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1、九年级英语Unit 7 Where would you like to visit?教学设计I Teaching objectives 教学目标Skill FocusTalk about places you would like to visitTalk about intentionsTalk about reasons why you do sth. or dont do sth.Listen and talk about places of interest.Learn to write a letter asking for information and help.Learn to

2、 deal with new problems we face on a vacation.LanguageFocus功能句式Talk about places you would like to visit (P52) Where would you like to go .?Id like to trek / travel / drive to .I like exciting / fascinating . places.Talk about intentions and suggestions(P53-54)I hope to see .I hope to visit .Id love

3、 to go to .Why not consider visiting .?Talk about reasons why you (dont) visit some places (P54)It doesnt have any beaches or mountains .The traffic is heavy in some parts of the city, and . is very hot / crowded / dangerous / expensive .But its also beautiful, and .词汇1. 重点词汇educational, fall, livel

4、y, church, wine, translate, light, wonderful, provide, sail, Pacific, programming2. 认读词汇tiring, peaceful, fascinating, thrilling, Florida, trek, Amazon, Niagara Falls, touristy, spotlight, consider, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, convenient, underground, general, unless, pack, firm, spot, Confu

5、cius, typical, finding, continue, sportspeople, translator, conclusion, attitude3. 词组take it easy, in general, provide with, as soon as possible, come true语法Would and hope to for expressing desires.Id like to go somewhere relaxing.I hope to go to France some day.Id love to visit Mexico.StrategyFocus

6、1. Classifying information by filling in forms2. Role playingCulture FocusScenery spots around the world.II. Teaching materials analyzing and rearranging 教材分析和重组1. 教材分析本单元以Vacations为话题,共设计了四个部分的内容:Section A 该部分有4个模块:第一模块围绕Where would you like to go on vacation? 这一话题展开写(1a)、听(1b)、说(1c)训练;第二模块围绕the in

7、tentions and the difficulties we would meet when traveling进行听(2a, 2b)、说(2c)训练;第三模块继续就上两个模块中的travel places这一话题展开训练,训练形式为给出景点特征的形容词或名词,模仿本单元的句型对话(3a, 3b);第四模块是对话训练,通过描述景点的优缺点谈论自己对旅游景点的审美情趣(4)。Section B该部分有4个模块:第一模块是词汇或句型复习,谈论的话题是度假时应注意的重要问题(1);第二模块给出一段对Jeff的介绍(模拟Jeff在旅游公司工作),谈论旅游中想做的事情和不想做的事情,主要通过听(2a

8、, 2b)、说(2c)的方式来练习(表演对话);第三模块围绕offer advice to travelers 这一话题展开阅读(3a)和写作(3b)训练;第四模块就an ideal place for a school trip这一话题以口语训练形式展开小组活动(4)。Self check该部分有2个模块:第一模块以填空形式对所学词汇进行训练(1);第二模块是借助风景名胜图片展开写作训练,谈谈喜欢或不喜欢某个旅游景点的理由(2)。Reading该部分共设置了4项任务:第一项任务以谈论梦想和希望的方式加深学生对前几项任务的理解和一些重要知识的记忆(Section 1);第二项任务要求学生通过快

9、速阅读筛选、获取信息(Section 2, Section 3: 3a3c);第三项任务利用讨论、问答等形式加深学生对阅读内容的理解(3d);第四项任务要求学生列举、描述实现自己理想的方式、步骤(Section 4)。2. 教材重组和课时分配Period 1 (Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c)New function presenting Period 2 (Section A: 2a, 2b, 2c, 3a, 3b, 4)PracticePeriod 3 (Section B: 1, 2a, 2b, 2c)Vocabulary building Period 4 (Section

10、 B: 3a, 3b, 4)Integrating skills Period 5 (Self check: 1, 2)WritingPeriod 6 (Reading: Section 1Section 4)Reading III. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 New function presentingLanguage goals 语言目标1. Words & expressions 生词和短语tiring, relaxing, educational, peaceful, jungle2. Key sentences 重点句

11、子 (P52)Where would you like to go on vacation, Sam?Ability goals 能力目标Enable the Ss to talk about places they would like to visit.Emotion & attitude goals 情感和态度目标Enable the Ss to love the nature.Strategy goals 策略目标Listening for key words.Culture awareness goals文化意识目标Learn about some scenery spots aro

12、und the world. Teaching important points教学重点Talk about places you would like to visit and the intentions.Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in (1a:P52)T: Have you ever been to the Great Wall? S1: Yes, I have been to. S2: No, I have never been to.T: I have been to the Great Wall. Last su

13、mmer I visited it. I like the Great Wall very much. Besides, I would like to visit the Summer Palace. How about you?S3: Id like to visit Qingdao next summer vacation.S4: I would like to pay a visit to Xian.T: Id like to visit the Summer Palace, because its exciting. Write the word “exciting” on the

14、blackboard. T: Do you know what this word really means? Can you think of something else that is exciting? I will give you some clues. For example, it was an exciting day when I went swimming with my friends.S5: Yes, I guess it means something that makes us happy. We can say that collecting stamps, g

15、oing swimming and going shopping are all exciting. T: Good. Thats right. Do you know which words have the opposite meaning?S6: “Boring” is just the opposite of “exciting”, I think. T: Yes, Good. Can you make a sentence with these two words?S6: Yes, let me try. Having a vacation is exciting while pla

16、ying chess is boring.T: You did a good job. Can you give me some words to describe a vacation? Then list the words “tiring”, “educational”, “peaceful”, “relaxing”, “thrilling” and “fascinating” on the blackboard. .T: Most of you have been to different places for your vacations. Some places are relax

17、ing, while some may be thrilling and dangerous, so we must be careful on our trip. Now please open your books to page 52 and look at the posters in the picture, what can you see in the posters?S7: In the first poster I can see a beach and a man lying on it. T: Can you read the words?S7: Yes. Take it

18、 easy on a Florida Beach!T: Then if you are asked to give a brief description of the beach, which words would you like to use?S7: I think the beach is fascinating, peaceful and exciting. T: Very good, sit down. And who would like to say something about the second poster?S8: Let me try. In the second

19、 poster we can see a man holding a knife. This is a poster for a travel to Brazil. I think trekking through the Amazon jungle is dangerous and thrilling, but at the same time, it is exciting. Step II Listening (1b: P52)Ask the Ss what they should do before listening.T: What should you do if you are

20、going to do some listening practice? S9: I think we should know, first, what we are asked to do.T: Then what you are asked to do according to the instruction in 1b?S10: To fill in the chart with the places that Sam and Gina would like to go to on vacation and the reasons.T: Good. From the chart we c

21、an see Sam wants to go to Brazil because he likes exciting vacations. Do you know where Gina wants to visit? And why? Whats more, sometimes youd better write some key words on the paper while you are listening.Ask the Ss to listen to the tape, finish the ex. and then check the answers.Step III Pairw

22、ork (1c: P52)T: Now please work in pairs. Suppose you two are the persons in the picture in 1a. Make conversations to tell your partners the place you would like to visit, the Florida beach or the Amazon jungle of Brazil? Why?Sample dialogue 1:S1: Where would you like to visit on vacation?S2: Id lik

23、e to trek through the jungle. I think it must be very exciting to trek through the jungle, though it is to some extent dangerous and thrilling. What about you?S1: I would like to enjoy sunlight on the Florida beach. I like sunlight very much. Also I love the peace and beauty of the beach.Sample dial

24、ogue 2:S1: Where would you like to go on vacation?S2: I would like to visit the Florida beach to relax myself. I can enjoy the sunshine on the beach, which is good for my health. What about you?S1: I would like to go to the Amazon jungle of Brazil. I learn from the TV program it is mysterious althou

25、gh it is full of danger. I like going on an expedition.Step IV HomeworkAsk the Ss to:1. do more practice as required in 1c on page 52. 2. prepare for the next period: Think about a good place you want to travel to.教学反思Teaching Key Points: 1. Key Vocabulary: tiring, educational, fascinating, thrillin

26、g, peaceful, exotic, trek, jungle, take it easy, explore, historic, site 2. Terget Language :Talk about different places with the target language.Teaching Difficult Point: 1. Describe vacations with different adjectives. 2. Talk about different places with the target language. Today weve learnt some

27、 key vocabulary and phrases. The amphase is active. They did well.中国学生学英语往往会受汉语的影响,学起来感到很困难,尤其对于中学生来讲,由于整个处于用汉语交流的海洋里,每周仅有几节英语课,且学习任务又很重,如何利用四十五分钟时间上好英语课,在有限的时间内提高学习效率呢?一、坚持听音领先大家都会唱流行歌曲,可绝大多数都不是老师教的,是同学们自己听会的。所以“听”是对口头信息的接受和理解,是一种最基本的交际行为。听是说的前提,只有听清了、听懂了,才能学着说;只有听准了,才能说得对。那么如何提高听的能力呢1. 要讲究方法和技巧。不看

28、书静心听;打开书认真听;再合上书仔细听;带着问题思考着听;有目的、有针对性地听录音、听老师读英语2. 要持之以恒。听英语要学乌鸦喝水的恒心。不要怕听不懂,不要怕单调、枯燥,要反复听。因为语言是一种习贯惯,听多了、听熟了自然就能吸懂了。二、突破说难 学习语言的目的是为了交际。同学们在听音领先的基础上,要积极大胆地开口说英语,不要怕羞,更不要怕错,俗话说得好,“熟能生巧”。多说,才能流利,流利,才能好听。那么如何说好英语呢?1.要有信心敢说,模仿录音说、模仿老师说。先不要问为什么这样说,尽管勇敢地说,要掌握读音规则,过好语音关、千万不要用汉字注音,尽量说对、说准、说地道2. 体验英语的美感,不要死

29、抠语法。因为语法是为语言服务的,我们学语言是为了使用,而不是研究语言,这就像游泳一样,不懂浮力的原理。只要勇敢地学游,也可享受到游泳的乐趣。所以要毫无拘束地、积极主动地说英语、用英语。3. 善于总结、归纳、联想、注意和了解英美人语言习惯,并有意地模仿他们用不同的方式表达同一概念。如:“Thank you.”也可说“Thanks.”“Thats all right.”“Not at all.”“You are welcome.”三、读写跟上听、说、读、写四项功能是相辅相成的,相互促进的关系。听与读是领会性的,说与写是应用性的。所以在听清说准的基础上,再加大阅读量,拓宽知识面,主动吸收和积累英语词汇。坚持应用联想记忆,对比辨析、归纳演绎、循环往复等方法。每日课前预习,做到见词能读音,听音能写词,音不离词,词不离句,句句合调。动用耳、脑、嘴、眼、手等多种感官,配合老师上好四十五分钟英语课。这样,才能既减轻课外学习负担,又提高学习质量


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