我在内。 Everyone present was given a gift , including me/me included. 2.药品不应放在儿童容易拿到的地方。 Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 3.到达那农舍的惟一通路是穿过田间。 The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. 4.这些锻炼目的是强身健体,因此我们都喜欢锻炼。 These exercises are designed to

23、 build up our body ,so we all like to do. 5.我们将永远无法得知这事是不是有意安排的。 Whether this happened by design or not we shall never know. 6.我们必须致力于改进教育工作。 We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 7.埋头于读书,他没注意到我走进房间。 Absorbed in the book ,he didnt notice me enter the room. 8.五名医生和十三名护士组成了一个医疗队。 A m

24、edical team consists of/is made up of/ is composed of 15 doctors and 13 nurses. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 5 页 9.言行应该一致。 Actions should consist with one s words. 10.不但他太太、连他的孩子都被邀请参加了那次聚会。 His children as well as his wife were invited to the party. 11.这么短的路程你迟到半小时,怎么回事? How did it come about t

25、hat you were late for half an hour in such a short trip? 12.当谈到教育孩子的问题时,中国的父母亲不大考虑金钱。 When it comes to educating children ,the Chinese parents think little of money. 13.如果她实现了她的诺言,她就能成功地去上耶鲁大学了。(注意虚拟语气基本结构) Had she lived up to her promise ,she would have made it to Yale University. 14.糟糕的天气使我们无法进行下去

26、。 The bad weather made it impossible for us to go on. 15.我们认为把孩子独自一个人留在家里是不对的。 We thought it wrong that the child should be left alone in the house. 16.何时何地举行会议他没表达清楚。 He didn t make it clear when and where the meeting would be held. 17.(2011天津卷 )We feel it our duty to make our country a better plac

27、e. Module 1 Book 2 1.信不信由你,你的话使他很难过。 Believe it or not ,he felt hurt at your words. 2.居然花那么高的价钱去买这辆车,你真是疯了。 It is crazy of you to buy the car at such a high price. 3.把音乐调小声点儿,它吵得我心烦。 Turn that music down ;it s driving me crazy! 4.我妻子半小时后要来接我。 My wife s going to pick me up in half an hour. 5.为了学英语,我买

28、了一台可收听“美国之音”的收音机。 In order to learn English I bought a radio which could pick up VOA. 6.到了海滨,你就很快地恢复健康。 You ll soon pick up health when you get to the seaside. 7.Sam 只通过观看别人操作电脑便学到了一些电脑知识。(2010 山东卷 ) Sam picked up some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it. 8.我完全同意。 I could

29、n t agree more. 9.健康的身体是最宝贵的。 Nothing is more precious than health . Nothing is so precious as health . 10.校对时你再怎么仔细都不为过。 You can never be careful enough while proofreading. 11.好好学习,天天向上。 Study hard and you ll make progress every day. 12.认真听,否则你会漏掉一些重要内容。 Listen carefully ,or you ll miss something i

30、mportant. 13.再努力一下,你就会成功。 One more effort ,and you will succeed. 14.我想和她讲讲道理,但她不听我的。 I tried to reason with her but she won t listen to me. 15.重要的不是你成功与否,而是你努力没有。 The thing that matters is not whether you fail or not,but whether you try or not. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 6 页 16. It s so cold!W

31、hy not close the window? Sorry. It won t shut. I ll have it repaired. 17.Mr. Thomas is a manager in a company now but he once served in the army for three years. 18.(山东高考 )艾米参加了绘画小组,但好像不适应,所以离开了。 Amy joined a pa inting group but didn t seem to fit in ,so she left. Module 2 Book 2 1.对电脑游戏上瘾,他对学习失去了兴趣

32、。 Addicted to computer games ,he lost interest in his study. 2.这儿的气候对我不适合。 The climate here disagrees with me. 3.(2010 陕西卷 )你气色很好。我想,三亚的空气和海鲜肯定适合你。 You look well. The air and the sea foods in Sanya must agree with you ,I suppose. 4.你认为他会同意他们的建议吗? Do you think he ll agree to their proposal? 5.他们设法就婚礼

33、的日期达成了一致。 They managed to agree on a date for the wedding. 6.屋里所有人都感动得流了泪。 All the people in the room were affected/moved/touched to tears. 7.老师说的话对我影响很大。 What the teacher said had a great effect on me. 8.林肯被认为是美国最伟大的总统之一。 Lincoln is recognized as one of the greatest presidents in America. 9.小女孩听到她再

34、次失败的消息突然哭起来。 The girl broke/burst into tears at the news that she failed again. 10.如果你继续像那样工作,迟早会累垮的。 You will break down sooner or later if you go on working like that. 11.过了一个月,他们的食物已消耗殆尽。 After a month ,their food supplies gave out. 12.校长很可能会不来参加会议了。 The headmaster is not likely to attend the mee

35、ting. 13.我父母很可能不会让我去。 It is very likely that my parents will not allow me to go. 14.不管他做什么,他父母都支持他。 Whatever he did,his parents supported him.( No matter what he did , 15.无论谁触犯法律,都应受到惩罚。 Whoever breaks the law should be punished.(whoever 不能换成no matter who) 16.However serious a problem you may have ,

36、 you should gather your courage to face the challenge. 17.Pop music is such an important part of society that it has even influenced our language. Pop music is such an important part of society as has even influenced our language. 18.Peter was so excited when he received an invitation from his frien

37、d to visit Chongqing. 19.当 Peter 的朋友邀请他来重庆时,他很是兴奋。 The news reporters hurried to the airport ,only to be told the film stars had left. Module 3 Book 2 1.随着年龄的增长,他开始变聋了。 As he grew older ,he began to go deaf. 2.不要灰心,坚持下去,迟早你会成功的。 Don t lose heart. Keep up and you ll succeed in time. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。

38、768960092.doc 第 7 页 3.由于陷入沉思之中,他几乎撞上了他前面的那辆汽车。 Lost in thought/Losing himself in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. 4.我不知道做些什么来帮助他们。 I m at a loss about what I can do to help them. 5.在回家的路上,她发现项链丢失了。 On the way home,she found her necklace lost/missing/gone. 6.我们怀着惊恐交加的心情收听了这则消息。 We

39、listened to the news with a mixture of surprise and horror. 7.世界上还有很多人在挨饿。 Many people are still going hungry all over the world. 8.一听到煤矿事故的消息,她吓得脸色苍白。 On hearing the news of the accident in the coal mine ,she went pale. 9.我决定长大之后成为一名医生。 I m determined to turn doctor when I grow up. 10.40 岁了,他感到自己的足

40、球生涯快要结束了。 Having now turned 40 ,he feels that his footballing career is coming to an end. 11.等他们到这里时,我们将已经完成了工作。 By the time they get here , we ll have finished the work. 12.我昨天晚上在音乐会上看到的是你吗? Was it you that I saw at the concert last night? 13.为什么足球赛必须被推迟? Why was it that the football match must be

41、put off? 14.直到她摘下她的墨镜,我才认出她是一位著名的电影明星。 It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous film star. 15.她不在这儿工作已经有两个多月了。 It s more than two months since she worked here. 16.如果我失业了,我不知道会怎么样。 I don t know what will become of me when/if I am out of work. 17.That was the fir

42、st time I had heard about the subject. 18.I had hoped to go to Hawaii ,but I didn t sign up for the tour in time. 19.It was on the farm that we worked. & It was the farm where we worked. Module 4 Book 2 1.我写信是想告诉你我们为你所做的安排。 I m writing to tell you what we have arranged for you. 2.他们迅速到达事故现场。 They ru

43、shed to the scene of the accident. 3.我们应该保持这个古老的风俗。 We d better keep the old customs alive. 4.你看电视直播的足球比赛了吗? Did you watch the live football match on TV? 5.我不能忍受我的小弟因为他太吵了。 I can t stand my little brother because he is too noisy. 6.老师不能忍受被学生欺骗。 A teacher can t stand being cheated by his students. 7.

44、我无法忍受人们吃饭时吸烟。 I can t bear people smoking while he s eating. 8.由于那么多的压力,许多学生对学校生活变得厌倦。 Many students are getting tired of the school life because of so much stress. 熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。 768960092.doc 第 8 页 9.奋力奔跑后,我感到很疲倦。 I m very tired from running as fast as I can. 10.Mr Smith , tired of the boring sp

45、eech ,started to read a novel. 11.我们认为告诉他那件事是必要的。 We consider it necessary to tell him about it. 12.随着五一的临近,我正考虑参观长城。 With May Day drawing near ,I m considering visiting the Great Wall. 13.鉴于他才刚刚开始,他懂得已经不少了。 Considering he s only just started, he knows quite a lot about it. 14.Charles Babbage is gen

46、erally considered to have invented the first computer. 15.我们这儿冬天常常较暖和,虽然有时候会很冷。 We usually have a warm winter here ,though it can be cold sometimes. 16.经理明确告诉我们他不同意我们的意见,然后离开了会议室。 The manager, having made it clear to us that he didn t agree with us,left the meeting room. 17.Being educated in a famou

47、s university is what most students wish for. 18.Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office,but not having finished our work,we declined the offer. Module 5 Book 2 1.When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday,China became the third nation to send a man into spac

48、e 2.The Sun, founded in 1964 ,is the most successful of the popular newspapers. 3.令我非常高兴的是他已通过了考试。 Much to my delight ,he has passed the exam. 4.这个孩子以取笑别人为乐。 The child takes delight in making fun of others. 5.你驾驶考试既已合格,就可以独自开车了。 Now (that) you ve passed your test,you can drive on your own. 6.我们正要离开时

49、隔壁发出了巨大的响声。 We were about to leave when a big noise came from the next room. 7.我们正在讨论那个问题,这时停电了。 We were discussing the problem when there was a power failure. 8.我正要给他打电话,这时他进来了。 I was on the point of calling him when he came in. 9.这是她第一次离开她的祖国。 It was the first time she had ever left her motherland. 10.第一次看见这件连衣裙我就决定买它了。 The first time I saw the dress , I decided to buy it. 11.How long will it be before the professor makes another visit to China? 12.(2011 辽宁卷 )He had no sooner finished his speech than the stude


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