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1、 教学设计名称所教年级 初三所教册次、单元九年级第二单元设计主题 Reading: He used to cause a lot of trouble.1. 整体设计思路、指导依据说明本节课是主题为一个老是惹麻烦的男孩在母亲的帮助下变成一个好孩子的阅读文章。根据阅读课的要求,我设计了导入,快速阅读,仔细阅读,读后活动,自我评价,作业六个环节。导入环节设计了一篇小故事,迅速引导学生进入话题,同时引入生词,解决生词。快速阅读首先通过两个简单且重要的问题了解课文的主要内容,在此基础上填入文章中所缺句子, 同时帮助同学们总结出这一步的阅读策略。 仔细阅读, 分段阅读,通过不同形式的问题带领学生细致的学

2、习课文。 读后分为了四个活动。 首先根据 Martin的成长烦恼复述课文。然后找出自己的成长中的烦恼,帮助别人解除烦恼,引导学生学会感恩。最后通过自我评价选择相应的作业巩固课堂知识。2. 教学背景分析教学内容分析:本课是九年级第二单元的最后一课,阅读课,是本单元话题过去的某种状态的延伸和继续。文章讲得主要内容是一个老是惹麻烦的男孩在明白了母亲对他的爱之后变成一个好孩子的故事。学生情况分析:我所教学生大多是来自农村,英语基础一般,但是他们有着积极的学习态度,能够很快融入我的课堂中,每个环节学生们都能大胆的参与,很顺利的完成了本课学习。3. 教学目标分析知识目标:学习本课中出现的生词,理解课文主要

3、内容。能力目标:通过阅读课文,设计各种活动训练学生运用英语进行听说读写各种活动的能力。并培养学生利用语境理解句意的阅读方法和技能。情感目标:通过学习本课,让学生能体会到父母之爱,找出自己的成长烦恼,帮助别人解除烦恼,并学会感恩。4. 教学重点、难点分析教学重点: 对于课文各个细节的理解及对于课文主题更深层的理解。 对于学生阅读能力及听说读写各个能力的培养。教学难点: 训练学生利用上下文信息填写词汇和句子的能力。 对于课文的理解及活动的展开。5. 教学过程设计一 Before you read (读前)设计意图:读前热身 & 导入通过自我介绍,问候,拉近与学生的距离,再用几个简单问题如 “Are

4、 you alwayshappy at school? Do you have a lot of homework? 等引出我的”学生 Mary 的成长问题,并导入话题,学习生词。二 While you read (读中)1. Read quickly and answer the questions. (快速读课文回答问题)(1) What did Martin use to be ?(2) Is Martin a bad boy now?设计意图:首先通过快速阅读课文, 回答两个简单问题, 了解课文主要信息: 主人公 Martin的转变,从一个问题小孩变成一个好孩子。2. Read car

5、efully and put the missing sentences into the right places in the reading. (读课文填入文中缺少的句子)Missing languageA. How was he able to change?B. and didn t give up trying to help himC. That s when I decided to changeD. after his father s death a few days agoE. Even the teacher agreed that Martin was wasting

6、 his timeLearning strategy(阅读策略) :As we read, we need to use the information around the sentences to help you guess themeaning. Using context can help you know the meaning of the sentences. (阅读文章时,我们可使用句子周围的信息来猜测语句意思。也就是说,语境可帮助你理解句意。 )设计意图:课文中缺少了五个句子,这一步通过仔细阅读课文,把五个句子填入文中,使文章完整,为下一步分段细读课文做好铺垫。在这个过程中

7、,让学生学习通过语境理解句意的阅读策略。3. Read Paragraph 1 and answer the questions.(读第一段回答问题)(1) When did Martin s life become much more difficult?(2) “To do this, she had to work, and so was not often at home. ”Whats the meaning of “to do this ”?设计意图:仔细阅读第一段,找出问题一的答案,这是个关键信息, Martin 的生活什么时候开始变化的,这个问题也是 Martin 变化的重要原

8、因。第二个问题, 利用刚学习的阅读策略来找答案,同时,还让大家了解到 Martin 母亲不经常在家的原因,这同时也是 Martin 变化的原因之一。4. Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the chart. (读第二段填表)Martin s trouble Mother s help(1). He caused problems for_. 1). She _ him as well asshe could. (2). He was not _studying.(3). He often _ 2). She sent him to _.with the police.

9、(4). He wanted to _ the school.设计意图:这一段主要讲了 Martin 的问题、麻烦,以及他母亲对孩子的耐心帮助,因此设计了这个表格,可让同学们很清晰的看出这一段的主要内容。5. Read Paragraph 3 and tell true or false.(读第三段判断正误)_(1) The headteacher said it was not necessary for Martin to talk with his mother._(2) Martin finally understood what his problem was._(3) What h

10、is mother said didn t change his mind._(4) Martin was afraid of being alone after his father s death.设计意图:第三段主要描述了母亲对儿子说的几句话,这是 Martin 转变的直接原因,通过 4 个判断正误题检测学生是否理解本段内容。6. Read Paragraph 4 and fill in the blanks. (读第四段填空)1) Martin is now _ students in his class.2) _ helped him feel good about himself.

11、设计意图: Martin 现在已经完全改变了,他的改变及是什么最终改变了他,这一段进行了总结,通过这两个句子可以把这两个关键信息显示出来。三 After you read: (读后)1. Retell according to Martin s pains(根据 Martin 的成长烦恼来复述课文)1)Martin is a _. He used to be _. When his father died,_. His mother had to work, so _.2) He _ his study and often _ police. Atlast, his mother decide

12、d to _. But he wantedto_.3) Martin called_.His mother helped him_.Even though his father was no longer with them, he_.4) Now Martin has really changed. He is _.设计意图: 让同学们通过 Martin 的成长烦恼文章这条主线更加深刻的理解课文, 为下一步开展活动奠定基础。2. Group work: (小组合作)1) Make an interview: Write down your classmates growing pains i

13、n your group. ( 进行一次采访,写下你组内同学的成长烦恼)2) Put the paper into the envelop and pass your group s envelop to another and talk about howto help them to solve the problem and tell us. (把你们组内的成长烦恼装入信封,传递给下一组,你来帮助别的组解决问题,写下解决方法,并告诉大家)设计意图:通过采访,记录组内同学的成长烦恼,并帮助其他组解决烦恼的小组合作活动,升华本课主题,并培养学生团结合作互帮互助的精神。3) Write a “

14、Thank you note ” to the people who helped you solve the problem(. 写一篇感谢信给帮助你解决问题的人)Thank youThank you so much for _. It vsery kind of you to -_. I used to _. But you told me to_. I am so happy that now I _.Again special thanks to you.Yours sincerely _设计意图:通过写感谢信让学生学会如何感激帮助过你的人,做一个有爱心的人。3. To sublime

15、. (升华 )Dont meet trouble hal-fway.Dont trouble troubletill trouble troubles you.Trouble is your friend, don t be afraid of making troubles; just believe in yourselves, you canlearn from your trouble.God helps those who help themselves.Do well and have well.4.Self-evaluation. (自我评价)Read the following

16、 sentences and check your understanding of the text.If you have masteredthe rules, you d better write three smiling faces on the lines. But if you haven t mastewell, you can write just one or two smiling faces on the lines. (对于本课的学习你是否已经掌握以下五条,如果你已经很好的掌握请在横线上画三个笑脸,如果是掌握一般请画两个笑脸,如果没有掌握请画一个笑脸) 我已掌握了课文

17、中生词。 _ 我已很好的理解了课文内容。 _ 我已理解了本课的阅读策略。 _ 我很好的认识到了我的问题及同学们的问题,及如何更好的解决问题。_ 我学会了如何做一个有爱心的人,如何感谢别人。_设计意图:通过自我评价,了解自己对本课所学内容的掌握,根据不同的情况选择相应作业进行巩固。4. Homework. (作业)Homework1: Vocabulary exercise. (词汇练习)Homework2: Shorten the text. (缩写课文)Homework3: Write a short passage about your best friend prsoblems and

18、try to givesuggestions.(写一篇短文关于你的挚友的问题并尝试给予建议。 )设计意图:针对同学们掌握情况的不同,完成相应的作业,真正使学生巩固课堂所学知识。6. 教学评价设计在教学过程中,对回答问题积极准确的同学给予一定激励。1). 在语言上,对于能正确回答问题的同学给予 “Good! Excellent! Well done!Wonderful! Great! ”等等丰富的语言精神鼓励; 对于答错问题及没有答上问题的学生给予“That s OK! It doesn t matter. Come ”o等n!等精神上的抚慰。2). 对于积极主动回答问题的学生, 送上一张 “笑脸 ”奖励,希望他们每天都有好心情,不被问题所困扰。同时,在学习完本课之后我设计了自我评价,通过自我评价了解自己对课文所掌握情况,并选择相应作业完成。能更加有效的提高学生的自主学习能力。


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