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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games Warming up ,Reading and Comprehending 一、Teaching Objectives (一) Knowledge objectives 1. Students can know some basic knowledge of the ancient and modern Olympic Games. (二) Ability objectives 1. Students can master some reading skills to understand the general idea of the tex

2、t, such as scanning, summarizing etc. (三) Emotional objectives 1.Students interest in the Olympic Games can be stimulated, so that they can better understand the Olympic spirit. 2.To encourage students to participate in physical activities, and increase their sense of honor for the country. 二、Teachi

3、ng Key and Difficult Points 1. How to make students master the reading skills to understand the general idea of the text. 2. How to stimulate students interest in the Olympic Games. 三、Teaching methods Task- based teaching and the integral teaching method 四、Teaching aids A recorder and a computer 五、T

4、eaching Procedures Step I Lead-in Show students the video of the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games held in Beijing on August 8th, 2008. Please tell what it is about and describe it to the class. For reference: S1: There are thousands of people on the grand-stands in the stadium. Some are wa

5、ving small flags, some are cheering, some are whistling. S2: Yes, many fans. much more noise. S3: A large Olympic flag with five colorful rings joined together in it. S4: I see a large gymnasium. S5: I can see a lot of audience and athletes. Very good. I am sure you are very interested in the Olympi

6、c Games and knows a lot about it. Step II Warming up Now brainstorm about the Olympic Games. Anything is OK. For reference: mascots, stadium, torch, athletes, volunteers, medals, flag, events: In Summer Olympics, there are running, swimming, shooting, wrestling, jumping, football, basketball, volley

7、ball, table tennis, throwing, Javelin, weight lifting, gymnastics, boxing etc. Step III Pre-reading Today we will read an article: “ AN INTERVIEW” from which you can learn more about the Olympic Games. Before reading, Please look at the three pictures in the reading. Please talk about them. Imagine

8、whatever you can. For reference: The first picture is the status of a great Greek. His name is Pausanias. He was a famous traveler and writer in the second century AD. His Guide to Greece is an extremely comprehensive guidebook for tourists, concentrating on buildings, tombs and status and including

9、 a lot of information on the mythological, religious and historical background to the monuments described. It is so informative that it may be called the foundation of classical archaeology and this ancient Baedeker is still used as a guide to classical Greece. The second picture is the opening cere

10、mony of the Olympic Games. It s large and can hold thousands of audience. The third picture is a Chinese athlete named Yang Yang. She won a gold medal for China in the 2002 winter Olympic Games. She is a famous skating player. We know there are many differences and similarities about the ancient and

11、 modern Olympics. Do you know anything about them? Let s come to Reading on Page 9-10. Step IV Reading First listen to the tape, paying attention to pronunciation and intonation, and try to get the general idea of the passage. Have you got the main idea? Yes, it tells us the differences and the simi

12、larities of the ancient and modern Olympics. Very good. Now can you find the differences and the similarities of the ancient and modern Olympics? Read the passage carefully and find the answers. I will give you 6 minutes to finish it. 6 minutes later. First let s talk about the similarities between

13、the ancient and modern Olympics. Any volunteers? For reference: The similarities S1: Both are held every four years. S2: Both are held not for money but for honor. S3: The beliefs are the same. They are: Swifter, Higher, and Stronger. S4: Men are allowed to take part both in ancient and modern Olymp

14、ics. S5: Some events are the same, such as running, jumping, shooting and throwing. The five students have given us the similarities. Who can describe the differences? For reference: The Differences S1: There were not Winter Olympics in the past. S2: Now competitors are from all over the world. But

15、in the ancient times, only the people in Greece could take part the Olympics Games. S3: Only men were allowed to take part in the past, now women are also allowed. S4: In the past, winners got the olive wreath as the prize. Now competitors compete for medals. S5: The events and athletes in modern ti

16、me are more than those in the past. S6: There is a special village for the competitors to live in, a stadium for competitions, a gymnasium for those who watch the games now. But there were not such places in the ancient times. Just now we have discussed the differences and the similarities of the an

17、cient and modern Olympics. I think you have learned much about the Olympic Games. Read the passage carefully again and tell the statements true or false. Then answer Exercise 2 on page 11. 1.The winter Olympic Games are usually held in the same year as the Summer Olympic Games. ( ) 2.There are runni

18、ng races on the ice in the winter Olympic Games.( ) 3.All countries can take part in Olympics if their athletes reach the standard to be admitted to the games.( ) 4. All the people in ancient Greek could attend the Olympic Games, except women.( ) 5.It is very expensive to host the modern Olympic Gam

19、es. ( ) Step V Post-reading Complete the summary of the text and fill in the blanks. The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world, which include two kinds, the _ and the _ Olympics. Both of them are _ every _ _. All countries can take part if their athletes are _ _ to the games. Wom

20、en are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role. A _ _ is built for the competitors to live in, a _ for competitions, a large swimming pool, a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games. It s a great _ to host the Olympic Games. The Olive wreath has been _ by medals. But it s still abou

21、t being able to run _, jump _ and throw _. Step VI Discussion Discuss with your partners “ why do so many countries want to host the Olympic Games while other do not?” Use the mind map below to help you. Then prepare for a class discussion. Put forward your ideas and give reasons for your choices. As every coin has two sides, hosting the Olympic Games has its advantages and Reasons to host the Olympics a great honour Reasons not to host the Olympics Too expencive


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