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1、精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 2012新版七年级英语 (上册)重点、难点知识汇总及自测 (Starter )Unit 1. 1. Good morning / afternoon / evening. 早上好 / 下午好/ 晚上好。 . 区分: Good evening! (答语)Good night. (答语) 例如: Morning. 。 2. How are you! 你好吗? I m , thanks. 我很好,谢谢! ? 你呢?(你好吗?) Im fine, too. 另外注意: How is your mother? 你的妈妈好吗?She is fine

2、. 她身体好。 例如:Tom is fine.(提问 ) Tom? (Starter )Unit 2. 1. What s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?(= ? 这个是什么?) a map / an orange. 它是一张地图/ 它是一个桔子。 例如:This is a pen.(提问 ) this (in English)? That is an apple.(提问 ) ? These are desks.( 提问 ) ? 总结:对提问用。 冠词 a,an的用法是:。 例如:eraser, ID card, English book, orange sweater,

3、 hour, apple tree 2. Spell it, please. 请拼写它。 = it? 你怎样拼写它? P-E-N. (Starter)Unit 3. 1. is it? 它是什么颜色? red / blue / black and white. 它是红色/ 蓝色 / 黑白色。 例如:Her pen is white. ( 提问 ) her pen? 总结:对提问用。 Unit 1. 1. What s your name? 你叫什么名字? Jenny. = Jenny. her / his name? 她 / 他叫什么名字? Her/ His names . 例如: My na

4、me is John.( 提问 ) name? Her brothers name is Tim.( 提问 ) her brothers name? 总结:对提问用。 2. What s your first name 你的名字是什么? My first name is. 精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 What s your last / family name? 你姓什么? (last name = family name) My last/family name is . 总结:中文姓名是(用英语填)在前,(用英语填)在后; 而英文名刚好相反,是(用英语填)在前

5、,(用英语填)在后。 例如:My name is John Smith. is my family name, is my first name. Her names Li Hong. Her last name is . 3. I m Mary. = My name is Mary. 我叫玛丽。 She is Mary. = Her name is Mary. 她叫玛丽。 4. Nice to meet you! 见到你真高兴。 , too. 见到你也很高兴。(注意:问答) 5.your telephone number? 你的电话号码是什么? Its 5753010. Whats her/

6、his phone number? Its 5762353. 总结:对提问用。 例如: Amys phone number is 5763212.( 提问 ) Amys phone number? Unit 2. 1. Excuse me. Is this / that your pencil? 这个/ 那个是你的铅笔吗? Yes, it is. / No, it isn t. 是的,它是。 / 不,不是。 ( 回答时常用it 替代上文中的this 和 that ) 区分: excuse me 用在。而 sorry 用在。 例如:, I lost your pen. Never mind.(

7、用 excuse me或 sorry 填空 ) 2. This / That is my ruler. 这个 / 那个是我的尺子。 改错:That is a her book. Those are she pencil. 总结:形容词性的物主代词用法是:,人称代词主格用法 是:。人称代词宾格用法是:。 3. Please call Mary at 495-3539. 请给 Mary 打电话 :495-3539. 总结: call sb at + 电话号码( at 译为“按照”,此短语意思是“按照某个电话号码给某 人打电话)电话码前常用介词。 Please call Mary. 请给 Mary

8、打电话。 Please call Mary 495-3539. 4. lost and found 失物招领the lost and found case 在失物招领箱里 5. 一串 /副 . take a photo=take photos Unit 3. 1. This / That is my sister. 这位/ 那位是我的姐姐。 此句的复数形式是:/ my . 总结:( this/ that 的复数分别是/ ) ,要把单数句变成复数句,能变 成;同样道理复数句变成单数句,能变成。 These are watches. 单数句是。 2. It is a watch. 复数形式是:.

9、(注意冠词a) She is a girl.复数句是:。 总结: (he / she / it 复数都是,和 this/that 的复数不同 ) 3. Is he / Guo Peng your brother? 他 / 郭鹏是你的哥哥吗? 精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 Yes, he is. / No, he isn t. 是的,他是。/ 不,他不是。 总结:注意这里的问句主语是, 所以回答也用。而:Is this a boy? 肯定回答是;否定回答是。又如: Is that an eraser? 肯 定回答是;否定回答是。而他们的主语是, 所以回答用。 4. t

10、he photo of your family. 感谢你寄来你的家庭照(全家福)。 = the photo of your family. 句中 the photo of your family = your family photo 总结:因 而感谢. 5. Here is my family photo. 这儿是我的家庭照。 Here are some books. 这儿有一些书。 There is a picture and three pencils on the desk. 桌子上有一幅画和三支铅笔。 There are many photos in the drawer. 抽屉里有

11、许多照片。 总结:(here / there 后的be 动词单复数形式要以紧随其后的来定)也即 Here/There is + 形式 ; Here/There are + 形式 例如: There a desk and two chairs in the room. There two chairs and a desk.(用 be 的正确行使填空) Unit 4. 1. Where my backpack? 我的背包在哪儿? in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase. Where the books? 那些书在哪儿? in the dra

12、wer / under the bed / on the bookcase. 总结: where is/are ?是由决定 is 或 are的。 同时对提问用。 例如:The books are on the desk. (提问 ) the books? 2. It s / They re in the drawer / under the bed / on the bookcase. 它 / 它们在抽屉里/ 床底下/ 书柜上。(注意主语和be动词照应 ) 3. Is it / Is the book on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk?

13、 它 / 这本书/ 它们在床上/ 背包里/ 桌子下吗? Yes, is. / No, isnt. Are they on the bed / in the backpack / under the desk? Yes, are./ No, arent. 4. Can you bring some things to school? 你能带些东西去学校吗? 总结: some 一般用在,any 用在中。但 如果表示期待对方肯定的回答或表请求、建议等的一般疑问句中可用。如上句。 any 也可以用在,但意思却是。 例如:He has some basketballs. (变成否定句)。 (变成一 般你

14、问句)? 5. take to 把带到 Please take your sister to school. 请把你的妹妹带到学校。 总结: bring 表从另一处带到这儿。运动方向是由到。take 表从这儿带到 另一处。运动方向正好相反,是由到。 例如:Tom,can you this book to your sister? Sure. Ill it to her.Pease your homework to school tomorrow, everyone. (用 bring,take 填空) 6.need sth. 需要什么need to do sth. 需要做什么 精诚凝聚 =_=

15、 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 例如: His mother needs (eat) a little dinner. Unit 5. 1. you have a soccer ball? 你有一个足球吗? Yes, I . / No, I . she have a tennis racket? 她有一个网球拍吗? Yes, she . / No, she . (谓语是实义动词的时候,一般疑问句形式是:do / does 提前到前,主语后面 的动词用) I don t have a soccer ball. 我没有一个足球。 She doesn t have a volleyball

16、. 她没有排球。 (谓语是实义动词的时候,否定形式:do /does +not + 动词原形) 总结:当主语是第一人称单复数/第二人称单复数/第三人称复数时,在谓语动词 加,谓语动词用就变成否定句;在句首加,谓语是就变 成一般你问句。 当主语是第三人称单数时,在谓语动词加,同时谓语动词用 就变成否定句;在句首加,谓语动词用就变成一般你问句。 例如: His father has a baseball. 否定句是His father a baseball.一般疑问 句是his father a baseball? 又: She does her homework. 否定句和一般 疑问句是。 2.

17、 Let me / him / us play soccer. 让我/ 他 / 我们踢足球吧。 总结: let 后面要用。 例如:Lets TV.(watch). Let her (sing) a song. 3. That sounds good / great / interesting / boring.那听起来不错/好极了/有趣/无聊。 (that 指代上文之事,注意that sounds 的主谓一致原则) 4. I / We / They / You / The kids have 8 baseballs. 我 / 我们/ 他们/ 孩子们有8 个棒球。 She / He / My b

18、rother / The boy has 8 baseballs. 她 /他 /我哥哥/那个男孩有8 个棒球。 注意: 以上各句主语和谓语要:主语是单三,谓语也用单三;主语不是单 三,谓语也不用单三。 5. 本单元短语:tennis racket 网球拍ping-pong bat 乒乓球拍 ping-pong / soccer / tennis ball 乒乓球 / 足球 / 网球(指物品) play computer games 打电脑游戏在电视上(通过电视) 每天每天的sports collection 6. play tennis /basketball /baseball /ping-

19、pong /volleyball /soccer /football “ 打,踢 ” (指运 动) 总结: play + . 这个 “球”名前。 例如:Lets play (tennis). 7. 做运动 Unit 6. 1. you like bananas / hamburgers / salad? 你喜欢香蕉/ 汉堡包/ 沙拉 吗? Yes, I . / No, I . 是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。 she/he like pears/vegetables? Yes, she/he ./ No, she/he . 注意:名词的复数表示“一类物”。 改错:Do she like bro

20、ccoli? Does Tom likes carrots? . 精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 Does they like fruit? . Do your sisters like strawberry? . 2. like sth. = like sth. 喜欢做某事 . 如: She likes helping / to help students. 她喜欢帮学生。 She likes (play) basketball. Does your brother like (eat)apples? 3. 短语:breakfast / lunch / dinner

21、 / dessert 对早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐 / 甜食来说 某餐吃什么。(注意: “三餐”词是名词 ) 例如: She often eats an egg breakfast. (用介词填空) 4. lots of = = +名词复数 = +不可数名词 a lot of = lots of 后既可接,又可接。 E.g. We have a lot of vegetables.= We have vegetables.= We have vegetables. 5. healthy food 健康食品healthy 的名词是。 They often eat many fruits, and

22、the fruit is good for our , so they are very . 6. run 动词,名词有和。表示运动的“人” ,表示运 动这类的 “事情”。例如: Yao Ming is a . He is a star. Now he is . Unit 7. 1. How much these pants? =What s the price of these pants? twenty dollars. 这条裤子20 美元。 How much this sweater? =What s the price of this sweater? 60 yuan. 它 60 元。

23、 总结:询问物品的价格用。 但是 How much is /are.? 中的 be动词由 决定。 The shorts are 30 dollars. (提问 ) the shorts? 2. How much+不可数名词, how many +可数名词复数。如:how much food, how many students 总结: how much + 不可数名词 +.是对的。how many + 名词复数 +.?是对的。 例如: He has ten pencils.(提问 ) he ? His cousin has some sweaters.(提问 ) ? Anna has much

24、 broccoli.( 提问 ) ? 3. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? = ? 我能为你做什么? Yes, please. 是的,请吧。/No, thanks. 不了,谢谢。 4. I want a sweater. 我想要件毛衣。 5. What color do you want? 你想要什么颜色? 6. Here you are. =Here it is 给你(这件毛衣/ 钱等)。 7. How much is it? / How much are they? 多少钱? 8. I ll take it. = I ll get it. = I ll have it. 我买

25、下它了。 9. Thank you. / Thanks a lot. 多谢。 You re welcome. =That s all right (OK).=Not at all.=It s my pleasure别客气。 总结:当别人表扬了你是你常用表示感谢。 Happy birthday to you!/ Have fun!/ Your sweater is beautiful! 精诚凝聚 =_= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 Happy New Year! 10. Come and buy = Come to buy . Go and see = Go to see 11. A

26、nybody can afford our prices. 任何人都能承担得起我们的价钱。 例如:我们买不起房子。We cant the house. 12. 短语:以合理的价格have a look (at)”= “看一看 () girs / boys / sports. 对姑娘/ 男孩/ 运动来说 sell to 把 卖给 buy from 从 买 在出售 给某人买什么运动包 14. help 可以是名词,也可是词。 帮助某人做某事, You often help me homework.=You often help me homework. 15. 一双 /副/条 16. 区分: to

27、o 用于,also 用于,either 用于。 例如: You are 13.=You are 13, . You arent 13, .(用上述三词填空) Unit 8. 1. When is your / her / his birthday? 你的/ 她的/ 他的生日是什么时候? My / Her / His birthday is May 14 th. (此处无 on) =Its May 14 th. 总结:对提问用。 例如:The game is May 1.( 提问 ) the game? 2. How old are you? = What s your age? I m 8.=

28、 I m 8 years old. 总结:对提问用。 My father is 31 years old.( 提问 ) father? 3. Monday is the second day of the week. 周一是一星期中的第二天。(序数词前常 有) It s my eighth birthday. ( 序数词 eighth 前已有, 不再加 the.) 4. 短语: birthday party 生日聚会English speech contest 英语演讲比赛music festival 音乐节school day 校庆日 school trip 学校组织的旅行volleybal

29、l game 排球比赛 5. 在某一天用介词. 在某一天的上午/下午 /晚上用介词,在某月份用介 词。 在早晨 /下午 /晚上 例如: My birthday is June 7 th. The school trip is December. (用恰当 的介词填空 ) 6.写出 12 个月份词:。 7.默写出序数词:第一,第二,第三,第五,第八,第九,第十二,第二十,第二十一 8. 日期表达法是:+ ,。其中”日子“的写法是 读法是。例如:2 月 22 写成 读成 例如:Today is my birthday. Im (years) old now.(用 12 的正确行使填 精诚凝聚 =_

30、= 成就梦想 点亮心灯 /(v) 照亮人生 空) May is the month of the year.(用 5 的正确行使填空)。 9. 今天星期几?今天几号? 10. game( 有比赛规则 )与 sport( 户外活动 )的区别。 Unit 9. 1. What s your favorite subject? 你最喜爱的学科是什么? 注意:形容词性物主代词+favorite+ 名词, “ 最喜爱的 .” 改错: He favorite book is this one. 2. My favorite subject is science. 我最喜爱的学科是科学。 3. Why do

31、 you / does she like science? 你 / 她为什么喜欢科学? Because it s interesting. 因为它有趣。 总结:对原因状语从句提问用:。 He likes English because its interesting.( 提问 ) 4. is your art teacher? 谁是你的美术教师? 总结:对提问用。 Mr. Smith is our math teacher.( 提问 ) ? 5. When do you have math? 你什么时候上数学? 总结:上什么课用。 6. I have volleyball for two ho

32、urs. 我打排球两个小时。 注意: for + 时间段,“达到 时间” 7. 短语: TV show 电视节目对某人某物要求严格 忙于某事做某事 on Monday / Tuesday 在周一/ 周二 . after lunch / work / school / class 午饭后/ 下班后/ 放学后/ 下课后 1. 写出缩略形式I am _ she is _ he is _ it is _ you are _ hey are _ is not _ are not _ do not_ does not _ can not _ let us _ name is _ what is _ where is _ that is _ there is _ I will _ 2. 写出下列单词的同音异词。 C _ B _ R _ U _ Y _ arent _ to _ _ for _ no _ its _ hour _


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