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1、1 Unit Two Travelling Around the World Warm-up: Let s learn more about Albert Einstein A. extraordinary B. disappointment C. offered D. but E. caught F. simplicity G. calculating H. waiting I. request J. created K. however He was one of the greatest scientists the world has ever known, yet if I had

2、to express the character of Albert Einstein in a single word, I would choose 1 . Perhaps an interesting story will help. Once, 2 in a downpour, he took off his hat and held it under his coat. Asked why, he explained, with admirable logic, that the rain would damage the hat, 3 his hair would be none

3、the worse for its wetting. This ability to go to the heart of a matter was the secret of his major scientific discoveries this and his 4 feeling for beauty. I first met Albert Einstein in 1935, at the famous Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. He had been among the first to be invited to

4、 the Institute, and was 5 full freedom as to salary ( 薪水 ). To the directors 6 , Einstein asked for impossible sum: it was far too small. The director had to plead with him to accept a larger salary. I admired Einstein, and hesitated before visiting him about some ideas I had been working on. When I

5、 finally knocked at his door, a gentle voice said, “Come“. I entered his office and found him seated at a table, 7 and smoking his pipe. Dressed in ill-fitting clothes, his hair characteristically awry ( 乱蓬蓬的 ), he smiled a warm welcome. His naturalness at once set me at ease. As I began to explain

6、my ideas, he asked me to write the questions on the blackboard so he could see how they developed. Then came the 8 , “Please go slowly. I do not understand things quickly.“ This from Einstein! He said it gently, and I laughed. From then on, all the fears were gone. Einstein was an accomplished amate

7、ur musician. We used to play duets, he on the violin, I at the piano. One day he surprised me by saying Mozart was the greatest composer (作曲家 ) of all. Beethoven “9 ” his music, but the music of Mozart was of such purity and beauty one felt he had only “ found”it that it had always existed as part o

8、f the inner beauty of the Universe, 10 to be revealed (揭露 ). (改编于爱因斯坦的同事Banesh Hoffman 所写的文章My Friend, Albert Einstein ) Keys: FEDAC BGIJH Presentation 1 Word Show 1. locate (vt.) (1) 找到 的位置 I cannot locate the shop. 我找不到这家商店。 (2) 设置;住(在) be located in=lie in=stand The new building will be located i

9、n the center of town. 这座大楼将建在市中心。 词性变化: location (n.) 地点;位置 2.tower over (vi.) = tower above 高耸;超过 Skyscrapers tower over the city. 摩天大楼高耸在这座城市中。 He towered above his contemporaries. 他超出同辈人之上。 3.store (v.) 贮藏,贮备,存储 store up a saying in one s heart 把一个格言记在心里 conserve one s strength and store up one s

10、 energy 养精蓄锐 The shed will store 30 tons of coal. 这个棚子能够容纳30 吨煤。 (n.) 商店,店铺,贮藏,贮备 in store 存储着;预备着 a store of food 许多事物a store of knowledge 丰富的知识 2 4.belonging s (n.) 所有物;财产 She lost all her belongings in the fire. 她在那场火灾中失去了所有的财产。 原形动词: belong (vi.) 合适;对 合适或有用(无被动态) belong to: (1) 属于;为 的财产(2) 为 的一员

11、 5.instruction (n.) C 1)命令;指示;教授=direction The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up. 老板一下子给了我那么多指示,把我弄得稀里糊涂。 2)(常用pl)说明=directions Read the instructions on the pocket. 看一下袋子上的说明。 词性变化: instruct (vt.) 教;教授instructive (adj.) 有教育意义的,有启发的,有益的 an instructive film 科学普及片instr

12、uctive books 有教育意义的书籍 6. expectation (n.) C 期待,期望 against all expectation(s) 出乎意料beyond expectation 料想不到 live up to one s expectations 不辜负某人的期望 She ate a light lunch in expectation of a good dinner. 她午饭吃得很少,期待晚饭时饱餐一顿。 原形动词: expect (vt.) (1) 预料;预期(2) 期待;期望 expect to do expect sb. to do expect thatexp

13、ect+n./doing 7.approach (v.) 走近,靠近 We approached the museum. 我们走近博物馆。 (n.) 1)走近,靠近 the approach of summer 夏天将至 2)途径;通路=path =access All approaches were blocked. 所有道路都堵塞了。 3)方法,步骤=method present a new approach 提出一个新的方法 8.scene (n.) C 1)(戏剧 ) 一场,一景; (电影、广播等) 一场 2)(戏剧 ) 场景,布景 This play is divided into

14、three acts, and each act has three scenes. 这个剧分为三幕,每一幕有三个场景。 3)景色,风景 The scene is a perfect dream when you see the sun rising slowly in the east. 观看太阳从东方慢慢升起,这种景色确实太美了。 4)现场,出事地点 a crowd at the scene of the accident 在出事地点的人群 5)情景,场面 What a quiet but lively scene. Lambs frisked about in the pastures.

15、 小羊在牧场上跳来跳去,这是一幅多么恬静而又生气勃勃的景象啊。 9.a bird s eye view 鸟瞰 10.extend (v.) 1)延长,继续 The headmaster extended our holiday by four days. 校长把我们的假期延长了4 天。 2)伸出,伸展(身体的一部分) He extended his arms in front of him as if he were praying to God. 3 他向前伸出双臂,好像在向上帝祷告求助。 3)给予;施 extend a warm welcome to him 向他表示热烈欢迎 The ba

16、nk has promised to extend your company credit. 银行已经答应向你们公司提供信用贷款。 11.direction (n.) 1)命令;指示;指令 under my direction 由我指挥 2)前进的方向;方位 In which direction are you going, north or south? 你准备往哪个方向走?向北还是向南? 3)(pl) 用法说明 full directions inside. 内附详细说明书。 12.spot (n.) C 1)斑点;污点;圆点 In this disease spots appear on

17、 the legs. 得了这种病,腿上会出现斑点。 2)地点;场所 This is a nice spot for a house. 这里是建房的好地方。 3)on the spot 马上,立刻;当场;在现场;当机立断 The question put me on the spot. 这个问题使我得做出反应了。 13.instant adj. 1)紧迫的,刻不容缓的 a patient in instant need of first aid 一个急需抢救的病人 2)立即的,直接的 He felt instant relief after taking a dose of medicine.

18、他服用一剂药后立即感到轻松。 3)(食品)已配好的;速溶的 instant coffee 速溶咖啡 n. (某一)时刻,瞬息;霎时 He paused for an instant. 他停了一会儿。 I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it. 我一听到此消息,便通知你了。 14.unique (adj.) 1)唯一的,独一无二的 unique to 只有 才有的 2)独特的,少见的 That building is unique because all the others like it were destroyed. 那座建筑很独特

19、,因为所有像它那样的其他建筑都毁坏了。 15.advertise (v.) 做广告 1)advertise sth. 为某事做广告,登广告 I advertised (my house) in the Daily News. 我在每日新闻上(为我的房子)登了广告。 2)advertise for sb./ sth. (做广告以)征求(某人、某物) We ve advertised for someon e to look after the garden. 我们登了广告招聘一个看管花园的。 词性变化: advertisement (n.) 广告advertising (n.) 广告业 16.

20、campaign (n.) C 战役,运动 presidential election/ publicity/ safety campaign 总统竞选 / 广告 / 安全活动 高一(春普)02 教师版源于名校,成就所托 4 (vi.) 领导(参加、推行)一场运动 campaign for/ against 为/ 反对 而开展运动 17.appreciate (v.) 1)鉴赏,欣赏,赏识 appreciate good wine 品尝美酒 His abilities were not appreciated in his job. 他的才干在他的工作中得不到赏识。 2)完全了解,明白 I a

21、ppreciate that this is not an easy decision for you to make. 我完全理解你做出这项决定是不容易的。 3)感激 I d appreciate it if you would turn the radio down. 请你把收音机的音量调低些。 词性变化: appreciation (n.) 欣赏,鉴赏,赏识;鉴定,判断,评定;(土地、财产的)增值 appreciative (adj.) 鉴赏的;有欣赏力的;感激的 appreciator (n.) 鉴赏者;鉴定者;赏识者 18.have sth. to do with 与 有关 His

22、job has something to do with oil. 他的工作同石油有关。 19.remote (adj.) (1) 遥远的 the remote stars/ future 遥远的群星 / 未来the remote control 遥控器 2)孤寂的;偏僻的 Mails come to this remote village only once a week. 邮车每周只到这个偏僻的村庄一次。 3)关系远的,不近的 The connection between those two ideas is very remote. 这两种想法之间的关联极少。 20.similarly

23、(adv.) 1)差不多,相似的 They were similarly dressed. 他们的穿着差不多。 (2) 同样地,相同地 Men must wear a jacket and tie; similarly, women must wear a skirt or dress, not trousers. 男子必须穿夹克并打领带;同样地,女子必须穿裙子或连衣裙,不能穿裤子。 词性变化: similar (adj.) 相同的;相仿的;类似的;相似的 similarity (n.) C 类似方面;相似物;类似点U 相同性;相仿性;类似性 Presentation 2 Phrase Sho

24、w take a special class 上一节专门课程(完形,翻译) personal belongings 个人财物(翻译) receive instructions 接受指令(完形) speed by 飞驰(完形) come into view 映入眼帘(完形,翻译) in all directions 四面八方(翻译) in an instant 立刻(完形,翻译) feel proud of 感到自豪(翻译) tower over 比高(完形,翻译) for a lifetime 一生(完形,翻译) a unique scene 独一无二的景色(翻译) be greeted wi

25、th 用来打招呼(完形,翻译) rightly so 的确如此 高一(春普)02 教师版源于名校,成就所托 5 tourist bureau 旅游局 somewhere in the middle 中间的某个地方 rank high 排名很高(完形,翻译) rental car 租车(翻译) raise the question 提出问题(完形,翻译) have something to do with 与有关(翻译) against all expectations 与期待的相反(翻译) beyond expectation 意料之外(翻译) live up to one s expecta

26、tions 达到某人的期待(翻译) be located in/by 座落于(翻译) in the direction of 向方向(完形,翻译) under the direction of 在的指导下(完形,翻译) a painter of the first rank 一流的画家(翻译) remote relatives/ village 远房亲戚 /偏远的村子(翻译) I would appreciate it if 如果我将不胜感激(翻译) Presentation 3 Text Show The Sydney Harbour Bridge There s no feeling qu

27、ite like seeing Sydney from the top of the Harbour Bridge. There I stood, looking up at Sydney s Harbour Bridge-one of the most famous bridges in the world. Located near the magnificent Sydney Opera House, the 40-storey bridge towers over Australia s largest city. The bridge was certainly beautiful

28、to look at. But who in their right mind would want to climb it? Me, of course! Climbing the bridge is not such a crazy thing to do, in fact. Tourists started climbing the bridge in 1998. Now it s one of Sydney s most popular attractions. To prepare for the climb, our group of 12 climbers had to take

29、 a special class. First, we stored all our personal belongings and changed into special bridge climbing clothes. Then, the climb organizers showed us how to use the safety belts and climb the steep ladders. We were even given little personal radios to receive instructions from our guide during the c

30、limb! Our expectations began to build and our group became excited. One hour later, we were ready to go! We first crossed some catwalks below the road part of the bridge. I was glad I wasn t afraid of heights. Looking down through the catwalk I could see the ground 50 meters (164 feet) below! Next w

31、e climbed the ladders leading up, up, up to the bridge s arch. Cars sped by on the road below. The wind blew more fiercely the higher we climbed. More and more of the city slowly came into view. Soon we were approaching the very top of the bridge! What a scene it was at the top! Clear, bird s eye vi

32、ews of the city extended in all directions. Looking south we saw the city skyline, the famous Opera House and the ocean. It was just like looking at a postcard, except that we were really part of the picture! Everyone felt proud of having reached this spot in the city. No one was ready to leave when

33、 it was time to go down. The two hours we had spent on the bridge seemed to pass in an instant. But the memory of having seen such a unique scene will stay with us for a lifetime. Additional Text:Travelling in the land of smiles Thailand uses the phrase “ Land of Smiles ” to describe itself in touri

34、st brochures and advertising campaigns-and rightly so. Visitors to Thailand can expect to be greeted with a smile when they leave the airport, get into a taxi or rental car and again when they enter a hotel. What makes it so easy for the Thai people to smile at their visitors? The head of Thailand s

35、 tourist bureau says that it is “ in the nature of the people.” The Thais are naturally happy, he says with a smile, and they are glad to share that happiness with others. This attitude seems to be very much appreciated by the more than five million tourists 高一(春普)02 教师版源于名校,成就所托 6 who visit Thailan

36、d each year. The country ranks high on the list of places to which visitors want to return. The reason most often stated is that the people are friendly and polite. Some other Asian destinations are not as well received. Bali in Indonesia ranks high on the list, with Japan somewhere in the middle. T

37、hese reports raise the question of whether certain nationalities are naturally more courteous than others. People may experience more friendliness in Thailand than in other countries. This may have more to do with the place than the people. Travel writers point out that cities are always stressful,

38、hurried places, with little to offer in the way of smiles and welcome. Bangkok is not as friendly as other places in the surrounding Thai countryside. Remote towns and villages in China, for example, offer visitors a warm welcome, with smiles(and giggles) from children. Perhaps it should also be poi

39、nted out that polite, patient, smiling visitors will most often be greeted similarly, no matter which country they are in. Presentation 4 Grammar- 不定式 1 Hamlet 哈姆雷特 To be or not to be: that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。 To die, to sleep: no more. 死了,睡着了,什么都完了。 一、 不定式的形式 英译中:注:向学生解释每种不定式形式的时态含

40、义。 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness of life. He pretended to be sleeping when I came in. I m sorry to have kept you waiting. 主动被动 一般式to do to be done 进行式to be doing 完成式to have done to have been done 二、 不定式的含义 1.表示将要做的动作 2.表示目的 3.表示结果 4.表示意想不到的结果 I ve got a letter to write. To make t

41、he world a better place to live in, we should protect environment. We turned the lights off in order not to waste electricity. The car is spacious enough to hold the five of us. The fans waited in the rain for hours just to have a look at their favorite star. They queued for hours at the box office

42、only to discover that the tickets were sold out. 表目的: in order to/ so as to 的否定式 表结果: so as to / such as to /enough to / too to Just to do 与 only to discover/ find 的区别 本课重点:不定式作主语、表语、宾语、宾补、定语、状语 一、作主语 /表语 高一(春普)02 教师版源于名校,成就所托 7 二、动词不定式作动词宾语 结构常用动词例句 动词 +to do afford,agree,aim,attempt, choose, conti

43、nue, decide, determine, expect, fail, forget, hate, hope, manage, intend, mean, offer, plan, prefer, pretend, promise, refuse 等 I long to become a football star. He agreed to keep it secret. 动词 +疑问词 +to do know, decide, wonder, learn, remember, see, understand, think, find out 等 I don t know what to

44、 say to comfort her. 动词 + 间接宾语 +疑问词 +to do show, teach, advise, tell, inform 等The farmer showed us how to pick up strawberries. 动词 + 形式宾语 it+ 补足语 +to d o find, think, consider, feel, make等 I find it important to learn a second foreign language. We t hink it better to set off early. 三、动词不定式作宾语补足语 结构常

45、用动词例句 动词 +宾语 +to do Wish, cause, ask, beg, expect, force, remind, persuade, invite, allow, encourage, advise 等 The doctor advises me to have a blood test. The teacher encouraged us to join in the discussion. 动词词组 +宾语 +to d o arrange for, wait for, ask for, prepare for, long for, rely on I ll arrange

46、 for the guests to tour seven country towns. 1不定式短语在句首作主语 To love and to be loved is the greatest happiness one can get. 主语 The greatest happiness one can get is to love and to be loved. 表语 2. 用 it 作形式主语 (为了平衡句子, 人们常用先行词it 作形式主语, 而把真正的主语不定式放在后边。) 掌握一门语言需要下功夫。It requires efforts to master a language.

47、 常用结构: It+be+ 名词 +to do 在这演说很荣幸。It is an honor to make a speech here. It takes sb + some time +to do 做完这些工作需要花你多少时间? How long did it take you to finish the work ? It+be+ 形容词 +for sb +to do 在一刻钟里写完这边作文对我们来说是很难的。 It is difficult for us to finish writing the composition in a quarter of an hour. It+be+

48、形容词 +of sb +to do 你写下老师说的任何事是非常愚蠢的。 It is stupid of you to write down everything the teacher says. It seems(appears)+形容词 +to do 对这个贫困家庭来说,现在去存钱似乎是不可能的。 It seemed impossible for the poor family to save money at this moment. 注意: 在疑问句和感叹句中只能用it 作形式主语的结构: 在沙滩上沐日光浴多令人放松啊!How relaxing it is to bathe in th

49、e sun on the sand! 高一(春普)02 教师版源于名校,成就所托 8 等The students waiting for the exam results to come. 动词 +宾语 +(to be )+名词 或形容词 consider, prove, believe, suppose, know, think 等 Everyone though David (to be )a clever boy. 动词 +宾语 +省略to 的不定 式 一感: feel 二听: hear, listen to 三让: let, have, make 四 观看:observe, see, watch, look at I saw the young man slip in quietly. 注意:转为被动语态时,原不带to 的不定式要变成带to 的不定式。(除 let) a.The naturalist saw a pack of wolves cross the plain and run away. A pack of wolves were seen to _


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