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1、初中英语动词时态复习动词的分类: 1)系动词 2)行为动词 3)情态动词 4)助动词简单句的基本类型: 1)主谓 2)主谓表 3)主谓宾4)主谓双宾5)主谓宾宾补一般现在时一般现在时态结构肯定式 :主语+ am /is/are +其他否定式 :主语+ am/is/are +not + 其他一般疑问句式 :Am /Is /Are + 主语 + 其他 ?简略回答: (肯) Yes,主语 + am/ is /are (否) No,主语+am/is/are not肯定句式 : 主语+动词原形 /动词的第三人称单数+其他否定句式 : 主语+(助动词) dont/doesnt +动词原形 +其他一般疑问句

2、式 : Do/Does+主语 +动词原形 +其他简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not缩写形式 : dont = do not doesnt = does not一般现在时的用法1) 表示经常的或习惯性的动作, 常与表示频度的副词连用。 常用的频度副词有:always、often、 usually、seldom、never、sometimes, every week (day, year, month ),once a week, on Sunday。s 频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前, 系动词、 助动词之后。例如 : He often g

3、oes swimming in summer他. 夏天经常游泳。I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning.每天早上我七点离开家。2)表示现在的状态。例如: My father is at work.He is very busy. 我父亲在工作,他很忙。The boy is twelve. 这男孩十二岁。3)表示主语具备的性格、特征和能力等。例如: All my family love football . 我全家人都喜欢足球。My sister is always ready to help others .我妹妹总是乐于助人。An

4、n writes good English but does not speak well.安英语写得不错,讲的可不行。4)表示客观真理,客观存在,自然现象。例如: The earth moves around the sun.地球绕太阳转动。Shanghai lies in the east of China.上海位于中国东部。5)表示按计划或安排好的,或将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。但只限于 start,begin,leave,go,come,arrive,return,take plac等e 。例如: The train leaves at six tomorrow mornin

5、g. 火车明天上午六点开。He comes back tonight.他今晚回来。6)在复合句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。例如: Ill tell him the news when he comes back.他回来时,我将告诉他这个消息。If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details.如果你接受这份工作,他们将和你谈谈细节。动词的第三人称词尾变化:当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词需加 -s 或-es:规则 动词原形 第三人称单数形式一般在词尾加

6、-s,(清辅音后 play plays读 s ,在浊辅音后读 z leave leaves ;在 t 后读 ts ,在 d 后读 swim swims dz 。)以字母 s,x,ch,sh,o 结尾的词 pass passes加-es,读 iz ,如果动词原fix fixes形词尾已有e,则只加 -s。 teach teacheswish wishesdo does以辅音字母加 y 结尾的词, study studies先变y为i, 再加-es,读 z 。 carry carriesfly flies注意:动词 have的第三人称单数是 has.一般过去时态一般过去时态结构肯定式 :主语+ w

7、as/were +其他否定式 :主语+ was/were +not + 其他一般疑问句式 : Was/Were + 主语+ 其他?简略回答: (肯) Yes,主语 + was/were (否) No,主语 + was/were not肯定句式 : 主语+动词过去式 +其他否定句式 : 主语+(助动词) didn t动+词原形 +其他一般疑问句式 : Did+主语+动词原形 +其他简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+did (否)No,主语 +did not一般过去时的用法1)表示过去某个时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语yesterday, just now, the other

8、 day, in 1982, ago, an hour ago, long long ago, the day before yesterday, last week(year, night, month ), at the age of 5, one day,once upon a time等连用。在一般过去式中,要表达“过多少时间之后” ,一般用after。几年后。例如: Where did you go just now? 刚才你上哪儿去了?After a few years, she started to play the piano几. 年后,她开始弹钢琴。2)表示在过去, 经常或反

9、复发生的动作。 常与 often,always等表示频度的副词连用。例如: When I was a child, I often played football in the street.我是个孩子的时候,常在马路上踢足球。3)一般过去式也可与 today,this week,this month,this year等表现在的时间壮语连用,但这些时间壮语须指过去的时间,决不包含“现在” “此时此刻”的意思。例如: Did you see him today?今天你看见他了吗?动词过去式的规则变化:构成规则 动词原形 动词过去式一般在动词原形末尾加 look looked-ed,(在清辅音后

10、 读 t ; play played在浊辅音和元音后 读 d work worked ;在 t , d 后 读 id 。结尾是 e的动词在末尾加 like liked-d live lived hope hoped末尾只有一个辅音字母 plan planned的重读 闭音节,先双写这 stop stopped个辅音字母,再加 -ed drop dropped结尾是“辅音字母y”的 study studies动词,先变“ y”为“ I ”再 worry worries加-ed cry cries 注:不规则动词过去式参见八年级下册P142。一般将来时一般将来时的结构肯定句式:主语 +助动词 wi

11、ll+ 动词原形 +其他 否定句式:主语 +助动词 will+ 动词原形 +not+其他一般疑问句式:助动词 Will+ 主语+动词原形 +其他简单回答:在口语中, will 在名词或代词后 常缩为 ,ll wii not 常简缩为 won。t在疑问句中,主语为第一人称时( I 和 we)时,常用助动词 shall。例如: Shell go to play basketball.她要去打篮球。 Shall we go to the zoo?我们要去动物园吗?肯定句式:主语 +be going to +动词原形 +其他否定句式:主语 +be not going to +动词原形 +其他一般疑问句

12、式: Be+主语+going to+动词原形 +其他简略回答:(肯) Yes,主语 +be (否) No,主语 +be not一般将来时的用法1、表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态, 常与 tomorrow, next day(week,month, year ), soon, in a few minutes, by , the day after tomorrow 等连用。例如: Ill meet you at the school gate tomorrow morning.2、表示将来经常或反复发生的动作。例如: I ll come and see you every Satur

13、day next y明ea年r. 我将每个星期六来看你。3、表示说话人对于将来的看法、 假设和推测, 通常用 be afraid, be/feel sure, hope,know, think 等后 面的从句或与副词 perhaps,possibly,maybe等连用。例如: I thi nk she ll go back home for suppe我r.想她会回家吃饭。Maybe shell go to the gy也m.许她会去体育馆。(be going to +不定式,表示将来 )1、表示主语进行某一行动的打算意图。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思。即计划,安排要发生

14、的事。例如:What are you going to do tomorrow? 明天打算作什么呢?The play is going to be produced next month。这出戏下月开播。2、表示说话人确信如此或有某种迹象表明某事即将发生。例如:Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.看那乌云,快要下雨了。3、注意:be going to 和will 之间的区别。1 两者都用于预测时, be going to 意指有迹象表明某件事将要发生,属客观的推测;will 则意指说话人认为 /相信某件事将要发生,属主观的

15、推测。2 两者在时间的发生上, be going to通常表示马上要发生或相当快就要发生的事情;而 will 不指明任何具体时间,可以指遥远的未来。例如:He is gong in to be better.他的病就要好起来了。He will be better. 他的病会好起来了。3 两者都表示意图时, be going to 含有预先计划、准备的意思; will 则指未经过预先思考或计划,是临时的一种决定。4 在条件壮语从句中, be going to表将来,will 表意愿。例如:If you are going to make a journey, youd better get re

16、ady for it as soon aspossible.如果你将要去旅行,最好尽快做好准备。Miss Gao will tell you the answer if you ask her. 如果你去问高老师,她会告诉你答案。be +不定式表将来,表示客观安排或受人指示而将要做某事。例如:We are to discuss the report next Saturda我y.们下星期六讨论这份报告。be about to +不定式,意为马上做某事。不能与 tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用。例如:He is about to leave for Beij

17、ing. 他马上要去北京。过去将来时态过去将来时的结构1、would/should+动词原形 2、 was/were going to+动词原形过去将来时的用法1、表示从过去某时看将要发生的动作或存在的状态。常用于主句是一般过去时的宾语从句中。例如:He said that he would finish his work before 9 o clock.他说他会在九点之前完成工作。 表示过去的某种习惯,只要 would。例如:Whenever he has been in trouble,we would give him a hand.每当他遇到困难时,我们总会伸出援助之手。现在进行时现

18、在进行时的结构: am/is/are+动词的现在分词现在进行时的用法:1.表示现在(指说话人说话时) 正在发生或进行的动作。 常与 now, right now, at thismoment, at this time, these days等时间壮语连用。例如: We are waiting for you now. 我们正在等你。2.表示现阶段(说话前后一段时间内) ,一直在进行的活动。说话时动作未必正在进行。例如:Mr. Green is writing another novel. 他在写另一部小说。(说话时并未在写,只处于写作的状态。 )He is thinking about th

19、is problem.这些天来他一直在考虑这个问题。3.表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,常与 always, constantly, forever 等词连用,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。例如:You are always changing your mind.你老是改变主意。4.表示渐变,这样的动词有: get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。例如:The leaves are turning red.叶子在变红。Its getting warmer and warmer. 天越来越热了。5、表示按计划或安排要发生的动作。1 表移动的终止性动词(

20、come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等)用于现在进行时,表示即将要发生动作。例如:Im leaving tomorrow. 明天我要走了。The train is arriving soon. 火车要到了。2 一些持续性动词用于进行时, 表将来,表示说话者对对方将要做的事情的一种关心。例如:Are you staying here till next week? 你会在这儿呆到下周吗?现在分词的构成动词 V-ing 的构成形式规则 原形 -ing 形式一般在动词原形末尾加 -ing listen listeningspend spendin

21、g stay staying以不发音字母 e 结尾的动 have having词,先去掉 e,再加-ing prepare preparing close closing以重读闭音节结尾的动词, sit sitting如果末尾只有一个辅音字 begin beginning母,应先双写这个辅音字母, run running再加-ing put putting以 ie 为重读音节结尾的动 lie lying词,先去掉 e,把 i 改为 y,再 die dying加-ing以 er结尾的动词, 如是重读 prefer preferring音节结尾,先双写 r,再加 water watering-in

22、g;如不是重读音节结尾,就直接加 -ing过去进行时过去进行时的结构 :was/were+动词的现在分词 (-ing)过去进行时的用法:1、表示在过去某时刻正在进行或发生的动作,通常与表过去的时间壮语连用。例如: At this moment yesterday, I was packing for camp.昨天这个时候,我正在收拾东西去露营。2、表移动的动词,如 come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return等词的过去进行时,可以表示过去将要发生的动作。例如: She told me that she was going to Hainan fo

23、r her holiday.她告诉我她将去海南度假。3、在含有时间壮语从句的复合句中,表示一个过去的动作发生时或发生之后,另一个动作正在进行。例如: It was raining when they left the station. 他们离开车站时,正下着雨。When I got to the top of the mountain, the sun was shining. 我到达山顶时,阳光灿烂。4、在叙述或描写过去的事情时,过去进行时经常与其它过去时态,特别时是一般过去时连用。但是过去进行时往往是表示背景。例如: One night, he was typing in his stud

24、y . Suddenly , a man broke into his houseand cut off the electricity .一天晚上,他正在书房里打字。突然,一个人闯进屋来,切断了电源 现在完成时现在完成时的结构 :肯定句 :主语 +助动词 have(has)+动词过去分词 -ed否定句: 主语+助动词 have(has)+not (haven, htasn+t )动词过去分词 -ed一般疑问句: Have(Has)+ 主语 +动词过去分词 -ed+?特殊疑问句: 疑问词 +have(has)+ 主语+动词过去分词 -ed+?注意:过去分词的构成: 过去分词的规则变化与动词过去

25、式的变化相同, 在动词词尾加-ed;不规则变化的过去分词见九年级下册教科书 p74不规则动词表。现在完成时的用法1、表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,常与 already, yet,ever, never, jus,t before 等词连用。例如: Have you ever cooked at home?你吃晚饭了吗?You have already grown much taller你. 已经长高了许多。2、表示过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,并可能还要延续。往往和表示一段时间的时间壮语连用,常用的有: for一段时间; since+过去时间点或从 句。(Sinc

26、e 用来说明动作起始时间, for 用来说明动作延续时间长度) ,提问用How long.例如: It has been five years since he joined the army他. 参军五年了。They have learned English for eight years他. 们已学了八年的英语了。3、现在完成时需注意的问题:1 表 示 短暂性 的 动 词 不 能 与 表 示 一 段 时 间 的 壮 语 连 用appear,begin,borrow,lend,buy,close,come,die,fall,find,finish,join,kill,leave,sell,s

27、top 等。例如: He has joined the army for five years.(错误)He has been in the army for five years.正( 确 )注意:非延续性动词的否定形式可以与表示延续时间的状语连用。 即动作不发生的状态是可以持续的。(错)I have received his letter for a month.(对)I havent received his letter for almost a month.2 不能和明确的过去时间壮语连用,如: yesterday,last week,in 1998,two days ago等。3

28、have/has been to和 have/has gone to的区别:have/has been tohave/has gone to试举例 :比较一般过去时与现在完成时一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或状态, 强调动作, 不和现在发生联系, 常与具体的过去时间状语连用, 如 yesterday, last week, ago, in1980, in October, uj stnow 等,;现在完成时表示过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果,强调的是现在的情况,不能与表过去的时间壮语连用。I saw this film yesterday. (强调看的动作发生过了)I have s

29、een this film. (强调对现在的影响,电影的内容已经知道了)Why did you get up so early? (强调起床的动作已发生过了)He has been a League member for three years(. 强调他是团员)(现在完成时态用法)1、 表示说话之前已完成的动作,而且这个动作的结果对现在是情况仍有影响。常被 just,already,yet 等副词修饰。Mr. Wang has just come back from America.王先生刚从美国回来。2现在完成时还可用来表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在, 常带有 for 或 since等表

30、示一段时间的状语。如: Mr Wang has lived here since 1983.3.现在完成时瞬间动词即终止性动词不能与表示一段时间的状语连用。常见终止性动词与延续性动词 (或状态动词 ) 的对应关系如下:come / go / arrive / get / reach / move- be in/atopen - be open die - be deadclose - be closed become -beborrow - keep put on - wearbuy - have leave - be away (from)begin / start - be on fall

31、 asleep - be asleepend/finish - be over catch a cold - have a coldjoin the army - be in the army, be a soldierjoin the Party- be in the Party , be a Party member例:吉姆买这支已有两年了。Jim bought this pen two years ago. Jim has had this pen for two years.Jim has had this pen since two years ago.Jim has had thi

32、s pen since 2007It is two years since Jim bought this pen.4.在表示 “最近几世纪/ 年/ 月以来 ”时间状语中,谓语动词用现在完成时。in the past few years/months/weeks/day;s over the past few years; during the lastthree months; for the last few centuries, through centuries; throughout history等5.表示 “第几次做某事,”或在 “It is the best (worst, m

33、ost interesting )名+词 that ” 后面跟现在完成时。例:This is my first time that I have visited China.This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.That is the only book that he has written.6. have / has been to + 地点 意为“曾去过某地 ”,暗含目前已不在该地,仅表示当事人的一种经历而已。have / has gone to + 地点 “到了某地去了 ”,暗含 “已离开原地去了某地 ”之意,但是否到达了

34、某地尚不确定。如:He has gone to Shanghai. 他去了上海。He has been to Shanghai. 他去过了上海。过去完成时过去完成时的结构 :助动词 had动词过去分词过去完成时的用法 :1、表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已完成的行为或存在的状态。即发生的时间是过去的过去。常与“ by/before+过去时间 ”构成的短语连用。例如:The train had already left before we arrived. 在我到达之前,火车已经开走了。He said that he had learned some English before他. 说过他以前学

35、过一些英语。2、表示在过去某一时间点之前已经持续了一段时间的动作或状态, 常与 for/since引导的表示过去的时间壮语连用。例如:I had lived in America for two years before I came here .我来这儿之前在美国住过两年。3、表示过去未曾实现的计划、愿望等。这种用法中常用的动词为 hope,want,plan,wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose等。例如:We had hoped that you would come, but you didnt. 那时我们希望你能来,但是你没有来。I ha

36、d thought that all knew about it.我以为他们都知道这件事呢。现在完成进行时现在完成进行时,是英语中,动词的一种基本时态,其构成为:主语 +助动词(have/has )+been+动词的现在分词 +其他成分。现在完成进行时的基本构成肯定式 I have been working for 3 hours否定式 I havent been working for 3 hours 疑问式 Have you been working for 3 hours ?简略回答 Yes,I have No, I havent其表达的意思有两种:1. 表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在

37、的动作,并且还将持续下去2. 表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。现在完成进行时 (Present perfect continuous) 主语+have(has)been+动词-ing(一)表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作, 并且还将持续下去。 TheChinese have been making paper for two thousand years. 中国有 2000年的造纸历史。(动作还将继续下去) I have been learning English sincethree years ago. 自从三年前以来我一直在学英语。 (动作还将继续下去)I study fo

38、r Engilsh since 10 years ago.(二)表示在说话时刻之前到现在正在进行的动作。 Wehave been waitingfor you for half an hour. 我们已经等你半个钟头了 ( 人还没到,如同在电话里说的, 还会继续等 ) (三)有些现在完成进行时的句子等同于现在完成时的句子。They have been living in this city for ten years. They have lived in this city for ten years. 他们在这个城市已经住了 10 年了。I have been working here f

39、or five years.I have worked here for five years. 我在这里已经工作五年了。(四)大多数现在完成进行时的句子不等同于现在完成时的句子。I have been writing a book. (动作还将继续下去) 我一直在写一本书。I have written a book. (动作已经完成) 我已经写了一本书。They have been building a bridge. 他们一直在造一座桥。They have built a bridge. 他们造了一座桥。现在完成时态与现在完成进行时态的区别: 。1 )现在完成进行时态更强调动作的延续性,它

40、是现在完成时的强调形式。试比较:weve been living here for 10 yearsweve lived here for 10 years2) 在不用时间状语的情况下,现在进行时表示动作仍在进行,而现在完成时则表示动作在过去已经结束。如:the studengts have been preparing for the exam( 还在进行)学生一直在准备考试the studengts have prepared for the exam ( 已经结束)学生为考试做了准备3) 在强调动作持续时间的长度时,特别是有 long, how long 这类状语时,常用完成进行时。Si

41、nce last year ,they have been trying to find out the truthHow long have you been waiting for her?例题:1 She _late recengly,for the simply reason that she _houseworksince her mother was admitted into the hospital.A is always is doing B has always been has been doingC was always has done D had always be

42、en had done2 Susan gets sunburned because she _on the beach all the afternoonA lay B is lying C has been lying D had laid3 The firemen have been examing the ground _yesterdayA since B for C Ago D by4 It is the first time that I_(come )to Beijing初中英语 8 种时态分类练习1. 一般过去 2. 一般现在。现在进行 4 一般将来 5 过去进行 6 现在完成

43、 7 过去完成 8 过去将来一般过去时专练( )1. The mother asked the boy _ down the ladder, but he went on_ instead.A. come; climbing B. to come; to climbC. to come; climbing D. coming; climbing( )2. The teacher asked the students to close the windows _ thewind from _ the papers away.A. to stop; blowing B. stopping; blo

44、wingC. to stop; blow D. stopped; blow( )3. The sick man stayed in bed, _ very terrible.A. felt B. feeling C. is feeling D. was feeling( )4. Yesterday I heard a story _ by my friend.A. told B. telling C. to tell D. tell( )5. The boy was made _ there for an hour by his father.A. standing B. stand C. t

45、o stand D. stands( )6. I saw him _ into the small store.A. went B. going C. to go D. has gone( )7. He raised his voice to make everybody in the room _ himclearly.A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard( )8. Our geography teacher told us yesterday that the earth _around the sun.A. was moving B. moved

46、C. has moved D. moves( )9. Oh, it s you. I m sorry I _ know you _ here.A. don t; are B. didn t; are C. didn t; were D. don t; were( )10. Mr LuXun died in 1936. He _ a lot of famous novels.A. wrote B. was writing C. has written D. would write( )11. - How was your weekend on the farm?- Great! We _ with the farmers.A. enjoy ourselves B. went fishing C. will work D. make friends( )12. - What did Mr Jones do before he moved here?- He _ a city bus for over twenty-five years.A. is drivin


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