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1、安徽省芜湖市 2018-2019 学年七年级英语上学期期末试 第二部分英语知识应用(共两大题,满分45 分) 一单项选择(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分) 从每小题所给的A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ()21. Who is the boy in a red coat? He is Tom. He is _ eleven year old boy from England. A. an B. a C. the D. ()22.Children always have much fun _ Children s Day. A. on B. in C.at

2、 D. for ()23. Daniel, can you pass me _ sugar? Look! Mum , there isnt _ sugar now. A. some, some B. any, some C. some, any D. any, any ()24. I think our history teacher teaches us _ . Yes, but he hasn t come today. He doesnt feel _ . A. good, well B. well, well C. good, good D. well, good ()25. _do

3、you watch TV every day, Jim? About one hour. A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How far ()26.Pepole in China _ fireworks at night at important festivals. A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. let off ()27. Listen! Who _ in the music room. It must be Lily. She enjoys singing very much. larger th

4、an that in yours. A. sings B. sing C. is singing D. sang ()28. What do you think of your English teacher? Oh, wonderful. He can make his class _ , so he always makes the students. A. interesting, laughing B. interested, laugh C. interesting, laugh D. interested, laughing ()29. Little babies _ use bo

5、dy language to show their feelings before they can talk. A. seldom B. hardly C. never D. usually ()30. Happy New Year! _. A. The same to you. B. That s for sure C. Thank you D. I dont think so. 二完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题中所给的A.B.C.D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A What is the best way to study? This

6、is a very important question. Some Chinese students often study very hard for 31 hours. This is a 32 habit, but it is not a better way to study. A good student must 33 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every day you need to 34 a walk or play basketball or sing a song. When you 35 to your st

7、udies, youll find yourself stronger than before and youll learn 36 . Perhaps we can 37 that learning English is like 38 Chinese medicine, the effect(效果) of your study come 39 .Learn every day, 40 effects will come just like Chinese medicine. Watch and see. 31. A. short B. long C. far D. near 32. A.

8、good B. bad C. bright D. clever 33. A. do B. need C. have D. want 34. A. go B. give C. pay D. take 35. A. begin B. return C. go D. come 36. A. more B. less C. much D. a lot 37. A. guess B. know C. believe D. say 38. A. making B. having C. taking D. eating 39. A. slowly B. quickly C. long D. shortly

9、40. A. and B. because C. or D. but 第三部分阅读理解(共两大题,满分45 分) 三补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个为多余选项 Daniel s mother s birthday is coming. He goes to Weihua Clothes Store to buy a present for herself. Shopkeeper: Welcome to Weihua Clothes Store. 41 Daniel: I d like to buy a sweater for my mum. Her

10、 birthday is coming. Shopkeeper: A happy mum! 42 Daniel: She likes white. It looks good on her. Shopkeeper: All right. What size do you want for your mum. Daniel: Size 8 is OK. Shopkeeper: 43 Daniel: It looks beautiful. How much does it cost? Shopkeeper: Oh, its 398 yuan. Daniel: What! 398 yuan? 44

11、Shopkeeper: But wait a minute! Theres a sale on today. Everything is half price. Daniel: Well, thats great! 45 . Im sure she will like it. A.What about this one? B.What can I do for you? C.What s her favorite colour? D.No problem. E.That s a good idea. 四、阅读理解(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A.B.

12、C.D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 A Dong Yi lives in Beijing. Read the following form and learn about her day. 6:50a.m. My father takes me to school. It takes 30 minutes. 7:40a.m. I start classes. I learn Chinese, Maths and Music. Each class is 45 minutes long. 10:50a.m. Between classes, we get a 10minute rest. I

13、like to go outside and play with my friends in the schoolyard(校园) . 11:50a.m. It s lunchtime! I have lunch at the dining hall with my classmates. I have rice with meatballs and vegetables, eggs and tomato soup. Sometimes I have beef and carrot noodles. 4:10p.m. My father takes me home. I have some i

14、ce cream and then do my homework. After that, I listen to English. 7:00p.m. Time for dinner. We eat dumplings, vegetables and rice, After dinner, I play Chinese chess with my father or watch TV. Im in bed by 9:00. 46. How long does it take Dong Yi to get to school with her father? A. Ten minutes. B.

15、 Twenty minutes. C. Half an hour. D. I dont know. 47. Dong Yi has lunch _. A.at school B. at home C. in a restaurant D. outside school 48. When does Dong Yi listen to English? A. Before her father takes her home. B. After she does her homework. C. Before she has some ice cream. D. After dinner. 49.W

16、hat does Dong Yi have for dinner? A. Meatballs B. Eggs and tomato soup C. Noodles D. Dumplings B In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses, etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. People love these and pets are their good friends. Before they keep their pets at their houses, pepole take t

17、hem to animal hospitals to give them injections ( 注射 ) so that they wont carry diseases. Pets have special animal food stores, though (尽管) people can get animal food in almost every store. Some people spend about two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food. When you visit peoples homes, they

18、 would be very glad to show you their pets. You will also almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. They are free to come and go . People in Canada have many reasons to like animals. One of them is: When children grow up, lea

19、ve their parents and start their own life. Then their parents will feel lonely, but pets can accompany them. They can be good friends and never leave them alone. 50. This passage shows that Canadians . A. hate animals B. often kill animals C. love animals D. don t keep their pets inside their house

20、51. People give their pets injections before keeping them at their houses because . A. they think the pets are sick B. the pets are wild C. they believe the pets are hungry D. they want to stop them from carrying disease 52. The word “bird feeder” in the second paragraph probably means . A. a person

21、 who gives food to birds B. a container that has food for birds C. something that catches birds D. an animal that eats birds 53. Children leave their parents when they grow up because_. A. they start their own work and life B. their parents houses are too small C. they can only find jobs far from th

22、eir parents D. they dont like to live together with their parents any more 54.The passage mainly(主要) talks about _. A. how to stop pets from carrying disease B. people welcome birds in Canada C. pets in Canada D. parents feel lonely when their children grow up C You use your eyes to see. Animals use

23、 their eyes to see, too. Animal eyes can be small or large. Some animal eyes can look very strange! The spider has eight eyes that look like little dots. Most spiders cant see very clearly. But many spiders are very good at noticing things move. Owls eyes help it see well at night. An owl cannot mov

24、e its eyes. It must turn its head to look around. Each eye of the lizard can look in a different direction. The left eye sees one thing. The right eye sees something different at the same time. The dragonfly has eyes that are made up of many smaller eyes. Dragonflies are very good at noticing things

25、 move. 55 Which of them can see things more clearly at night? AAn owl B A spider CA lizard DA dragonfly 56 Whose two eyes can see different things? AAn owl B A spider CA lizard DA dragonfly 57 What do the spider and the dragonfly have in common(共同点 )? AThey both cant see things clearly. BThey both h

26、ave big eyes. CThey are both good at noticing things move. DThere are little dots on their eyes. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后的字数要求) D In Thailand ( 泰国 ), there are many elephants. They are very useful. They can carry heavy things, so they can help people do a lot of hard work. And they are very clever. T

27、hey can act and dance. Sometimes they can play with people. Many people go to Thailand to have fun with the elephants. Its very interesting. But do you know there is a festival for the elephants in Thailand? It is called Elephant Day. It comes at the third weekend of November. On that day, the eleph

28、ants dont have to work or act. They can have a good rest. People give them much good food like fruit and vegetables. People also have some activities for them. On that day, the elephants can wear colourful clothes and eat nice food. They enjoy themselves a lot then. 58.Are there a lot of elephants i

29、n Thailand?(不超过 5 个词) 59.What does the writer think of elephants?(不超过5 个词) 60.When is Elephants Day?(不超过 8 个词) 五根据首字母或括号内的提示词完成下列句子(共10 题;每题1 分,满分10 分) 61.Cola and hamburgers are (孩子们的) favorite food. 62.Could you please (借) me your dictionary. 63.The jeans (配) her new red blouse very well. 64.A “q

30、“ means “fifteen minutes” . 65. Where is your cat, Tom? It is (sit )under the tree over there. 66.Are there any (celebrate)in your hometown during Spring Festival. 67.He looks happy, because he is flying on the sofa (confortable). 68.She practices (speak)English with her friends every day. 69.Lilys

31、boots are (make)of leather. She looks modern in them. 70.My family will hold a party for my brothers (five )birthday. 六书面表达(满分15 分) 你的英国笔友Peter 对中国传统节日感兴趣,想要了解元宵节 (The Lantern Festival) 。 请根据所给信息,写一篇短文介绍元宵节。短文必须包括所有提示内容,并适当发挥。词数 不少于 70。 1.元宵节是中国一个重要的传统节日; 2.这个节日通常会在二月或三月; 3.节日前几天,制作兔子灯或者花灯;节日当天家庭成员共

32、聚吃汤圆;晚饭后出门赏 月、赏灯、猜灯谜; 4.家人团聚,很开心 提示词:汤圆 tangyuan 灯谜 lantern riddles The Lantern Festival 2018-2019 学年度第一学期期中素质教育评估试卷 参考答案 单选题: 21. A 【解析】 考察冠词的用法,a 用在以辅音开头的名词前,an 用于以元音字母开头的名词前,eleven 以 元音开头,排除A 选项;这里选A.an 表示“一个”的意思,修饰boy,译为“他是一个来 自英国的11 岁男孩” 22. A 【解析】 考察时间介词的用法。In 后面加一天的早、中、晚;年份;月份;季节;on 后面加某一天 的早

33、、中、晚;某一天;特定节日;星期;at后面加某一时刻;年纪。句后后面跟着的是 儿童节,此处选A 23. C 【解析】 考察 some和 any 的用法; some和 any 都译为“一些”,some一般用于肯定句,any 一般用 于疑问句和否定句,注意some如果用于疑问句,表示向对方提出请求并且希望得到肯定答 复, 看第一个问句就属于本类情况,所以第一空选some,排除 B.D, 第二句为疑问句, 选 any, 本题选 C 24. B 【解析】 句意:我认为我们的历史老师教我们教的很好。是的,但是他今天没有来。他感觉不 好。good 好的,形容词, 表示事物的品质或外貌好。well做形容词表

34、示身体好的,健康的; 做副词,表示好地。第一空修饰动词短语 teaches us ,故用副词well ; 第二空位于系动 词 feel后,用形容词做表语,结合句意,表示身体好的,故用well. 故选 C 25. A 【解析】根据答句“大约一个小时”可知是对时间长短的询问;A. How long多久,多长; B. How much 对金额的询问;C. How often多长时间一次;D. How far多远;答案选A 26. D 【解析】 句意: A. get off离开,下车; B. take off脱掉,起飞; C. turn off关掉,完成,解雇; D. let off 引发,引爆;句意

35、:中国人喜欢在重要的节日_爆竹。可知应该选D 译为引 燃爆竹,放爆竹的意思 27. C 【解析】 考察句子时态, 注意开头单词“listen”是明显的现在进行时的标志词,现在进行时的结构 是“主语 +be+v-ing ”,因此本题选C 28. C 【解析】 考察 make的用法,第一个make为 make +宾语 +形容词的形式,作宾语补足语,译为让课堂 生动有趣;第二个make为使役动词,用法是make sb do sth使某人或某物怎么样, 译为让 学生大笑,本题选C 29.D 【解析】 考察频率副词,A. 很少; B.几乎不; C.从不; D.通常;句意:小宝宝在说话之前_使用 身体语言

36、来表达自己的感受,根据句意应该选D,小宝宝在说话之前通常用身体语言来表达 自己的感受。 30. A 【解析】 考察情景交际,A. 你也一样,重复别人对自己的祝福语;B. 自然是的 , 必然的 , 肯定的 , 正 面的 , 毫无疑问的 . ;C.谢谢,表示感谢;D.我不这样认为,表示不赞同;根据前句“新年快 乐”,属于祝福语,因此答案选A 二、完型填空: 31-40 :BACDB ADCAA 三、补全对话 41-45: BCAGF 四、阅读理解 46-49: CABD 50-54: CDBAC 55-57:ACC 58.Yes, there are. 59.They are useful and

37、 clever. 60.It comes at the third weekend of November. 五根据首字母或括号内的提示词完成下列句子 61.childrens 62.lend 63.match 64.quarter 65.sitting 66.celebration fortably 68.speaking 69.made 70.fifth 六书面表达 You have said you want to know something about Chinese festivals. And now Id like to talk about the Lantern Festi

38、val. It is one of the important festival in China. The Lantern Festival is usually in February or March. It can date back to the Han Dynasty. When it came into the Tang Dynasty, the festival became quite popular. There are quite a lot of traditions for this day. On this festival, we Chinese often ma

39、ke rabbit or flower lanterns and our family stay together to eat tangyuan, After dinner ,we get out to guess riddles written on the lanterns, enjoy the moon and lantern, etc. It is happy for us to reunite with families. As a traditional festival, it has a profound meaning in China. It is the first day when the moon is full round in the Chinese lunar calendar, and its also the beginning of the year when spring starts.


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