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1、高考英语阅读理解推理判断题答题技巧及专项训练 阅读理解推理判断题要求在理解原文字面意义的基础上,通过对文中细节的暗示和语篇逻 辑关系的分析做出一 定的判断和推理,从而理解作者所要传达的信息、得出文章的深层意义及隐含意义的过程。 它主要考查考生理清上下文逻辑关系的能力和考生的识别能力。 解答推理判断题要以文字信息为依据,既不能作出在原文中找不到依据的推理,也不能根 据表面文字信息进行多余推理。也就是说,要做到判断有据,推论有理,忠实原文。切忌用 自己的观点代替作者的本意,切忌片面思考,得出片面结论。 一、细节推断题 是推理判断题中比较简单的一类试题,它要求考生根据语篇中具体的内容和 信息点,推断

2、出文章中具体的细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。解答此 类试题时, 一般可根据短文所提供的信息或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生只要正确把 握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,就可作出准确的推断。 对于细节推断题来说,根据文章中的关键信息点进行推断是解答此类试题的关键。考生不但 要理解文章的字面含义,还要运用逻辑判断能力,推断出文章更深层的含义。同时还要根据 文章内容进行推断,不能凭空猜测。 考生要注意站在文章作者或文中人物的立场上,设身处 地地考虑实际情景,并据此展开合理的想象和推理。主观臆断是许多考生做这类题时普遍存 在的一个问题。 二、 作者态度或观点的推断类型题目考查考

3、生是否了解文中作者或文中人物对某事物所持的 观点或态度。 要求考生具有在正确理解文意的基础上,对观点或态度倾向进行分析、识别的 能力。该类型题目的选项一般含有以下三类词:中性词: uninterested(不感兴趣的 ), neutral(中立的 ),indifferent( 漠不关心的 )等;褒义词: positive( 积极的 ),supportive(支持的 ), humorous(滑稽有趣的 ), enthusiastic(热情的 ),admiring( 赞赏的 )等; 贬义词: disgusted(厌 恶的 ),critical( 批评的 ),negative(否定的,消极的),di

4、sappointed(失望的 )等。 三、写作意图推断题要求考生根据文章的论述,揣测作者的写作意图。作者一般不直接陈述 自己的意图, 而是通过文章所提供的事实,客观地使读者信服某种想法或观点。这种题型要 求考生不但能理解文章的大意,同时还要具备对作者阐述问题的方法进行归纳总结和分析的 能力。 判断文章的写作目的时一定要对文章主题有正确的把握;阅读时务必找准文章的主旨句,准 确归纳文章主题。 四、推测文章的来源或者推测读者对象类题目要求考生本身要具备一定的常识,这样才能把 文章的内容与自己已经具备的常识结合起来作出准确推断。比如考生要对报纸、杂志、网络、 小说、童话、广告、说明书、旅游指南、药品

5、说明、操作指南等有基本的了解,这样才能根 据文章的特点对号入座,选出最佳答案。 推断文章出处类题目应从文章的内容或结构入手。从文章的内容上来看,主要有说明文(主 要涉及广告和旅游指南等)、议论文 (主要涉及影评、书评、新闻评论、正反对比议论文等)。 从文章的结构上来看,新闻报道类文章一般在第一段概括全文内容,后面陈述细节,前面都 会出现日期、地点或通讯社等名称。广告的格式特殊,语言简练。产品说明会出现产品名称 或操作方式等。网站文章通常会出现click ,online, web ,website,video 等字眼,有时还会 提供网址等。 旅游指南类文章旨在介绍某一旅游景点的自然景观和人文特色

6、,目的是吸引游 客来访。 推理判断 (infer)题必须把握住的一个原则是:正确选项必须是由文中事实推断出的另一 个正确的事实,必须是not directly stated in the passage. 专项训练题: A (2015 重庆一中一诊 )Based on new analysis,we are rapidly approaching major climate change and the effects on society and the environment could be quite severe.Geographers predict that within the

7、 next eighty years ,current world climate zones could shift and some could completely disappear.Polar regions will get colder while tropical regions will get even hotter,forcing animals to migrate(迁徙 ) north. Climate changes like these could lead to the spread of diseases.Tropical storms and hurrica

8、nes will not only increase but may also become more intense.If the changes come too quickly ,animal and plant species may not be able to adapt fast enough and could disappear. According to Science Daily ,a new study predicts that by the year 2100 ,many of today s familiar climates will be replaced b

9、y climates unknown in today s world.It is urgent that we reduce the risks of these farreaching consequences for the whole world.The planet itself has been showing signs of change.In 2004,a serious tsunami created by a major earthquake killed thousands in Sumatra and in 2008, thousands died in China

10、because of another severe earthquake.Egypt was hit in 2009 with a major earthquake and Haiti was devastated in 2010 by yet another massive earthquake. Within just the last few months , new reports from around the world have been coming in and most agree that our climate situation is much worse than

11、previously thought.At this point,it doesn t matter what is causing it ,but rather,what can be done about it.What s more,our world is getting more and more unstable every year.There is war and threat of war everywhere.Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious. However, other planets ar

12、e experiencing global warming as well as our own and some scientists believe there may be some connection between this.No one knows anything for sure at this point because there is simply not enough data. 1What is the major function of Paragraph 1? ATo arouse the reader s concern. BTo introduce the

13、theme of the whole passage. CTo summarize the whole passage. DTo state how climate changes. 2What is the author s purpose in using the examples of earthquakes? ATo show major changes are taking place on the planet. BTo remind people to prevent future earthquakes. CTo show the damage earthquakes caus

14、ed. DTo tell us more earthquakes will happen in the future. 3Which of the following is NOT true of climate changes effects? AAnimal and plant species may not be able to adapt fast enough and could disappear. BIt could lead to the spread of diseases. CCurrent world climate zones could shift and compl

15、etely disappear. DNatural disasters are becoming more frequent and serious. 4What can be inferred from the passage? AAnimals and plants won t die out as long as climate changes slowly. BThere s enough data for us to predict the future of climate change. CThe world is getting more unstable because of

16、 animal migration. DThe earth is not the only planet that is experiencing climate change. B (2015 扬州、南通、连云港市第二次调研考试)Consumers everywhere are faced with the same dilemma:given limited resources ,what sorts of purchases are most likely to produce lasting happiness and satisfaction? Recent research has

17、 confirmed that experiential purchases tend to produce greater hedonic (享乐的 )gains than material purchases. The reason why experiences improve with time may be because it is possible to think about experiences in a more abstract manner than possessions.For example,if you think back to a fantastic su

18、mmer from your youth , you might easily remember an abstract sense of warm sunshine and youthful exuberance( 生气勃勃 ), but you re less likely to remember exactly what you did day- byday. Material possessions are harder to think about in an abstract sense.The car you bought is still a car,that great ne

19、w jacket you picked up cheap is still just a jacket.It s more likely the experience of that summer has taken on a symbolic meaning that can live longer in your memory than a possession. Purchasing may have a negative impact on happiness because consumers often buy “ joyless” material possessions, re

20、sulting in comfort but not pleasure.In general , people adapt to experiences more slowly than to material purchase.This can be seen in both negative and positive purchases : hedonic adaptation would result in a positive experience causing more happiness but a negative experience causing less happine

21、ss than the comparable material purchase with the same initial happiness level. Experience,however,seems to be more resistant to these sorts of unfavourable comparisons. It is because of the unique nature of experience. It s more difficult to make an unfavourable comparison when there is nothing dir

22、ectly comparable.After all, each of our youthful summers is different. It s well established that social comparisons can have a huge effect on how we view what might seem like positive events.One striking example is the finding that people prefer to earn $50,000 a year while everyone else earns $25,

23、 000,instead of earning $100,000 themselves and having other people earn $200,000. A similar effect is seen for possessions.When there are so many flatscreen HD TVs to choose from ,it s easy to make unfavourable comparisons between our choice and the others available. 5An abstract sense in the passa

24、ge refers to awareness of something _ Ayou cannot think about Byou can t remember well Cyou cannot understand Dyou cannot see or touch 6If you make an experiential purchase before a material purchase , you may go to_ Aa theatre before going to a store Ban exhibition before going to a park Ca mall be

25、fore going to a grocers Da market before going to a restaurant 7The example of earnings is given to actually indicate_ Ahow ridiculous people are Bhow people feel content Chow nearsighted people are Dhow people hold prejudice 8It is implied in the passage that ,after their material purchases,people

26、might_ Aenjoy their ownership of what they have bought Bpick every fault in the products they have got Cregret making a wrong decision to buy the items Dleave what they ve purchased untouched at home C (2015 扬州、南通、连云港市第二次调研考试) Dear Textual Healing , I would be very interested in your recommendations

27、 for any books to help me through a difficult time of my life.At 57 , I am feeling a bit lost.I have a wonderful , loving husband and bright , caring teenage daughter but I am lonely and have lost my spark for life. I have always taken care of everyone and managed a career,but,after the death of my

28、father this summer,my difficulties as a child in a terribly abnormal family have come back to me regularly.I have become unfocused and often alone while my husband is away frequently on business and my daughter busy with school and friends. I am seeking the help of a therapist and taking care of mys

29、elf but I would love to read something to help me “ get my groove (理想状况 )back ” and reengage with life. PC Dear PC , From the letter you ve given us about your life,it s no wonder you re feeling a little lost.But before prescribing titles to help you get your groove back ,I d recommend taking a jour

30、ney into Rebecca Solnit s nonfiction book ,A Field Guide to Getting Lost ,which is packed with the wisdom of everyone from Pat Barker to Thoreau and Keats. The word lost is rooted in the Old Norse “ los ”,meaning the disbanding of an army.“ This origin suggests soldiers falling out of formation to g

31、o home ,ceasing fighting with the wide world.I worry now that many people never disband their armies ,never go beyond what they know ,” Solnit writes.So instead of fearing that lost feeling ,try seeing its potential for discovery.Explorers ,remember,are always lost simply because they re forever som

32、eplace new. “ Leave the door open for the unknown ,the door into the dark ,” Solnit advises.“ That s where the most important things come from ,where you yourself came from ,and where you will go.” For something that asks a little less of the reader while still giving plenty in return, try a dose(一剂

33、 ) of Anne Tyler ,the beloved creator of numerous heroes whose serious conditions will move anyone who finds themselves in a midlife difficult situation.One such character is 53yearold Rebecca Davitch,the heroine of Back When We Were Grownups.Like you, she s combined marriage and motherhood with a c

34、areer but suddenly finds herself feeling lonely in her own home.Could it be , she wonders, that she s “ turned into the wrong person”?Don t be foo led by the way this novel ambles along as Rebecca revisits youthful ambitions and the college boyfriend she abandoned ,it asks some heartrending question

35、s before arriving at a place of graceful ,joyous acceptance. Along similar lines ,I m also going to recommend The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce.Its hero is 65 when he learns that a former colleague sick.On his way to post her a note,he decides instead to visit her on foot,from hi

36、s home in deepest Devon to England s northernmost town ,more than 600 miles away.You don t manage that without focus!It s a journey to a holy place that will take him 87 days to complete,during which he considers his childhood , marriage and relationship with his son , and becomes an accidental medi

37、a sensation (轰 动)By the time he reaches his destination, youll feel anything but tired. Finally ,Ruth Ozeki s novel A Tale for the Time Being will charm the missing spark back into your life.Combining the diary of a sad Tokyo teenager with the story of the middleaged novelist who finds it ,washed as

38、hore on a remote island off the coast of British Columbia ,it s a beautiful illustration of how our lives touchand are touched by others in ways we mightn t even be aware of.This Man Booker Prize finalist has plenty to teach about Zen Buddhism,and unless you happen to live in one of its settings ,it

39、 provides a bracing change of scene, too. One other suggestion:books,as we all know,make great companions but that doesn t mean they can t be enjoyed in the company of others.If you find yours elf home alone, why not slip one into your back pack and head out to a favourite caf. 9What has mainly led

40、to PC s negative attitude to life? AThe lack of helpful books. BThe blow of her father s death. CThe contrast between her devotion to others and her being ignored. DThe contrast between her easy life and her family members busy life. 10 By mentioning the origin of the word lost,Textual Healing impli

41、es that_ APC should extend her knowledge by reading more BPC should stop struggling with anyone around her CPC had better try to avoid going someplace new DPC oughtn t to be trapped in her present situation 11 Who clarifies the idea in his/her work that people are socially related? ARebecca Solnit.

42、BAnne Tyler. CRachel Joyce. DRuth Ozeki. 12 Which of the following can be the proper title? AWhich books will cure loneliness? BHow can you get rid of loneliness? CHere are good examples for you DBooks will keep you busy and healthy D Basic Study ManualHardcover:$37.50 Future success depends on the

43、ability to learn.Here are the answers to the questions most often asked by parents, teachers, business trainers and by students themselves.Read this book and learn: What the three barriers to study are and what to do about them What to do if you get tired of the subject you are studying Twenty six s

44、imple drills to help you learn how to study easily,rapidly and with full understanding Buy and read Basic Study Manual and use it to dramatically improve your ability to study. Study Skills for LifeHardcover:$31.99 LRon Hubbard s study technology for teenagers opens the door to their future success

45、by giving them the ability to study and learn ,fully illustrated for easy comprehension. Learning How to LearnHardcover: $24.99 The basics of effective study for 8to 12yearolds is fully illustrated.Children who read and apply the materials in this book regain their liking for study and their ability

46、 to apply this knowledge to life.Get this book for a child you want to see wins at his studies! How to Use a Dictionary: Picture Book for Children Hardcover: $34.90 In spite of millions of dollars spent on “ educational research”,children are not taught the most basic skills of learning even the mos

47、t basic of these :how to use a dictionary.In fact ,a search of educational books for children found no book that told them how to use a dictionary or that one should.Written for children from 8 to 12 years old,this fully illustrated book will teach your children: How to find words in a dictionary Th

48、e different ways that words are used What the different marks and symbols that are used in a dictionary mean How to use a dictionary to correctly pronounce words It includes a section for parents and teachers showing you how to use this book with children.Buy this book and give it to your children t

49、o unlock their education.What s more,you ll just pay 50% for it before May 1 ,2016. 13 Some information of the four books was illustrated in order to_ Areduce the cost of them Bappeal to readers of all ages Chelp readers understand them Dmake them suitable for different readers 14 What do the four books have in common? AThey are all for 8to 12yearolds. BThey are all written by L Ron Hub


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