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1、Unit 5 Section .单词拼写导学号96554357 1 Please accept my a_pologies_for any trouble my mistake has caused you. 2 After the explosion it was some time before the town returned to its everyday r_outines_. 3Is computer an o_ptional_lesson, or does everyone have to learn it? 4The dog b_arked_ when the strange

2、r came near. 5My torch gives a poor light because it needs a new b_attery_. 6Since we have opened up a number of big o_ilfields_, our country is not short of oil any longer. 7Were there any witnesses who saw the_minibus_(小型公共汽车) run over that kid? 8People will be able to use the_videophone_( 可视电话 )

3、for conferences. 9She worked hard and received a_bachelors degree_(学士学位 )in arts in 2008 at last. 10 Youre making jokes ! So soon after we will attend that company fire- safety_seminar_(研讨会 ) ? .用合适的关系词填空导学号96554358 1Until now, we have raised 50,000 pounds for the poor children ,_which_is quite unex

4、pected. 2 English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each_of which_uses it differently. 3 I borrowed the book Sherlock Holmes from the library last week , _which_my classmates recommended to me. 4 We have launched another man-made satellite, _which_is announced in todays newspaper. 5Th

5、ere is no simple answer, _as_is often the case in science. 6I wish to thank Professor Smith ,without_whose_help I would never have got this far. 7 The president of the World Bank says he has a passion for China , _which_he remembers starting as early as his childhood. 8That evening,_which_I will tel

6、l you more about later,I ended up working very late. 9In our class there are 46 students,_of whom_half wear glasses. 10 Each graduate standing on the playground, _who_was accompanied by a parent, would be awarded a diploma by the headmaster. .把下列句子合成一个含有非限制性定语从句的复合句导学号96554359 1He is waiting for his

7、 passport.He spent 100 dollars on his passport. _He is waiting for his passport, on which he spent 100 dollars._ 2Cuzoo lies in the south of Peru and it was once known as the City of the Sun. _In the south of Peru lies Cuzco, which was once known as the City of the Sun._ 3My brother, Jim, is working

8、 in Paris , and Paris the capital of France. _My brother, Jim, is working in Paris, which is capital of France._ 4The poor cat lived through the cold and snowy winter.It was beyond my expectation. _The poor cat lived through the cold and snowy winter, which was beyond my expectation._ 5The factory p

9、roduces half a million pairs of shoes every year and 80% of them are sold abroad. _The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% of which are sold abroad._ .阅读理解 A 导学号 96554360 In the 1970s, a typical Chinese student in the US was there for a masters or doctoral degree.They were

10、 then followed by students getting their undergraduate degrees.Now , Chinese are the largest international group in US kindergarten- through- 12th grade programs of study. Statistics show that 34,578 Chinese students are studying in primary and secondary schools in the US, or 52 percent of all inter

11、national students there.When Tangwei first arrived at the school in 2009, the 18- year-old found that South Koreans were in the largest number at their boarding house.Then Chinese students took the place, as China has increased in affluence and economic success. Ma Shuheng, a senior at the high scho

12、ol, said, “Not only is the number increasing,the standard for admission is higher, too.” He said that when he first applied in 2012,there was hardly any limit to entry.“Now, most students who get in have a 90-plus TOEFL score ,” he added, referring to the Test of English as a Foreign Language. One o

13、f the reasons for many Chinese students studying in US schools is to escape the Gaokao, Chinas national entrance examination, and the fierce competition that comes with it.The other motivation is to get prepared for US colleges.“More younger Chinese students choose to go to US high schools, as more

14、parents believe that this leads to a better education if their kids finally choose to go to US universities and colleges,” said Yu Haoyang, founder of Global Intellect Consulting in Beijing. “They believe that US high schools offer better English- language and cultural training, and it is easier for

15、 their kids to master these skills and become more competitive ,” she said. 文章大意: 本文是一篇说明文,主要向读者介绍了赴美国留学的中国留学生群体所出现 的变化趋势: 随着中国经济实力的增强,赴美国留学的学生的数量迅速增加,且不再是为了 接受高等教育,而是贯穿从幼儿园开始的整个初级教育、中级教育、高等教育全部阶段。 1In the 1970s, a Chinese student who went to the US was probably taking the_D_course. AkindergartenBmi

16、ddle-school Cundergraduate Dpostgraduate 解析: 考查的是考生对文章细节的理解能力。根据文章第一段的第一句“In the 1970s, a typical Chinese student in the US was there for a masters or doctoral degree. ”可知,20 世纪 70 年代,中国学生赴美主要是为了接受研究生教育,从而获得硕士研究生或博士研究生学位。 undergraduate本科, postgraduate研究生。 2The underlined word “ affluence” ( Para.2 )

17、 is closest in meaning to_A_. Awealth Bpopulation Ceducation Denvironment 解析: 考查的是考生猜测词义的能力。根据与之并列的名词“ economic Success” 以及一 般常识可以推知,此处affluence 指代的是 “财富 (wealth)” ,因为随着国家经济的增强,国 民的收入增加,赴国外留学的人数自然会增长。 3What can we learn about the students who expect to study in the US now ?_C_ AThey have made a larg

18、e amount of money. BThey can be admitted in the American school after the application. CThey need to get high marks in TOEFL. DThey should prepare as early as possible. 解析:考查的是考生对文章细节的理解能力。根据第三段中“ Now, most students who get in have a 90-plus TOEFL score. ”可知,如今学生想要到美国学习,需要很高的托福(TOEFL) 分数。 4 More Chi

19、nese parents choose to send their children at a young age to the US because_D_. Athe fierce competition in the Gaokao does harm to their children Bonly in the US can their children get a better language training Cthe middle school education in America is much better than that in China Dtheir childre

20、n can be better prepared for US universities 解析: 考查的是考生对文章细节的理解能力。根据最后一段中“More younger Chinese students choose to go to US high schools, as more parents believe that this leads to a better education if their kids finally choose to go to US universities and colleges.” 可知,越来越多的 中国父母在孩子还小的时候就把他们送到美国学习,

21、主要是想为日后上美国大学提前做好准 备。 B 导学号 96554361 If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, then youd better check the Durban City Tours! This is actually one of the best choices in South Africa today. There is nothing more relaxing than to think about that there is a place to go and relax,right?City life is stra

22、ined, but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is nothing but relaxation.Here in Durban you will get to see all the amazing tourist attractions.If you love animals and want to see some elephants wandering around the streets, then Durban is the place to go.You can even get to

23、 ride one if you want! Here you will also get to taste all the delicious South African food.You can choose from Italian cooking to its native dishes.Durban is a great place to tour with your friends and family.You will learn a lot about its history through the landmarks you will see down the streets

24、.Tourists and even the local villagers just cant get enough of these treats! However, it is important that you make the necessary arrangements.There are actually lots of tour guides that will help you as you make your journey along the streets of Durban.But if you prefer the best tour guides here in

25、 Durban, then youd better settle for the Street Scene Tours.Their staff are all well- trained and professional.They will certainly make your stay here an unforgettable one.No wonder tourists prefer the Street Scene Tours when it comes to Durban City Tours. 文章大意: 南非的德班是一个旅游的好去处。 5The underlined word

26、“ strained” in paragraph 2 means _B_. Aeasy Bstressful Csteady Dcasual 解析: 词义猜测题。根据后文“ .but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is nothing but relaxation. ” 可知, stained 意为 “压力大的 ”。 6What is the main idea of Paragraph 2 ? _A_ ADurban is a relaxing city. BPeople dont like cit

27、y life. CIt is good to have a place to relax. DOne can have fun riding elephants. 解析:段落大意题。 作者在第二段通过有压力的城市生活来反衬德班是一个放松休闲的 好去处, A 项概括了此意。 7What does the last sentence in Paragraph 3 show?_D_ AThe food cant satisfy them. BThey are bored with the streets. CThey are treated very well here. DThey never g

28、et tired of the sights. 解析:句意理解题。 第三段中讲到德班之所以是一个好去处,是因为它所展示出的历史, 而这是游客甚至是当地人永远也欣赏不够的,故选D 项。 8The author wrote the last paragraph mainly to _D_. Aattract tourists to Durban Bhelp readers make arrangements Cintroduce the tour guides in Durban Dpersuade tourists to choose the Street Scene Tours 解析: 写作意

29、图题。 文章最后一段先指出要做好安排,德班的导游都会帮助游客,接着 “ But” 一词进行转折,引出该段所要强调的重点内容:在Street Scene Tours 能选择到最好的 导游,故选D 项。 .语法填空导学号96554362 阅读下列短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Welcome back to the hot topic of studying abroad! Last time, we talked about the general“ software” needed to have a_1.successful_(success) studying

30、experience overseas, _2.which_refers to the ability to understand western culture, and problem solving skills when_3.facing_(face) critical situations, etc. Now, I will dig deeper into the concept of “ software”Everyone is talking about culture shock nowadays, but you may wonder what it actually_4.m

31、eans_(mean)Simply put :culture shock is the difficulty people may experience when being exposed and adjusting to a_5.remarkably_(remarkable) different new culture.Usually, people often go_6.through_four distinct phases: the honeymoon phase, the negotiation phase, the adjustment phase and the mastery

32、 phase.Culture shock can happen immediately upon your_7.arrival/arriving_(arrive) in the country. For international students, perhaps the most direct impact of culture shock is the variety of accents, especially in multicultural countries_8.like_the US., Canada or Australia.There are two main reason

33、s: Firstly, these countries have highly diversified groups of residents from different cultural_9.backgrounds_(background) Secondly, there are many international students from all around the world every year studying in these countries, so you shouldnt be surprised_10.to find_(find) all kinds of unf

34、amiliar accents around the university campus. 文章大意: 本文就文化冲突这一话题进行了讨论。 1解析: 修饰名词应用形容词,故填successful 修饰名词experience。 2解析: which 引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,先行词为“ software” 。 3解析:当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致且从句的谓语动词含有be 动词的某种形 式时,可省略从句主语和be 动词的某种形式。“ when we are facing” 省略 “ we are” ,故用现在 分词形式。 4解析: mean在此处是动词,意为“意味着 ”,且由上下

35、文时态可知,应用一般现在 时。 5解析: 空处应用副词remarkably 修饰形容词different 。 6解析: go through 意为 “经历 ”,符合语境。 7解析: 介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故填arrival 或 arriving 作介词 “ upon” 的宾语。 8解析: 根据 “the US.,Canada or Australia”可知,此处表示列举,故用介词like , 意为 “例如,像 ” 。 9解析: 由“ different ” 可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。 10解析: be surprised to do sth.意为 “吃惊地去做某事”,故用不定式形式。


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