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1、holi day, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural be d and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agri cultural comparative advantage into full play, espe cially the exclusive a dvantages of climate, mountains and sea resource

2、s, to create a group of the city, the pr ovinces “called“ XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entre preneurshi p, prom oting large-scale project s such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed

3、 breeding base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of larg

4、e-scale, professional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprise s in circulation. Sp

5、are no effort to promote the provinces “Trinity“ farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business e

6、ntities, closely linked to the all aspects of producti on and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions t ogether, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside construction

7、 upgrades, making rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environment improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers, down violatio

8、ns, treatment of bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree “big six“, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the clea ning mecha nism, enha nce the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful residential bui

9、lding. Adhere to the “planning ahea d, be cause village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously“ policy, vigorously implement the “five hundred“ beautiful countryside construction, actively promote “beautiful house“ pilot expansi on. Around 104 nation

10、al road, Ling Road, longji nda dao, sea road, Ju XI Lia o road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planni ng, environmental protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting lines to creat

11、e the beautiful rural sce ner y, boutique village breed chara cteristics. No matter which s long as they caught up peach Lake and village after eight acres to create a standard, even if the County financial to be nervous, the County Government will fulfil their commitments, and 3 million Yuan/villag

12、e of subsidies. Third, we must pay special attention to development of beauty industry. Construction and traditional villags and beautiful countryside protection of history and culture village, rural tourism, bed and breakfast in combining economic, on rural tourism development in precise a nd accur

13、ate positioning, preci sion marketing, supply, and vigorously promote the beutif ul rural landscape of rural tourism complex, line, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to build a group of XX feature quality boutique accommodation project. (C) efforts to get farmers to become even r

14、iche r. “Off not well-off, the key to fellow“, the “three agriculture“, final destination was improving farmers welfare, improving farmers living standards. Focus on three aspects: one is “increasing income-generating“ efforts. Actively developing the characteristic agriculture, processing, e -comme

15、rce, farm and bed and breakfast in economy, ensure a stable operating income growth. Deepen the “three rights“ rights empoweri ng the reform, promoting the property income growth. Strengthening of farmers skills training, increase employment levels, promoting sustained growth in wage income. Guide e

16、nterprises to strengthen social responsibility, equality and mutual benefit, and signed a contract of purcha se and sale of agricultural products for farmers, cooperatives and farmers are encouraged “guaranteed earnings + share“ distribution system, sharing the value-added benefits of industrial dev

17、elopment. Second in the growing coll ective efforts. City has developed the implementation of village-level colle ctive economy three years cultivating meter, Requires three years of hard work and largely kongkecun, the majority of villages have operating income. Against this target, we have to be b

18、ase d on local conditions, use your head, and actively explore and find ways, and ensure completion of tasks in the city. Third, work on strengthe ned safeguards. Advancing preci sion of poverty, improve the low-income househol d tracking, dynamic management mecha nism, especially for “unemployed ca

19、n hol d, unable to get out of poverty“ of poverty, further strengthening the fallback of subsistence allowances and social assistance, and address the basic needs of poor people. Deepening the reform of public services in rural areas, focus on resolving pr ominent weakness of rural public service an

20、d peoples livelihood facilities, such as through the teaching, medical and other ways to improve educational l evels, improving health conditions in rural areas. By encouraging the Central village to set up day care centres to promote old-age home, rural elderly pension problems. Third, firmly grasp

21、 and continued to play well “five water treatment of“ winning the war on February 29 this year, the provinces “five water treatment 西武初级中学“五治”活动实施方案 为认真贯彻落实市、县会议精神, 全面加强教师队伍作风 建设,紧紧围绕我县教育质量的奋斗目标,着力解决学校教 育存在的突出问题,深入开展以“治庸、治懒、治软、治乱、 治散”为主要内容的“五治”活动,为确保活动取得实效,特制 定本实施方案。 一、指导思想和基本原则 (一)指导思想:以邓小平理论和“三个代表

22、”重要思想为 指导,深入学习实践科学发展观,认真贯彻落实胡锦涛总书 记在庆祝建党90 周年大会上的重要讲话、讲话精神,切实 规范机关管理制度,提高机关管理水平,努力增强干部职工 及教师队伍的危机意识、责任意识、进取意识、服务意识、 大局意识和纪律意识,全面提高教师队伍素质,激发活力, 转变服务理念,优化教育发展环境,塑造教育良好形象。 (二)基本原则: 1、坚持联系实际的原则。一切从实际出发,进行学习教 育,开展自查自纠,建章立制。做到实事求是,管用有效。 2、坚持教育为主的原则。用“三个代表”重要思想、科学 发展观、党的十七大以及市县会议精神统一全体教职工的思 想认识,把学习教育、武装头脑、

23、提高认识同整顿思想、严 holi day, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural be d and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agri cult ural comparative advantage into full play, espe cially the exclusive a dvantages of climate, mountains and

24、 sea resources, to create a group of the city, the pr ovinces “called“ XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entre preneurshi p, promoting large-scale project s such as bed and breakfasts

25、, farm, seed breeding base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and opera

26、tion of large-scale, professional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to professional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprise s in cir

27、culation. Spare no effort to promote the provinces “Trinity“ farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds o

28、f business entities, closely linked to the all aspects of producti on and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions t ogether, strengthening the construction of rural eco-environment, create the beautiful countryside

29、construction upgrades, making rural areas more livable, suitable for industry, and travel. A focus on rural environme nt improvement. As far as the rural, the most basic is to make the environment clean and orderly. Pollution to extensively mobilize the masses continue to carry water, clear rivers,

30、down violations, treatment of bleaching, such as waste reduction, flowering tree “big six“, vigorously carry out waste reduction, resource recovery, improve the clea ning mecha nism , enha nce the level of meticulous management of the village. Second, we must pay special attention to the beautiful r

31、esidential building. Adhere to the “planning ahea d, be cause village system, combination classification implementation, demolition, alteration simultaneously“ policy, vigorously implement the “five hundred“ beautiful countryside construction, actively promote “beautiful house“ pilot expansi on. Aro

32、und 104 national road, Ling Road, longji nda dao, sea road, Ju XI Lia o road to catch the five sides of the main roads in about 200 villages, beautiful countryside features boutique village created, good job on planni ng, environme ntal protection, cultural heritage, industrial development, crafting

33、 lines to create the beautiful rural sce ner y, boutique village breed chara cteristics. No matter which s long as they caught up peach Lake and village after eight acres to create a standard, even if the County financial to be nervous, the County Government will fulfil their commitments, and 3 mill

34、ion Yuan/village of subsidies. Third, we must pay special attention to development of beauty industry. Construction and traditional villages and beautiful countryside protection of history and culture village, rural tourism, bed and breakfast in combining economic, on rural tourism development in pr

35、ecise a nd accurate positioning, preci sion marketing, supply, and vigorously promote the beutiful rural landscape of rural tourism complex, line, fashion boutique farm village construction and strive to build a group of XX feature quality boutique accommodation project. (C) efforts to get farmers t

36、o become even riche r. “Off not well-off, the key to fellow“, the “three agriculture“, final destination was improving farmers welfare, improving farmers living standards. Focus on three aspects: one is “increasing income-generating“ efforts. Actively developing the characteristic agriculture, proce

37、ssing, e -commerce, farm and bed and breakfast in economy, ensure a stable operating income growth. Deepen the “three rights“ rights empowering the reform, promoting the property income growth. Strengthening of farmers skills training, increase employment levels, promoting sustained growth in wage i

38、ncome. Guide enterprises to strengthen social responsibility, equality and mutual benefit, and signed a contract of purcha se and sale of agricultural products for farmers, cooperatives and farmers are encouraged “guaranteed earnings + share“ distribution system, sharing the value-added benefits of

39、industrial development. Second in the growing coll ective efforts. City has developed the implementation of village-level colle ctive economy three years cultivating meter, Requires three years of hard work and largely kongkecun, the majority of villages have operating income. Against this target, w

40、e have to be base d on local conditions, use your head, and actively explore and find ways, and ensure completion of tasks in the city. Third, work on strengthe ned safeguards. Advancing preci sion of poverty, improve the low-income househol d tracking, dynamic management mecha nism, especially for

41、“unemployed can hol d, unable to get out of poverty“ of poverty, further strengthening the fallback of subsistence allowances and social assistance, and address the basic needs of poor people. Deepening the reform of public services in rural areas, focus on resolving pr ominent weakness of rural pub

42、lic service and peoples livelihood facilities, such as through the teaching, medical and other ways to improve educational levels, impr oving health conditions in rural areas. By encouraging the Central village to set up day care centres to promote old-age home, rural elderly pension problems. Third

43、, firmly grasp and continued to play well “five water treatment of“ winning the war on February 29 this year, the provinces “five water treatment 肃纪律、改进作风、整顿教风、改进学风、平安校园结合起 来,使学习教育贯穿于活动全过程。 3、坚持解决问题的原则。坚持把解决全体教职工中存在 的工作作风等方面的突出问题作为重点,采取多种形式把问 题找准,深入剖析,有针对性地制定改进措施,认真加以解 决,坚决纠正。 4、坚持领导带头的原则。学校校长和学校中层领

44、导以身 作则,率先垂范,带头加强学习,带头查找问题,带头解决 工作作风中存在的各种问题,切实提高科学决策的能力、解 决问题的能力和推动工作的能力,以领导的模范行动影响和 带动全体教职工工作作风转变。 5、坚持务求实效的原则。坚持把集中整顿与促进工作结 合起来,以整顿促工作,用发展看整顿。要着眼长远、整章 建制,建立健全以法纪约束、用制度管理、按制度办事的长 效机制,确保活动之后,思想有新提高,纪律有严要求,作 风有真变化,工作有大成效。 6、坚持统筹兼顾的原则。把“五治”活动融入教育管理和 教学管理中,与巩固学习实践科学发展观成果相结合,与创 先争优活动相结合,与学习贯彻市县党代会议精神相结合

45、, 与贯彻落实县委、县政府的各项决策部署相结合,与全面完 成 2012 年教育目标任务相结合,以工作成绩检验活动成效, 以活动的深入开展推进我校教育的跨越式发展。 holi day, pension and health, cultural and creative experience, sports health, farming, rural be d and breakfasts in new formats. Three is the brand to create articles. XX agri cult ural comparative advantage into full

46、 play, espe cially the exclusive a dvantages of climate, mountains and sea resources, to create a group of the city, the pr ovinces “called“ XX seafood, snack foods and safe agricultural products brand characteristics. Meanwhile, new industry guidance, support more farmers to participate in entre pr

47、eneurshi p, promoting large-scale project s such as bed and breakfasts, farm, seed breeding base construction. Four is the mechanism innovation of the article. Deepen agricultural reform, focusing on supporting foster professional major, family farms, cooperatives, enterprises and other new subjects

48、 of agricultural management, improve agricultural production and operation of large-scale, professional level. Advance the reform of property right system in rural areas, to pay special attention to land rights, improve the function of property rights trading center to guide land management to profe

49、ssional users, family farms, cooperatives, leading enterprise s in circulation. Spare no effort to promote the provinces “Trinity“ farmer cooperative economy organization system reform of County building, and actively explore the Trinity of production, supply and marketing, creditFarmer cooperative economy organization system, real organic aggregates up to all kinds of business entities, closely linked to the all aspects of producti on and marketing. (B) to make the countryside more beautiful. Promoting the construction of new towns and new countryside reactions t ogether


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