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1、暑假英语培训班 (三升四) 学生用书 学校: 班级: 姓名: 座号: 第一单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(46 分) 1window/wnd?/_ 2board/b? d/_ 3light/lat/_ 4picture/pkt?/_ 5door/d? /_ 6floor/fl ? /_ 7classroom/ kl ? sr?m/_ 8computer/k?mpju? t?/_ 9teachers desk_ 10wall/w? l/_ 11fan/f? n/_ 12in/n/_ 13the/e?/_ 14we/wi? /_ 15have/h ? v/_

2、16new/nju? /_ 17go/ ?/_ 18where/we?/_ 19you/ju? /_ 20me/mi? /_ 21what/w?t/_ 22look at_ 23see/si ? /_ 二、 【二会词汇】给单词或短语选择正确的汉语意思。(30 分) ()1.many()2.our ()3.classmate ()4.have a look ()5.seat ()6.near ()7.clean ()8.good idea ()9.all right ()10.good job A干得好B好主意C座位 D许多的E同学F好吧;好的 G看一看H我们的I打扫;清洁;擦干净的 J在的旁边

3、 三、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分) ()1.This is my classroom.Its big. ()2.The picture is green. ()3.The board is black. ()4.We have 6 new lights. ()5.Lets go and have a look. ()6.Its near the door. ()7.Open the window. ()8.Let me clean the classroom. A我们有六盏新灯。 B图画是绿色的。 C让我们去看一看吧。 D这是我的教室。它很大。 E打开窗户。 F让

4、我来打扫教室吧。 G它在门旁边。 H这块写字板是黑色的。 综合全练全测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、听音,写出所听字母的大小写形式。(10 分) 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(15 分) ()1.A.I am OK. BI am a boy. CI am a student. ()2.A.The floor is green. BThe floor is blue. CThe floor is white. ()3.A.How nice! BIts nice. CWhat a nice! ()4.A.This is my classroom. BThis is my bag. C This

5、is my desk. ()5.A.Lets clean the room. BLets clean the classroom. CLet me clean the board. 三、听音,选择相应图片。( 15 分 ) ()1.A.B.C. ()2.A.B.C. ()3.A.B.C. ()4.A.B.C. ()5.A.B.C. 笔试部分 (60 分) 四、写出它们的邻居吧! (写出大小写形式。 )(8 分) F I B E 五、选出不同类的一项。 (10 分) ()1.A.hat BboardCdesk ()2.A.bread Bgood Ccake ()3.A.light Bfan Cs

6、chool ()4.A.boy Bidea Cgirl ()5.A.cat Bant Cegg ()6.A.box Bsix C seven ()7.A.peach Blamp Capple ()8.A.teacher Bdoctor Cdesk ()9.A.bread Bcake Chand ()10.A.chair Bdesk Cdog 六、火眼金睛选一选。 (6 分) ()1.We have six new_. Alight Blights Cthe light ()2.My classroom is so_ ! Atall Bbig Cbest ()3.We_ new classroo

7、m. Ahas Bhave Chave a ()4.Lets go_have a look. Aand B/ Cto ()5.I have a_idea. Awell Bgood Cgreat ()6.The sharpener is near the fish_. Abowl Bglass Ccup 七、情景交际。 (4 分) ()1.你想询问教室里有什么,你应说:_ AWhats in the classroom? BWheres the classroom? ()2.你想介绍你的新朋友张鹏,你应说:_ AThats Zhang Peng. BThis is Zhang Peng. ()3

8、.你想询问自己的座位在哪里,你应说:_ AWheres your seat? BWheres my seat? ()4.你想表达自己喜欢热狗,你应说:_ AI like hot dogs. BI like dogs. 八、连词成句。 (12 分) 1me,clean,board,let,the(.) 2.us,clean,classroom,let,the(.) 3.they,what,are(?) 4.is,clean,it,nice,and(.) 5.our,is,new,this,classmate(.) 6.wall,is,the,blue(.) 九、阅读广角。 (8 分) Ann:O

9、ur classroom is not clean. David:Yes.Lets clean the classroom. Li Ming :OK.Let me clean the window. Liu Xin :Let me clean the board and sweep the floor. David:Hi,Ann!Lets clean the desks and chairs. Ann:Good idea! Lets clean the classroom. floor desks and chairs board window Ann Li Ming Liu Xin Davi

10、d 十、牛刀小试。 (12 分) 新学期开学了,用英语向你的新同学介绍一下你们的新教室。参考词汇: nice,big,light,desk,chair。 第二单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(18 分) 1包_ 2铅笔 _ 3钢笔 _ 4书_ 5尺子 _ 6铅笔盒 _ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(32 分) 1Chinese book_ 2English book_ 3math book_ 4schoolbag_ 5story- book/st? rb?k/_ 6notebook/n?tb?k/_ 7may/me /_ 8sure/

11、?/_ 9here you are _ 10sorry/s?r/_ 11twenty- one_ 12thirty/? t/_ 13thirty- one_ 14forty/f? t/_ 15forty- one_ 16fifty/ fft/_ 三、 【二会词汇】根据所给英文写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(20 分) 1colour_2.fat_ 3too many_ 4.heavy_ 5whats(完整形式 )_ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(30 分) ()1.I have a new schoolbag. ()2.Its black and white. ()

12、3.My schoolbag is heavy. ()4.Put your pencil in your desk. ()5.What colour is it? ()6.Whats in your schoolbag? A它是什么颜色的? B我有一个新书包。 C你的书包里有什么? D它是黑白相间的。 E我的书包很重。 F把你的铅笔放到你的书桌里。 综合全练全测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、选择你所听到的字母,将序号写在括号里。(10 分) ()1.A.NBLCK ()2.A.B BC CM ()3.A.E BF CN ()4.A.J BL CK ()5.A.M BN CG 二、听音,选择恰当

13、的介词短语完成句子。(20 分) ()1.Put your pencil- case ()2.Put your notebook ()3.Put your eraser ()4.Put your English book ()5.Put your pen Aon your head. Bunder your bag. Cin your desk. Don your chair. Enear your pencil-case. 三、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ()1.A.Coke Bopen Cpen ()2.A.rabbit Brice Cquiet ()3.A.nose Bnur

14、se Clock ()4.A.lamp Bjacket Cmonkey ()5.A.mouse Bpencil Ckite 笔试部分 (60 分) 四、写出它们的邻居。(8 分) M ;P J ;B 五、看一看,填一填。 (10 分) 1.2. 3.4. 1I have a r_. 2The p_is nice. 3Do you like this c_? 4I have a new schoolb_. 六、你来翻译吧! (10 分) ()1.Too many to count. ()2. After you. ()3.Good idea. ()4.Ten books. ()5.Excuse

15、me. A您先请。 B对不起,打扰了。 C太多了数不清。 D好主意。 E十本书。 七、火眼金睛选一选。 (16 分) ()1.How many crayons do you have? _. AfifteenBForty Cmany ()2.Its a toy car. _nice! AHow BHow is CHow are ()3.May I have a look? Sure,here_are. AyourByouCyours ()4._fat panda. Aa Ban CA ()5.Its black_white. Ato Band Cin ()6.Is it in your roo

16、m? _ AYes,it isnt. BNo,it isnt. CNo,it is. ()7.What is that? _ AIt is a bee. BIt is a bees. CIt is bee. ()8.How old are you? _ AThank you. BI am ten. CI am fine. 八、选出错误的选项并在横线上改正。(8 分) ()1.I have A a B English book C ._ ()2.what colour is it?_ A B C ()3.Whats in you bag?_ A B C ()4.I have many book

17、in my bag._ A B C 九、想一想,选一选。 (8 分) ()1.你们班来了一位新同学,你想把他介绍给大家,你应说:_ AHe is Tom,this is my new classmate. BThis is Tom,our new classmate. CWe have a friend. ()2.当你饿的时候,你应说:_ AI am fine. BI am hungry. CWhat is this? ()3.当你想告诉别人你来自中国时,你应说:_ AHe is from Chinese. BI am from China. CI am from Canada. ()4.当别

18、人问你问题你不知道时,你应说:_ ASorry.I dont know. BOK. CGreat. 第三单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(20 分) 1教师 _2.学生_ 3男孩 _ 4.女孩_ 5朋友 _ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(32 分) 1long hair_ 2short hair_ 3thin/n/_ 4strong/str?/_ 5quiet/kwa?t/_ 6friend(s)/frend(z)/_ 7music/mju? zk/_ 8science/ sa?ns/_ 9sports/sp ? ts/_ 10comp

19、uter game_ 11painting/pent?/_ 12has/h ? z/_ 13name/ne m/_ 14he/hi? /_ 15she/?i? /_ 16right/rat/_ 三、 【二会词汇】根据所给单词写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(24 分) 1Chinese_2.like_ 3his_ 4.photo_ 5her_ 6hes(完整形式 )_ 7shes( 完整形式 )_ 8youre(完整形式 )_ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(24 分) ()1.My friend is strong. ()2.He has short hair. ()

20、3.I like music. ()4.She likes science. ()5.Whats his name? ()6.Her name is Jenny. ()7.A Chinese friend? ()8.I have a new friend. A我喜欢音乐。 B他叫什么名字? C他留着短头发。 D她喜欢科学。 E她的名字叫詹妮。 F我的朋友很健壮。 G我有一个新朋友。 H一个中国朋友? 综合全练全测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、选择您所听到的组合。(10 分) ()1.A.IPBQCCMN ()2.A.EF BHJ CWX ()3.A.ZY BBOX CWZ ()4.A.CID

21、BVCD CCEO ()5.A.NBA BIQ CPICC 二、听单词选图片。 (15 分) ()1.A.B.C. ()2.A.B.C. ()3.A.B.C. ()4.A.B.C. ()5.A.B.C. 三、听音,用数字排序。 (15 分) ( ) ( ) ()() () 笔试部分 (60 分) 四、你知道元音字母吗?请写出它们的大小写形式。(5 分) 五、打开记忆,填一填。 (5 分) 1t_cher2.st_ dent 3b_ y 4.g_ _l 5fr_ _ nd 六、火眼金睛选一选。 (8 分) ()1.Zhang Peng_big eyes. AhaveBhasCare ()2.I

22、have two good_. Afriend Ba friend Cfriends ()3.This is_seat. Ashe Bher Chim ()4.That is_book. AAmy BAmys CAmys ()5.Tom_sports. Alike Blikes Cdo ()6.I have_English book. Aa Ban C/ ()7._is she? She is my mother. AWho BWhat CWhere ()8.What is_name? Ayou Byour Cyours 七、你会翻译吗? (5 分) ()1.Thank you. ()2.Cl

23、ean the room. ()3.Listen to music. ()4.Sweep the floor. ()5.Its so nice. A听音乐。B它是如此漂亮。 C扫地。D打扫房间。 E谢谢你。 八、判断下列图片与句意是“”否“”相符。 (7 分) ()1.She likes music. ()2.They like painting. ()3.He has short hair. ()4.This is a ruler. ()5.Theres a book under the desk. ()6.I have a Chinese friend. ()7.Hes strong. 九

24、、连词成句。 (10 分) 1have ,a,I,friend,Chinese( .) 2.likes,she ,science(.) 3.you,can,these ,spell,words(?) 4.likes,friend,music,my(.) 5.cute,she,is(.) 十、你来回答吧! (10 分) ()1.Who is the inventor of paper? ()2.Do you see my bag? ()3.How much is this book? ()4.How many pens are there in your pencil - case? ()5.W

25、ho is he? AYes,I do. BChinese people. CFive yuan. DHe is my brother. ESix. 十一、牛刀小试。 (10 分) 你能试着描述这个女孩吗?参考词汇:quiet,long hair,music,big eyes , small ears 。 第四单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词或短语。(18 分) 1家_2.房间_ 3学校 _ 4.教室_ 5窗户 _ 6.课桌_ 7门_ 8.椅子_ 9床_ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思或按要求写单词。(40 分) 1study/st?d/_

26、2bathroom/b ? r?m/_ 3bedroom/bedr?m/_ 4living room_ 5kitchen/kt?n/_ 6fish/f?/_ 7here/h ?/_ 8phone/f?n/_ 9bed/bed/_ 10sofa/s?f?/_ 11shelf/?elf/_ 12fridge/frd?/_ 13table/tebl/_ 14key/ki? /_ 15open/ ?p?n/_ 16look/l?k/_ 17please/pli? z/_ 18on/?n/_ 19no/n?/_ 20isnt(完整形式 )_ 三、 【二会词汇】根据所给单词写出相应的汉语意思或按要求写出单

27、词。(20 分) 1hey_2.they_ 3its(完整形式 )_ 4arent(完整形式 )_ 5theyre(完整形式 )_ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(22 分) ()1.This is my house.Its big. ()2.I have a living room. ()3.This is my bed. ()4.Wheres my pen? ()5.Welcome to my home! ()6.Is this your bedroom? ()7.Is it in your hand? ()8.Shes in the kitchen. ()9.I li

28、ke my school. ()10.Where are the keys? ()11.Are they near the phone? A这是我的床。 B它在你的手里吗? C这是你的卧室吗? D这是我的房子。它很大。 E我有一间起居室。 F它们在电话附近吗? G我喜欢我的学校。 H我的钢笔在哪里? I她在厨房里。 J欢迎来到我家! K钥匙在哪儿? 综合全练全测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10 分) ()1.A.studyBstudentCstrong ()2.A.room Bhome Cclassroom ()3.A.door Bdesk Cduck ()4.A

29、.bed Bbedroom Cbathroom ()5.A.here Bhair Chi 二、听音,看图并判断是否相同,相同用(),不同用 ()表示。 (15 分) 1()2.() 3()4.() 5() 三、听音,排序号。 (15 分) ()I have a new ruler. ()Where are the books? ()Welcome to my school. ()Is he in the study? ()Are they on the table? 笔试部分 (60 分) 四、打开记忆,你会选。 (5 分) ()1.st_dy AuBa ()2.kitch_n Aa Be (

30、)3.s_f_ Ao,e Bo,a ()4.b_throom Au Ba ()5.ph_ne Ao Ba ()6.sh_lf Aa Be ()7.b_droom Ae Ba ()8.liv_ng room Ae Bi ()9.t_ble Aa Be ()10.fr_dge Ao Bi 五、选出不同类别的一项。(5 分) ()1.A.bedBbedroom Cstudy ()2.A.table Bschool Cshelf ()3.A.kitchen Bhome Cbathroom ()4.A.sofa Bfridge Clook ()5.A.on Bdesk Cdoor 六、字母站队组单词。

31、(5 分) 1o,e,m,h 2.o,c,l,o,h,s 3i,d,w,w,n,o4.a,h,i,c,r 5c,s,r,l,s,a,m,o,o 七、火眼金睛选一选。 (10 分) ()1.Welcome_my home. AtoBtooCtwo ()2._this your classroom? AAm BIs CAre ()3.Where_my bag? Ais Bam Care ()4.Are_near the phone? Yes,they are. Awe Byou Cthey ()5.What can you see in_room? AI Bmy Cme 八、你会排序吗? (8 分

32、) 1No,it isnt. 2Yes. Its in my desk. 3Where is my book? 4Is it in your desk? 5Is it under your chair? 正确顺序: _3_ 九、连词成句。 (10 分) 1to,living room,the,go(.) 2.I,a,new,have,eraser(.) 3.he,in,the,classroom ,is(?) 4.they,near,window,are,the(?) 5.see ,a,desk,I,can(.) 十、阅读短文,判断正 (T)误(F)。(5 分) Look at my room

33、.There is a desk and a chair in it.A bed is near the door.A cat is under the desk.On the wall , there is a beautiful picture.On the floor , there is a ball.My room is small,but its very nice! ()1.I have a big room. ()2.On the floor,there is a ball. ()3.A desk is near the door. ()4.There is a phone o

34、n the wall. ()5.There is a cat under the desk. 十一、牛刀小试。 (12 分) 请你以 “My Home ” 为题写一篇小短文,简单描述你的家。包括家中摆设、物 品等。 (不少于 30 个单词 ) 第五单元全练全测 基础全练全测 一、 【四会词汇】根据所给汉语写出相应的英语单词。(24 分) 1米饭 _2.牛肉_ 3面包 _ 4.牛奶_ 5蛋_ 6.水_ 7鸡肉 _ 8.鱼_ 二、 【三会词汇】读一读,写出汉语意思。(13 分) 1fish/f?/_ 2noodle(s)/nu? dl(z)/_ 3vegetable/ ved?t?bl/_ 4so

35、up/su ? p/_ 5hungry/h? r/_ 6for/f? /_ 7thank you_ 8knife/naf/_ 9chopstick(s)/t?pstk(s)/_ 10spoon/spu ? n/_ 11plate/plet/_ 12fork/f? k/_ 13use/ju? z/_ 三、 【二会词汇】写出所给单词或短语的汉语意思或按要求写出单词。(18 分) 1have_2.dinner_ 3wait_ 4.help_ 5pass_ 6.ready_ 7try_ 8.help yourself_ 9show_ 10.yummy_ 11food_ 12Id like(完整形式 )

36、_ 四、 【重点句子】给下面的句子选择正确的汉语翻译。(45 分) ()1.What would you like for dinner? ()2.Help yourself. ()3.Pass me a plate ,please. ()4.Use the chopsticks. ()5.Id like some fish and vegetables ,please. ()6.Whats for dinner? ()7.Wait and see. ()8.Everythings ready. ()9.I can use chopsticks. ()10.Let me show you. (

37、)11.We had a good time. ()12.See you tomorrow. ()13.Let me try. ()14.Good night. ()15.I like Chinese food. A我喜欢中国食物。 B等等看。 C你晚餐想吃什么? D明天见。 E一切准备就绪。 F请递给我一个盘子。 G我想要一些鱼和蔬菜。 H用筷子。 I晚餐吃什么? J我能使用筷子。 K让我试试。 L我们过得很愉快。 M让我展示给你看。 N请随便吃。 O晚安。 综合全练全测 听力部分 (40 分) 一、听音,填写字母补全单词,并在括号里写出汉语意思。(10 分) 1_i_ _() 2f_ _

38、_() 3_ _u_() 4_ _ _ _e() 5_ _a_ _() 二、听音,给图片按 (AE)的顺序排序。 (15 分) 1.2. () () 3.4. () () 5. () 三、听音,选择单词完成对话。(15 分) ()1._,Im hungry. AMomBDad ()2.Whats for_? Alunch Bdinner ()3._and see. ALook BWait ()4.What_you like? Awould Bdo ()5.Id like some_. Ahot dogs Bhamburgers 笔试部分 (60 分) 四、打开记忆,写单词,别忘了写出汉语意思。

39、(10 分) 1r_ c _() 2b_ _f() 3br_ _ d() 4m_ l_() 5_ _g() 6w_ t _r() 7ch_ ck _n() 8s_ _p() 9pl_t_() 10f_ _k() 五、你会选吗? (5 分) 1Can_(I ,me)have some juice? 2Whats_(to ,for)dinner? 3Pass me_(a ,two)spoons. 4Id like four_(pear,pears) 5What_(can ,would) you like? 六、火眼金睛选一选。 (10 分) ()1.Lunch_ready! AamBis Care

40、 ()2.Your forks and_. Aknifes Bknifse Cknives ()3.Let me_you. Asee Btry Cshow ()4.I like_food. AChina BEnglish CEngland ()5.I can_chopsticks. Ause Bto use Cusing 七、考考你的眼力。 (把错误选项写在括号里。)(10 分) ()1.Id A like some B soups C . ()2.Is this A you B pen C ? ()3.What A an B big fish C ! ()4.You cannt A eat

41、B so much C ! ()5.Mike like A Chinese B food C . 八、你会回答吗? (5 分) ()1.Can I have some fish? ()2.Can I help you? ()3.What would you like? ()4.I like Chinese food. ()5.How much is it? AYes, please. BIts twelve yuan. CSure,here you are. DId like some orange juice. EMe too. 九、你知道吗? (10 分) ()1.当妈妈把饭做好了,她会说

42、:_ AYou can eat. BEverythings ready. ()2.你去饭店时,服务员会问你:_ A:Whats for dinner? BWhat would you like? ()3.当你饿时,你会说: _ AIm hungry. BIm full. ()4.当别人到你家吃饭时,在饭桌上你会说:_ AHelp yourself. BHelp you. 十、阅读短文,判断正 (T)误(F)。(10 分) My best friend is Ann.She is a girl.She has curly hair. She is from America.She has a yellow schoolbag.Whats in it?Two English books,three story-books and a math book. She likes English very much. She likes music, too


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