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1、题型七词语运用 词语运用是一个得分率低、具有区分度的题型,做词语运用的时候,要注意以下几点: 一、明确词义,分类备词 拿到题目后, 不要急于看文章,首先研究方框中所给的备选词汇,判断各个单词的词性, 并且进行归类。 二、借助线索,初步归位 通读全文,结合所学语法知识及上下文语境初步选择符合文意的词,针对相关的语法知 识,考生可以从以下几个方面着手: 1.如果空格后是谓语动词,且句子的其他内容完整,则该空格应考虑使用名词、人称 代词、名词性物主代词、非谓语动词( 谓语动词是单三形式时); 2.如果空格前是句子主语,空格后是宾语,此处应考虑动词,构成主谓宾结构; 3.如果空格后是名词,空格前有限定

2、词,则此处应该填形容词或形容词性物主代词; 4.空格前如果有表示程度的副词a little,a bit ,a lot ,much ,even, still, far , rather等或空格后有than 时,空格处应考虑用形容词或副词的比较级。 5.如果空格前是一般动词,则考虑空格处填写副词,同时要注意如果空格前是系动词、 感官动词或be 动词, 则需要填形容词,构成主系表结构,此类系动词有become ,turn ,get , sound,feel等。 三、瞻前顾后,调整形式 经过初步归位后,我们还需要根据语境确定句意,根据语法调整词汇的适当形式,针对 形式,考生可以从以下几点进行考虑: 1

3、.名词重点注意名词的复数,其次也要注意名词的所有格及名词变形容词; 2.动词需要注意其单三形式、过去式、过去分词和现在分词,同时要熟悉每种时态及 语态的结构,尤其是现在完成时、一般过去时及一般过去时的被动语态; 3.形容词要注意其副词形式、比较级和最高级,同时要考虑其变为名词的形式; 4.代词需注意代词的主格、宾格、形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词及反身代词; 5.数词需要注意基数词所对应的相应序数词形式。 四、通读全文,复核验证 复读短文,检查单词拼写是否正确,注意时态、语态、主谓一致和固定搭配,还有首字 母的大小写。 ( 2016,山西 ) 根据语篇内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短

4、文通顺、连贯,并将答案写在相 应的位置上。方框中有两个词为多余项。 I make teach after large control try leaf small quiet before without As a child , I got angry quite easily and was not good at communicating with others. I still remember it was an early autumn.Some 1._ started to turn yellow and the weather became cool.One day,as I

5、 was getting ready for school,my mother carelessly handed me my fathers vest(背心 ) instead of 2._.At that time,I was getting to have a 3._ size than my father,so when I put on the vest, I felt as if I wasnt able to breathe! I realized that it was a small mistake which 4._ by my mother,but somehow the

6、 breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very angry.My mother said sorry with a smile ,but I shouted at her 5._ thinking much, I got it off my body so wildly that I made a hole in it.I put on my own vest and rushed out of the house 6._ my mother could stop me. Later ,my mother shared her ba

7、d feelings with my father, “See what your son has done. ” Instead of saying he would scold( 责备 ) or beat me ,my father 7._ asked my mother to mend the vest. Later when my mother told me about my fathers response,I felt ashamed(惭愧 的) of my bad behavior.My fathers gentle kindness 8._ me a lesson which

8、 I would never forget. On that day,I decided not to let anger 9._ me any longer.Of course, there are times when I am angry.However, whenever that happens,I 10._ to remember my fathers vest.It always reminds me to think about others feelings when I get angry. 【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者之前容易生气,在撕破一个背心后父 亲的

9、表现让作者意识到了自己的错误。文章旨在告诉我们:当你生气的时候,要学着去考虑 别人的感受。 【词汇分析】 I pron. 我me(宾格) my(形容词性物主代词 ) mine(名词性物主代词 ) myself( 反 身代词 ) make v. 制作;使 made(过去式/ 过去分词 ) making(动名词/ 现在分词 ) to make( 动 词不定式 ) teach v. 教taught( 过去式 / 过去分词 ) teaching( 动名词/ 现在分词 ) to teach(动 词不定式 ) after conj. 在之后 large adj. 大的 larger(比较级 ) large

10、st(最高级) control v. 控制 controlled(过去 式 / 过去 分词) controlling( 动名 词 / 现 在分 词) to control(动词不定式) try v尝试 tried(过去式 / 过去分词 ) trying(动名词/ 现在分词 ) to try( 动词不定 式) leaf n. 树叶 leaves( 复数 ) small adj.小的 smaller( 比较级 ) smallest(最高级) quiet adj.安静的 quieter(比较级 ) quietest(最高级) before conj. 在之前 without prep. 没有 wit

11、h( 反义词 ) 【答案详解】 1leaves 【解析】根据句意:我依然记得那是一个早秋。一些_开始变黄,并 且天气开始变凉爽了。季节为秋天, 树叶开始变黄了,结合所给词可知leaf符合语境。 由空 格前的“ some ”可知空格处用名词复数,故填leaves 。 2mine 【解析】根据句意:一天,当我准备去学校的时候,我妈妈粗心地把我爸爸的 背心而不是 _递到我手里。由语境可知,妈妈把我的背心拿错了。结合所给词可知I 符合语境,此处用代词I 的名词性物主代词形式,mine 相当于 my vest 。 3larger 【解析】根据句意:那时候,我穿的比我爸爸的尺码_,所以当我穿 上背心的时候

12、,我感觉我好像不能呼吸了。由语境可知“我感觉自己不能呼吸”,可知“我 比爸爸穿的尺码大”,结合所给词可知large符合语境,由句中的“ than”可知应用large 的比较级。故填larger。 4was made 【解析】根据句意:我意识到这是一个由我妈妈制造的小错误,但是无论 怎样这种呼吸困难的感觉是如此强烈以至于使我非常生气。本句包含一个which 引导的定语 从句, which 在定语从句中作主语,指代a small mistake,由空格后的by 可知此处是被动 语态,句子的时态为一般过去时。故填was made。 5without 【解析】根据句意:我妈妈带着微笑对我说抱歉,但是我

13、_再三考 虑就对她大喊。 由语境可知此处表示“我没有考虑就对妈妈大吼”,空格后为动词thinking, 故空格前用介词without符合句意和语法。 6before 【解析】根据句意:在我妈妈能够阻止我_,我穿上自己的背心就冲 出了房子。分析句子结构可知空格处缺少一个连词,结合语境可知此处表示“在妈妈阻止我 之前,我就冲出家门了”。故填before 。 7quietly 【解析】根据句意:他不是责备或者打我,我爸爸_让我妈妈把那 个背心修补好。分析句子成分可知,空格处缺少一个修饰动词asked 的副词,结合所给词和 句意可知quiet的副词形式符合句意和语法。 8taught 【解析】根据句意

14、:我爸爸温柔的善良_我一个终生难忘的教训。句 中包含一个固定搭配“ teach sb.a lesson,给某人一个教训”。句子的时态为一般过去时, 故填 taught 。 9control 【解析】根据句意:在那天,我决定不再让生气_我。根据语境可 知此处表示“我决定不让生气控制我”,句中包含固定搭配“let sth.do ”,故填control。 10 will try 【解析】根据句意:然而,无论什么时候( 我生气的时候 ) ,我 _ 记着我爸爸的背心。分析句子结构可知空格处缺少谓语动词,由句中的“whenever”可知空 格处谓语动词用将来时,句中包含固定搭配“try to do sth

15、.”。故填will try。 Passage 1 ( 2015,山西 )( 导学号: 36422366) so we who teach bright different he eye show heart complete understand Few people today educate the children about the value of empathy( 同情;同感 ) Most people feel so hard 1.to_show their love and care towards others and to actually understand what

16、they are going through. When I was a child , I 2.was_taughtto go out of my way to make someone else happy.My mom would tell me to say at least one kind word to someone else every day.I admit that it wasnt very easy to do.But as soon as you see the look of thanks in that persons 3.eyes, you just want

17、 to do as much as you can. I had an experience with a young man 4.who/whom people were always making fun of.Every time I saw that happening,I knew in my heart that it was wrong.I decided I would try to be his friend.I started walking with him and introducing him to people around 5.us.I was making hi

18、m happy by just doing that.And I loved the fact that I was really making a 6.difference in his life. After a while,I realized that he wasnt the kind of person everybody thought he was.We are still really good friends today.People have almost pletelystopped making fun of him.But he is still what he w

19、as.What had changed was the attitudes of others towards him. From this experience I 8.have_understood that I should be more loving towards other people already.What I did for my friend was so easy, and at the same time I had a lot of fun,9.so I hope that everyone could say a kind word to someone els

20、e at least once a day.I can promise it will be the best feeling you can ever get. One kind word could make someones day 10.brighter. Why not do it from now on? Passage 2 ( 2014,山西 )( 导学号: 36422367) I that thing stand anger serious who find near support danger everywhere For a long time,I saw happine

21、ss as a huge banner across the finish line of a long race.I felt that only when I completed certain 1.thingscould I finally be happy in my life.Most of the time I felt like a tortoise.I believed that being slow and strong-minded would win the race.At other times I would act like a rabbit.I tried dif

22、ferent roads at a 2.dangerousspeed , hoping to reach that banner a little faster.Gradually,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it ,the banner never got any 3.nearer. I finally decided one day to sit down and take a rest.It was then that I saw my happiness sitting beside 4.me It ha

23、d been with me as I worked hard 5.to_support my family,as I played with my children and I heard their laughter and even when I was 6.seriously ill with my wife at my side looking after me.It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner.I just didnt have the ability to see it. There is an o

24、ld saying 7.thatgoes , “ Tension is who you think you should be.Relaxation is who you are. ” Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the perfect life we think we should have.We should enjoy the life we have now.Happiness will never 8.be_found under some banner far away.You will find it in your o

25、wn heart,soul and mind.You will find it when you realize that others love you just as you do. Dont be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness.Be a playful little dog and carry your stick of joy with you 9.everywhere you go.Take yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes t

26、o love and happiness,you 10.have_stood there already.Happiness is just around the corner. Passage 3 ( 2013,山西 )( 导学号: 36422368) one fill quick write except interest you late come story unless young Just look at how much young writers like Han Han and Guo Jingming are loved, we may know writing has b

27、ecome a fashion among todays teenagers. Gao Can, a 13-year-old girl, is the 1.youngestmember of the Association of Writers of Shaanxi.She writes fairy tales ,short 2.stories,and most of all ,poems.Gao said she began poem writing when she was in primary school.Once the teacher asked the class 3.to_wr

28、ite a composition called “If I were.” Gao had an idea , “Why not make it a poem?” That was her 4.first poem,and it won a lot of compliments from both her teacher and her classmates.So far,hundreds of her poems 5.have_come out. “Writing poems is not difficult at all.Just express 6.yourself/yourselves

29、 what you do ,what you see or what you think.” said Gao , “ I dont have enough life experience ,so I write about nature,about things I feel inside.” However, teenagers these days seldom write poems or read them because exams want any kind of articles 7.except poems. But like Gao ,there are still stu

30、dents who like poems.Hu Jingzhi is one of them.The 14-year-old boy said he was 8.interested in poem writing.But it was annoying that he couldnt find many poem collections in nearby bookshops. Gao agreed with Hu.She said todays bookshops 9.were_filledwith books on “how to give a successful speech ” ,

31、 “how to know what others think ” or “how to make money 10.quickly” “Poems wont teach you how to make money,but the beautiful words clear your mind and activate your imagination.” said Gao , “At least read poemsfor the nice things in life.” Passage 1 ( 2016,河南 )( 导学号: 36422369) always talk count I b

32、elow friend or people send free around and Next time youre in a public place ,take a look around you.And 1.count how many people are using their phones.I can tell you now that it is probably more than half , whether youre on a bus,in a caf 2.or simply walking down the street. Im not saying that I am

33、 not an example of this,but it 3.always amazes( 使惊 愕 ) me how people can spend so much time on their phones without 4.talking to others.Has it gone too far? Recently ,my smart phone broke and had to be 5.sent off for repair for a week or so.I had to use a really old ,basic phone just to keep me in t

34、ouch with my family and 6.friends All I could do on this phone was to send text messages,make calls and play one game.And I loved it.I loved being 7.freefrom the Internet,and I really didnt mind not having updates( 更新 ) about what my friends were doing.It allowed 8.me to spend more time enjoying my

35、time in London and watching the people 9.around me and really see what was going on. However, I knew that as soon as I got my smart phone back I would be one of those 10.peopleonce again.Perhaps I should just go back to using the basic phone and forget I ever got my smart phone back. Passage 2 ( 201

36、6,成都 ) around beauty color disappear down go hold I keep luck paint work A boy thought that he was the most unhappy person in the world.In his opinion, he was 1.unlucky because almost everything bad always happened to him.So he wanted to find the secret to happiness.He walked a long way and finally

37、came to a 2.beautiful palace.There,he met the king. After learning why the boy had come ,the king suggested that he should look around the palace and come back in two hours.“At the same time, I want you 3.to_hold this spoon with milk, ” said the king.“As you walk around my palace,carry this spoon wi

38、thout spilling(溢出 ) the milk.” The boy 4.kept his eyes fixed on the spoon and began to walk around the golden palace.After two hours ,he came back to the king. “Well , ” asked the king. “Did you see the wonderful 5.paintings_in my dining hall ?Did you see the 6.colorfulflowers in the garden?” The bo

39、y felt sorry because he saw nothing.He only paid attention to the milk. “Then go back and see the beauty of 7.my world , ” said the king.This time the boy saw all of the 8.worksof art on the walls.He saw the great gardens and mountains all around.When he came back,he described everything he saw. “Bu

40、t where is the milk?”asked the king.Looking 9.down at the spoon he held, the boy saw the milk was 10.gone“Well, there is only one piece of advice I can give you , ” said the king.“The secret to happiness is to see all the beauty of the world and also keep an eye on the milk on the spoon.” Passage 3

41、( 2016,滨州改编 ) he because start really for idea by language since popular care mean “If you agree with me ,please Dianzan.”Do you know Dianzan is one of the most 1.popular words on the Internet?When you think someones 2.ideas are right, when you think someones articles are wonderful,or when you are m

42、oved by what someone writes , you can click (点击 )the praise sign.Anyhow , clicking the praise sign 3.means that you agree with someone or praise someone. Dianzan is a kind of Chinese Internet 4.languagePeople usually use it when they surf the Internet.There is a function (功能 ) of Dianzan in the QQ s

43、pace.The QQ space has had the function 5.sinceit appeared in 2010.It didnt become very popular until Sina blog ( 新浪博客 ) 6.started the function of Dianzan.In recent years,it has become more and more popular.When the 2015 New Year came, Chinese leader Xi Jinping used the word Dianzan to praise and exp

44、ress 7.histhanks to the great Chinese people. Websites can know how many people support some ideas 8.bycounting how many people click the praise sign.Experts can know what teenagers are 9.caring about through what they click the sign for.That can help them solve teenagers problems. Clicking the prai

45、se sign is 10.really an easy thing.Have you ever clicked the sign for anybody on the Internet? Passage 4 ( 2016,绍兴改编 )( 导学号: 36422370) money cover time similar hand I hope by because situation such when A group of Canadian kids are spreading a bit of Christmas spirit in Halifax, Nova Scotia. They 1.

46、covered warm clothes around light poles (灯杆 ) for the citys homeless people to pick up and use.It was 2.suchan unusual sight that locals stopped to take pictures to share on social media(媒体 ) The kids spent time 3.handingout coats to the homeless and tied the rest around light poles for others to pi

47、ck up.Each of the clothes had a tag that read, “ I am not lost.If you are caught in the cold,please take 4.meto keep warm. ” According to Tara ,a mother of a kid,the experience helped the children better understand the difficult 5.situation of homeless people. 6By next morning, all the jackets,glove

48、s , and scarves on the poles were gone.Photos of the inspiring project have been shared about 8, 000 7.times on Facebook,and have got over 10,000 likes.Tara, who did something 8.similarin Toronto in December last year,says shes planning next years coat drive.She 9.hopes that the meaningful thing can

49、 spread around the world.She also wants to add $5 fast food gift card so that the homeless people can also enjoy a hot meal. “Weve got help from others 10.when we were in need, and we knew how great it made us feel, ” said Zackary Atkins,Taras husband. Passage 5 ( 2016,盘锦改编 ) catch kind go be harmful without whenever pride see surprise however good Kara had never


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