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1、Unit 7 课下能力提升( 一) . 单词拼写 1We have p_ him to accept our ideas. 2Youve been in prison six times _ (根据 ) to our records. 3They a_for the late departure of this flight. 4She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and _ (最终 ) works for The Times. 5Many experts think the common _ ( 祖先 ) lived at least

2、seven million years ago. 6The v_ took months and first brought him to Moscow, then westward. 7She was a very brave girl and everyone who knew her admired her _ (精 神) 8All CEOs love a good well- prepared 90- minute l_ . 完成句子 1不久你就会意识到是你错了。 It will not be _ you _ you are wrong. 2他为让我们等待数小时而向我们道歉。 He _

3、 having kept us waiting for hours. 3有很多乘客正在公共汽车站等车。 There were many passengers _ the bus at the bus stop. 4我们不得不求助于老师,因为只有老师才能说服他不再上网。 We had to _the teacher for help, because only the teacher can _ him _ surf the Internet again. 5地震中失去家园的人多达一万。 The number of people who lost homes reached _ 10,000 i

4、n the earthquake. 6他们没有钱因而被迫卖掉了农场。 They had so little money that they _ sell the farm. . 选词填空 in search of, make it to, get into trouble, fill out, set sail 1.Because the wind wasnt strong enough, they _ for France. 2Scientists are _ a cure for the disease. 3You will _ if you drive after drinking. 4

5、Were too late; I dont think well _ the station. 5_ the application carefully, and keep copies of it. . 课文缩写语法填空 Eric the Red, whose ancestors came 1._ Scandinavia, was one of the Vikings who achieved achievements in his voyage all his life. According 2._ the old stories of Iceland and Norway, Eric t

6、he Red 3._ (force) to leave 4._ he lived because he was charged with murder.He left Iceland and then discovered Greenland where he persuaded some people 5._ (go) to live.Following Eric, another man, 6._ name was Biarni, 7._ (eventual) reached and landed on Greenland because of an unexpected storm.In

7、 the year 1002, Erics son, Leif, also made great 8. _ (contribute) in 9._ (discover) other lands such as present-day Canada and Newfoundland.They are the first records we have of Europeans sailing 10._ the Americas. . 完形填空 A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day _1_ I

8、 drove to go for a look in the country. On the way back home, my _2_ stopped. It was out of gas on a _3_ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone _4_ could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile _5_ I finally found a house near the _6_. I was glad to see it because it was get

9、ting dark. I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair_7_. She said, “Ive been _8_ for you here for a long time. Come in. _9_ is almost ready.” “But I only came for some gas, ” I answered. I couldnt _10_ what she was talking about. “Oh, Alfred! Gas? You _11_ tea, ”said she. I qu

10、ickly _12_ that my car was out of _13_, but she didnt seem to listen to me. She just kept _14_ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been _15_ she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I _16_ _1

11、7_, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my _18_, he said, “Oh, thats Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. Shes strange, but she wouldnt _19_ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty year

12、s ago. The day before their wedding he left home and _20_ came back because of the war.” 1A.and Bso Cbut Dthat 2A.car Bbus Cbike Dtruck 3A.narrow Blonely Ccrowded D busy 4A.what Bwhom Cwho Dhow 5A.before Bafter Cwhile Das 6A.street Bpath Cway Droad 7A.came B answered Copened D appeared 8A.asking Blo

13、oking Ccalling Dwaiting 9A.Gas BCoffee CTea DLunch 10A.consider Bunderstand Caccept Dthink 11A.like Blove Cused to like Denjoy 12A.answered Bexplained Crefused Dpromised 13A.gas Btea Cstrength Denergy 14A.calling Bcall Cto call Dcalled 15A.until Bbefore Csince Dwhen 16A.could Bcan Cwould Dshould 17A

14、.Unfortunately BAbsolutely CFortunately DSeriously 18A.accident Bevent Cexperience Dsurprise 19A.hit Binjure Churt Dfrighten 20A.never Bever Cyet Dstill . 阅读理解 Early in the 16th century men were trying to reach Asia by traveling west from Europe. In order to find Asia they had to find a way past Sou

15、th America. The man who eventually found the way from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific was Ferdinand Magellan. Magellan sailed from Seville in August 1519 with five ships and about 280 men. Fourteen months later, after spending a severe winter on the coast of Patagonia, he discovered the channel wh

16、ich is now called Magellans Strait. In November 1520, after many months of dangers from rocks and storms, during which two ships were lost, the three remaining ships entered the ocean on the other side of South America. They then continued, hoping to reach Asia. But they did not see any land until t

17、hey reached the islands off the coast of Asia. Before they arrived at these islands, later known as the Philippines, his men were dying of starvation. While they were staying in the Philippines, Magellan was killed in battle. The remaining officers then had to get back to Spain. They decided to sail

18、 round Africa. After many difficulties, one ship with eighteen men sailed into Seville three years after leaving. They were all that remained of Magellans expedition. However, their achievement was great. They were the first men to sail round the world. 1The purpose of Magellans expedition was_ Ato

19、sail round the world Bto find a sea route to India Cto make a voyage to Asia Dto carry men to Philippines 2The time Magellan Strait was discovered was_ Ain August 1519 Bin October 1520 Cin November 1520 Dnot mentioned 3Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage concerning the expedition?

20、 ALack of navigation equipment. BSevere winter in Patagonia. CThe death of Magellan. DDangers from rocks and storms. 4The best title of this passage is_ AMagellans Expedition BThe Discovery of the Philippines CThe Most Dangerous Expedition in Navigation DThe First Expedition to Asia 答案: .1.persuaded

21、2.according 3 apologised4.eventually 5 ancestor(s) 6.voyage 7.spirit 8.lecture .1.long before; realize2.apologized to us for3.waiting for4.turn to; persuade; not to 5.as many as 6were forced to .1.set sail 2.in search of 3.get into trouble 4.make it to 5.Fill out .1.from 2.to 3.was forced 4 where 5.

22、to go 6.whose 7eventually 8.contributions 9discovering 10.to . 语篇解读:本文讲述了“我”的汽车没有油了,“我”出去找油的时候,遇见的一件很奇 怪的事情,一个女人把“我”错当成了她逃婚的丈夫。 1解析:选D and“和”; so“因此”; but “但是”; that “这个”。句意:这是很不错 的一天,我开车去乡下。such .that“如此以至于” ,故选 D项。 2解析:选A car “车”; bus“公交车”; bike “自行车”; truck “卡车”。句意:在 回家的路上,我的车抛锚了。根据“It was such a

23、 beautiful day _ I drove to go for a look in the country.”可知作者是开车去的,故选A项。 3解析:选 B narrow“窄的”; lo nely “孤独的”; crowded“拥挤的”; busy“忙的”。 句意:在一条孤独的远离小镇的路上车没有油了。根据语境可知选B项。 4解析: 选 C 句意: 我决定走着去找卖油的人。who引导 someone的定语从句, 故选 C项。 5解析:选A before “之前”; after “之后”; while “当时候”; as“因为”。句 意:在我发现道旁的小屋之前,我已经走了大约一公里。根据语

24、境可知选A项。 6解析:选D street “街道”; path“道路”; way“方式”; road“道路”。句意:在 我发现道旁的小屋之前,我已经走了大约一公里。故选D项。 7解析:选B come “来”; answer“回答”; open“打开”; appear“出现”。句意:我 敲门,一个年长的白发的女士前来开门。根据语境可知选B项。 8解析:选D ask“问”; look “看”; call “打电话”; wait “等”。句意:我已经在 这等你很久了,进来吧,茶已经准备好了。根据下文可知选D项。 9解析:选C gas“汽油”; coffee “咖啡”; tea “茶”; lunch

25、 “午餐”。句意:我已 经在这等你很久了,进来吧,茶已经准备好了。根据“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You _ tea , said she ”可知选C项。 10 解析:选 B consider “考虑”; understand “理解”; accept “接受”; think “认为”。 句意:我不能理解她说的话。根据语境可知选B项。 11解析:选C like “喜欢”; love “爱”; used to like “过去喜欢”; enjoy “享受”。 句意: Alfred ,汽油,你过去最喜欢茶了。根据语境可知这位女士把作者当作她的未婚夫了,故 选 C项。 12解析:选B ans

26、wer“回答”; explain “解释”; refuse “拒绝”; promise“承诺”。 句意:我很快解释,我的车没有油了。根据语境可知选B项。 13解析:选A gas“汽油”; tea “茶”; strength “力气”; energy“能量”。句意: 我很快解释,我的车没有油了。根据语境可知作者的车没有油,故选A项。 14 解析:选 A 句意:她继续叫我Alfred, 跟我说自从上次见我已经很久了。keep doing “继 续做某事”,故选A项。 15解析:选C until“直到”; before “之前”; since “自从,因为”; when “当 时候”。句意:她继续叫

27、我Alfred ,跟我说自从上次见我已经很多久了。故选C项。 16解析:选A could “能够”; can“能”; would“将会”; should “应该”。句意:当 她上茶时,我已经尽快地离开她家了。根据语境可知选A项。 17解析:选 C unfortunately“不幸的是”;absolutely“绝对的”; fortunately“幸 运地”;seriously“严重地”。句意:幸运的是,在另外一家我买到了汽油。根据语境可知选 C项。 18解析:选C accident “事故” ;event “事件”; experience “经历”; surprise “惊 喜”。句意:当我告诉

28、那个人关于我的经历时,他说,那是艾米丽小姐,独自一个人住在一个大 房子里,很奇怪,但不会伤害任何人。根据语境可知选C项。 19解析:选C hit “打”; injure “伤害”; hurt “伤害”; frighten“害怕”。句意: 当我告诉那个人关于我的经历时,他说,那是艾米丽小姐,独自一个人住在一个大房子里,很奇 怪,但不会伤害任何人。故选C项。 20解析:选A never“从不”; ever“曾经”; yet “然而”;still“仍然”。句意:在 他们婚礼之前,丈夫离开家,因为战争,再也没有回来。根据语境可知选A项。 . 语篇解读:本文介绍了麦哲伦及其船队第一次从海上寻找水路去亚洲的探险之旅。 1解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,我们可以知道,欧洲人试图向西航行, 经大西洋到太平洋,然后到达亚洲,从而找到一条从海上去亚洲的路线。 2解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第二段前两句内容可知,麦哲伦是在1520 年 10 月发现 Magellan Strait“麦哲伦海峡”的。 3解析:选A 细节理解题。通读全文我们可以发现,全文没有提及navigation equipment“航海设备”方面的问题。故选A。 4解析:选 D 标题归纳题。 本文主要讲述的是麦哲伦及其船队第一次从海上寻找水路去亚 洲的探险之旅。故D为最佳选项。


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