英语八年级下册外研版Module 10 On the radio Unit 2.ppt

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1、Module 10 On the radio Unit 2 It seemed that they were speaking to me in person.,Lead in Talk about the following questions. How do you get information now? 2. Do you know how the people get information in the past? 3. What can people do with the radio?,Look at the pictures and say what they show.,看

2、起来v. 听众;听者 n. 亲自;本人 年龄 n. 文章;报道n. 录制室;录音室n. 意图;目的n.,seem listener in person age article studio purpose,Presentation,Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo.,In a book about the history of radio. In the life story of a famous radio presenter. In a book on how radio works.,Re

3、ad again and complete the sentences.,The writer met _ at a radio station. The manager asked why he wanted a job _. At the age of four, the writer would _ _, listening to his favourite programmes. At the age of nine, he asked for part-time jobs in _. As he grew older, he learnt about _. This was how

4、the writers _ began.,the radio manager,in radio,sat close to the radio,small radio stations,in the living room,Internet radio,first real job in radio,1. It seemed that they were speaking not to lots of listeners but to me in person. 感觉好像他们不是在讲给听众听而是在面对面地跟我说话。 seem表示“似乎”,后面可接不定式,如不定式是to be,后面加形容词,to

5、be有时可省去。 He seems (to be) quite happy. 他似乎很开心。 如用于否定句,可否定seem,也可否定不定式。 She didnt seem to enjoy herself at the party. =She seemed not to enjoy herself at the party. 她似乎在聚会上玩得不愉快。,Language points,2. I asked for part-time jobs in small radio stations. 我去过小电台去寻求兼职工作。 ask, ask for和askfor的用法区别 (1)ask直接接名(

6、代)词作宾语,一般作“问”解,需要对方回答,还可接两个宾语。 He has something to ask you. 他有件事要问你。 (2)ask for则作“要求得(见)到”解。介词for引出要求希望得到的东西或见到的人。 May I ask for a photo of your family? 我能要一张你们家人的照片吗? (3)表示“向某人要某物”则用ask sb. for sth.。 They asked her for some water. 他们向她要些水。,4. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words

7、and expressions in the box.,article at the age of in person listener purpose seem studio,Peter (1) _ to be very happy in his new job. He works in the (2) _ of a local radio station. He is lucky that (3)_ only twenty he is doing something he loves and has a real (4)_. Every morning when he starts wor

8、k he does a sound check and then he looks for interesting newspaper (5)_ to talk about on the show. The (6)_ can phone in to talk to Peter (7)_ or they can send emails to ask him to play their favourite songs. At the end of the show, he closes down all the equipment and goes home.,seems,studio,at th

9、e age of,purpose,articles,listeners,in person,5 Look at the sentences from the passage.,“ How old are you?” the radio manager looked down at me . “Fifteen” , I said.,I have always loved the radio. I still remember when I was four years old, I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to m

10、y favourite programmes, and to the voices of my favourite presenters.,an important event in the past background information,6. Write a passage describing an important event in the past and giving background information.,I first appeared on TV at the age of thirteen. A television presenter stopped me

11、 in the street, and started to interview me .,. 短语翻译 向下看 _ 靠近 _ 在岁时 _ 向外看 _ 做声音测试 _,look down at,(be) close to,at the age of,look out of,do a sound check,Practice,. 完成句子 1. 好像当时我靠近窗户坐着。 _ _ _ I was sitting _ _ the window at that time. 2. 这头长颈鹿正低头看着这群正在谈论它的孩子们。 This giraffe is _ _ _ this group of chi

12、ldren who are talking about it. 3. 他说他记得曾看过这部电影。 He said he _ _the movie. 4. 他坐在麦克风前。 He sat down _ _ _ a microphone.,It seemed that,close to,looking down at,had seen,in front of,. 用适当的介词填空 1. They asked _ two bottles of water and some bread this morning. 2. The teacher began the lesson _ some pictures. 3. They are talking _ life happily in the classroom. 4. Mr Li is a radio studio manager _ Radio Shanghai. 5. Her interest _ history is growing day by day.,for,with,about,at,in,Homework Write a passage about what you often do on the radio.,No one can call back yesterday. 昨日不会重现。,


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