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1、读书破万卷下笔如有神 高三英语备考复习中突破英语长难句,提高英语读写能力 一、感知英语高考长难句 建构主义认为 ,知识是靠学生自己建构的,而不是靠教师教会的。新课程标准很强调培养学生的自主学习能 力,培养学生在获取知识的过程中主动发现、分析、理解并掌握所学知识。因此,我们在教学中注重培养 学生的自主学习能力,日让他们主动参与,主动探究,亲身体验、感知英语高考长难句,了解句子结构, 分析句子成分,发现规律,并得到理解和掌握。 1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth c

2、entury, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C 篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学

3、大师为难,包括一位法国女科 学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the pri

4、nters start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET2003.E 篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引 进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来 越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about 几乎; overtime 超时地。 3

5、. Tales from Animal Hospital will delight all fans of the programme and anyone who was a lively interest in their pet, whether it be a cat 、dog or snake! ( NMET2003.C 篇) 来自动物医院(这个电视节目)的故事(这本书),将使这个电视节目的爱好者以及对无论是猫、狗还是 蛇这类宠物有浓厚兴趣的任何人感到高兴。 简析:夹杂有一个定语从句,一个状语从句,关键词fans爱好者, whetheror,无论是 还是 。 4.Still, he

6、could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away. 他禁不住寻思起来,要是果真有什么意外,除非附近有条船,他用无线电能联系上的最近的人远在885 英 读书破万卷下笔如有神 里以外的岛上。 简析:含虚拟语气,宾语从句,定语从句。 5.They had no connection with the outside worl

7、d for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time to build more than 1000 huge stone figures, called moat, for which the island is most famous. (NMET2003.A 篇) 他们已有一千多年与外界没有联系,这给他们充足的时间来修建1000 多座巨大的石像, 被称为莫艾, 因为 有这个东西这个岛屿极其出名。 简析:夹杂有现在分词短语,过去分词短语及定语从句。 6.These are times when nothing is imp

8、ortant but the bottom line, when you can do things any old way as long as it “pays”, when, in short, people look on work as a path to ever-increasing consumption( 消费 ) rather than a way to realize their own abilities.( NMET2006广东卷 .B 篇) 简析:夹杂有定语从句,时间状语从句,条件状语从句,关键词rather than 而不是。 7.Although unemplo

9、yment hits all levels of the American economy, including those of skilled and semi-skilled workers, it is most common at the bottom of the class structure and increasingly less common at each level upward. ( NMET2006 广东卷 .C 篇) 简析:夹杂有让步状语从句,现在分词短语,过去分词。 8.A survey carried out by of over 2,700 Europe

10、an office workers from the UK, France and Germany found that workplace dissatisfaction increased greatly with the age of the computer equipment. ( NMET2006浙江 卷.D 篇) 简析:夹杂有过去分词短语,宾语从句,并且主语、谓语出现分隔现象。 通过以上高考考例分析,我们发现英语的长难句有如下几个特点:句子信息量大,结构复杂,或附加成分 多(几种从句同时出现),分隔现象普遍(主谓分隔、同谓语分隔、定语分隔等),有时还出现省略现象。 这些都增加了阅

11、读的难度。因此在指导学生回归语篇复习时,运用所学知识去突破英语长难句。 二课文复习回归语篇,把握英语长难句 新课程倡导自主学习就是为了大力发挥学生的潜能,提高他们学习的独立性。从教到学的转化过程也就是 使学生从依赖到独立的过程。因此在回归语篇复习时,让学生学会运用学习策略,自主学习,把握语篇中 的英语长难句。 1. Our chemistry teacher, Mr Longford, takes us to public science lectures about four times a term, and these are always very interesting, as th

12、e lecturers are people who have made real discoveries in their area of science. (NSW.Book1.Module5.P49) 读书破万卷下笔如有神 简析:夹杂有同位语,并列句,状语从句,定语从句。 2. While he was traveling in space , Yang spoke to two astronauts abroad the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth ,American astronaut Edward

13、 Lu and Russia cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko. (NSW.Book2.Module5.P43) 简析:夹杂有状语从句,定语从句,同位语。 3. This is because living with a foreign family for one or two weeks means that you have to speak their language, and as a result you improve fast. (NSW.Book3.Module2.P19) 简析:夹杂有表语从句,宾语从句,状语从句。 4. The situation i

14、n central London, where drivers spent fifty percent of their time in queues, became so bad that the local government decided to do something about it. (NSW.Book4.Module2.P19) 简析:夹杂有定语从句,状语从句。 5. Forced to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat, taking passengers up a

15、nd down the Mississippi, the great river which flows from the north of the US near the Canadian border , down to the Gulf of Mexico. (NSW.Book5.Module3.P29) 简析:夹杂有过去分词短语, 现在分词短语,定语从句和同位语。 6. The reason why Brave World is still so famous is that it describes a terrifying future world that is becoming

16、 more and more possible. (NSW.Book6.Module5.P49) 简析:夹杂有两个定语从句和表语从句。 7. “My message is that it doesnt matter if youre black, white, fat ,thin, old and young- were all the same, its a great world and you can do something with your life.” (NSW.Book7.Module4.P55) 简析:夹杂有表语从句和主语从句。 8. In fact, there are t

17、hree South Poles: a ceremonial Pole, which is on the moving glacier, a geographical or true Pole, and a magnetic Pole which changes its position according to the movement of the Earth.(NSW.Book8.Module1.P11) 简析:夹杂有两个定语从句 三语篇复习立足谴词造句,狠抓书面表达常用句型 写作最重要的是把该表达的意思表达清楚、准确,因此,在平时的写作训练中,务必要求学生从基础练起。 句子是文章的基础

18、,只有掌握基本词汇,基本句型,在写作时才能够达到最起码的“ 达意 ” 。因此笔者在训 读书破万卷下笔如有神 练学生的写作时,首先从基本句型讲练,再到高级句型讲练,最后到一句多种表达方式讲练;重点突破长 难句。 1基本句型讲练 英文的基本句型有五种,它们是: A.主语+ 系动词+ 表语 (SVC) B.主语+ 动词 (SV) C.主语+ 动词 + 宾语(SVO) D.主语+ 动词 + 宾语+ 宾语 (SVOO) E.主语 + 动词 + 宾语+ 宾语补足语(SVOC) A.主语+ 系动词+ 表语(SVC) 英文中的系动词主要是指Be 动词的各种变化形式,也包括那些有时起系动词作用的实义动词。这类动

19、词常 见的有: appear(相似、显得) ,become (变成), come(变得), feel(摸起来), fall(变得), get(变 得) , grow(变得), hold(保持), keep(保持),look(看上去) ,remain(仍然是), seem看起来), stand(保持), stay(保持), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), turn(变成), taste(尝起来)等。 例如: This machine is in good condition . 这台机器的情况良好。 The garden smells pleasant . 这座花园香气怡人。 S

20、ilk feels soft and smooth . 丝绸摸起来又软又滑。 B.主语+ 动词 (SV) 这种句型中的谓语动词是不及物动词,没有直接宾语;但常带有状语。 例如: The water is boiling . 水开了。 They have been waiting there for hours. 他们一直在那儿等了数小时。 The train will leave soon. 火车就要开了。 C.主语+ 动词 + 宾语(SVO) 这一句型中的谓语动词是及物动词,那么它必须带有自己的宾语。在英文中,当一个动词(包括单个动词 和动词短语)作及物动词用时,它必须要有自己的宾语(除非是

21、宾语在上下文里很明确地提到过,为避免 不必要的重复,才会省去。),否则会视为“句子不完整 “。 Tom has a brother. 汤姆有一个弟弟。 读书破万卷下笔如有神 They wanted to have a rest. 他们想歇息一会儿。 He successfully carried out his plan . 他成功地实行了他的计划。 D.主语+ 动词 + 宾语+ 宾语 (SVOO) 此句型中的谓语动词后接两个宾语:前一个宾语称为“间接宾语 “,多由代词或名词充当;后一个宾语称为“ 直接宾语 “,往往由名词充当。这类句型常有“给某人某物 “、“送某人某物 “、“留给某人某物 “

22、等意思。常见 的这类谓语动词有: award(授予某人 ), buy(给某人买 ),bring(带给某人 ), get(给某人弄到 ), give(给某人 ), hand(递给某人 ), lend(借给某人 ), leave(留给某人 ), pay(支付某人 ) , pass( 递给某人 ), read(给某人读 ), rent(租赁某人 ), recommend(将某人推荐给 ) , send(送给某人 ), show(给某 人看 ),tell( 告诉某人 ), take(给某人拿 ), teach(教某人 ) , write( 给某人写 )等。例如: (注:上面各词的中文释义是刻意按照该词

23、的常用动词句型而给的,以便于大家更好地理解该词出现于哪 个基本句型中。) He brought me a coat. 他给我带来一件大衣。 Pass me the dictionary, please. 请将词典递给我。 I lend him my bicycle. 我把自行车借给他了。 E.主语+ 动词 + 宾语 + 宾语补足语(SVOC) 此句型概括了这样一种情况:有些及物动词的后面有时常带复合宾语结构(即:宾语+ 宾语补足语)。在 这一结构中, 宾语补足语是对宾语“做什么 “、“怎么样 “等方面进行补充说明,从意义和结构上来说是必不可 少。在这一结构中, 宾语和谓语动词当然是“动宾关系

24、“,而宾语和它的补足语在逻辑上却是“主谓关系 “。那 么,这时的宾语就类似于中文里的“兼语 “。宾语补足语可由名词、形容词、动词不定式、分词或介词短语 担当。常带复合宾语结构的及物动词有: ask(请求,要求 ) , allow( 容许 ) ,appoint(任命 ) , believe(相信 ) , call(称) , cause(使得) , catch(发现 ) , consider(认 为) , elect(选举 ) , expect(预期 ) , feel(感觉到 ) , find( 发现 ) , get(使得) , have(使, 让) , hear(听到 ) , imagine(想

25、象 ) , keep(保持 ) , know( 知道 ) , let(使) , listen to(听) , look at( 看,瞧 ) ,make(使) , notice(注意到 ) , see(看见 ) , smell(闻到 ) , start(使 开始 ) , watch(注视,看 ) , tell( 告诉 ) , think( 想,认为 ) , want(想要 ) , wish(希望 )等等。 例如: We elected him our monitor . 我们选他当班长。 The news made me happy . 那消息使我很高兴。 读书破万卷下笔如有神 We know

26、him to be an expert . 我们知道他是专家。 He heard somebody opening the door . 他听见有人在开门。 I found myself in dark . 我发现自己还蒙在鼓里。 我们要记住以上的五个句型并不难,重要的是要利用这五个句型去看英文句子。那么,再长、再复杂的 句子也就被你看成了那么“几块 “,即:主、谓、宾、补(表语,主语补足语,宾语补足语)、再加上定语、 状语。这就如同 “造框架建筑 “。先定型,再完善。我们学语言也应该先从语言架构着手,再去解决细节问 题。这就从语篇的角度大大地提高了学习进度。从而也避免了那种“只见树木,不见林

27、“错误倾向。这样做 对提高学习的自信心有极大的好处。随着我们语言素材的不断积累和增加,对句子结构的不断熟悉和了解, 我们的学习就会越来越主动。 2高级句型讲练 遵循由简到繁,循序渐进的认知规律,在学生掌握五个基本句型的基础上,慢慢过渡到较为复杂的高级句 型,帮助学生逐步提高写作技能。 1).祈使句型 Do let me know, if you decided to come or need any further information. 如果您决定来或需要什么信息,一定 要让我知道。 (2004 全国卷 IV) Now please allow me to introduce you so

28、me of our school rules here. 现在请允许我给您介绍一些学校规则。 (2005 安徽 ) 2).非谓语动词句式 We ll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, and meeting friends. 晚上我们主要呆在家 里看电视、打游戏和会友。(2004 全国卷 II) Chatting online, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions. 在网上聊天, 学生们可以更加自由 地表达他们的思想。

29、(2005 江西 ) 3).it 作形式主语或宾语句式 It is known to us all that some students cheat in examinations at school.众所周知,一些学生在学校考试中作弊。 (2005 福建 ) It must be made clear that we should never be late for class or leave school before it is over. 这很清楚,上课应不迟到不早退。(2005 安徽 ) 4). 并列句结构 并列句即是用并列连词把两个或两个以上的、具有逻辑关系的简单句连为一体,常用

30、的并列连词有: and, but, 读书破万卷下笔如有神 or, so, for, yet, however, therefore, when, while, not onlybut also等。 1) To build gates and walls will become necessary and that will be harmful to the appearance of a city.(NMET2002) 2)The car didnt stop but drove off at great speed heading west. (NMET2000) 3)I was walk

31、ing along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. (NMET2000) 5).感叹句型 What+名词 +主语 +谓语! How+形容词 /副词 +主语 +谓语! What terrible weather were having! How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well ! 6).定语从句结构 This is a big decision

32、which has to be made by people in Beijing. (2005 全国卷 III) But I d like to attend the English lectures, from which I can get more information on British and American cultures. (2005 湖南 ) 7).时间状语从句 The next morning, the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. (NMET2000) 8).原因状语从句 Since it is s

33、o easy to get a rabbit like that, why should I work so hard all day long? (2005 广东 ) In my opinion, it is wrong to cheat in examination because it breaks the rules of schools. (2005福建 ) 9).条件状语从句 If there is anything I can do for you, I would be more than glad to help. (2004 全国卷 I) 10).地点状语从句 Where

34、the playground used to be now stands another new building our library. 11).结果状语从句 He put on so much weight that he found it difficult to climb the stairs. (2005 北京春 ) 12).让步状语从句 Although he is small and short now, he believes he will grow up to be a tall and strong young man like Yao Ming, who he ad

35、mires. (2005 北京 ) 13). 主语从句 What you are studying is badly needed nowadays in China. (2005 湖北 ) 读书破万卷下笔如有神 14).表语从句 My suggestion is that we go to Beidaihe to spend our holidays. 15).宾语从句 I m sure youll have no trouble finding us. 16).同位语从句 We re very glad to hear the news that you have passed the e

36、ntrance examination. 3一句多种表达方式讲练(每组例句中,A 句一般, B 句高级) 1). A. We like football best. B. Our favorite sport are football. 2). A. You can find my house easily. B. You ll have no trouble finding my house. 3). A.I hope you can write me back soon. B. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 4). A. My home

37、town is in the south of China. B. My hometown is located in the south of China. 5) A. Well try our best to make you happy in Beijing. B. Well try our best to make your stay here in Beijing a pleasant experience. 通过以上对句子成分的探究、分析到达到理解;再加上从简到繁、循序渐进的,从低级到高级的句型讲、 练结合,使学生对英语的句子,尤其是长、难句有了起码的感性认识,再加上老师平时课堂语篇复习的“ 回 归” 点拔,平时在阅读语篇的“ 重点突破 ” ,学生的悟性自然慢慢提高,理顺了长难句,也就扫清了阅读、 写作中的 “ 拦路虎 ” ,读、写水平就会不断提高。


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